Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 363 Guards and Underground City (Part 2)

From the root to the second floor, it was originally named a high-precision technology production center, and now it is worthy of the name. Thousands of spirits have kept the place in order, and various mechanical puppets and high-precision machinery are everywhere. In the corner, many Owens can't see what they are used for.

At present, after layers of processes, a large number of high-precision parts are produced and assembled into various machines, including power armor, bolt guns and chain swords specially used by the Guards.

These equipment are not only expensive, but also time-consuming and labor-intensive. It takes a lot of time to produce each set, so it is necessary to produce and reserve some in advance.

Owen originally wanted to collect a few sets, but thinking that the ones dedicated to the Ultramarines were obviously better, he gave up the idea and only picked up one set, and then started looking around.

Nowadays, in addition to the restrictions on the recruitment of spirits in the spirit manufacturing factory, the military construction of manufacturing gargoyles and iron golems has been freed from restrictions. After all, as long as the manufacturing process is mastered, making two kinds of golems is only a matter of time and resources.

At the same time, the bionic puppet originally based on the T600 has also been updated to create a more advanced and powerful T800.

However, Maya did not approve it at the time because it was not needed.

The Ultramarines holding adamantine serrated chainswords are basically killing each other indiscriminately against the T800. In addition, the speed and reaction are average. They lose the function of camouflaging and infiltrating. In addition, many functions are not suitable for fantasy worlds. The T800 is really inferior. The cheap and large-volume T600 is useful, so now what is being researched and produced here is a bipedal robot that is larger, has thicker armor, and has more powerful firepower.

To be honest, Owen feels that this is definitely a copycat of the Dreadnought from Warhammer, it’s so similar.

Of course, I'm just talking about it. In fact, this is an upgrade based on the early goblin woodcutter, so Owen felt friendly after seeing it.

It's a pity that this thing is much more complicated than a steam tank or something. It needs a long period of testing and improvement. If you want to mass-produce it, it's still early.

Owen was dazzled by all the high-tech production centers. He lamented that the development in the past thirty years had been too fast. In some aspects, it had even surpassed the world before he traveled. However, he did not go to the third floor, which represented the most advanced technology in the territory. .

Owen, who has the highest authority, directly enters the core area of ​​the third floor. This is where the Flame Queen's host and database are located. It is extremely well-defended. Not to mention a large amount of mithril and fine gold, the four rebuilt mithril golems are used. Also here, even if a few legends want to break in, they won't be able to do it in a short time.

At this time, in addition to a super large crystal ball on the main body, the Flame Queen also has several small crystal balls surrounding it like satellites. This is the extension program of the Flame Queen, which can perform special calculations better and faster.

"Welcome back, Master." The Flame Queen's projection is becoming more and more real. In fact, with the cracking of various rune systems, it is not difficult for the Flame Queen to construct a real projection, but it is not necessary.

"Well, I didn't expect that the territory has changed so much during my absence. I feel like I can't keep up." Thinking about his recent understanding of the territory, Owen couldn't help but sigh. Obviously facing the challenges of artificial intelligence Flame Queen, he doesn't need to pretend to be anything for the sake of face.

"Show me the research results of these years and the current projects." Owen calmed down and said to the Flame Queen.

"Okay master." Before the Flame Queen finished speaking, a dense screen of light appeared in front of Owen, almost making him think that the Flame Queen was infected with a virus.

The first thing Owen looked at was the personnel. Currently, the scientific research center has a director, a deputy director, 11 senior researchers, 33 intermediate researchers, and 82 junior researchers.

The director is Emily, the deputy director is Brian, and the rest of the researchers are junior high school and high-level professional spell casters. Most of them are graduates of Greenshade Town Magic Academy, and some are transformed foreign spell casters. After investigation, He was admitted to the scientific research center as one of the incubators of territorial technology.

Hundreds of spellcasters seem to be a lot, plus the legendary mage Emily and the master Brian, it is definitely a very terrifying power, but for the various studies they have carried out, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

At present, only the enhancement of the T virus, the transformation of the ultramarines, and the optimization of the power armor have achieved considerable results. In other aspects, it can only be said that the idea is good, but it is unrealistic. Unless the number of personnel is doubled dozens or hundreds of times, the empire's original heritage must be retained.

There was nothing he could do. The various exaggerated research projects made Owen wonder if he was wrong. Although the research was good, it was very expensive. Even if he was cheating, his face turned pale and he quickly closed his eyes.

Isn’t the span of this city in the sky and the void spaceship too big, coupled with the technology of the Ultramarines and high-altitude delivery, do you really want to learn from the Empire in Warhammer?

Owen hesitated for a long time and finally did not veto these research projects.

After all, as long as he is open enough, none of this will matter.

Entering the research area, Emily, who had already received the notice from the Queen of Fire, sent a clone to receive her. As for her body, she was lying in the sleep box, and only her brain was still active.

Emily's situation is very special. Without a soul, she is essentially a living corpse. For this reason, she specially studied cloning technology and wanted to create a soul out of nothing.

But it failed. The clone body is not much different from the original body. It also has no soul. Even if the memory of the original body is instilled, it still lacks something more core. Therefore, it must be mediated by the original body. This is why she has mastered the cloning technology but The reason why the number of clones cannot be expanded without limit.

Emily is currently studying the digitalization of spiritual will, because once her body ages, she will not even have a chance to transform into an undead.

Because of the Flame Queen as a reference, Emily has already achieved some results in this regard. Maybe it won't be long before she completes the uploading of her consciousness and becomes an existence similar to the Flame Queen.

In contrast, Brian's research was more radical. He dug out his brain early and soaked it in nutrient solution in a large iron jar.

It has gotten better over the years. At least I have made myself a humanoid mechanical body. Although it has a few more hands and more complicated circuits, I can still tell that it is a human being.

Although it looks a bit scary, in terms of research, abandoning all unnecessary organs and emotions is just like practicing the Sunflower Manual since the palace. The efficiency and speed are incredible, and many researchers have followed suit and gradually transformed their own Limbs and organs are replaced by machines, such as robotic arms, electronic eyes, and various interfaces.

They are so cruel to themselves. As their most successful work, the Ultramarines have been transformed to the extreme. The bones, muscles, and blood have all been strengthened, not to mention the standard two hearts and three lungs, even the nervous system, digestion The system, immune system, vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc. have all been strengthened, and even acquired inhuman abilities such as low-light vision and infrared perception.

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