"It seems that the empire is unreliable, and we can only rely on Hydra." Because there were too many people fleeing at the whim of the situation, Ferrier had to spend a lot of time and energy to stabilize the territory, and finally found time to consolidate it. Solari was invited, and he was not in the mood to talk nonsense at all, so he spoke very straightforwardly.

Solari, who had always been energetic, now looked several years older. It was obvious that he had been under a lot of pressure recently. He nodded after hearing this without any objection.

The situation now is obvious. The barbarians' march south is a foregone conclusion, and the imperial frontier army's perennial laxity makes people unable to trust them at all. If you don't hold on to them under such circumstances, you may have to wait for the next life.

And the two of them had already agreed on this, but they didn't expect it to happen so quickly, and they were not prepared at all.

The two of them did not expect the barbarians to move south, nor did they expect the imperial frontier troops to sit idly by, nor did they expect the situation to change so quickly, so they felt anxious.

"Now that we have reached a consensus, let's not waste any more time." Ferrier took out the double-sided mirror. Thinking that before it was just cooperation, but now he has to completely surrender, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional, but he still activated the double-sided mirror and put it together. The news of their surrender was sent.

The complete surrender of the two people did not surprise Owen. Instead, he felt that the two of them were decisive and smart enough.

If you really wait until you are desperate before surrendering, you will still have some value. Selling yourself at a good price while you still have enough value is a wise choice.

In fact, what finally made the two of them make up their mind was related to Owen's generous treatment of his subordinates, such as the two maids who served in the church. One became the manager of North City, and the other was cultivated into a legend. Curranth and Howard father and son joined him in the early days. He came from a humble background, but now no one is in control.

The two of them already regretted a little after they decided to surrender. They regretted that they made the decision too late and missed the opportunity. Now they can only seize the opportunity in front of them.

"There's a letter from Ms. Maya." Ferrier felt the vibration of the double-sided mirror and was immediately shaken. She didn't leave Solari, who was resting with her eyes closed, and immediately opened her eyes.

"This!" The projection projected by the double-sided mirror and the densely packed plan stunned the two of them. It was obvious that the other party had already anticipated their surrender and the difficulties they faced, and had already prepared a detailed plan, that is merge.

"Then merge and build a southern city according to Lord Hydra's order." Solari said decisively as he slapped the table.

"Okay, you will be responsible for the personnel transfer, and I will be responsible for the material distribution." Because according to the plan, the merger was mainly focused on Ferrier's territory, so she took the initiative to give up some of her rights.

Solari didn't care about this. Compared to Ferrier, he was much more decisive as a man because he knew very well that no one would tolerate a half-hearted subordinate.

There were too many young men under Ferrier. Even if a batch of them escaped, there would be a lot left over. She was too lazy to distinguish them and left them all to Solari.

Solari was moving the population while recruiting refugees. After all, according to the city construction plan, the number of manpower required was not a small number.

Fortunately, Maya sent many middle-level managers and grass-roots personnel, as well as a large number of officers, so that Solari could save a lot of energy and still have enough energy to mix him with Ferrier's army.

Although things are busy, neither Solari nor Feriel have any intention of relaxing because the opportunity is rare.

Now that the barbarians are moving south and the border troops are preparing for war, it is the best time. Firstly, the forces within the empire are unable to intervene, and secondly, a large number of nobles and refugees who have lost their territories have gathered here, so that the two will not lack manpower, so the progress is very smooth.

However, the two people's big moves also brought a lot of inspiration to others. After some communication and testing, alliances of various sizes emerged like mushrooms after the rain.

Alliances are nothing new to the North, and no matter what kind of alliance there is always intrigue, it may even turn from resisting foreign enemies to disrupting each other.

However, this time the alliance will appear more professional, more restrained, and more knowledgeable about the art of compromise.

This is mainly related to the people who formed it. The previous alliance was composed of the original group of Northland nobles. Most of them were from humble backgrounds, ambitious and capable, but lacked experience in compromise and alliance, and they did not know how to transfer the benefits of betrayal. Maximization, random operation, and betrayal too fast caused the alliance to collapse internally before it could play any role.

Most of the current Northland nobles come from major forces within the empire. Regardless of their education or vision, they are no strangers to compromise and alliances. Therefore, alliances take shape faster and are more powerful.

Because of their different origins, the alliance formed by the new Northland nobles first communicated with each other and formulated a plan before notifying Ferrier and the other two.

This plan does no harm to the interests of the two of them, but since they have surrendered, they cannot make decisions alone, so the two of them first passed the plan to Maya and waited for the other party's reply.

When Maya handed the plan to Owen, he was also surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't find it strange anymore.

The plan was not complicated. Those people planned to form an alliance of northern nobles and jointly build towns along the empire's border to form a line of defense against the barbarians moving south.

To put it bluntly, I was afraid of being beaten by the barbarians in the North. Compared with other plans and benefits, I wanted to save my life first.

They were also unlucky. They encountered barbarians heading south before they could get any benefits. What's even worse is that during the invasion of foreign enemies, they could not cross the empire's borders and go inside the empire, because this was an act of abandoning their territory and fleeing, and the noble council had the right to deprive them of it. Because of their noble titles and territories, they were restricted to the North and could only survive as a group.

The role of the newly formed alliance was dispensable. It was just a group for the weak to keep warm, but it gave Irving some inspiration.

"I remember that many northern nobles hid in Mara Town and North City because they lost their territories. We went to organize them. We also formed an alliance, called the Northern Glory Alliance." Owen knocked on the table and said.

Although only the weak unite, the saying "Strength in numbers" can not only be used in battles, but also in the right to speak. Once the Northland is represented by the Northland Noble Alliance, Northland will be passive in terms of public opinion.

Therefore, Owen simply formed an alliance to directly divide the Northland and compete for the right to speak. This is probably what the empire would like to see.

However, Irving does not intend to let Ferrier and Solari join the alliance he established. Instead, he wants them to join the Northland Noble Alliance. His intention is self-evident.

"By the way, don't forget to spread the conspiracy of Grand Duke Macaron." Owen said before Maya left.

"It's already being done, I believe it has spread throughout the world now." Maya said with a smile.

In fact, this is indeed the case, because the envoy of Grand Duke Macaron really contacted many Northland nobles in private, so this matter was directly confirmed by those Northland nobles that it was him.

Compared to Grand Duke Macaron, the so-called nobles of the North are almost like shabby people. However, there are masters behind these people. They cannot afford to offend a Grand Duke, but it does not mean that the forces behind them cannot cause trouble for the Grand Duke. He was making trouble.

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