Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 18 Change of job as puppet master

Among the four games, Super Farm has the simplest function, which is to grow vegetables. It is a very old but enduring classic game.

Needless to say, Plants vs. Zombies is a game that is a classic among classics. Irving was dazzled by the various magical plants and zombies. The only pity is that the usage restrictions are a bit large.

Rebuilding the Dungeon is an unknown low-pixel game. It feels like playing the Overlord Learning Machine in the 1980s, but the theme is good. You build a dungeon as the fallen demon king, summon various monsters to fight against the invading braves, and Obtain various materials.

As for Puppet Master, it is the kind of game that uses beautiful pages to lure players to click, and each picture can be used as a wallpaper. However, the gameplay is slightly interesting, and you can create various puppets by collecting materials.

After closing the system, Owen looked at the study. Although it was spacious and clean, it was not big enough for him to try. So he put on his cloak and walked out of the study, without anyone following him, and went to the cellar alone.

The cellar of the castle is not as small and cold as imagined. On the contrary, it is spacious and dry inside. Not only is it ventilated, but it also has a water source. It is obvious that a lot of thought was spent on its original construction.

This is because another purpose of the original construction was to serve as a last refuge, but now it is used by Owen to house those ninjas who like to be elusive.

He used an iron bar key to unlock the cellar door, and with great effort he pushed open the heavy copper-clad iron-clad wooden door. If the bearings hadn't been coated with a lot of grease, the sound would have spread throughout the castle.

After the door opened, a staircase leading to the underground was revealed. Owen picked up the lantern and walked in. Then he laboriously closed the door from the inside, and at the same time inserted the door bolt at the back. This way, even if he came with a battering ram, he wouldn't even think about it for a while. Break open.

The stairs spiraled downwards, and as you walked slowly down, there was another door at the end, but there was no keyhole on it, so it was obviously not opened from the outside.

I don’t know how the ninja inside confirmed his identity. When Owen approached, the door opened from the inside, and several ninjas who had not visited the castle knelt down waiting for his arrival.

The dust accumulated in the cellar has been cleaned up, but the weak light makes the place look too dim. If you are not careful, you may hit the wall, but this is the way of ninja training. Only one who is accustomed to the darkness can become a ninja. Qualified ninja.

The entire cellar is divided into dungeons, torture chambers and wine cellars. The dungeons and torture chambers are preserved and maintained. Owen can even see the oily shine on the torture instruments. Obviously those ninjas have maintained them well and are looking forward to the day they can be used.

The wine cellar was used as a resting place, and the wooden frame where the wine barrels were originally placed became a bed, but there were no beddings. It was obvious that the living standards of ninjas were really low.

Looking at the cellar as a whole, it is enough to accommodate dozens of people when necessary. It is not small, but it is not enough for Owen.

After accumulating a lot of progress points during this period, Owen selected a place, then opened the game of Rebuild Dungeon and chose to build a dungeon secret room.

In a blink of an eye, a secret door appeared in front of him. He opened the secret door, walked down the stairs, and came to the secret room of the dungeon.

A standard underground city secret room has an area of ​​100 square meters and a height of about three meters. It is all made of solid rock. Irving is very satisfied with this. After all, it is very time-consuming and laborious to build a basement of this size by manual labor alone. of.

Owen then exchanged a flowerpot from Plants vs. Zombies, which can grow plants.

A lantern appeared in the flowerpot, and the soft light immediately dispelled the darkness in the secret room of the underground city. What is incomprehensible is that the light of the lantern is like a shadowless lamp, which does not exist within the range of the light. Any shadow is very magical.

After researching it for a while, Owen felt that it was really stupid for him to study this thing. After all, there are plug-ins, and it is not scientific to study this thing.

Since his time travel, apart from eating, drinking, and drinking, there is nothing else that is scientific.

Because the secret room in the dungeon is relatively large, in order to fully illuminate it, at least four lanterns are needed, plus flower pots, which requires eight progress points, which is obviously beyond Owen's current reserves, so he plans to accumulate progress points for a while. Come back later.

Before leaving, Owen left behind some daily necessities and ninja tools. The most important thing was a sunflower, letting the sunshine shine in the cellar for the first time.

This is a reward for the ninja's daily efforts, and they are grateful to their master for the reward.

No one does not yearn for light, even ninjas are no exception, so although sunflowers can only illuminate a small area, they are very precious to them.

Owen was not in a hurry to continue to expand the underground space. A secret room in the underground city was enough for him for the time being.

After accumulating some progress points, Owen faced two choices, one was to redeem the Demon King's Monster Summoning Technique, and the other was to use the Puppet Master's Puppet Technique.

Since he could choose both, Owen didn't hesitate long and chose Puppet Master first, because puppetry requires time to learn and master, during which he could wait for the progress value to recover.

The Puppet Master is not an overly powerful extraordinary profession. After all, the upper limit of redemption is only twenty progress points, so he cannot roll fireballs with his hands, nor can he flash them at will. He is more like a craftsman who makes figures, but as long as the materials are followed can often create miracles.

However, if you want to become a puppet master, you first need to complete the spiritual enlightenment and awaken your spiritual power before you can proceed to the next step of learning. This is why Owen chose to change his job as a puppet master first, because no matter how you think about it, you know that summoning is definitely related to the spirit. association.

Without rushing to change jobs, Owen first exchanged his progress points for a spiritual power ring, which is a metal ring with exquisite patterns. Wearing it on the head can make it easier to concentrate. In this way, the success of Qiling The rate will also increase a lot.

As for why he redeemed the ring first, it was mainly because although the success rate of spiritual awakening in the game was 100%, this was reality. In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Owen was so careful to make more preparations.

After getting ready, Owen sat cross-legged alone in the middle of the secret room in the dungeon. For this purpose, he also specially exchanged a futon with a meditative effect from the martial arts game.

After his mood calmed down completely, Owen opened the system and chose Spirit Enlightenment.

The progress value needed to activate the spirit is not that much, only ten points, but it feels like opening the lid of the heavenly spirit, adding a few drops of wind oil essence into it, and then blowing the cool breeze. It's definitely an experience you'll never forget.

At this moment, Owen felt that he had never been so awake. He felt that his whole body was beginning to sublimate, as if he had gained another unique perspective to observe the world.

Affected by the mental power ring and meditation futon, Owen did not indulge in this feeling for long. He soon discovered that his mental state was a bit too excited, and it was like wearing glasses for the first time due to myopia. Although it was clear Extremely, but he felt top-heavy, which was obviously the reason why he couldn't freely control the surge of mental power.

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