The result was just as Owen had imagined. The first witch to choose a fighting profession successfully completed the Witcher Trial and became a Witch Hunter, or Witch Hunter for short.

Owen had high hopes for the witch hunts he had built himself, and personally prepared equipment for them.

The first is a tight-fitting black leather jacket that absorbs sweat, is breathable and does not bulge, showing off the witch's perfect figure after recasting.

Then there are the silver sword and the matching magic potion, as well as some odds and ends that can be used depending on the situation.

As for the high heels, after hesitating for a while, they were finally not listed as regular equipment, but as ceremonial clothing. After all, this was reality. He couldn't expect the witch hunter to wear high heels and a bikini and roll around and fight with the enemy.

Wearing a black corset and a tight-fitting leather jacket with no bulge, and carrying a pair of silver-steel swords, Witch Hunter began to show off her strength in front of Owen, and her opponent was Owen's top unit of Teutonic warriors.

The strength and physique of the witch hunters are not as good as the Teutonic warriors, but their agility and flexibility are far superior to them. After all, one is a macho man over two meters tall and wearing heavy armor, and the other is a fair-skinned and beautiful female witcher with long legs. , so the main focus is on wandering and fighting, mainly waiting for opportunities to attack its flaws.

But the Teutonic warrior is not that simple. With his extreme human physique, superb combat skills, and heavy armor, he does not need to defend at all. Even if the sword stabs at the gap in the armor, the Teutonic warrior only needs to twist his body. By wielding the long sword, the so-called gaps no longer exist.

What's more, even if they are stabbed, it doesn't matter. With the physique of the Teutonic warriors, even if the sword pierces the heart, there is enough time for them to twist off the enemy's head. Moreover, the strong bones of the Teutonic warriors are not inferior to armor, so facing A flexible witch hunter, the Teutonic warriors only need to swing their heavy swords to easily force their opponents to dodge, consuming a lot of physical energy.

However, as a mutant profession of witches, how could witch hunting only have this method? When he saw that the melee method was ineffective, he immediately retreated and took out the magic potion.

With the cooperation of Emile and Del, the potions in the territory developed rapidly. In addition to various unscientific healing potions at Hogwarts, there are also some auxiliary potions, such as those that increase status and impose curses on enemies. With hurt.

To be honest, if you don't take the cost into consideration and hit your face with a bag of magic potions, even a Teutonic warrior will suffer a huge loss.

But obviously that's not how potions work, and the enemy is not a fool. Even if you want to throw money at someone, they have to stand still.

After drinking the potion, the witch hunter moved faster and became stronger. He was even able to fight a few moves with the Teutonic warriors, but he retreated quickly and was obviously still outmatched.

However, the magic potions casually thrown by the witch hunters caused a lot of trouble to the Teutonic warriors, especially the potions that released paralyzing smoke, which made the Teutonic warriors' movements begin to become a little sluggish.

This is because the witch hunter did not use the pyrotechnic potion brewed by black glue worms, otherwise the Teutonic warriors would have to shed their skin even if they did not die.

Of course, the Teutonic warriors did not use their fighting spirit, otherwise a face-to-face witch hunter might be gone.

To put it simply, neither side is serious, but Witch Hunter's performance is indeed good, which makes Owen very satisfied. .

"Okay, stop it." Owen said to stop, because there was no need to continue.

He had watched the battle just now. Although he occasionally got distracted, it was because the tight leather clothes highlighted his figure too much, but he had already made an evaluation of the witch hunt in his heart.

That is to say, he is not proficient enough now. Otherwise, if the potion is combined with the sealing method, even the tank-like Teutonic warriors will have a hard time defeating the opponent completely, and they may even capsize if they are not careful.

More importantly, witch hunting is not bad and the cost is low. An adult witch, a grass potion brewed by Del, and a witcher trial that can be exchanged for only a small amount of progress points. These are combined in Together they can create an elite combat force in a short period of time.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too few adult witches and the potential of young witches couldn't be wasted, Owen would even want to form a witch-hunting force.

As for the shortcomings, they were not ruthless enough and had poor adaptability, so Owen found ninjas and asked these sharp blades in the darkness to teach these witches how to truly kill.

While Owen was busy building a special force of witches, he didn't know that his territory was already being targeted.

Mara Town, a town occupied by horse thieves, was not ruined by the loss of its lord. Instead, many nomadic tribes gathered here to spend the winter. Everywhere, livestock gathered together for warmth could be seen chewing dry and boring fodder.

The nomadic tribes in the North are also products of the Northland pioneering group. At that time, some people did not choose to open up wasteland for farming, but lived in pursuit of water and grass. This was easier and more convenient to avoid danger, but because there was no fixed land, They are not qualified to be called nobles.

It was okay that everyone was poor at the beginning. As the territory continued to develop, the gap between the two sides gradually widened. Jealousy became the original sin. Otherwise, there would be so many horse thieves in the North.

"Boss, I'm afraid our food won't last until spring." Young Harvey's face had a look of frost polished by the wind and snow in the North. He pushed open the door tiredly despite the wind and snow, and as soon as he entered, he brought a bad news.

Buddy, who was wiping his sword in front of the fireplace, did not respond to the bad news, but motioned to Harvey to close the door, because when he occupied Mara Town, he knew that such a day would come sooner or later.

It was not that Viscount Marat took away the food from the town, nor was it that the food was stolen, but because there were too many of them.

Two to three hundred horse thieves, including people and horses, eating and chewing, can feed thousands of people in one day, which is enough for a simple town to support.

Even being able to hold on until now was beyond Buddy's expectations, and it also gave him an accurate understanding of the abilities of his deputy.

"If we kill some livestock that won't last until spring, how long can we sustain it?" Buddy said calmly.

"At most half a month, the old and weak livestock will have been slaughtered when winter comes. The livestock that are still alive are the seeds for next year's growth. Even if we want to kill them, the herdsmen will not be willing." Harvey said helplessly Said, what he did not say is that if the herdsmen are forced to slaughter their livestock, they will violate their original promise.

The three of them came from three different noble families in the empire, and they came together because of the same experience.

But if there are only three people, even if they master the fighting spirit, it is far from enough to make a name for themselves, so they focus on the bandits and horse thieves that can be seen everywhere in the North, because these are ready-made soldiers.

The three of them preferred horse thieves or herdsmen to bandits.

In fact, there is no difference between the two. When they hold a machete, they are horse thieves, and when they hold a whip, they are herdsmen. The change of identity depends on who they are facing.

If they are two or three traveling traders, they are notorious horse thieves from the North. If they are a caravan with sufficient protection, then they are hospitable herdsmen.

The three promised a place where they could trade and spend the winter, gathered two to three hundred people, and easily captured Mara Town without losing a single person during the process, which greatly increased their prestige.

The problem is that prestige cannot be used as food. As long as the three of them cannot pay for food, these horse thieves with them as their leaders will immediately turn against them and even draw their swords against them. That's why Harvey is so anxious.

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