Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 136 Emile falling from the sky

As the anger increased, the Minotaur's muscles became more and more ferocious. The spear inserted into the muscle was squeezed out and scattered on the ground like straw. However, this rough method did not cause the blood to spurt out. In fact, the blood flowed out. There wasn't much blood, or even very little.

This is normal. Demons are known for their powerful physical bodies. It is difficult for them to die from excessive blood loss. After all, not to mention the demon’s powerful hematopoietic function, the core demon blood alone is not so easy to lose. This makes the demon Able to continue fighting despite most injuries, becoming a nightmare for any enemy.

Seeing how fierce the Minotaur was, Hogg, who wanted to rush up, turned green. He was not afraid of death, but knew that it was useless to go up. Even if the Minotaur lowered his head and let him beat him, he would kill him even if he broke the flail hammer. If you can't match each other, the difference in strength is too big.

Fortunately, Maya brought four Teutonic warriors out of caution. At this time, four steel cans rushed forward with heavy swords like door panels.

Each Teutonic warrior is a super strong man or muscle monster with a height of 2.23 meters and a huge back. He can stand a person on his fists and run a horse on his arms. His strength is measured in tons. But when he faces the Minotaur, he looks like a primary school student. Like high school students, they are in a weak position. After all, one is at the limit of human beings and the other is not a human at all. You can tell who is stronger at a glance.

Fortunately, the Teutonic warriors did not rely solely on their physiques to earn a living. In addition to their strong bodies, each of them also possessed well-honed combat skills. Therefore, they immediately realized that the Minotaur was not something that any of them could fight alone, so the two of them A group cooperates to attack from both sides.

Seeing the Teutonic warriors rushing over, the Minotaur didn't care. They were just stronger little bugs. He could smash them all with just a swing of his giant axe.

Facing the giant ax that could split the city gate open, the Teutonic warriors acted very calmly, and their tacit cooperation allowed them to attack at the same time. Before the giant ax fell and its strength was not used up, the two heavy swords crossed to stop the falling giant axe. .

The power of the Minotaur is still too terrifying. Even if the Teutonic warriors try their best, their bulging muscles can even hold up the plate armor on their bodies, and the giant axes that are crossed are still falling slowly, like a press, slowly. But unstoppable.

The powerful forces of both sides gathered on the sword and axe blades, making harsh friction sounds, and even iron filings as thin as cicada wings were scratched out, which shows how powerful both sides are.

However, the goal of the Teutonic warriors was achieved. The other two Teutonic warriors did not miss the opportunity created by their comrades. Two heavy swords slashed heavily under the Minotaur's ribs.

There is no bone protection here, and the vital organs are located here. A knife can directly stage the drama of disembowelment.

The problem is that the Teutonic warriors underestimated the strength and thickness of the Minotaur's muscles. The two swords penetrated three to five inches into the flesh, but they did not cut through the muscle layer. Instead, the sword was clamped by the tight muscles, causing the movement to be half slow. Shoot, and was hit by the fist swung by the Minotaur.

The three-meter-tall Minotaur had arms nearly two meters long, thick bones, bulging muscles, and a fist three times thicker than a siege ram. The heavy plate armor of the Teutonic warrior standing in front deformed almost instantly, and in the terrifying Amidst the sound of metal twisting and colliding, the Teutonic warrior behind him rolled to the ground more than ten meters away, leaving deep marks along the way, showing the Minotaur's inhuman power.

If the Teutonic warriors were not strong enough and replaced by ordinary knights, the man would be almost broken, and the breastplate and back armor would touch each other.

Even so, the Teutonic warrior was badly injured, with at least three broken ribs.

But in addition to their strong physical fitness and superb martial arts skills, the Teutonic warriors also had a strong will.

After swallowing a mouthful of blood, with the help of the less injured Teutonic warrior behind him, the Teutonic warrior who had been punched by the Minotaur stood up without any hesitation, clenched his weapon and joined the battle group again to create opportunities for his comrades, even for this Give your life.

The Minotaur fights openly and without any defense, but don't underestimate the opponent, or don't underestimate any demon.

In the abyss, every demon blows the battle horn from the day he is born. Experienced in hundreds of battles is completely inadequate to describe a demon, because demons that do not age are always at their peak, and their desire for power and killing makes them Every demon is constantly fighting. It can be said that fighting has become the daily routine and instinct of demons.

So what if you have never practiced martial arts? Rich practical experience makes every demon a fighting master. The seemingly rough fighting method is actually the most suitable for demons. Therefore, although the Minotaur is constantly injured, it is actually suppressed. Fighting against four Teutonic warriors, even if there were long swordsmen and spear throwers assisting them, they could only maintain the status quo.

The problem is that with the demon's physical strength, it might even wear them out to death.

Maya's face was not very pretty. The Minotaur had thick skin and high resistance. Ordinary magic and potions had little effect. Even if incendiary bombs were dropped regardless of the cost, the demon's resistance to flames would probably have no effect.

In desperation, Maya, who has never liked taking action, decided to take action personally this time.

Before Maya could take action, a huge figure descended from the sky. With a flying kick, it kicked the Minotaur that was killing everyone thirty to fifty meters away. He couldn't get up for a while.

"Emile?!" Such an obvious figure made Maya recognize the other person at a glance, so she felt strange. She didn't know why she appeared here after staying in Green Shade Town.

"Recently, I've become obsessed with admiring the moon in the sky." Emile, whose face was flushed, was a little unsteady because of the action just now, and the hand holding the super broomstick was also a little slippery. After all, the big split in the air was a bit too much for her age. Exciting.

Watching the moon? They are all foxes of thousands of years, what are you talking about with me? Maya rolled her eyes at her.

Maya knew quite a bit about Emile, the owner's nominal mother-in-law.

He has no ambitions, just a little hobby, but it's understandable. They are about the same age and know what it's like to be a vegetarian for twenty years. What's more, with the other's size, even if he wants to steal food, there is no way, so he rides a broomstick on Tian Shanglang's behavior is understandable.

"Are you sure?" Maya said to Emile when she saw the Minotaur shook his head and stood up.

"There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself." Emile put his beloved super broomstick aside, took out his unique big magic wand and began to cast spells.

"Armor for protection." Pointing at himself with the big magic wand, the transparent armor appeared for a while and then disappeared, but Emile knew that this invisible layer of armor would remain until it was broken.

"Grow bigger quickly." This time, he cast a spell on the big magic wand. The originally big magic wand, which was as big as a mallet, turned into a two-meter-long ghost gold stick. Emile weighed it and nodded with satisfaction.

"Strength release, disarming spell, weapon flying, shrinking spell." Although the big magic wand became larger, the effect of the spell did not increase much. The minotaur that received the force release spell only shook for a moment. , and then roared angrily, because as soon as it was released, its weapon was knocked away by the disarming spell, and then it was obtained by Emile. After shrinking, it was similar to the double battle ax used by ordinary people. In Emile's hand It's like a one-handed axe.

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