Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 94: Professor Ross

Dark Cree, not a fighting Cree, was originally a conservative Cree who came after the temple. They thought it was wrong to create Inhumans to provide combat units for Kerry, so they sent their fighters to erase the memory of the awakened Inhumans.

Dark, the Cree, came to Earth in secret and took the lead in surveying the Terrigen crystals in the underground temple in Puerto Rito, and found that all the crystals were missing, enough to produce an army of aliens. All the crystals were taken away by Daisy's biological mother, Jiaying. This point, Dak has no way of knowing. He was afraid of this army of aliens on Earth, and also afraid that he would not be able to return to Kerry for business, and was instigated by Minerva, who developed the Talon organization on Earth.

Scraping the cold sweat off his forehead, the fat Dak sat on the thorns, next to him was the target of this time.

Logan who was sleeping soundly.

"Hoohoo, this is not a friendly conversation. Did I screw it up?"

"Are you just starting to think about it?" Minerva approached her with a compound sniper rifle. Under the moonlight at close range, Darke couldn't see Widowmaker's figure clearly.

The subordinates threw the electronic shackles on Logan's hands, and the two Cree looked at the strong man being carried away.

"Maybe I can have a more friendly chat with him." Duck said regretfully, shrugging his shoulders.

"The goal this time is not the key, the next best thing is the healing factor in him." Minerva wrinkled her nose, and Duck continued to ask.

"This mission is weird, isn't it?"

"It's nothing strange, let's go, go to New York."

In the morning, Daisy was cleaning in the bathroom early in the morning. Today will be a boring and busy day.

"Little white rabbit, white and white, with two ears pricked up..."

"Little white rabbit, white and white, with two ears pricked up..."

"Little white rabbit, white and white, with two ears pricked up..."

The towels in the military base are not soft, the dark green ones are rough. Daisy wiped her damp hair with it reluctantly.

It was still early at this time, Daisy took the data file analyzed yesterday, went to the public cafeteria where breakfast was served, and took a very greasy breakfast. Among the dining tables for four made of aluminum alloy samples, I chose one by the window and sat down.

The mobile phone beside him vibrated, and he took a mouthful of toast, and replied to Jessica's message while chewing. Taking a sip of milk, looking out the window, the sun was shining brightly, and there were scattered soldiers walking on the playground. Holding a fork, he hesitated to stuff the oily sausage into his mouth.

I was too lazy to cut it, so I just chewed it. Putting down the phone, he opened the file, looked at the records and analysis results, and sorted out the wording of the report in his mind.

"How's life on the military base?" General Ross, dressed in casual camouflage uniform, sat across from Daisy with the same breakfast. Daisy looked around and found that the surrounding soldiers were not impressed by the appearance of General Ross, as if they were used to it.

"It looks like you've been living in the barracks for a long time."

Holding the toast, thinking about how to take the first bite, General Ross put down the food, and jokingly said to Daisy:


"I have dedicated my life to the military. They are like my children." Ross turned his head to look at the soldiers on the playground with a proud expression. He suddenly turned to look at Daisy.

"The little girl is an agent with Level 8 authority of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Rose showed an expression that was close to disdain, and the chat atmosphere was more like a joke.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is really getting more and more outrageous. A child with level 8 clearance."

"At the same time, he is also the CEO of a company with a market value of 2 billion." This must be a fart, Daisy said solemnly

"It's also a genius mechanic, genius network engineer, and genius mobile phone designer that many listed companies want to tap. My God, I'm starting to like the word genius. I feel the same way as Stark."

This made General Ross amused, and he drank the milk from a glass.

"Would you like to talk to me about Los Angeles at four o'clock?"

"It's better to talk about being a mechanic." General Ross put down the cup, cut open the sausage, stuffed a piece into his mouth, and asked while chewing.

"Leave the matter of the bumblebee aside for the time being. Then, as a special advisor to SHIELD, help me analyze it. How to capture Dr. Banner."

This is exactly what Daisy is about to say, and she unfolds the information at hand beside the two of them. During the action, Daisy asked:

"Is it Dr. Banner? Or the Hulk?"

"Is there any difference between the two?"

"Of course." Daisy pulled out the photo and placed it in front of General Ross.

"The power of the big guy Hulk is too powerful. When a 20mm howitzer hit him, he didn't even have a wound. Gamma rays greatly stimulated the biological cells, and the biological nature changed. In this case, the brain is not under its own control But Dr. Banner is different, he has his own mind, he knows what he wants to do, what he wants to stop."

Daisy tapped the picture on the table. General Ross looked at the photo in a daze, and frowned.

"Do not…"

"This photo was found from Dr. Banner's personal belongings. How long has he been hiding? Looking at how brand new this photo is, it can be seen that he is very concerned about the woman in the photo. Dr. Banner's escape path is tens of thousands of times. article, but only one destination. This woman!"

As she spoke, Daisy tapped her index finger on the woman in the photo again.

"No! She is not within the scope of this operation, she..."

"I know she is your daughter. We only need to monitor her, and we don't even need to disturb her life. We just need to lurk beside her, wait for to find Banner, and control Banner."

"Never!" General Ross left angrily, leaving Daisy rubbing her nose boredly.

Oh, I promised not to disturb the plot...

The soldiers around looked at Daisy and whispered something, Daisy put away the materials indifferently. Holding the photo of Dr. Betty Ross, Daisy took a good look at it for a while. The old man looks so tall, and the daughter is quite beautiful. enmmmm is indeed very similar to General Ross.

It doesn't matter whether the military spies on Betty Ross or not, it's just a matter of morality. In the military, morality has never been an issue. In the end, Dr. Banner went to find Mr. Lan in New York. Dr. Ariel Stern, who is obsessed with biology. He privately studied Hulk's blood samples and successfully copied the serum. If such a thing spreads out, it will be fun to see Hulk all over the street...

Quickly returned to work, ordered to go down, and monitored every move of Mr. Lan's email. Do not let any questionable information go unnoticed.

"Don't let him let go of his billing information?"

"Of course! What if the billing information contains Morse code!"

"Don't let go of his cheating information?"

"Of course! All information! All!"


In order not to startle the enemy, we will temporarily not send a team to take over Mr. Lan. After the task was assigned, Daisy's affairs were reduced by half. In the command room, she occasionally cooperates with other operators to use the S.H.I.E.L.D. network to investigate some things. When she has time, she helps others collect information.

These are too simple for Daisy. Although in other places, Daisy quickly became familiar with many things.

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