Owen's mouth opened a little wide, and the cold wind didn't wake him up because it was so shocking that he couldn't recover for a while, and all he could think about was his five legs dangling.

"It's really a great experience." Holding the double-sided mirror in both hands and constantly zooming in and playing back, Owen was amazed. It felt like reading a My Little Pony book, but I have to say it was quite exciting. This is a five-legged centaur, and the upper body is still female. , must be recorded.

However, Emile created such a monster with a devil's egg. It seems that he needs to re-evaluate the extraordinary power of this world.

In fact, Owen is overthinking. Although devil eggs are not a popular product, not everyone can have them. Even if they are, not everyone can gain this level of power after eating them. Most people will become the only ones on the spot. An instinctive monster, and not strong enough, at most a knight level, unable to chase three hundred people.

So Bella is just a special case, because her beloved thing is a rare horse, and this horse can restrain the instinct of fear and is willing to fuse with her. This creates a monster, which ordinary people do not have.

Then Owen turned his attention to Howard. He was directing the cavalry to form a formation and had to study hard.

Many people think that the cavalry is just a flat push, which is actually not true.

The cavalry is the branch that takes the longest to train, not even the archers, because in addition to combat skills, they also have to learn cooperation.

When the cavalry starts to charge, it is not just a matter of stopping. If one person falls off the horse, there will be many casualties behind. Therefore, the cavalry formation is very particular. It must be loose but not scattered, and a certain distance must be maintained between each other. We have to keep the formation in order.

The most common one is the wave formation, where the cavalry charge one row after another, keeping a distance from the front and back. This way, even if the cavalry in front falls, there is still time to react and dodge.

However, the formation cannot be too loose. If the cavalry does not have enough density, the impact force cannot be concentrated, and it is easy to fall into the enemy's formation and be unable to get out. Therefore, the cavalry pays great attention to formation and coordination.

The cavalry in the territory is more complicated because there are many types, but Howard seems to be able to command it with ease.

He placed the Cuirass at the forefront, with two knights as arrows. Their only purpose was to charge and disrupt the enemy's formation.

Next are the two wings composed of horse archers and lancers. They are responsible for roaming on both sides. The cavalry is responsible for killing and killing, and the lancers intercept the enemy.

What's interesting is that Howard did not take the lead in the charge, but chose to sit in the rear with ten lancers, so that if anything happened, he could make up for it in time, which shows his sophistication.

More than a hundred cavalry were clearly arranged by Howard, and Owen was amazed to see them.

You ask him to say it, and he can tell it, but when the cuirassiers will charge, where they will charge, what to do next, when the two wings will encircle each other, and how far to keep the distance, he has no idea. And this is war. The key.

The cuirassiers have strong charging capabilities, but they must maintain a straight line and consume a lot of physical energy. They cannot charge repeatedly. Even if they charge repeatedly, it will take time to turn around and accelerate. How much time is needed and how to make up for this gap all need to be grasped by the commander.

Not to mention that the light cavalry encircling the two wings is like closing a pile of sand with both hands. It requires more careful command to be effective. Moreover, if you are not careful, casualties will occur, or even flaws will be exposed, causing the encirclement to fail.

Howard has rich basic command experience. If he is given a large army, he may not be able to do it well and can only do it in a regular manner. However, fighting in a small team of three to five hundred people is his strength and he can do well.

Sure enough, Howard's timing was perfect. A group of horse thieves had just gathered and tried to counterattack the demon centaur, but they were killed by the breastplate warriors who rushed towards them diagonally.

This wasn't over yet. Before they could react, arrows rained down from both sides. A dozen horse thieves were hit by arrows and fell off their horses, causing chaos.

There was nowhere to run, so they could only gather into a group and fall into chaos. When the Cuirass changed direction and accelerated their charge again, the fate of this group of horse thieves was already doomed.

What's even more clever is that Howard did not target all the horse thieves, but only selected the largest group so that the remaining horse thieves could continue to entangle the demon centaur.

After eating this group of horse thieves, the rest could no longer hold on, so he took over to deal with the demon centaur. It can be said that Howard's ability to grasp the current battlefield is still better than Owen, who has a God's perspective.

An owl hovered over the battlefield, and a two-way mirror on his chest allowed Irving to control the situation like a God's perspective, but he still marveled at Howard's commanding ability. This is definitely a talent.

There is no way. Howard has been working at the grassroots level for so many years. It can be said that he is very familiar with every step and every link. In addition, with no backstage and no connections, the dirty work, the tiring work and the fatal work are all his. If he doesn't have some skills, I don’t know where he died a long time ago.

However, part of Owen's attention has always been on the demon centaur. After all, compared to a single talent, the five-legged demon centaur is a truly rare breed.

Soon the horse thieves were either killed or captured, leaving only Buddy, the Demon Centaur, and the Howard Cavalry.

Buddy groaned secretly. He never thought that he would end up in this situation by one step, so he didn't notice that something was wrong with Harvey's expression until his kidneys were penetrated.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to die with you." Harvey quickly pulled out the dagger that pierced the boss's waist, and immediately stepped back as soon as the blood spurted out, without getting a drop of blood, and at the same time, he avoided being taken away by the opponent's dying counterattack. .

Although the tone was apologetic, there was no sincerity at all, because when Harvey retreated to Scarface, he did not forget to throw out a dagger and kill Scarface who was about to struggle to get up.

During the whole process, there was no change in his expression and his hands did not move at all, perfectly demonstrating what it means to be ruthless and ruthless.

"You've hidden it deep enough. After all this time, I didn't even know you were still an assassin." Buddy endured the severe pain and said. At this moment, he knew that he had lost, but being lonely in an ugly and cowardly manner was not consistent. Because of his identity, he stood up straight and took the poison hidden close to his body. His whole body suddenly stiffened and became lifelike.

This poison can preserve the integrity of the corpse to the greatest extent and slow down the rate of decay. It is known as the last dignity of the nobles.

"I surrender!" Harvey dropped the dagger and walked towards Howard with his hands raised.

Howard, who had just witnessed a betrayal, didn't even notice it. He was tied up and escorted back to the territory.

A traitor has no value as a prisoner, but the lord would be interested in a traitor who could gather three hundred horse thieves. At worst, he could hang him personally afterwards.

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