After waiting for a while, Owen, who was impatient and waiting, finally accumulated the progress value to redeem the monster summoning spell. After all the flowers of waiting had faded, he hurried to the cellar to prepare for his first summoning.

Although his patience was worn away a lot and he was very impatient, Owen still resisted the impulse and made some preparations.

He has confidence in the system, but if that happens, he still has to make preparations.

The dungeon of the cellar is very strong. It was carved out of the rock. The interior is only ten square meters, and the entrance is a narrow iron door.

At this time, Owen was standing at the door. As long as he took a step back and closed the iron door, even if he summoned an ogre, he would have to stay inside, not to mention that behind him was a group of ninjas who were waiting for him. He buys some time.

After specially applying some grease to the iron door to make it smoother when closing, Owen took a deep breath and used his mental power to activate the monster summoning technique.

Because Owen has no magic power, in addition to the free summons once a day, if he wants to summon again or summon more powerful monsters, he needs to use rituals and sacrifices. Of course, it is easier to use the progress value directly.

In the game's settings, you can only summon Goblins, Slimes, Vipers, and Demon Sheep for free.

If you use sacrifices, which are the equipment dropped by the brave, you can summon enhanced versions of four monsters.

Generally speaking, the monster summoning technique can only summon these four kinds of monsters, but in reality it is different.

As the monster summoning technique is activated, Owen's spirit instantly enters an illusory space. This place is like a kaleidoscope, changing every moment, and those light spots of different colors are monsters. Once connected, the monsters will be summoned. , obviously the magic of monster summoning has changed in reality.

However, there are four light spots closest to him, almost close to his face. Unless they are specifically avoided, most of the summons will fall on them. They are obviously the four monsters in the game.

Owen had no intention of avoiding these four monsters for excitement. If a powerful monster was summoned and was out of control, he would be seeking death, so he just randomly selected one of the four light spots.

"Goblin." Owen recognized what it was at a glance and couldn't help but frown.

Goblins are cruel and cunning in nature, and they wanted to fight back after being summoned. However, after seeing the cold eyes of the ninjas behind Owen, they gave in and nodded and bowed, trying their best to please, but Owen knew that if he dared to expose his back, To the other party, this goblin will never miss the opportunity to cut off his waist and explode his anus. To put it simply, he is an unfed white-eyed wolf.

At this moment, Owen smiled evilly, and his whole demeanor changed.

Under the influence of the Demon King's halo, Owen is like having a beauty effect turned on. His whole person is shrouded in invisible shadows. Only a pair of blood-red eyes and white teeth form a creepy smile. The overall effect is like The special effects used when the Demon King appears in early anime are the same.

Although the special effects are only worth fifty cents, I have to say that the effect is really good. Not to mention the timid Goblin, even the ninja behind Owen was so frightened that he took a step back and even couldn't help but kneel down on one knee. This is still The Demon King's aura mainly targets monsters.

But the next change, even Irving found it incredible.

How to put it this way, as a Japanese military force, ninjas also have Japan's unique morbid thinking, that is, good people cannot die well, and the worst is the idea of ​​​​heroes.

Simply being nice to them will sooner or later backfire. If you act cruel and heroic, they will be willing to die for you.

Although due to the system, the ninja obeyed Owen's words, even if he carried out orders that required death, but after this psychological change, loyalty turned into fanaticism. As expected, the worse a man is, the more people love him.

"Kill it." Owen took a step back and said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, double-digit shurikens pricked the Goblin into a hedgehog before his expression could change. A moment later, the thin body fell into a pool of green blood. Owen didn't even frown at this.

The puppet master profession did not bring a direct improvement to Owen's strength, but it allowed him to awaken his spiritual power and gain very keen perception. In addition, the goblin's spirit was weak and single, so he just clearly felt the other party's emotional changes. .

The Demon King's aura is indeed effective. The Goblin's heart is full of fear and he does not dare to disobey his orders. However, once the Demon King's aura is turned off, the fear will gradually weaken. Although he will still be afraid of him, it will become more so as time goes by. , the blurred memory led to hesitation in his orders, and even the possibility of betrayal. Even if he could avoid this situation as long as he turned on the Demon King's halo regularly, it was still unacceptable to Owen.

"Loyalty is not absolute, and there is absolutely no loyalty." Owen whispered to himself, and the ninjas behind him all bowed their heads to the ground with fanatical eyes upon hearing this. At this time, even if they were allowed to commit suicide, they would not hesitate at all.

Owen felt the emotional changes of the ninjas. Although he didn't know why they became so fanatical, since it was beneficial to him, he did not intend to delve into it, and instead continued to study the magic of monster summoning.

Irving was not too frustrated about the failure of his first attempt, because it was just an attempt, and because he still had a system, this was his greatest confidence.

Praising the greatness of the system father again in his heart, Owen did not intend to wait until tomorrow and spent some progress points to make a summons in the system.

He was still a goblin. Even if he didn't turn on the Demon King's aura this time, Owen saw the loyalty in the other person's eyes and smiled with satisfaction.

When using monster summoning in the game, although it can only summon four fixed monsters and loses infinite possibilities, it will be guaranteed by the system. No matter what monster it summons, its loyalty will be 100%. The only difference is Passive loyalty and fanatical loyalty.

"Sure enough, loyalty is the most important thing." Owen took a deep breath and whispered.

However, the strength of ordinary low-level monsters is too low and they can only bully serfs. If you want stronger monsters, you need to pay for sacrifices. This made Owen notice two things that he had ignored before, one is the hero's equipment, and the other is Synthesis furnace.

The brave equipment are:

The knight's sword and armor increase attack and defense.

Ranger's bow and cloak, increase range and speed.

Priest's Hammer and Codex, increases health and recovery.

The mage's staff and runes increase magic resistance and magic power.

Each piece of brave equipment is worth five points of progress, which is much more expensive than ordinary weapons, but it is worth the price, at least Owen thinks it is worth it.

The knight's sword in front of me is heavy and thick, with its center of gravity set back and its tip elongated, like a short spear. In fact, the knight's sword itself is a small knight's gun, which is used for charging on horseback, but this does not mean that it is used for foot combat. Weak, in fact, the knight's sword, which is full of weight, has a strong armor-breaking ability. When used to deal with infantry, it is simply a killing opportunity.

This is just the most basic. When Owen holds the knight's sword, it is like receiving some kind of blessing. His body is strengthened and he automatically masters the knight's sword. The only disadvantage is that it consumes too much physical strength and is difficult to last.

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