As for why Academy City arranged for this super genius to live with them, it's probably because the three of them are special.

Owen was the first Northland noble to enroll, Peters was the son of the sponsor of Academy City, and Cowles had a special heritage, so it seemed normal to add a super-talented civilian student.

It's a pity that none of the three Owens like this super genius named Robert. Even though he behaves very politely, the alienation and boredom in his eyes cannot be hidden from the three of them.

This kind of gaze was very familiar to Peters, and he even knew the other person's psychological journey clearly. However, he still obtained the other party's information through connections to confirm his guess.

Robert was a standard country boy. He didn't even have a decent name before coming to College City. Without that opportunity, he would have been no different from other civilians' sons. He either farmed at home or worked as a boy.

But he was lucky. When the lord was hunting, he saw him killing two goblins with a hatchet without causing any harm, so he asked him to follow the hounds of the hunting team, and then witnessed him using a hatchet to kill two goblins. An adult forest wolf was disemboweled.

Robert, who showed good talents one after another, successfully gained the appreciation of the lord, and then he had the opportunity to study in the academy city.

In fact, this experience is nothing. There are countless civilian students with similar experiences in the academy city. Otherwise, how would they get the opportunity? However, their excitement and expectations for the future will soon be shattered by reality.

It is true that the academy city cultivates geniuses, but it is impossible to distribute all resources equally. This is fair, but it also prevents the diamonds hidden in the golden sand from shining brightly again. Therefore, various eliminations and tests start from the first day of enrollment. The day started.

It is conceivable what kind of pressure civilian students who lack basic knowledge will face in the academy city, especially when there are aristocratic students who have no worries about food and clothing.

However, as time goes by, even if the idea that nobles are superior to civilians has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for thousands of years, as the strength of civilian students grows, the original ideas will be shaken. After all, they are very clear about the majority of noble students. Hard power is not as good as theirs.

This change in thinking is inevitable, because ordinary people from civilian backgrounds and professionals from civilian backgrounds are not the same concept at all, because the latter have the ability to resist.

The conflict between civilian students and aristocratic students over their ideals and identities is constantly happening in the academy city. Some people are sinking, some are transcending, some are gaining, and some are losing everything. The academy city only limits the conflict within a certain range, but has no intention of stopping it. This further boosts the confidence of talented civilian students in their struggle for power and status.

Robert is obviously a supporter of this belief. As a commoner, he is not willing to be a dog of a nobleman. Every time he dreams about running in the forest with the lord's hound, it is an inspiration to him.

But at this time, his own strength was not enough for Robert to be directly on an equal footing with the noble students, so his behavior was so weird.

In fact, there is another reason. Peters is replaced every day, Cowles is slightly weak, and Owen is superficial. In Robert's eyes, they are all a bunch of losers who only rely on their ancestors, except for their birthplace and title. , except for wealth, except for territory, except for people, except for

Anyway, Robert just looked down on them. If the identities of the two parties were exchanged, he would definitely do better than the other party, and he would not waste any time or let down those precious resources.

It's a pity that he is still too young, and this idea cannot be hidden from Peters, Owen and Cowles, so the three of them have no idea of ​​drawing him into a small circle and let him go alone.

Before dawn, Robert had already gotten up and began to put on some old protective gear.

Compared to Peters's grandiose room, Robert's room can no longer be described as shabby. Apart from the original basic furniture and furnishings, there are only his personal belongings that can only be described as shabby.

This is because he is a gifted student and has a lot of subsidies. More civilian students have to spend time and money to take advanced courses while taking basic courses. As for the cost of advanced courses, they are no longer able to afford it. Even if Robert is not there, Before being noticed by the academy city, he could not take advanced courses more than a few times a year. This was also the source of conflicts between civilian students and aristocratic students.

Carrying a weighted practice sword to the open space in the backyard of the villa, Robert began the boring basic swordsmanship training.

I have to say that Robert's title of genius is not for nothing. Even though he has become the idol of many civilian students, and even though many noble students have offered him an olive branch, he still maintains basic swordsmanship training every day, because he always remembers the first time he came to the academy city. What a swordsmanship teacher said to him.

The swordsman teacher was also a commoner, so after seeing Robert's talent, he spoke to him specifically.

In fact, those words were very simple. The swordsmanship teacher just told him clearly that with his background, it was impossible to be exposed to advanced swordsmanship and fighting spirit before he showed enough value.

At the same time, he told him not to underestimate basic swordsmanship, because any advanced swordsmanship is developed on basic swordsmanship. If he wants to fill the gap with the noble students who have been exposed to advanced swordsmanship since childhood, he must invest ten times in basic swordsmanship. Only in this way can we have hope of catching up.

Robert has always remembered these words, although the energy he invested in basic swordsmanship was not as exaggerated as ten times, but it was two or three times more than the students of the same period.

You can't tell the difference in one day or two. After three or five years, it's no longer a gap, but separated by mountains.

Even though students at the same time have begun to be exposed to advanced swordsmanship, Robert still has a huge advantage. He has even defeated students who use advanced swordsmanship many times with basic swordsmanship, which also allows him to invest more energy in basic swordsmanship.

Because of the inspiration, Owen, who had been busy in the secret room of the dungeon all night with a touch of dark circles under his eyes, came to the window with a cup of coffee to get some air, and happened to see Robert training.

Although he has not practiced combat skills much, it does not mean that Owen knows nothing about it. On the contrary, his eyesight is very good. He can see that Robert's lower body is very stable. When slashing with the sword in both hands, the starting and ending of the hand are exactly the same. It's clearly become muscle memory.

"You will become useless if you continue to practice like this." Owen opened the window, squinted his eyes in the morning sun, and then took a sip of coffee and said.

Robert made a move, and did not say something bad or turn away directly as Owen imagined, but said after a moment of silence.

"The new swordsmanship teacher told you the same thing."

"Well, your foundation is very solid, but it is too solid for your age. This will make it difficult for you to get rid of the limitations of basic swordsmanship when you learn advanced swordsmanship." Owen also pays attention to the basics, otherwise he will not give up his territory. The academy city is being rebuilt, but focusing on the basics does not mean that you have to keep spinning on the basics, even if the swordsmanship is the same.

"After you have the foundation, you need to be exposed to more changes, otherwise you will never be able to break through the cage you have created for yourself." Irving knows that heavy swords have no edge, and great skill has no workmanship. The problem is that no one can reach such a state. , it’s all done step by step. It’s undoubtedly a dream to stand at the top based on the basics. If it’s really that easy, how can you develop on the basics?

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