There are few large-scale forests on the border of the North, and the Devil's Horn Forest is an exception, because there is a kind of Devil's Horn tree growing here. This tree has no flowers, no leaves, and no fruit. It looks like a hardened thorn, and it also has Toxic, once stabbed by the magic horn tree, the wound will be burning with unbearable pain, and the bleeding will not stop. No one is willing to try this feeling.

In addition, there is also a kind of devil horned goblin living here. Compared with ordinary goblins, the devil horned goblin has red eyes, black skin, a mouth full of fangs, and a small horn on its head. It is bloodthirsty and carnivorous, and uses the devil horn tree. The polished weapons do not dare to be careless even when confronted by soldiers. Therefore, few people dare to go to the Devil's Horn Forest to cut down and hunt. Therefore, the surrounding environment is getting better and better. The ordinary forests on the periphery have formed a considerable scale. As long as they do not go deep into , the risk is not that great.

But if we enter the Devil's Horn Forest in groups, aren't we afraid of attracting the Devil's Horned Goblins?

These little monsters love people the most. After all, people don’t have thick fur or tough and tough bones. They are really a rare delicacy.

Maybe these robbers thought they would be fine if they only stayed for one night, but the problem was that they would have been discovered long ago.

Ten miles is not far, and Owen slowed down. When they arrived outside the forest, the soldiers had just finished warming up, so they went straight into the forest after a short rest.

The scout cavalry could not only ride on horses. They had already secretly entered the forest to determine where the bandits were gathering. So Owen, led by the scouts, went straight to the destination and quickly blocked the bandits.

Twenty or thirty lazy and dirty robbers were lying or sitting together. In order to prevent being discovered, they didn't even light a fire. They were now struggling to chew black bread or something unknown with their big yellow teeth, preparing to replenish it. After gaining strength, I moved at night, but when I looked up, good guys, no need to wait, the other party is here.

In the forest, all the infantry archers could not gather together. Owen arranged for two infantry archers and two swordsmen to form a team to focus on long-range attacks.

The wooden bow of an infantry archer is not a very good bow and arrow, but it can still hit a person within thirty to fifty meters.

With the sound of bow strings, each feathered arrow twisted its body like a snake, but miraculously hit the enemy along the silky arc, not many of them missed.

Although the enemy is hit, don't expect to kill a robber with one arrow. Feathered arrows are not bullets, and hitting the enemy will not cause cavity damage, so as long as it does not hit the vital point on the spot, it will not die.

In fact, the biggest effect of feather arrows is to reduce the number of people, because there are only a few warriors who can still fight bravely after being shot by arrows. The vast majority of people can only lie on the ground and groan after being shot by arrows, and then wait for the judgment of fate, because The level of medical treatment in this damn place can kill even good people, not to mention injuries, bleeding, infection and other problems. This is the biggest role of Feather Arrow.

After two rounds of arrows fell, the bandits, who outnumbered the soldiers, all collapsed. They were not regular soldiers at all, they were just trying to make ends meet. They had no sense of resistance. So when faced with the attack, let alone resist, they didn't even know where to run. Where to run, except for a few who were carried away and ran deep into the Devil's Horn Forest, the rest were either lying on the ground and groaning, or kneeling there to surrender, with their buttocks raised and their heads trembling.

At this time, the swordsman who had been motionless came forward to clean up the battlefield. All the injured people were given a beating and their heads were chopped off with a short axe. Those who surrendered were given a rope and asked to tie themselves up. Those who could not be tied up were chopped off directly. , the whole process is simple and crude.

The battle was over in less than ten minutes. Owen, who was so nervous that he didn't even have time to change positions, was a little dazed smelling the pungent smell of blood. His first time was just like this?

In any case, this battle allowed him to accept a baptism, the baptism of battle and death, which would be the spice of life that he would never be able to get rid of in the future.

Many people died in front of Owen, and many lost resistance and were killed, but he didn't feel much, and there was no such thing as vomiting. Apart from being a little hard to accept, everything else was fine.

Owen is not cold-blooded, but he knows that this is inevitable.

He really wanted to close the door and concentrate on farming, but there was no other end than waiting for him to be fat and being slaughtered as a pig.

After coming to this world, Owen has already realized that it is impossible not to kill, and it is impossible to kill less. Many times, if you don't kill them hard, they will not stop if you are afraid of killing them, so All Owen has to do is get used to all this as soon as possible and become the one holding the butcher's knife, rather than the unlucky guy begging for mercy from the enemy under the butcher's knife.

And as a time traveler, Owen really has no sense of belonging to this world. Killing these aliens will hardly bring any psychological pressure to him.

What's more, these robbers' beards and hair have never been taken care of. They are all tangled together and lumped together, just like felt blankets. They are wearing pieces of cloth and scraps of skin haphazardly sewn together. You can't even tell what they are. How is it worn on the body? The exposed skin is covered with thick dirt, the nails on the hands and feet are as long and black as wild beasts, and the stench all over the body makes people shy away.

With such good looks, it's hard to make people sympathize, so Irving is still in the mood to plan the next thing.

There is a wooden frame used to hang bandits in the territory. Now there are more than a dozen heads on it, just like a bunch of grapes. When the wind blows, it can stir up a large number of flies. I think the bandit will make a conscious choice after seeing it. Turn around and leave.

The living robbers were put in wooden cages for public display, and the victorious soldiers were celebrating.

In the Age of Empire, one progress value can be exchanged for ten sheep and I killed three of them. They were boiled and grilled, and paired with the beer from the horse riding and slashing game. The soldiers were very happy to eat.

But as a lord and a noble, Owen would certainly not eat the same thing as the soldiers.

The fattest parts of the three sheep were cut off in advance, carefully cooked with spices and olive oil, sprinkled with a little salt, paired with good wine, and served by two maids. Owen finally enjoyed the aristocratic style. Son.

There was a lot of eating and drinking, the soldiers rested and patrolled, but the celebration was not over yet.

The gnawed lamb bones and offal water will not be wasted. Throw them all back into the pot, then pour some grains in, sprinkle some salt, and start cooking.

It's just that the smell of simply cleaned sheep semen is not really good. Once it is boiled over a high fire, the smell makes it unbearable for anyone to stand within ten steps, but it is meaty. The eyes of the serfs waiting around the cauldron are getting brighter and brighter. They were originally numb. His expression also began to change.

In Owen's eyes, these serfs were simply human puppets, with almost no other reaction, as if they had nothing else in their lives except working, eating, sleeping, and then facing death.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that he worked, ate, and waited to die like this in his previous life.

After becoming a lord, Owen does not need such unresponsive serfs. He wants these serfs to come alive, be more proactive, and work more actively. After all, being powerless and forced to work is different from being proactive, so he needs Giving these serfs more energy, that is, giving them a little hope, is like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey's eyes, and food is the first switch.

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