Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 378 Evil energy invades the main world

"This power is much stronger than the legendary spell!" Looking at the eye of fire that grew stronger on the battlefield and reached the point where the clouds extinguished everything, Owen knew that the fire tornado rocket launcher was very powerful, but it was only compared with the legendary spell, and he even felt that it was still too powerful. It was slightly weaker, but he never expected that the combined power of the fire tornadoes would be so outrageous. The only thing that can limit it is air. Without air, even if it burns, it will be difficult to last. He didn't expect that the surrounding air would not be replenished in time. , the Eye of Flame began to fade quickly.

However, the large-scale burning also caused many unaffected Fel Ratmen to die of suffocation. After all, most Fel Ratmen were only contaminated by Fel Energy rather than controlling Fel Energy. Therefore, except for Fel Energy, they are not much different from ordinary creatures. They also needed to eat, drink, and breathe, and they also needed to breathe and sleep. Therefore, the casualties were extremely heavy. In the end, only tens of thousands survived, not even one out of ten.

The face of the evil warlock can no longer be described as ugly. Now they are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. If they fight, the defeated soldiers will definitely not be able to defeat them. If they don't fight, no matter how hard it is, the opponent will not miss this opportunity. If the opponent is poor, No one can bear the consequences of chasing after the evil empire.

"Inform the king and ask if the Day of Shattering will be opened in advance." The evil warlock forced out these words through a mouth full of rat teeth.

The Goblin Corps blocked the entrance to the Fel Secret Realm for more than a day or two, and they could not attack it for a long time. Naturally, the Fel Ratmen were also exploring other methods, such as directly digging through the Fel Secret Realm and entering the main world.

It's just that the evil energy secret realm is too big, and some parts are beyond the scope of the main world. Once the secret realm is dug through, they are likely to be sucked into the void. Even if the evil energy can save their lives, they will be worse than dead. Therefore, despite this plan , but it has never been implemented, and now they have no choice.

In the underground palace of the Evil Empire, the Evil King was angry at the incompetence of his subordinates, but the matter had come to this, and no amount of anger could change the reality, so he took out a sacred object, a broken tooth.

Obsessively rubbing his broken teeth that were bigger than his own head and already coated with pulp with his fingers as thick as a courtyard pillar, the Evil King couldn't help but stretch out his thick tongue and lick the bottomless tooth cavity, trying to suck out the depth inside. It was a pity that it had been trying hard for decades but still couldn't do it. Only a strong evil energy was injected into its obese body, adding more than a hundred kilograms of fat to its huge body.

After thinking for a while, the Evil King finally made up his mind, holding the broken teeth with both hands and smashing them hard on the ground.

The ground was not damaged at all, but the evil light that penetrated the secret realm under the palace vibrated silently, just like a tight rubber band was pulled and then suddenly released, and the core of the secret realm next to it also shook.

Not only was the core of the secret realm originally damaged by evil energy, but it was also continuously polluted and penetrated. If it could withstand such torture and break decisively, in other words, the core of the secret realm of evil energy was leaked.

Owen, who was about to send out the Guards to decide the outcome, suddenly felt his hair standing on end and felt something bad. He left and ordered everyone to retreat.

If it were in other places, even if the emperor ordered it, it would not be implemented so quickly, but here, 100% implementation of Owen's will is the meaning of their existence. Dagu, let alone discouraging inquiries, started immediately without even a trace of delay. Emergency evacuation devices suddenly appeared throughout the war fortress, and red lights representing crisis evacuation began to flash rapidly.

The goblins who were originally in a hurry to deliver supplies to the evil secret realm did not hesitate at all. They immediately changed from the front team to the back team and returned immediately.

When the earth continued to shake and huge cracks appeared in the sky, and he could even see the scenery of the main world, Owen knew what was happening and that the secret realm was shattering.

The fragmentation of the secret realm is definitely a disaster for the creatures in the secret realm, but for the main world, it is no less than a delicious meal. The problem is that this dish is not only mixed with shit but also poisonous.

Humans' stress response is vomiting, while the world's stress response is rejection. Therefore, the broken evil energy secret realm was not absorbed by the main world. Instead, most of it was eliminated from the body and drifted to the original void land, but there was still some evil energy. The fragments of the secret realm are scattered all over the main world, adding another world-destroying general and evil energy to this unlucky world with undead, demons, and plagues.

Owen, who witnessed all this happening, was unable to stop it. He could only expand the authority space to cover the fragments of the secret realm where the mountain fortress was located, and anchor it in the space around the territory so that it would not be thrown to unknown places by the turbulence. Not here.

After the fluctuations caused by the shattering of the evil energy secret realm stop, it will be time to deal with the aftermath.

Because the secret realm is in the mezzanine of the main world, although it is broken, it does not have much impact on the main world. Evil energy pollution is another matter. Therefore, except for the consumption of some materials in the previous war, the territory has not been damaged. Therefore, the main Efforts were focused on placing war forts.

Of course, the war fortress that took the Goblin Corps nearly thirty years to build will not be given up just like that. After purifying the remaining evil energy, magic elements will be added to the original foundation and further improved to see if it can be transformed into a trumpet. The Sky Fortress, as for the Sky City, don’t dream about it.

Owen does not need to interfere with these. The territory has a mature research system. He only needs to open the corresponding permissions. The biggest problem now is that there are many evil energy fragments scattered in the North. Obviously, contamination is inevitable. Prevention must be taken early.

The pollution of fel energy is too strong and difficult to be diluted, so the emergence of fel creatures and fel warlocks is a foregone conclusion, and it is only a matter of time before the severely injured fel ratmen make a comeback.

Owen rubbed his eyebrows, the main world was also in too much trouble.

Originally, the empire was still there, and these things had to be taken care of by tall people. The problem is that now that the empire is gone, there are only many scattered forces, and Hydra is still one of them. It is obviously a dream to expect others to come forward or come to rescue.

"First inform Ferrier and Solari about this matter, so that they can be more vigilant and guard against evil energy invasion." Compared to solving the evil energy problem, Owen prefers to protect himself first, and Maya has no objection to this. Even if the evil energy wasn't too dangerous, she would have planned to actively spread the evil energy to occupy the North.

It's not bad at the moment. Compared to the territory that has been dealing with evil energy for thirty years, the main world knows nothing about evil energy, which gives the territory a lot of initiative.

And compared to Owen who is worried about this and that, Maya doesn't care about the appearance of evil energy at all. After all, not only the undead are raging in the main world, but demons can also come and go freely. And with the intrusion of the secret realm, there are more messy things, and evil energy can harm Although it is big, it may not be ranked in the top three.

In addition, although the fragmentation of the evil energy secret realm caused a lot of trouble, it also opened up a passage to the outside world.

In the past, because the evil energy secret realm was too large, the territory's portal could not connect to the mountains in the other world. Now that the obstacle has disappeared, Owen only needs to spend some time proofreading before he can open the passage again.

In fact, it didn't take long for Owen to open the portal to Hydra Island.

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