"It can be called a legendary development history." Peters couldn't help but say that Hydera had developed into a powerful Northland lord in just a few years, and at the same time there was a faint feeling of envy in his heart.

But as a normal-thinking person, Peters will not believe in any legendary family history. It is simply an insult to his IQ, so there is definitely a huge force behind Hydera.

Simply calculating how much resources it would take to grow to this size within a few years narrows down who is behind Hydra, which is exactly what Peters is doing now.

After a while, Peters couldn't help but gasp after counting the resources that needed to be consumed. It wasn't that he had never seen the world, it was mainly because his teeth hurt a little.

What kind of boring person would choose to invest such a large amount of resources in the Northland? It's not that Peters' family can't afford it, but it's that they can't part with a hundred years of accumulation.

Yes, a whole hundred years of accumulation.

The Peters family's territory is located in the imperial capital circle. Due to its geographical advantages, it does not rely purely on farming, but actively participates in various commercial activities. Therefore, its income is among the highest among the earls. After excluding the annual expenses, the remaining It would take hundreds of years for the money to be accumulated to complete the feat of building a city in the North, and it was just for building a city. Continuous investment in other aspects was still needed to speed up development.

No Earl family dares to gamble with a century of accumulation. They really think that the nobles just save and don't spend. In fact, there are many places to spend money, and there are really few who can leave a century of accumulation as a legacy.

Therefore, unless this part of the investment will not strain the family's muscles and bones, it means that a larger body is needed to be qualified to take action.

Peters estimated that even the powerful marquis was a little reluctant. At least he had to be at the duke level or the prince level to complete such a large area.

Write down the powerful dukes and princes of the empire one by one on a piece of paper, then take out a map and compare them repeatedly to see who is closest to the North and who is most likely to spend such a large amount of money.

Everyone knows that the future development of the Northland is related to the changes in the power of the empire. The only problem is that the initial investment is too large and it is easy to be targeted. Therefore, those who are strong cannot end under the constraints of all parties, while those who are weak are afraid that they will be eaten if they end first. , only those who are willing to take a gamble will let the side branches of the family enter the Northland. It can be said that the current Northland is in a strange state of balance.

But the scale of Hydera is no longer a gamble. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a single company.

Not to mention that Peters stayed up all night thinking about things that didn't exist. Owen woke up at dawn and was still washing up when he heard a faint sound from behind the manor.

Sharon had thought about her life after graduation many times. Even if she was forced to sacrifice her body to someone she was loyal to, she was still considering it. She was confident that she would succeed with her ability and appearance, but she didn't expect that she would fall behind as soon as she joined the job. Such an ending was just like when she first entered the Zhan Zhan Academy and was beaten by the teacher to learn combat skills. She was sweating profusely, covered in dust, and her beautiful long hair turned into a mess. Her whole person was in a terrible state.

Even so, Sharon did not dare to relax at all. The familiar practice sword was like a cold light under the strong swing of her arm, which was enough to cut off the wooden stakes in the air. Combined with her powerful sword skills, it was enough to defeat the war even without using fighting spirit. Most of the students in the academy, faced with the female warrior who wore a tight-fitting leather jacket and carried two swords on her back with a pair of strange beast eyes, could barely survive without being defeated.

And she could feel that the other party was not serious. Not only did he use a practice sword, but he also did not use other methods or potions. This made Sharon, who had no opponent in the academy for a long time, couldn't help but feel a strong sense of frustration.

But her opponent, the Witch Hunter, didn't care what the opponent was thinking. He used the powerful sword skills derived from the Witcher to press forward step by step and squeeze out all of Sharon's potential that she didn't even realize.

Sharon was not the only one who suffered like this. In fact, eight witch hunters were training these newly graduated rookies one-on-one. They had no basic skills. Putting on leather armor and picking up unedged practice swords were all kinds of practical exercises.

These newly graduated female knights may have been excellent students in the academy, but they were so fragile when faced with witch hunts and were defeated.

There was no way, not to mention that every witch hunter had been strengthened, and was given the template of a witcher by Owen. Especially after following him in various actual battles in the mountains, many beasts, demihumans and lizardmen died. In their hands, with all kinds of adventurers in the territory, and the secret training of the roots, their methods are beyond the reach of these rookies. Just simple swordsmanship makes them want to die, and Sharon can barely support it. , but the Witch Hunt recognized her potential and gave her all kinds of extras, making her unable to help but complain.

We are all women, and with the distorted thinking of the witch hunter, we have no idea what it means to be compassionate, and we have no intention of being merciful. Anyway, as long as we don't die and drink a few bottles of magic potion, even if all the bones in the body are broken, we can only lie down for a day at most. Most of the day is a waste of time, not to mention minor injuries. If the bones are not broken, it is not an injury.

Seeing the miserable state of these rookies, Owen had no intention of interfering. Anyway, as long as they didn't die, it would be fine, but he had to give them some sweetness to give them more motivation.

This is not difficult for Owen. He re-equipped the magic sheep, mithril steel equipment, and the luxurious suit that made Sharon couldn't help but shine. All the female knights became full of motivation, and then the witch hunt continued. Tortured to death.

In fact, it is quite interesting to watch beautiful women rolling on the ground, but when the more interesting Peters arrives, Irving can only regretfully decide to watch more next time.

"Dear Earl, Peters, the son of Count Piersa, has come to pay a visit." Peters looks much more pleasing to the eye today. Although he has applied rouge and hair oil, he is much better than yesterday when he was so greasy that it could be directly ignited. Obviously, yesterday's brief contact made him understand Irving's preferences, so he made changes. This was to lower his position and also to cater to him.

Based on Peters' attitude, Irving would not believe it if he had no intentions for him.

But that's okay, at least Owen doesn't need to deliberately keep a distance from him to prevent it from getting oily and difficult to clean.

"Call me Irving." Facing Peters who lowered his posture, Irving did not mean to step on him, but smiled and said.

Although he knew that the other party was not sincere at all and had ulterior motives, it did not prevent Owen from using the other party's connections and connections to quickly become familiar with the local situation and collect intelligence along the way.

In fact, no one is a good person, and good people cannot be nobles, because they are either being played to death by others, or they are playing to death themselves, it makes no difference, so Irving laughed very happily, and so did Peters.

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