Irving, who was diving, was almost knocked to his waist by the system's breakthrough. He could still hold on, but he kicked the accelerator too hard, and the pedal lubricant spurted out, and he skidded directly into the drainage ditch, ending the race.

Owen, who had a strange expression on his face, put on his nightgown and hurried to the secret room of the dungeon with the wolfberry water in his arms. He planned to sleep alone tonight, but before that, he had to study the system that he had broken through inexplicably.

What happened in the middle of the night to cause the system to suddenly upgrade?

Owen was confused and couldn't figure it out at all. He even called the ninja to ask, but the result was that the territory was safe and there was no movement.

After asking around, no clues were found, which made Owen very helpless, because he could not figure out the reason for the system upgrade. This was also the reason why he did not abandon the territory and live in seclusion, because Owen always felt that the system upgrade was related to the development of the territory. Regarding the problem, he still couldn't figure out which aspect caused the system breakthrough, but this did not delay him to take a look at the rewards given by this system upgrade, as well as the changes in the system.

Starting from ten progress points, the system will give a reward for each breakthrough.

When you break through to 20 points, you will be rewarded with Ninja 10, Templar profession, Iron Shirt skill, and Blacksmith shop building.

When you break through to thirty points, you will be rewarded with Teutonic Warrior 10, Lord Template, Mystery, and Town Center.

And this time, for breaking through to 40 points, the reward is Priest 10, Alchemist profession, Air Magic, and Spirit Workshop.

"Pastor?!" After seeing the first reward, Owen was stunned for a moment, then became more energetic.

Although monks in the Age of Empires have some mysterious powers, can brainwash people into surrendering, and can treat injuries and illnesses, these abilities are limited. Most of the time, monks are more like scholars.

In the past, because the territory was not large, scholars were of little use, so Owen never exchanged them for monks, but the priests rewarded by the system were different.

Priests from Invincible Heroes have firm beliefs and strong bodies. They have a Bible in one hand and a war hammer in the other. They are true ascetics. Even in the Invincible Heroes world where legends are not as good as dogs and demigods, they are still fifth-level soldiers that can serve as the backbone.

Priests can attack from a distance, can fight at close range, can resist, and can heal. Except for their speed, they are simply the ideal hexagonal warrior. Therefore, Owen couldn't wait to summon ten priests, and he was not disappointed.

Each priest is a strong man with a height of two meters, a broad waist, a round waist and thick arms. In one hand he holds a Bible with copper and iron horns that can be used as a shield, and in the other hand he holds a war hammer as thick as a bowl.

With this attitude, when they calmly reason with you, it is estimated that few people would dare to be unreasonable. Otherwise, it is no joke that knowledge can change your destiny. Taking pictures of such a big Bible is purely a physical salvation, and you can directly enter the next reincarnation. .

In addition, what surprised Owen was that it was he who these pastors believed in? !

Owen could clearly feel the fanatical loyalty similar to that of Ciel from the ten priests. No, it should be said to be faith, extremely pure faith.

If it weren't for the lack of certain conditions, Irving even felt that he could have some influence or response to this.

What’s interesting is that although the object of their faith is him, these priests have strange control over the power of the Holy Light. This makes Owen puzzled. After all, he doesn’t feel that he has anything to do with the Holy Light. Even if he releases his yellow laziness He could understand light waves, but what about such pure holy light?

However, this does not prevent the priest from becoming the strongest unit in Owen's hands. The overall value is still higher than that of the Teutonic warriors. After all, the priest can not only fight and resist, but also heal and spread faith. The latter two points alone are enough to attract Owen's attention. .

As the territory develops, in addition to some random things coming in, faith is also an issue that needs to be considered.

The empire does not have a state religion. This is a lesson learned after paying a painful price. Therefore, it is very liberal about beliefs. As long as it is not evil, or even as long as the local lord does not explicitly prohibit it, preaching is very free.

This is very clever. After all, if the number of sects increases, they will have to fight among themselves, but they still have to worry about affecting the rule of those in power.

If Owen did not want to introduce foreign religions, he would have to have his own.

Owen learned something about this situation from Maya, because this is also necessary knowledge for a lord.

Religions in this world are divided into three categories, namely the ideal sect, the sacred object sect and the spiritual sect.

The idealists are the simplest. If they believe in a certain idea, such as serving the church, they believe in the way of service. There is no specific god. After all, it is impossible for a god to be dedicated wholeheartedly.

The Religious Object Sect is also very simple, believing in a certain object.

It doesn’t matter what the item is. It can be an artifact, an ancient relic, or even a drunkard tripped over a horseshoe, then carried the horseshoe to the tavern, drank a few glasses of wine, and won a few cards. A bunch of drunkards The Lucky Horseshoe Church was established.

In fact, the true church needs to receive response and protection from the gods. Only in this way can it be called the true church, such as the noble goddess of aristocratic belief.

Owen had no intention of attracting the gods' attention to his territory, so he had to fill this gap with a new religion, leaving the other party with no way to go.

Because of the system, Owen is not worried about the faith of the territorial residents. The key is that it is not enough to have a mass base. Without a backbone, no matter how many people there are, it is just a mess, and it is easy for outside missionaries to notice something is wrong.

Now that we have a pastor, we have the necessary backbone.

Owen was no longer sleepy at this time. He told these priests about the situation in the territory and his purpose.

As expected, they are professionals. From preaching at the grassroots level to organizing at the middle level, these pastors are all very familiar with it. They even plan to write a new Bible with Owen as the theme.

Even though Owen's face had grown a lot thicker, he still blushed a little when he heard these words. He quickly said a few words of humility, and then stated a few of his requests.

Despite suppressing the idea of ​​writing a dark Bible, Owen's three views were still very positive and received a burst of pious praise from the pastor.

Well, he is just so upright, it doesn't matter whether others believe it or not, Owen himself believes it anyway.

Although religion lacks the high-level part, it is enough for the current situation, and the grass-roots part can be made up for by monks.

Monks are a special class of soldiers, each worth fifteen progress points, the same as the Teutonic warriors.

But compared to the Teutonic warriors who can fight and resist, monks who possess a small amount of mysterious power and are more like scholars do not meet Owen's needs. Simply put, they are not cost-effective.

However, now that the upper limit of progress points has reached forty points, the speed of recovery of progress points has increased again. Monks worth fifteen points of progress points are no longer out of reach. Irving does not mind redeeming some if necessary.

After all, compared to priests who cannot be redeemed at all now, monks who can be redeemed are undoubtedly a good choice.

After having a mass base and grassroots backbone, it still lacks a majestic church and religious weapons with big enough fists.

The former is the center that gathers faith, and the latter is the fist that keeps peers calm.

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