In Owen's plan, a strong wooden stronghold will be built here, which is expected to accommodate hundreds of people and dozens of horses, most of which are soldiers. The farmers will only serve as builders and lumberjacks, so that once the castle needs support, this force will Rushing to the battlefield quickly can change the situation of the battle, so this is no small project and all aspects need to be considered.

Each farmer's progress was worth two, and Owen exchanged ten of them for them to cut down trees and build long wooden houses, which would also be the basis of the future wooden village. After all, in his plan, this place would exist for a long time. A wooden wall and a tent could be No, even if these soldiers never complain to him, after redeeming them, these soldiers are no longer insignificant data in the game, but flesh and blood.

Although Owen would not give up the idea of ​​letting them fight or even die because of this, he would at least ensure that their living standards were not too low, so that his conscience might feel better.

Apart from farmers, soldiers are the focus. Owen chose long swordsmen and crossbowmen. Three progresses are worth one, so they can only be exchanged for one each, but it should be enough in the early stage.

The long swordsman is an advancement of the swordsman, using an extended one-handed sword as a weapon. Because the sword is longer and more powerful to swing, the moves are also more complex, unlike the swordsman who can only make up for it by stabbing the sword in his hand. The problem of insufficient lethality.

While the attack power increases, the long swordsman can also skillfully use the shield in his hand, combined with the more sophisticated armor on his body. In addition to being slower, he is more suitable for battlefield survival than the swordsman.

The crossbowman's shooting speed is not as good as that of the infantry archer, but the arrow path of the crossbow is straighter in a short distance, the armor breaking ability is stronger, and the speed is faster. Even a strong brown bear will not feel uncomfortable if it is hit by an arrow from the crossbow.

The advantage of the crossbow over the bow is that it has a string hanging on it. When using it, you only need to pull the trigger. Compared with the bow, it saves the action of pulling the string. This is more suitable for playing a role in the forest where the environment is complex and you don't know when you will encounter the enemy. .

Although he didn't need too many soldiers in the early stage, he had to add at least about ten or twenty people, plus more valuable cuirassiers. Owen found that his whim once again destroyed his previous plan, but he was already used to it. Aren't plans just like novel settings meant to be changed? Anyway, he still had a whole winter.

After the construction of the wooden village is completed, the exchange of the cuirassier squad he wants is almost complete, and he can go directly to the castle by then.

Otherwise, popping up one by one will definitely arouse unnecessary suspicion.

A small group of cuirassiers wanted to determine where they came from on the vast and sparsely populated Northland border. Unless they were followed all the way, it would be impossible to know.

What's more, Owen also asked them to come with the carriage transporting supplies, so that the source of the soldiers and supplies would be suspect, which was better than appearing in the castle out of thin air.

After working for a long time and leaving plenty of supplies behind, Owen returned to the castle tiredly. He could smell the aroma of food before he even took off his armor.

"Welcome home, Master. Thank you for your hard work." Maya came over with the food that had been kept by the stove to keep warm. The maid's skirt, which was held up by her plump buttocks, swayed left and right with her footsteps, as if she was trying to lift the curtain and wave to him. , combined with the aroma of food, made Owen feel warm and relaxed at the same time.

The relaxed muscles awakened the tiredness. Owen took off his heavy armor with the help of Ciel lazily and let them fall to the ground with a dull sound.

This set of chain armor mixed with large overlapping armor pieces is not plate armor, but a lighter and more flexible armor. It is a composite armor that combines the advantages of chain armor, plate armor and scale armor. The defensive power of key parts is not inferior to that of plate armor. How much, it is a very expensive high-quality product, which Irving redeemed from the game to save his life.

But no matter how beautiful it is, the weight of the metal is there. Owen's predecessor has not completed knight training. Although his body is stronger than his peers, he is still sore after wearing it for most of the day.

After helping Owen take off the armor, Ciel used special tools to maintain it, and then placed it on a shelf aside.

Whether it is leather armor, iron armor, chain armor, or plate armor, it all needs careful maintenance. If it is done carefully, it can be passed down to the family. If it is careless, it will rot in a few years.

Although the climate in the North is dry, the cold wind in winter still brings some moisture. It is necessary to wipe every corner of the armor clean and apply a thin film of oil.

Owen didn't care about this and didn't want to take the trouble to do it, so Ciel helped him maintain and organize his armor and weapons.

Owen, who changed into his regular clothes, breathed a sigh of relief and sat down at the dining table. He didn't have any aristocratic elegance, but he was too tired.

The dining table in front of us is almost twenty meters long and is specially equipped for banquets. It is covered with fine and expensive velvet. When the beeswax on the silver candlestick is lit, it emits a sweet smell like honey, which makes people feel happy.

The dishes placed in sets are all fine porcelain that is so exquisite that we can’t bear to let dust fall on them. The tableware on the side is not only made of gold and silver, but is also divided into many different uses. There are bowls of soup and watery dishes. A big spoon, a medium spoon for thick soup, and a small spoon for dry food. That’s a particular thing.

In fact, both Owen and Maya know very well that these things are meant to fool people, that is, they are put on display for people to see. Therefore, when Owen eats, he only has a pair of knives and forks and a spoon. As for chopsticks, he has to make up excuses. Plus attracting attention is useless.

Today's dinner for Irving is beef stew with tomatoes and potatoes, pan-fried fish belly, vegetable salad, and whole-wheat bread. It looks simple, but is actually not simple.

Cattle have always been the main force in farming. Even the lords are reluctant to kill and eat them. Unless they hunt bison, the meat is mainly pigs, sheep and poultry.

As for pan-fried fish belly, not only do you need spices to remove the fishy smell, but you also need a large enough fish, which is not easy either.

Vegetable salad looks simple, but in fact it is not a simple matter to assemble the vegetables used in the salad, let alone now that we have entered the winter.

Even the whole wheat bread is a high-end product mixed with eggs and milk. The sweet smell baked by the fire is simply intoxicating.

The price of Owen's meal was almost the same as a month's food expenses in a civilian home, but he didn't feel guilty about it.

The man did not come here to endure hardships, so forget it if he has no conditions. He has gnawed dough, slept on plank beds, squatted in pits, and seen all kinds of messy things. Now that he has the conditions, he must not rush to improve. If the quality of life is to be improved, then what's the point of living for him? Is it just to share the joys and sorrows with the people of other worlds?

After eating and drinking, Owen took a shower first, cleaned his teeth, and then took out half a bottle of olive oil. He took Maya back to the room to continue discussing the 13 uses of olive oil, leaving only Charles to pick up the weapon and go outside to make arrangements. Night patrol.

Owen's distrust of Maya does not mean that he will take all precautions. In fact, no matter how Maya is, she is just a maid, and all rights come from the master. Therefore, when the Countess was still alive, she was The imperial capital was so popular that even ordinary little nobles had to greet her first when they saw her.

However, as soon as the countess died, she was sent to the northern border. If the son of the countess who inherited the title had not been a little scrupulous, she would probably be gone.

The problem is, knowing it, Irving can never let go of his guard.

The people here are strange to Owen, who came from time-travel, the place is strange, the environment is strange, the world is strange, everything is strange to him. In this case, his heart is Alone and vulnerable, he is wary of everything around him until he thinks he has it all under control, and perhaps then he will truly relax.

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