"From today on, the territory begins to prepare for war. The food will be made into easy-to-eat dry food, as well as muskets and ammunition, and will be distributed according to the quantity per person in each household." Owen put down the data he had read many times over and over. Maya said.

"These territories have been doing this, and the proportion of private firearms has reached one-third. Almost all adult males own one or two muskets." Maya does not need to think, these data come out of her mouth, as for so many muskets flowing into the private sector Whether it would cause unrest, neither Owen nor Maya ever worried.

"Well, continue to strengthen it. In a real fight, one or two muskets are not enough." Owen nodded and said, then stood up and walked to the sand table to look at the model of Beicheng, which still showed its majesty even if it was shrunk. After admiring it for a moment, he continued Speaking of.

"In terms of city defense, leave it to Howard and his sons to choose a suitable place in the city to build an artillery position. The range of the new cannon is enough to attack enemies outside the city without occupying the limited space of the city wall. At the same time, let them recruit troops into the city. The soldiers are conducting the first training session and trying to increase more combat effectiveness in a short period of time." Owen is preparing for a rainy day. After all, he cannot predict whether the territory will encounter a war or how big the scale of the war will be. The unknown makes him cautious and cautious. He cherishes his life. Only by cherishing his life can he live long.

"In addition, Mara Town must be vigilant and replenish resources in time. Our enemies are never just the barbarians in the North." After casting his eyes on the lords' territories scattered throughout the central part of the Northland, Owen said quietly, he has not forgotten it. Grand Duke Macaron has done a lot of tricks in the North and is still thinking about his seeds. You must be wary of this old bastard who wants to be beautiful.

"Okay, the relevant materials will be delivered within two days." Maya said confidently. Because of the existence of witches, space pockets, and floo networks, the territory's material delivery in the Northland is faster than imagined. If it weren't for Beicheng At the same time, supplies are also needed, and the supplies needed by Mara Town can be delivered in three hours.

Next, the two of them gathered Howard and Emily to discuss the details, made some additions, and made several plans.

Military reorganization and training, the establishment of new artillery battalions, emergency training of conscripts, mobilization of combat readiness supplies, construction of field hospitals, and last-minute emergency evacuation, etc. These all need to be formulated with reasonable execution plans, otherwise it will become chaos. group.

In addition, long-distance reconnaissance, peripheral strongholds, urban defense construction, emergency mobilization, etc. also need to be perfected little by little, otherwise if something goes wrong, not just one or two people will die.

Although Owen has many trump cards in his hand, he is still not 100% sure against the declining Northland Barbarians, because although the Northland Barbarians have incomplete inheritance, who can guarantee that they will not have legendary combat power or even retain the demigod level? trump card.

After being able to fight against the empire for so long, Owen did not believe that the northern barbarians had completely degenerated into a group of savages.

As for whether Owen's guess is correct, he will not choose to take risks anyway.

Although the territory responded in time, the invasion of the northern barbarians was faster than Owen imagined. After all, the shamans of the barbarian tribe were not vegetarians. They had long expected this year's snow disaster, but before the snow disaster came, Not even the shaman can convince everyone with empty words.

Fortunately, it's not too late now. The food originally stored for the winter is now used as dry food for plundering south. As long as they kill the imperial southern barbarians who invaded the north, they will not only get enough food for the winter, but also a large number of tools and sophisticated tools. Weapons and slaves.

Forced by the cold, under the threat of death, and under the temptation of booty, one after another the northern barbarian tribes began to move south, and more and more of them gathered.

In the process of gathering, these barbarians used the blabbering prophecies of shamans and gods and their fists to determine the right to speak and form a larger group. They continued to grow like a snowball, with thousands of them moving south.

At this time, they relied solely on the food reserves and did not need to consider the issue of hunting. Otherwise, it would be difficult to form such a large scale. However, this would be a disaster for the northern nobles who were still in the early stages of development.

Owen soon received the news, because the buffalo tribe has been quite popular among the barbarians in the north these years.

Iron pots, battle axes, salt, and spirits are enough to make any northern barbarian put down his fists and choose friendship. After all, the heavily armed barbarian heavy infantry of the Buffalo tribe are not easy to mess with at first sight.

And when he realized that the war was coming, Owen allocated a large amount of food to the Bison Tribe and asked them to exchange the food for furs, gold, silver and gems from the Northland Barbarians. Therefore, the Northland Barbarian tribes around the Bison Tribe did not lack for winter. of food, so it was not so easy to make the decision to go south.

Another reason is that the excellent conditions of the Bison tribe have attracted many northern barbarians to join. These northern barbarians are related to the surrounding barbarian tribes. In addition, they have always been generous and do not lower the price of materials in exchange. The relationship is very harmonious.

Therefore, as long as the Bison tribe did not relent, those tribes would not forcefully pass through the Bison tribe's territory and go south. After all, they could still distinguish between a full meal and food.

I just don't know how long they can hold on. Once the northern barbarians who go south are full of food, these tribes will definitely not be able to sit still.

But if the barbarians heading south were beaten to death, Owen would have the opportunity to make a plan.

However, things did not go so smoothly. First, as the barbarian tribes gathered in the north, information circulated with each other, allowing Owen to know a lot of important information, such as the existence of the barbarian kingdom.

Not to mention Owen, I am afraid that even the empire does not know that a barbarian kingdom has appeared in the North. This is not because the barbarians in the North have done a good job of keeping secrets, but because the news circulates too slowly.

The northern barbarians exist in the form of tribes, and each has its own activity range, and this range represents the source of food and living space, so no one is allowed to infringe. This results in the circle of the northern barbarians being very closed, sometimes hundreds of people. What happened inside and outside could not be reported for decades, not to mention that this barbarian kingdom was not within the scope of the barbarian tribe.

It was also at this time that Owen learned that the northern barbarians who migrated north were divided into two parts, mainly because of the existence of the North Boundary River.

The Northern Boundary River originates from the mountains in the far north and flows downstream from the center of the Northland. However, when it reaches the center of the Northland, it suddenly flows sideways eastward and passes through the Devil's Horn Forest.

Like the two hands pointing to a quarter past twelve on a clock, they divide the Northland.

Because of the strange flow direction of the North Boundary River, the northern half of the Northland was actually divided into two parts. When the barbarians moved north, some chose to go up the North Boundary River to the west, and some chose to cross the river and go north to the east.

The former group became more and more united because they were constantly being pursued by the Imperial Frontier Army. Even though the Imperial Frontier Army never came, they did not completely disperse because of their habits. They also learned to herd and plant, and slowly evolved into a barbarian kingdom.

As for the barbarians who crossed the river, because the North Boundary River served as a natural barrier, they continued to live as tribes according to ancient traditions.

Compared with the two, the former is obviously a greater threat.

However, due to its geographical location, Owen's territory is located in the middle of the Northland to the east. Therefore, even if the Barbarian Kingdom goes south, the two sides will be one to the east and one to the west. Unless they take a special detour, they will not meet at all.

Even if the northern barbarian tribes cross the river, Owen's territory will not bear the brunt, unless someone causes trouble.

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