Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 282 The warlock who wants to run cannot be stopped

The ninjas in Naruto are all mages wearing ninja skins. Ninjas who have the template of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, are naturally no strangers to ninjutsu. Various powerful ninjutsus come one after another, making Moretti unable to lift her head. Come.

But he was a legendary warlock after all, and had gone through the abyss to further his training, so he was very resistant to grass. Although he was struggling, he couldn't hold on. Instead, he endured the severe pain and drank a bottle of magic potion to suppress the poison churning in his body.

As soon as the situation improved, Moriti's anger boiled over and she summoned a group of demons to act as cannon fodder, then put her hands together and started rolling fireballs.

A warlock's spells all rely on feeling. If the feeling comes, he can be super powerful. If the feeling doesn't work, he will become a weak shrimp.

At this moment, Moriti, who drank the medicine, felt that she was very good. The throbbing pain caused by the poison only made her angrier. She kept rubbing her hands together and released fireballs the size of wheels, which were like missiles in the air. He struck at Shinobu in arc after arc, and then watched in stunned silence as Shinobu moved around easily among the cannon fodder demons. Several fireballs missed, not even a speck of dust on them.

"When did mages become so flexible?" Moriti didn't associate Ninja with the men who attacked her before. She thought it was a mage who had ambushed her. He was surprisingly good at it, and most assassins were not that good. skill.

At this time, it was revealed that Moriti had some depth of tolerance and did not intend to delay any more time. After all, her mission was to protect the safety of her master. Who knew if the other party had any back-up plans, so the sooner the solution was better, the better.

But before Ren could take the initiative to attack, Moriti lost her temper, and flames erupted all over her body, just like a fire tornado, with considerable momentum.

This is the Imperial Capital Circle, and if you dare to burst out with the aura of a legendary warlock here, you are simply tired of living.

The problem is that warlocks are just like this, moody and quick to explode. Even if Moretti was taught a lesson by Vanessa and went to the abyss to develop, she still couldn't change her nature.

After all, the demon warlock's bloodline comes from the devil, and his personality is naturally affected. There is no need to say more about the devil's temperament, so Moretti's reaction is normal.

Flames burned all over her body, and the clothes on her body naturally could not withstand the high-temperature flames, and turned into fly ash. Moriti only retained a belt made of demon skin, which bound her body and also covered the key points and flaws. At the same time, it belonged to the devil. Attitudes are also beginning to emerge.

Obviously Moriti has some succubus blood, but this is normal. Apart from the popular demons, the demon warlock has the most succubus blood. I am afraid this is also the reason why she can survive in the abyss. I really think that all demons are Not up to human standards.

With the activation of the devil's blood, a pair of small goat horns grew on Moriti's head, a flexible little tail appeared on the back of her butt, and a pair of palm-sized wings appeared on her back, and her figure became extremely plump. , obviously his demonic bloodline has been fully activated, or developed very thoroughly.

In any case, after the transformation, Moriti's strength was not improved at all, and her arrogance became even more arrogant. She directly opened a portal and summoned a large number of demons.

Although they are all low-level demons, the Imperial Academy is nearby. Moriti's move immediately alarmed many people. However, it is only alarming now and has not reached the warning line. However, it cannot be delayed for long, and it may even attract the red-coated demons. Wei, so she planned to make a quick decision.

It is obvious that magic and cannon fodder demons cannot kill each other in a short time. Moretti knows this. The problem is that this is already the limit. If she really dares to summon a legendary level demon or make some big move, believe it or not, she has already been locked. The legendary mage here immediately came out to teach her how to behave.

So Moriti pulled out two scimitars and sneaked over quietly with the help of the demon's cover.

At this time, Moriti's physical fitness has improved by no means, and coupled with her hard-learned assassin techniques, she is not inferior to master-level assassins at all. It is this that makes her confidently rush towards Shinobu.

Shinobu's eyes were a little weird, but such a cooperative opponent was exactly what she wanted. Although the opponent's flame restricted many of her methods, she would be helpless if she had Orochimaru's template.

The cutting ability of the water blade combined with Feng Shui is extremely amazing. The pain shield, devil skin, false life, and three layers of protection were not blocked by Moriti. She was almost split in half diagonally, and the canyon on her chest was crooked. However, She was stunned without saying a word and walked straight towards Shinobu.

She wholeheartedly believed that Ninja was a mage. Even if he was agile, he was only blessed with the agility of a cat and the Feather Falling Technique. Compared with a veteran like her who came back from the abyss, he was just a rookie. Then she was almost beaten by Ninja holding a Kusanagi sword. Cut to death.

"If the warlock wants to run away, there's really no way he can stop him." Owen shook his head and whispered. Shinobu's assassination failed.

But this is not Ninja's fault. Warlocks are inherently good at teleportation. Whether summoning or expelling demons, they are essentially a form of space teleportation, or cross-border teleportation.

Therefore, the more skilled the demon warlock is, the better he is at space teleportation, and it is difficult to restrict it. Even if he loses consciousness, he will spontaneously start teleporting him to a safe place, let alone Moriti, who has learned a painful lesson, so he sees the situation. When something bad happened, she immediately opened the door and left without any hesitation. Obviously, Vanessa taught her a profound lesson, but it also left Owen with a lot of trouble.

Peters looked calm and calm on the side, but his ears were actually perked up, but Owen's voice was too low, and he only heard the word Warlock.

He actually provoked a group of lunatics like Warlocks. No wonder he dared to openly attack an earl, even if it was just the earl of Northland.

Although the battle was over, Owen and Peters' plan to go to the Service Academy was also ruined because they had to follow the red guards who arrived.

Fortunately, both the assassins and Moretti were wanted criminals on the list. As the victims, they were the sons of newly canonized nobles and established nobles. Owen and Peters simply sat there for a while before being released. As for whether they were spying on him in private, they definitely were.

Moriti's previous attack was just like stroking the tiger's beard and patting the tiger's butt. Although the emperor and other big bosses would not care, the red-clad guards who guarded the secret front of the imperial capital could not ignore it.

It's hard to catch people, and if Moritte is so easy to catch, it won't be their turn, so the best way is to monitor the opponent's target.

Not only Irving knew this, but Peters also knew it, so this guy never dared to come again.

And the troubles Irving faced didn't end there. The day after the attack, the owner of the manor where they rented the manor politely returned double the rent and asked them to leave, obviously not intending to be implicated.

In desperation, Owen had no choice but to enroll in school early, and thus got rid of surveillance and trouble.

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