The Bone-Eating Shark has a notorious reputation but can survive. Naturally, it is not easy to mess with. I was already very angry. Seeing that the other party dared to come over to pick up the ship, I immediately became energetic. Those with knives grabbed knives, and those with guns picked up guns and artillery. It's also loaded, and I'm just waiting to give the other party a good look.

From this point of view alone, the name of the bone-eating shark is not in vain.

However, Feiyuhao also did not lack courage. Even though the Bone-Eating Shark's ship was larger than Feiyu and packed with many types of artillery to ensure firepower, it still approached without hesitation.

"It seems we have been underestimated." The captain of the Bone-Eating Shark said with a sneer.

"Young men, aim your artillery at those cowards and let us destroy these cowards!"

Following the shout from the Bone-Eating Shark Captain, the Bone-Eating Shark Pirate screamed with excitement and without hesitation picked up the red-hot iron stick and thrust it into the cannon hole.

The gunpowder in the barrel was ignited, and the solid shells were pushed out by the expanding hot gas. They fell across the arc with huge kinetic energy, and the flying fish's side was shattered into pieces.

However, Owen had people pile up sandbags in front of the gun emplacement on the ship to block a lot of debris, and the ashigaru who was responsible for firing the gun was even more fearless. Even if his head was beaten to a bloody head, he still stayed on the spot and waited for the distance between the two sides. Pull closer before igniting the cannon.

In fact, the Bone-Eating Shark people are already a little panicked now, because artillery battles at sea are just like the musket tactics of lining up to kill. Whoever can't hold on to shooting first will suffer. The one who can endure the casualties steps up to the enemy and presses the nostrils. Those who pull the trigger are the real elite.

Their shelling just now was quite powerful, but half of the shells missed, half landed in insignificant places, and only two or three of them really caused damage.

If it were an ordinary opponent, they would have been panicked after a bombardment. They would have taken the opportunity to reload the shells, wait until the distance was close, and then bombard again, and they would have taken advantage.

The problem is that the opponent did not panic and resisted the urge to fire and closed the distance. Now it was their turn to panic.

"Fire the cannon!" Watanabe roared, and the ashigaru, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately lit the cannon. After the cannons were fired, they immediately took out the fired sub-guns and loaded new ones into them.

Owen looked down on the original artillery. It was not accurate, had a slow rate of fire, and was worthless, so he exchanged it for a batch of sub-cannons.

The sub-cannon is divided into a main cannon and a sub-gun. The sub-guns can be removed or loaded into the main cannon slot and replaced immediately after firing. Therefore, the rate of fire is much higher than that of ordinary artillery, but it requires more manpower to load. Zigun.

At the moment, it is almost like one party using a blunderbuss and the other party using a single weapon. Although they are both ancient weapons, the latter is more advanced and has a faster rate of fire.

Of course, the combined cannon also has flaws, that is, the range and power are not as good as ordinary artillery. The problem is that most of the current naval battles are fought with bayonets to decide the outcome. These shortcomings are not shortcomings at all. Who can launch more missiles in the shortest time? Whoever has more cannonballs will win.

Sure enough, a rapid bombardment, even if there were only five cannons on one side, stunned the opponent, and they didn't realize that the distance between the two sides was close enough.

The Iron Cannon Ashigaru stood upright on the side of the ship and fired lead bullets uniformly, hitting the Bone-Eating Shark pirates who were standing on the deck so hard that they could not raise their heads. However, the Bone-Eating Shark pirates did not live up to their vicious reputation, even so. Some people still stood up to fight back. Buck bullets came and went, making it almost impossible for those who were hit to continue fighting.

Ordinary people are not barbarians from the North. The more seriously injured they become, the more violent they become. In fact, the lead bullets fragmenting in the human body not only bring pain, but also continuous blood loss. As for the subsequent lead poisoning, that is to survive on the battlefield first. issues to consider.

"Use the flying hook and get close immediately!" The bone-eating shark captain yelled crazily. If they continued fighting like this, they would definitely lose, so they must give full play to their advantages.

Some skilled pirates risked being hit by lead bullets, stood up and swung the takeoff hook, and when the speed increased, they immediately threw it out and hooked it to the opposite ship. Then groups of bone-eating shark pirates jumped over eagerly. , trying to win the victory through boarding battle, they are still very confident about this. After all, they can see that the opponents are cannon fodder trained by the descendants of the savages. The muskets are useless, and they can kill three of them in hand-to-hand combat.

"The time has come to serve my lord. Come with me and fight to the death!" Watanabe, who had been injured at some point in his forehead, did not care about the injury. He pulled out his katana and without hesitation rushed forward with his sword-fighting ashigaru for a brutal hand-to-hand fight. .

The people of the Bone-Eating Shark are indeed a group of lunatics. Even if they are hit one after another, they are still bloodthirsty. They wildly wave the scimitars used by pirates to cause bloody killings.

If it were an ordinary opponent, I am afraid that his mind would have been taken away and his morale would have collapsed. However, system soldiers can be killed and bewitched by magic, but they will not collapse. As long as the order is given, they will be executed until death.

Therefore, even the Tiepao Ashigaru did not take a step back when faced with the pirate scimitar. After being mounted on Watanabe's belt, he loaded the ammunition meticulously and shot the opponent's head close to the face.

Even if the barbarians from the Northland caught a lead bullet with their heads at close range, they would not be able to get up and fight again, not to mention the pirates of the Bone-Eating Shark, whose Tianling Caps flew away, and the brain matter sprayed out smelled like gunpowder smoke.

Such a fierce battle made Abigail, who was watching the battle from a distance, look very solemn, and even the originally arrogant soldiers behind her also put away their arrogant expressions.

The soldiers of Queen's Island are proud to die in battle, but their enthusiasm for fighting is still not as good as the bone-eating sharks and the descendants of the savages whom they regard as cannon fodder.

Although the soldiers of Queen's Island have an advantage in terms of combat skills, on a chaotic and narrow ship, fighting hard is the main reason for victory. Once morale is taken away, defeat is only a matter of time, so even if they are unwilling, they have to recognize the opponent's combat effectiveness. Not to be underestimated.

"Fortunately, we hired them, and fortunately they are elite enough." Abigail used two lucky words in succession, showing her inner shock.

But the time has come, and another Bone-Eating Shark ship is preparing to return to the rescue. They must seize the opportunity to board the ship and rescue the hostages in the chaos, and they must do it quickly. Once the situation is unfavorable, it is inevitable for the Bone-Eating Shark to use the hostages to make a fuss. So he immediately took people on board the boat and started rowing with all his strength.

At this time, Owen, who was standing by the helm of the ship, was watching the naval battle in front of him with great interest. At the same time, he had the idea of ​​forming a navy army in the two rivers after returning.

Moreover, muskets and artillery were not as useless as he thought. At least they were quite useful in naval battles, more useful than bows and arrows.

Unfortunately, there are too many powerful people in the main world, and there are also great restrictions on technology. Even if he concentrates on climbing the technology tree, steam and electricity will come to an end, and it is basically difficult to break through to the level of World War II.

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