Summer has passed before you know it. Although the sun is shining, the temperature is not that high. Riding a horse against the wind, Owen feels quite comfortable. This is related to the fact that he only wears noble hunting clothes instead of armor. Otherwise, it would be dozens of times. Wearing a heavy iron thing on your body, no matter how good your craftsmanship is, you will only be tired after a long time.

But this time he came out not for a ride. Owen quickly focused on the territory. He hadn't paid attention to the changes in the territory for a long time. Maya usually managed it. Unexpectedly, she did a good job.

Under Maya's arrangement, the serfs learned farming from the systematic farmers one by one. Now the serfs in the territory have mastered more complete farming skills.

The original farming method like spreading a net was completely abandoned. Large flat and orderly farmland appeared on the territory. Water from the nearby river was diverted and irrigated into the farmland, so that the crops could be fully irrigated. It was about to usher in a bumper harvest. , even if there is no freedom, the serfs still smile from the heart.

In fact, these serfs are not unable to farm. Many of them were farmers in the empire. It is pure nonsense to say that they cannot farm. Maybe their farming skills are not as comprehensive as those of the farmers in the system, but they are certainly not too bad, otherwise He had long since starved to death, but anyone who had had the miserable experience of being a refugee, who had been forced to sell himself into slavery, and was sent to the bitter cold northern border as a serf, would not be able to get motivated, let alone the physical effects of traveling all the way north. The losses have never been compensated. It’s a shame that I have the energy to cultivate intensively.

But now, not only the farmland looks decent, but the villages are also gradually improving due to their efforts. Not only do they have strong fences, but the original simple thatched sheds have also disappeared, replaced by neat and uniform farmhouses. Although they are still very simple now, they are Already a good start.

In addition, when the farming was busy, I had three meals a day, two dry and one thin. It was not very good, but it was enough to fill my stomach. Naturally, I had some hope and started to work hard.

Owen is very satisfied with the changes in the territory. It is not in vain that he handed over the management of the territory to Maya, and it is not in vain that he rewards the other party day and night. Now that the other party is so moist, he deserves a lot of credit.

However, during this inspection, Owen was also troubled. As the crops in the farmland began to mature and harvest was not far away, there were more wild beasts and robbers in the wild.

Although wild beasts do not eat food, they do eat humans. Seeing that the weather is getting colder, it will become more and more difficult to hunt. Humans who cannot run fast and have little hair are obviously high-quality food, which will inevitably attract wild beasts to gather.

Owen couldn't help but frowned when he thought of the number of times Maya told him that the scout cavalry had discovered wild beasts and robbers during this period.

"It seems that the territory needs to add some more cavalry." Owen slowed down and let the horse move forward slowly, then turned to look at the Cuirass behind him and whispered.

Although the cuirassiers are cost-effective, they are more suitable for charging into battle rather than pursuing in the wilderness.

As for the scout cavalry, although they are fast, they are not suitable for combat. They can at best drive away bandits and wild beasts. As time goes by, the effect will definitely become worse and worse, and they may even be killed.

In this way, the light cavalry, which was originally looked down upon, had a place to use.

But if you think about it carefully, the light cavalry is not very suitable, because the light cavalry's attack method mainly relies on a one-handed sword, which can hardly kill people, let alone a beast with a low chassis and more flexible movements, which can easily capsize, so Owen set his sights on the horse archers.

The ones worth three progress points are mounted archers. They are archers who can ride horses. After riding to the position, they will dismount and shoot arrows. They have not mastered the skills of mounted archery, so there is little point in exchanging them.

Real horse archers are worth five progress points. They are the real masters. Not only are they good at riding, they can also use recurve bows suitable for mounted archery. Whether they are chasing the enemy or being chased by the enemy, they can gallop on their horses. They launched a powerful counterattack. Everyone was a good kite flyer, and it was not easy to deal with bandits and wild beasts.

Owen knew what to choose without thinking too much, but the exchange for horse archers had to wait until he exchanged for the synthesis furnace. After all, the exchange progress value was small, but it was too painful to reach twenty.

In addition to patrolling around the castle, Owen also took time to visit the Devil's Horn Forest.

The development of Muzhai was very slow. After all, there were still too few manpower. Fortunately, General Goblin stayed here with many monsters during this period. Although he was not good at construction, he was able to cut down trees and hunt without any problems, which solved a lot of troubles.

However, the Goblin General will not stay here for too long. It has been looking for traces of the Devil Horned Goblin. When it is found, the entire army will definitely be dispatched. By then, the wooden village will remain as it is.

After writing down in his notebook the need to replenish Muzhai with manpower and supplies, Owen returned to the castle.

Reading books and studying puppets, letting Maya move on her own, Owen spent a fulfilling but empty period of time.

After finally waiting for the progress value to reach 20, Owen, who was a little weak in the legs, couldn't wait to come to the secret room of the dungeon. Maya, who was getting more and more moist, didn't care about it. She was already used to her master running to the cellar every two days, so she turned around and devoted herself to it energetically. Preparations for the autumn harvest.

The autumn harvest is a major event for any territory, and there is no room for sloppiness. However, there is no shortage of serfs or soldiers in the entire territory, but there is no one who can do grassroots management.

Originally, Ciel was okay. After all, she had learned from serving the church, but after she came here, Owen completely treated her as a guard leader and a serving knight. So this person became more and more unrestrained, spending all day either riding horses or practicing martial arts, or training those soldiers. , except for the more decorative maid skirt, there is no trace of serving a maid.

Thinking of this, Maya walked to the window and saw Ciel practicing martial arts in the open space.

Because of Owen, Ciel, who has found his goal in life, does not need to diet or control his body shape. Not only is he now half a head taller, but his weight has also increased by dozens of kilograms. In all aspects, he has reached the limit of human beings. , even the tough Northland barbarians might not be able to withstand her casual punch, so her weapons are also in line with the character. The heavy two-handed hammer is used as a one-handed hammer, and no one can.

Under Maya's headache eyes, Ciel swung the warhammer in his hand vigorously. The target made of solid wood could be used as firewood with one hammer, and a room could be demolished with just a few hammers.

The corners of her eyes twitched, and Maya gave up the idea of ​​pulling Ciel back to the right path of serving as a maid. With her arms and legs, even the three cows might not be able to pull him back.

"Ram, open record No. 27." Maya closed the window and prepared to arrange people to work.

There are not many affairs in the territory, and the machine puppet maid is very useful. There are not too many things that Maya needs to deal with. The only problem is that she has to go in person to arrange anything, because there is no suitable person who can replace him, so In order to prevent mistakes, she needs to keep an eye on the whole process, which is why she looks busy.

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