Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 427 The Amazing Underground Rat Nest

Owen was able to draw this conclusion because he was at a different level and had more information. For most residents of Mithril City, the response to an attack was simpler and more direct, just fight back.

However, this time it was targeted at the streets, not individuals. Therefore, Irving had the honor to participate in a street meeting and contributed to this, such as donating money and materials. You can still choose to contribute if you don’t have anything. The street hopes that everyone To take part.

This routine is familiar to me. Irving decided to pay for it to avoid disaster, so as not to offend others due to the traveler's unsociability and stubbornness, and then be targeted in various ways, such as poor hygiene, fire protection rectification, etc., and finally he couldn't bear his temper and directly Fall out and cause big trouble.

Although they took the money, the street really did their job and organized an army of undead to invade Rat's Nest Street with extremely high efficiency, which made the people of Corpse Street applaud.

This move is not for encroachment, but for fun, because Mithral City does not allow any force to invade areas other than those assigned to them. In other words, the undead can only play in the Bone Street, and the Skaven can only play in the Rat's Nest Street. hole, so after the Ratmen invaded the territory of Corpse Street, Corpse Street could fight back confidently, and this would not be stopped at all, because this was the daily life of the underground city.

Always testing the neighbor's true and false, always preparing a fatal blow, always thinking of taking everything away from the other party, this is the dungeon.

Therefore, no one doubted the motives of Mouse Nest Street's invasion, and no one cared about Corpse Street's counterattack.

But for Irving, the counterattack of Bone Street this time is not important. What is important is that it provides him with a good opportunity.

Seizing the right opportunity, Owen led the zombie girl to follow the undead who were attacking Rat's Nest Street, and went deep into the underground of Rat's Nest Street.

The zombie girl didn't know why her shop owner came here, but she didn't raise any questions. She was just a dead person, not a fool. She would naively think that her boss was just an ordinary necromancer. In fact, as her belief deepened, The more she felt the extraordinary nature of her boss, especially one time when she suddenly prayed to her boss, and then she understood something.

Otherwise, with Zombie Girl's current reputation in Corpse Street, why would she still stay in the store and work to pay off her debts?

Owen, who has successfully infiltrated, is going deep underground, because based on the clues he collected, he knows that the Rat's Nest Street is actually divided into two parts. The upper street is completely disguised, and the lower part is the real Rat's Nest.

Over the years, among the complex sewers and pipes of Mithril City, the Skaven have created a world that belongs only to Skaven, and their huge number has long exceeded the upper limit that Mithril City can tolerate.

It's just that under the control of Old One-Eye, everything was successfully covered up. Otherwise, before the evil ratmen could cause trouble, the drow matrons who controlled Mithril City would launch a brutal purge of the ratmen group, because their There were so many that even the drow matrons would feel uneasy.

Now the huge power hidden by Old One-Eye is seen by Owen, and his mood is getting worse and worse.

Both sides of the sewers, which are comparable to rivers, have been developed by rat people. In addition to the caves where they live, there are also farms dedicated to growing mushrooms and raising snails. Such scenes are spread throughout the entire sewer system, providing the rats with the necessary resources to maintain their nests. food.

The most brilliant thing is that all the blocks are not connected as one, but are independent of each other. Therefore, even if it is accidentally discovered, it will not attract the attention of the top management of Mithral City, which increases the confidentiality.

And this was just a corner of the rat's nest. Owen was surprised by how scary Old One-Eye was, and he felt a little like a confidant. After all, he also liked digging holes.

"We have to keep going deeper." Owen rubbed his brows and said to the zombie girl. Maintaining a large range of shadow perception made him a bit mentally stressed, but it was still within the tolerance range, so he had no intention of resting.

The zombie girl nodded when she heard this. Although she was also shocked by what she saw in the rat nest, she still adjusted her weapon skillfully and was ready to take action at any time.

"Shadow cloak." Owen made a gesture, and the surrounding shadows extended to the two of them as if they came alive, covering them gently, allowing them to blend in with the surrounding shadows.

After this period of familiarity, Owen created several more magic spells, and Shadow Cloak is a very practical one. As long as there is no shadow at all, it can have good effects, and the darker the environment, the better the effect. Like a rat's nest, it allows the user to completely integrate with the surrounding environment, and it also has the function of masking the breath.

With the shadow cloak, coupled with the same type of magical shadow night and real phantom, Owen is simply in a deserted place. Sometimes even the zombie girls accompanying him can't tell what is real and what is fake, and they follow him in confusion. Rat's nest.

The deeper he went, the more frightened Owen became, because the rat nest was far more than one level. In fact, the rat nest built around the sewers and pipes was just a cover on the surface. If Owen hadn't controlled the power of the shadow, he might have been hidden. , after all, who could have imagined that the rat men under Old One-Eye had almost hollowed out the underground of Mithril City, and the second floor alone had already spread to the lower city.

At this time, Owen also understood that it was precisely because of the continuous population of the Lower City that acted as consumables that the evil energy spread so quickly.

Along the way, Owen also saw groups of rat soldiers being trained and a large weapons foundry. It was obvious that Old One-Eye's ambition was not just to be an intelligence chief, this old guy was really old-hearted.

"Is Mithril City poisonous? Even a rat man has hidden such a trump card." Owen's heart grew colder the more he looked at it. Even if the rat men's combat power is very weak, when the number increases, they still cannot be underestimated, especially when they are familiar with each other. Where the terrain and structure are complex, the combat effectiveness that the Rat Man can exert is no less than that of an elite soldier.

"Is this to overthrow the top management of Mithril and take charge of the matter?" Apart from that, Owen couldn't think of any other reason why Old One-Eye was so prepared.

It's just that based on quantity alone, there are too many variables in this world with extraordinary power, so Old One-Eye introduced evil energy. Unfortunately, it underestimated the aggressiveness of evil energy. After discovering that evil energy was out of control, it was already in trouble, so He deliberately stirred up trouble just to have an excuse to restrict the evil rat people, but even Old One-Eye never thought that a god like Owen would be involved.

After transmitting everything he saw and heard in the Rat's Nest to his body through means, Owen carefully stepped into the third floor of the Rat's Nest.

Compared with the first floor that was carefully concealed and the second floor that was carefully built, the third floor of the Rat's Nest was just a backup plan for Old One-Eye. He had no time or energy to build it, so it was assigned to the Evil Rat Man, but now it is here. It has long been infiltrated by evil energy and has become the territory of evil rat-men, which is what Old One-Eye cannot bear.

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