Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 275 Female Knight of Zhanzhan Academy

Owen was shocked when he came to the War College. He thought it would be a relatively boring knight's competition, where two knights in full plate armor each raised their thick spears and faced Gang, who would lie down and who would be the grandson, but who would have thought It turned out to be a simulated war.

In the open space in front of the college, a large area was fenced off. In addition to the open space for lining up, there were trenches, low walls, horses, arrow towers, and even a small fortress.

At this time, hundreds of students guarding the fortress were acting as a group. The students at the Zhan Zhan Academy commanded formations to attack, and some also conducted siege drills. The shouts of killing were loud, and it seemed that they were working very hard.

The reason why these Guarding Barrier students work so hard is not only because the wealthy Zhan Zhan College takes care of the food and pays them, but also because of the employment issue after graduation.

There is no way, they are professional guards. To put it bluntly, they are the bodyguards and doormen of the nobles. They stand while the nobles eat, they watch the nobles take baths, and they guard the nobles' affairs. They have nothing but the nobles' cheap trust in their lives.

Under such circumstances, I would not choose this major if possible. After all, even if I become a knight's squire who serves people, there is still some hope of becoming a regular member of the staff.

Even so, for civilians, this is already very good, because the nobles also know the importance of guarding. In addition to providing food and accommodation, they will also give rewards every now and then. Their life is still good, otherwise who will give them They work hard, so even if they are not the protagonists today, they still perform very hard. They just want to be noticed by others, and then live a life without worries about food and clothing. As for the dangers of work, don't you know that life is very dangerous for civilians who are eager to stand out? The least valuable?

Owen, who was wearing aristocratic clothes and an earl's badge, attracted the attention of some people as soon as he arrived. One of the female knights who still had charm came over first with a smile. Others who were a step slower could only curse secretly, but did not dare. Make a sound.

These days are the most important days of the year. Anyone who dares to ruin the atmosphere is not as easy to solve as ordinary troubles, and they will have to shed their skin even if they don't die.

At this time, the middle-aged female knight named Yi Mili had already introduced herself. She was a teacher at the War College, responsible for the auxiliary disciplines of war, and was also the manager of female students.

Yes, there are female students in the War College, but the profession of knight is too physically demanding, making it difficult for women to achieve success in this profession.

But just like those commoners who work hard to become guards, even the descendants of nobles don't actually have many choices, and there are always daughters of nobles who are unwilling to be canaries and choose to rely on their own efforts to fight.

It's just that compared to the male students who are obsessed with head-on combat, the female students' learning direction is more auxiliary.

Auxiliary logistics is equally important to war. The only pity is that not only female students choose this subject, but the main force is still male students. This leads to a very embarrassing status of female students in the academy. They are considered to have good theoretical experience. The actual combat is too stretched, so the evaluation is naturally not high.

As a teacher in charge of female students, Emily was inevitably not taken seriously, so she did not miss any opportunity and took the initiative to find Owen.

You must know that although Owen reveals his identity as an earl, the same title is also hierarchical.

In addition to the traditional nobles with rich heritage, the imperial nobles who are not worthy of their name, there is also a kind of down-and-out nobles who have only a name. These nobles have nothing but a name, and they really only have a face in their lives.

Owen is so young that it is hard for people to believe in his strength. They all mistakenly think that he is a young man who has just inherited the title and comes to show off. This is also the reason why those people are hesitant and a step slow.

But Owen is really interested in the female knights of the War College, because the truly outstanding graduates will never get his turn and have already been booked.

The rest are neither high nor low, and their price-performance ratio is too low. They are not as cost-effective as these down-to-earth and hard-working female knights.

Seeing Owen's interest, Emily took him to see the female students who were about to graduate.

In a large independent tent, the female students who graduated from the Zhan Zhan Academy this year were busy putting on gorgeous but thin plate armor, because soon it would be their turn to parade on horseback. This is the annual reserved program of the Zhan Zhan Academy. Many That’s why the nobles are here.

"Is the academy serious?! These plate armors can't even block a man's fingers, not to mention swords." Samantha, who is particularly plump, felt helpless when she saw the breastplate that was slightly deformed due to the tightness. complained.

Anna, who had her own airport next to her, stood away silently when she heard this. She was afraid of showing off some things. At the same time, she was a little hesitant to stuff something in. Because these breastplates are women's, they have a certain curvature. For some people, it's so crowded that they can't breathe, but for her, if a silver coin is thrown in, it will not only make a sound, but also fall out of the trouser leg, which is really a sad reality.

Thinking of this, Anna couldn't help but glance at Sam Mantha's front armor. You obviously eat the same food, receive the same training, and sleep on the same bed. Why do you stand out so much!

"You haven't understood yet. To those outside, our strength doesn't actually matter. We just need to make good vases." Sharon, who was tall and leggy, said the cruel truth in a calm tone. For a moment, the whole tent was stunned. All fell silent.

There is no way, even in Owen's previous life, women were still a disadvantaged group in the workplace, let alone this class-strict world.

Except for matriarchal tribes like the Lizardmen, it was not impossible for women like Sharon to get ahead, but it was just as difficult as reaching the sky.

Even if they are recruited by nobles, they are just decorations. If they are lucky, they will serve as personal knights for their wives. If they are not lucky, it is very common for them to ride horses during the day and be ridden at night.

Male knights also have the opportunity to obtain fiefs for meritorious service, but female knights have never heard of it. How can this not make these female students who face the cruel reality as soon as they graduate feel depressed.

"Lord Earl Owen, please come in. These are all outstanding students from the War College. I can guarantee that they will never lose to any official knight." Emily said confidently before entering the tent, and her voice was quite loud. , at least the big tent could hear it clearly.

All the female students looked at each other, packed up as quickly as possible, and showed their best side, even Sharon, who had just told the cruel reality.

Since the reality is so cruel, why don't you work hard.

This is exactly what Sharon thinks in her heart. Even at certain times, she doesn't mind using other methods to get to the top. As long as she can be given the opportunity to display her abilities, she will not let it go.

There are many female students who have the same idea, especially Samantha, who has a lot of money. She directly lowers the bottom line and shows off her unfathomable career line from the wide collar. Only Anna puts on the board with difficulty. A, cover up your ordinary side.

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