"Come in." Owen, who had not slept all night, rubbed his eyes, yawned, and then called Maya in.

The Teutonic warriors, who were like two iron structures, turned sideways to let Maya in, but part of their energy was still focused on her. If Maya made any move that made them feel that it would pose a threat to the adults, they would not hesitate to take action. Cut the opponent into pieces.

"What are your orders from the master?" As if she felt locked, Maya who entered the room did not rush to rely on the master who communicated with her frequently on the first day. Instead, she kept a fairly safe distance, and did not mention the Teutonic warriors and this place at all. When it comes to construction, I hold the work plan compiled last night and wait for the master's orders, just like a capable secretary.

"How are those serfs lately?" Owen braced himself and asked Maya.

"Because the thatched houses were built for themselves, and the food is much better than before, they work very hard and are very obedient." Maya usually pays attention to the status of the serfs. After all, there are now thousands of serfs in the territory, and she works with her hands during the day. The tools inside were all metal, and it was really messy, which would cause a lot of trouble.

"It's not enough. You tell them that before the first snow comes, the one hundred serfs with the best performance will receive my gift and become the first farmers in the territory. They will have their own property and land. Besides, this is just the beginning. Next year's spring plowing and autumn harvest will all have gift quotas." Owen sorted out his somewhat confused thoughts, and then said to Maya.

Maya has no opinion on this, and even agrees with it very much.

It seemed that all the wealth created by the serfs belonged to the lords, but the problem was that they had nothing. In this state, even if they were allowed to live in thatched huts and drink thick porridge, the morale improvement would only be temporary. Once they get used to it, they will return to their original state unless their treatment is improved again.

Farmers are different. Although they have to pay taxes and serve in the military, they can own their own private property. The land and houses are also their own. Even if they live in poverty, they will not lose hope because of it. They will work hard without supervision. At the same time, when their territory is invaded, They will also fight back desperately because once their territory is lost, they will lose everything.

Of course, although farmers have these benefits, the situation in the previous territory was not suitable for expanding the number of farmers because they were too poor and had no foundation at all.

It's different now. With a sufficient population, especially with the establishment of town centers, there is soil for farmers to survive. That's why Owen had this idea.

Then he spoke a little messily of the ideas he had been thinking about all night. Owen patted his butt and went back to eat and sleep. Maya, who had already gotten up early, had to work overtime to sort out and perfect the ideas that the master had just put forward, and inform everyone at noon. People, the whole territory suddenly boiled.

After learning about the lord's gift, these serfs really risked their lives. They had nothing, but they didn't mind risking their lives for a glimmer of hope.

Owen did not break his promise. On the day when the first snow slowly fell, with thousands of serfs watching, a hundred serfs walked into the center of the town with excitement and tears in their eyes, as if they were in a dream.

Here, they will apply for household registration and allocate land. When they come out again, they will no longer be lowly serfs, but owners of the land.

Sitting in the main seat, watching a hundred farmers who had changed their identities kowtow and swear allegiance to him, Irving quietly clicked. As the twenty progress points were consumed, the mental outlook of the one hundred serfs took on a new look. At the same time, in the center of the town, Under the influence, their physical condition will slowly return to their prime, and they will quickly master various working skills.

Of course, this takes time, as well as enough food and a practical plan.

However, this will look more reasonable. Otherwise, if a group of skinny serfs go in and a group of fat and round farmers come out, everyone will know that there is something wrong.

It’s no problem if you have enough time to buffer. After all, it’s normal for people to feel refreshed when happy events happen, to make progress in life, to get better physically, and to become more motivated.

After completing their household registration, these freshly minted farmers received a hoe, a sickle, an iron pot, and a bag of grain in turn. This was a reward given to them by the benevolent lord, and it is also the private property they now own.

The next step is to divide the land. As for the houses, they need to build them themselves. Before they are completed, they still have to live in thatched huts. However, no one will complain about this. Everyone is full of loyalty to the lord and looks forward to a better life in the future. .

After dealing with the farmers' problems, Owen sat in the renovated lord's office, stretched out comfortably, picked up the coffee sent by Maya, smelled the unique aroma produced by the mixture of coffee beans and milk sucrose, and drank it in a few sips , and then made myself a pot of tea.

This was a habit he had developed in his previous life. In order to refresh himself faster, half a cup of coffee plus tea in the morning was really effective, but it was easy to fall asleep at night.

Taking out a pen and paper, Owen began to calculate what kind of results the territory had achieved at this stage.

Thanks to the accelerated recovery progress value, Owen increased the number of farmers in the territory to 150 before converting the one hundred farmers. Under Maya's operation and management, the construction speed was greatly accelerated. The town center level The buildings that can be built are almost complete, and some additional buildings have been added.

Now the territory has a blacksmith shop, wharf, mill, waterwheel, bakery, stables, sheep pens, cattle pens, chicken farms, etc., and even a grocery store.

The blacksmith shop, bakery and stables were already there, so although they looked like a lot, the overall project volume was not that big, and the structures of these buildings were simple, requiring only wood and stone, and the wood required more than a hundred soldiers in the forest to continue to surrender. After felling, the stones were dug directly from the collapsed city wall, and with the addition of hundreds of serfs, the construction speed was naturally not slow.

Of course, only one building is definitely not enough for some buildings, such as waterwheels, mills and bakeries. If you want to irrigate more farmland, you need more waterwheels. If you want to grind the harvested grain into something with a better taste and easier to absorb. Flour also requires more mills, not to mention that bread that satisfies thousands of people cannot be baked by one or two bakeries.

There is no rush for this. We can wait until next spring to mobilize manpower to continue construction. Owen's focus is on the barracks and shooting range.

Just like the town center, barracks and shooting ranges also have the ability to transform. In addition to training system farmers into militiamen, it can also take longer to train militiamen into units worth one progress value. During this period, no additional progress is required. value.

Unfortunately, this is the upper limit for farmers and also the upper limit for first-level town centers.

In addition, ordinary soldiers can also be trained into system soldiers. Owen has tested it by reducing troops. One progress value can transform two ordinary soldiers into system soldiers. Although it is only a unit worth one progress value, it still greatly reduces the impact on the progress value. consumption.

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