Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 20 Mechanical Puppet Maid Ram

Facial features are very important, and Owen doesn't dare to mess with it. After all, he has no problem with aesthetics, but liking beautiful women has something to do with makeup, so he directly exchanged the facial features of a cute girl with big eyes from the game, and then matched it with pink hair color.

After completing the adjustments to the facial features and hair color, Owen began filling the metal body with a slime-like gel.

This gel can shape itself and feels better than silicone. It can also switch between transparent and translucent. If it is damaged, it can be automatically repaired by injecting nutrients.

The question is why the nutrient injector is a stick like a large needle, and the insertion method is designed to be tilted up and swallowed. Fortunately, it is a puppet. If it were a human, without years of hard practice, I would have vomited all over the floor. .

After the hardware was completed, Owen began to infuse personality, voice and skill modules into the intelligent core. These can be redeemed from the game and are very cheap, perhaps because they are knowledge-based, non-entity and non-energy.

It's just that the smart core he used has average performance, limited memory and performance, and can't run too complex modules, so Irving needs to make some trade-offs.

There are definitely flaws in this design, but it is limited by hardware conditions, and there is nothing we can do about it. We can only see if we can create a more advanced one in the future.

When everything was completed, Owen began to pour his own mental power into the core, causing the mental power to create a strange resonance with the previously injected template.

This kind of spiritual resonance will not destroy the templates in the intelligent core. On the contrary, it will magically make the previously input templates begin to merge with each other, magically forming a primary intelligent template.

It's not that Irving doesn't want better smart templates, but the hardware can't keep up with his own mental power. Without a good core, it can't accommodate complex templates, and without strong enough mental power, it can't affect various templates with complex and huge content. What's more, Not to mention letting the templates blend into each other.

Although the work can only be regarded as a junior puppet, Owen was very satisfied. Regardless of the back pain caused by sitting for a long time, he stood up and carefully admired the robot puppet maid Ram in front of him.

Ram is 1.6 meters tall, has short pink hair, and wears a black silk skirt as a maid. If his expression wasn't a little dull, some people would believe him to be a goddess who came out of the second dimension. After getting his past life, countless otakus would sell their kidneys to get one. Go back and kneel and lick.

But I'm afraid there won't be such a goddess in reality. After all, as a mechanical puppet, although it looks soft and cute, it is actually a metal creation. Its arms and legs are all exposed silver-white alloy armor. When it moves its hands, it has iron hands. Crushing heads, taking out hearts with bare hands, etc. are all basic operations.

Only the torso is filled with special gel to form a bumpy and perfect figure that looks softer and looks cuter, but it still cannot change the Terminator-like internal structure.

The Ram in front of him was far from perfect, but it had consumed a lot of energy from Owen. Now that his merits were complete, he couldn't help but want to show off, so he took the mechanical maid out of the basement where he was almost moldy.

"Master, should we eat first or take a shower first?" Maya first glanced at Ram in surprise, then quickly returned to her usual elegant look, bowing to Owen and asking.

"Let's take a shower first, and then eat." Although he was a little disappointed with Maya's dull reaction, it was then that he remembered that he had been in the basement for many days without knowing it, and he was probably fermenting.

Not having the courage to smell the smell on his body, Owen chose to clean himself up first without hesitation.

Once the hot water was boiling, two kilograms of mud were rubbed out. A relaxed Owen lay there and let Maya's soft hands apply olive oil to him, his mind completely empty.

I don't know how long it took, but Owen suddenly shivered and then came back to his senses.

"This is the puppet maid I made. I will leave it to you to manage and see if there is anything that needs improvement." Owen, who breathed a sigh of relief, said lazily to Maya.

"Okay Master." Maya washed her hands. She had just been curious about the appearance of the mechanical maid, and now she was even more surprised that Owen still knew about this. She had seen similar things in the imperial capital, but they were all made by some alchemy masters. It seems that my master is really mysterious.

After eating and drinking, taking Maya to moisturize, and completely clearing out the inventory, Owen finally relaxed.

Unable to sleep for a while, Owen came to the study in his pajamas. When he saw the schedule he wrote on the table not long ago, he was stunned.

"Damn! Time flies so fast!?" Owen was dumbfounded when he realized that he had wasted an entire winter for a mechanical puppet maid.

A whole winter of time and accumulated progress points were exchanged for a mechanical puppet maid, which was obviously a big loss.

Owen rubbed his temples, knowing that he was back to his old habits.

I obviously gave myself a great sense of urgency and spent a lot of time rewriting a schedule. However, I always put my energy into unnecessary places and wasted a lot of time and energy.

Owen wanted to make up for it, just like the vacation was about to end, and he worked hard to catch up on homework. But he counted the days, spring plowing was about to begin, and there were a lot of things to do. There was no time to reset the plan. In desperation, I can only put it down for now and get busy with spring plowing first.

Soon the weather began to get warmer, and the serfs who had been sleeping there all winter crawled out of their thatched huts to move around. Then they took the person out of other thatched huts where no one came out, and buried him outside the village.

Because Owen prepared in advance, many serfs did not freeze to death this year, and those who survived were not so weak that they felt like dying after taking two steps. They could go to work after replenishing their strength, which saved a lot of worry, and there was no need to do so. Buy too many serfs.

He ordered two sheep to be killed and a barley soup made with mutton offal to give the serfs some strength. The remaining meat belonged to him and the soldiers.

After filling their stomachs, the serfs lined up to collect farm tools from the guard tower under the beating of the soldiers, and began to work in the fields. Owen also began to prepare to go out.

On the northern border, serfs were production tools and consumables, and most of them lived less than three years.

If it weren't for the difficult times within the empire, which would result in a large number of refugees every year, there wouldn't be so many cheap serfs available on the northern border.

For this trip, Irving prepared three carriages filled with cloth, porcelain, salt, and salted fish. These were hard currencies on the northern border and could be exchanged for many serfs.

On the contrary, these goods will also attract a lot of peeping eyes. If there is not enough strength, peeping will turn into snatching, so Owen not only brought ten cuirassiers, but also ten infantry archers and ten swordsmen. Soldiers, ten spearmen.

Forty professional soldiers, ten of whom are powerful cavalry, may not be a big deal within the empire, but in the bitter cold land on the border of the North, they are enough to make all the lords drool with envy. At the same time, they try to show off their own abilities. The kind side.

Sure enough, when you are strong enough, the world will always be kind to you.

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