The movement made by Owen and his group was not small. As the ruler of Mara Town, Viscount Mara quickly learned the news.

Viscount Marat was originally an ordinary businessman on the border of the empire, mainly providing grease for the maintenance of weapons and armor for border troops. After learning that the empire was going to develop the northern border and open up titles, he was ambitious and immediately formed a small group. The small caravan, relying on its connections with the border troops and a little bit of good luck, successfully earned its first pot of gold. Later, it built the town of Mara deep into the Northland border at any cost, and obtained the title of viscount.

Although Viscount Marat is older now, he still maintains strong energy and single-handedly controls all affairs in the territory, so after hearing the news, he immediately remembered the news about the Hydera family.

As one of the first pioneers to come to the border of the North, Viscount Mara had a deep impression of the Hydra family, because Hydra I was really good at fighting.

After all, he was a businessman and had some capital to start a business, but the other party started from scratch and carved out a territory in a chaotic period. He really admired the other party, but it was a pity that he died too early. If he were still alive today, he would not be able to do it. It's good that when meeting him, he should address him as Earl.

It can be seen that having a big name is not necessarily a good thing, because too many people have fallen into trouble, and now they are lonely in less than three generations.

Not long ago, he heard that the Hairui Chamber of Commerce was even thinking of replacing him, but it didn't look like this. After all, if his foundation was taken away, how could he be released? Could it be that the news was false?

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, the force Owen showed and the goods he brought were enough for him to welcome him personally.

"Prepare new clothes for me, wash the riding boots and horses, and inform the cavalry to be more vigilant." Viscount Marat stood up and asked the servants to help him change into noble clothes specially designed to welcome distinguished guests, but he did not relax his vigilance, so Arrange someone to notify the cavalry so that they will not be caught off guard once they take action.

Put on the shiny riding boots and ride on the tall horse. Although he is not young, he is still very impressive.

In fact, Viscount Marat is only in his forties. Judging from his facial features, he was still a handsome boy when he was young. Unfortunately, he has long lost his appearance after spending many years in the North. His complexion is dark and red, and his face is covered with wrinkles like knife carvings. On the contrary, he is in good spirits, he rides steadily on the horse, and his temperament is shrewd and bold, which makes it easy for people to like him.

Such an image and temperament are very consistent with Viscount Marat's current status. After all, someone who can achieve such results is definitely not a mediocre person.

Riding a horse and accompanying his entourage, Viscount Marat saw Owen waiting there, and suddenly sighed to himself that he was really old.

Compared to Viscount Marat, who worked hard in his early years and has been working hard to this day, Owen was well protected when he was young. When he was alone, he had a system. During this time, he had no worries about food and drink. He not only paid attention to hygiene, but also paid attention to life. The quality was so good that even after several days of travel, he still looked smooth and smooth, just like a real noble prince in the empire. This made Viscount Marat sigh.

The conversation between the two parties was not very complicated. After all, this was the Northland. Most of the lords could not see their neighbors for a year. Plus natural and man-made disasters, they might not be there that day. So why make it so complicated? It was settled in a few words. After getting off the bed, it didn't take as long as Viscount Marat had to change his clothes.

The goods Irving brought were only at the township level within the empire and were not on the market, but in the North they were affordable luxuries.

Even if Viscount Marat entertains guests, he can steam a salted fish on shiny porcelain without looking cheap, which shows how valuable it is.

The most important thing is that these commodities do not need to be transported to the empire to be valuable like other specialties in the North. They can be digested locally, so Viscount Marat did not hesitate and swallowed the goods in one gulp, but he did not intend to pay.

Because the economy is too backward, treasures representing wealth such as gold, silver, and gems have little market here. Even Viscount Marat prefers bartering when trading, so not paying does not mean that you have to rob them.

Owen didn't come here just to exchange money, not to mention that money meant nothing to him, so he focused on the goods presented by Viscount Marat.

Viscount Marat himself was a businessman, and after becoming a lord, he took control of the entire town's business, so he really came up with a lot.

In the North, the most popular items are weapons, followed by war horses, then craftsmen, food, and population.

Weapons are consumables, and they are also the only means to protect yourself and your wealth. Therefore, you can live without food in the North, but you cannot live without weapons for robbery.

However, because the empire strictly controls the outflow of weapons, it is not easy to transport even iron pots to the Northland. As a result, the Northland is seriously short of weapons and metal tools. Even iron nails have to be counted, let alone sophisticated ones. Equipped.

Such a strict embargo has meant that although the Northland border has not yet fallen into the Stone Age, it is not much better, because the main source of weapons, apart from smuggling, is local shoddy goods.

Due to the lack of skilled craftsmen and high-quality coal, even if there are high-quality ores in the North, it is difficult to create sophisticated weapons. Many of them are made of pig iron, which Owen, who has a system, simply looks down upon.

As for horses, just like not everyone is a warrior, not every horse is a war horse.

Although there are many herdsmen in Mara Town, their horses are more interested in riding and pulling goods than charging into battle. Otherwise, Viscount Mara would not have formed a half-baked cavalry team.

Another reason is that war horses don't just eat grass, and cavalry can't be used by just one person, let alone cavalry-specific weapons.

Therefore, even though Viscount Marat has many herdsmen and trade routes, his cavalry is still more like armed herdsmen, which shows how difficult it is to form a large-scale cavalry.

Shaking his head, Owen finally settled on a group of refugees.

There are tens of thousands of refugees coming from the empire every year, and there is an endless stream. However, the population of the northern border has not increased much over the years. The reason for this is very simple, the death rate is too high.

Therefore, as long as there is a chance of survival, the refugees of the empire will not come to the North. Unfortunately, for the sake of stability within the empire and the development of the northern border, a large number of refugees, criminals, and prisoners were all driven to the North. Those who did not leave were hung on the gallows. Deceived, so they have no choice.

This road is called the Road of Death, because the refugees do not have much food supplies at all. Although the empire will provide some food, it is conceivable how much will be left after going through layers of kana, so in order to save their lives, they have to Not selling themselves into slavery, and eating everything they can find on the road. Even so, only some adults can persist to the north. The young and old can't see them at all, and they are all skinny and skinny. They are really afraid of falling if the wind blows. One place.

What's even worse is that the living conditions in the North are so harsh that there is no time or resources for these serfs to recover. They have to work hard to fill their stomachs, which ultimately makes their lifespan very short and they become cheap consumables.

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