The town is very quiet at night, because most residents maintain the habit of working at sunrise and sleeping at sundown. At this time, only the patrol team is still patrolling the streets at an orderly pace, giving people a full sense of security. .

Because there is a sense between transformers, outsiders don't care how to disguise themselves. The patrol can see the problem at a glance and has arrested several people. Because the territory has a curfew, no one is allowed to go on the streets after dark.

Moreover, there is only one hotel in the entire town, so outsiders have no choice but to live here, which further strengthens management.

Of course, there are also people who try to rent private houses. Unfortunately, even if they offer gold coins, the transformed residents are unlikely to agree, so some people plan to use force, but the soldiers' crossbows and hard bows and Hogg's sledge hammer quickly teach them how to behave. .

Those who dared to resist were beaten to death on the spot, those who surrendered were locked up, and those who committed serious crimes were hanged.

Under the thunderous method, the remaining people learned to behave. In order to avoid being put in a cage or directly hanged, they could only act in accordance with the laws of the town, including the adventurers, because there were too many soldiers in the territory. The patrol routes were crisscrossed, and there were no blind spots for them to avoid for a long time. They could only go out for a stroll during the day, and hurry back as soon as it got dark, for fear of being caught.

"I visited the town during the day. The people here are very wealthy. Every farmer has his own house and land, and can eat fresh bread and vegetables. This is rare in the empire." The speaker was a The sturdy middle-aged man, named Roger, is the captain of the White Fang adventurer team. He wears a suit of iron-inlaid leather armor that is full of scratches. He has a mace and buckler at his feet. He can tell at a glance that he is experienced. The old soldier said with a somewhat sighing tone at this time.

Roger came from a poor family. Because he had grown strong since he was a child, he was spotted by the knights in the village and worked as a knight's squire for several years. Later, the knight died in battle. As a knight's squire, he ended up with a dishonorable reputation. In desperation, he only Being able to stay away from home and become an adventurer, he worked hard for more than ten years and formed a stable team. Now he came to the Northland for the future of the team, but he did not expect that there would be such a wealthy town in the remote and poor Northland. .

"I went to the blacksmith shop. The blacksmith's craftsmanship is pretty good for humans. They use fine iron. And they actually use such good iron to make farm tools. There must be a high-quality iron mine here. In addition, the tavern The wine is very good. It is brewed from the finest wheat and is not adulterated." The dwarf's voice under the bronze helmet sounded deep and powerful. He stroked his lush beard with one hand and held the ale in the other. He took a big gulp of the ale with a very expression on his face. It's enjoyment.

His name is Bronze Helm, and he is a hundred-year-old dwarf. For some reason, he became an adventurer. He likes casting bronze tools and drinking. He only cares about these two things, so he went out for a walk and then came back to drink, and he has not stopped until now. , but several teammates have long been accustomed to his personality.

"Oak Mu and I went out of the city to the forest, where we found a strong wooden village with many lumberjacks and elite soldiers patrolling. If you want to enter the forest quietly, you can only choose to take a detour or sneak at night. "The person who spoke was a petite assassin girl. She wore a standard black scarf covering her face and a short brown-gray cloak. Only her slender but powerful calves were exposed.

The girl's name is Gray Cat. She has joined Roger's adventure team for the shortest time, but she is surprisingly reliable. The several times Roger's team encountered danger, they always found a chance to turn defeat into victory with her help.

"I found a stone road in the forest. I don't know where it leads." The last person to speak was a tall, angular half-elf. He was oak. If his ears weren't for a piece, they would have been a little sharp. He said he had an elf. No one would believe in his bloodline. He is the kind of man who can stand on people with his fists and run horses with his arms.

Human warriors, dwarfs with heavy armor, petite assassins, and strong shooters, this is Roger's adventurer team. There are no priests, no mages, not even wizards, and this is the norm for adventurers.

Healers are precious no matter where they are, and their status is quite high, so they will not go out to take risks at all, unless someone hires them at a high price, so they have to be protected, for fear of hurting the other party in the slightest, and being blacklisted by all healers. , once injured, you really have to rely on yourself to resist.

As for the mage, he is an otaku obsessed with research. Even when he goes out on adventures, he has his own team of followers. He does not ask for help at all, but is a high-quality customer of many adventurers.

As for wizards, their status is not as high as the first two, but unless they are good at close combat, it is not a good idea to venture out because the mortality rate is too high.

Therefore, the vast majority of adventurers are either warriors or archers. Because they are cheap and plentiful, as long as they have a good physique and can carry a few kilograms of meat and practice with the village veterans for a few months, that's pretty much it.

Next are thieves and assassins. Despite their bad reputations, their numbers are not as large as expected. They are still elites because both require rigorous training for several years. After all, whether it is unlocking or sneaking, it is not just a matter of talent. transformed into strength.

Therefore, the so-called iron triangle of war animal husbandry mostly only exists in the stories of bards. Although it exists in reality, it is rare.

"There are stone roads in the forest?" Roger suspected that he had heard wrong. After all, except for cities, most towns did not have a few stone roads.

Oak did not open his mouth to explain, but pointed to his eyes.

Although he doesn't look like an elf, you can't doubt his eyes. After all, he is a man who once shot an eagle.

"Okay, I believe you read it right. The question is who would spend a huge amount of money to build a stone road in the forest? There must be a reason, right?" Roger spread his hands and said helplessly, but his eyes lit up. stand up.

Even building a stone road in a city costs a lot of money, let alone in a forest. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb, but the more it goes like this, the more it proves that there are huge secrets hidden inside.

As it happens, adventurers are interested in secrets.

"No matter what the reason is, we will always know." Bronze Helmet, who had drunk all his ale, said with a hint of drunkenness, blinking his eyes.

"Yes, we will always know." Roger said with a smile.

Secrets are often equated with wealth and power, and this is what adventurers seek.

"I will go to the blacksmith shop to see if it is because the high-quality iron ore is located in the forest." Bronze Helmet said first, because this will not waste too much time on him, and he can come back to enjoy the high-quality iron here. Ale.

"Oak and I will go explore the outskirts of the forest to see if there is a path leading to the interior of the forest." The gray cat said in a calm tone, but Oak on the side did not object.

"Then I'll walk around the town." Roger touched his chin and said. At the same time, he was a little regretful that there was no Adventurer's Guild here, and there was no familiar way to buy information, because it was completely isolated from the outside world and it was difficult to play his role. The adventurer's advantage.

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