When I was young, I was addicted to novels. I read a lot of all kinds of nonsense. Sometimes I also fantasized about how I could pretend to be a slap in the face, how I could dominate the world, how I could recruit heroes from all over the world, how I could expand my backyard into a palace, how I could use a pair of... The iron-forged waist and the steel-forged spear stand proudly among the flowers.

When I get older, I always smile when I think of the thoughts I had when I was young, because after being severely beaten by society, I realize that unless it is the same world as in the novel, and the protagonist has to have the halo of wisdom, otherwise ordinary people will travel to a completely unfamiliar world. In this world, the mortality rate is as high as 99%, because no matter how great your ability is, you have no platform to display it, and you can't find a place to work hard. The best thing is to be knocked down by someone with a sap, stripped naked and thrown into the smelly ditch. Normal start.

So even if it's time travel, it's best to travel to someone with status, such as a noble, and he became a noble through time travel.

Yan Xu, no, now he is Owen Hydera, a distinguished Viscount of the North Border, who owns an ancient castle full of history, a vast territory, and loyal citizens.

As a noble, as a lord, he is supreme here. Even if the emperor's orders are not fulfilled by him, is he proud? No, he is still so humble and such a gentleman.

Well, these are all modified terms. In fact, he was sitting on the half-remaining earthen wall of the castle wearing old aristocratic clothes, watching the serfs not far away cultivating with sticks and stones. The barren land beneath my feet made my balls ache, and my heart was filled with sadness.

This standard of living is better than that in impoverished mountainous areas without water and electricity. At least everyone can have one piece of clothing, so they won't starve to death, and they won't be snatched from their dens by wolves in the middle of the night.

Even though he was a lord, he only lived in a drafty old castle, ate unpalatable coarse food, and worried about being robbed by bandits all day long.

He traveled through time and became a noble, with rights including first time, night, and rights. However, the living conditions made him feel like he was living as the great god of Sanhe, which was simply miserable.

Touching his growling belly, Yan Xu, no, he had already accepted his fate. Now he is Owen Hydera, a distinguished Viscount of the North Border.

The noble Viscount of the North Border took out a piece of black bread with body odor from his arms, stuffed it into his mouth expressionlessly, crushed it hard with his yellowed teeth, and then smashed it hard with his tongue with a thick coating. Stir it into a paste and then swallow the bad-breathing stuff.

If he could return to Earth now, he would really be able to answer the question from netizens about what Ollie tastes like, because he thinks it is similar to what he just swallowed.

The process of filling his stomach was very hard. As for the texture and taste, Owen pretended that he had lost his memory. He didn't even dare to look carefully at what was on the brown bread, let alone the making process, because he was afraid that he would go crazy.

The reality is that he will be hungry if he doesn't eat, and will die if he is hungry for a long time, so Owen can only choose to endure all this and wait for the system to complete startup. This has become his obsession to survive.

Speaking of which, he was also unlucky. He somehow remembered the games he played before, and the feelings he had, I'm not sorry, but he couldn't bear to spend money to buy the genuine version, because even old games are not cheap, and they cost money to download, so he I bought a second-hand hard drive from the Internet. It is said that it belongs to a certain game enthusiast, but he has a girlfriend, because she only plays games and not playing. Anyway, she has no games, and she even smashed the computer, so that girl... With tears, I put my ex’s soul, that is, the hard drive online, to recover some of the loss.

As a result, I don’t know whether the hard drive was acclimated to the local environment, or because the mistress was so upset that she was squeezed out of her role as the main palace, and she couldn’t think about it. As soon as it was installed and started, he was transported through time, and they stayed together and flew together.

Opening the system again with hope, seeing several decimal points beating continuously after nine percent, Owen sighed again. It had been seven or eight days, and it hadn't even reached ten percent. Sometimes he was really afraid of this thing. If he restarts after being stuck at 99%, he will really collapse.

After fooling his stomach, Owen carefully jumped down from the wall. As a result, his shoe was too big and his foot slipped. His big toe popped out of the hole in the boot. He didn't care and pushed back with the heel of the shoe. He shrank back and let the big toe go back and call it a day. Otherwise, what could he do? He couldn't even find a needle and thread. As for replacing it with a new one, if he had one, he would still have to ask.

The main reason why he was so miserable was because the so-called Hydera family, three generations above, were not nobles. His grandfather was just a wandering knight who couldn't even find someone to be loyal to. He just happened to be in time for the empire to form a pioneering group to develop the northern border. , his grandfather put on his ancestral armor, picked up his ancestral weapons, mounted an ancestral old horse, and resolutely joined the pioneering group with a very high mortality rate.

In the end, with luck and strength, he found this castle, killed his teammates, and then occupied this land. He also gained the title of Viscount and became Hydra I.

From a wandering knight to a distinguished viscount, it may seem like he has reached the sky in one step. In fact, the nobles of the north and the nobles of the empire are two different things, just like the difference between a red panda and a giant panda.

When a noble from the North meets an Imperial noble, it is a lower class meeting. In other words, a Viscount from the North Border may not be as good as a knight from the countryside of the Empire. At least the other person is a serious gentleman, like the Hydera family. The blood on the sword has not yet dried.

Therefore, although the newly minted Hydera family has become a noble, their living standards have not improved much, but have become even worse, because no matter the castle, territory, or citizens, they all need to take up arms to protect them, otherwise there will be no human beings. Come and take it away.

As the first generation Viscount Hydra, his grandfather died in a fight with bandits. Because the eldest son and the second son both died in battle, the only remaining third son succeeded to the throne and became Hydra II, Owen's father.

Hydra II was able to succeed to the throne alive not because of how strong he was. On the contrary, compared to his sturdy father and two brothers, he was as skinny as a stick. Therefore, he became a tool for marriage and married the Hairui Chamber of Commerce. The eldest daughter Hela, therefore did not need to fight, so she survived to succeed to the throne.

It was a pity that his father and brother could protect him from the wind and rain when they were alive. After they died, he had to take care of anything on his own. As a result, he failed to resist and died in a wolf disaster.

After his father's death, Owen succeeded to the throne as Hydra III.

By this time, the so-called border noble Hydra family had existed for less than twenty years. This shows how cruel the environment in the North was, so his mother chose to leave here without hesitation, leaving only her predecessor behind. In grief and helplessness, he was replaced by the time traveler.

This miserable memory made Owen, who had traveled through time, dare not leave the castle. Even though there were only eight soldiers and two servants in the whole castle, the half-collapsed earthen wall and the leaky castle could bring him some relief. A sense of security is much better than the wilderness.

But it’s not enough to just stay at home like this. I have traveled through time for several days, and I was dreaming of going back before. Now it seems that I have no chance in this life, and I can only hope to be reincarnated back to Earth in my next life.

The problem is that it doesn't matter if he can't go back. What's terrible is that Goldfinger can't be activated. Owen has to plan for the future. First, he needs to understand the family background first, so as not to know what to do when trouble comes.

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