Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 56: Granny said

Three people have dinner together

Daisy's father is Calvin Zarbo, a former doctor. The murderer of the massacre that year, the person who slaughtered the village was the middle-aged man in front of Daisy, the crazy Mr. Hyde.

Mother Jiaying was dismembered by the Hydra veteran, a scum who changed her name to Hotwell. Hyde was distraught, but he knew Jiaying's ability to absorb the vitality of others to maintain his own life, so he went crazy...and made a lot of mistakes.

This is why Jiaying's face is covered with scars.

In the days after Jiaying recovered, the two lost their only child, and Calvin fell into self-blame, so he set off all over the world to find his daughter. Long-term self-blaming and taking self-prepared physical strength drugs make oneself irritable and irritable, gradually insane, and people will be stubborn and extreme.

In the TV series, Daisy was found about 15 years before the events of Age of Ultron.

Now the timeline has been brought forward by a full ten years!

Calvin seemed to be in a good state of mind, and the three of them sat on the Eight Immortals table. The dishes and chopsticks were all blue and white glazed in the old society, which was really beautiful.

After Jiaying led Daisy to meet Calvin, she went back to the kitchen to cook. Said there is still a stewed chicken in the pot'?`*

"Your mother's chicken soup is delicious...I heard you grew up under the eagle flag, don't mind me saying..." Dad looked very stiff in front of Daisy. Cautiously asked Daisy's opinion.

"It's fine, I can switch between the two languages ​​freely, just like this" Daisy pushed Calvin's shoulder and pushed him to the edge of the table "sit down"

Originally, Daisy wanted to hold her father's arm. This is how her father and daughter should look like in her impression. The male soul Daisy immediately dismissed the idea. And Calvin sighed aside.

"You don't have an accent, so natural. You know that if you speak too much, you will have a little accent in it. Your mother laughed at me when I first learned Chinese." Calvin looked at Daisy sitting beside him Go, talking bulgingly, recalling the good old days.

"At that time, I was the only doctor in the whole village. Communication became a big problem. Fortunately, it was thanks to your mother, Daisy. You know, she helped me a lot at that time..." Calvin played with his **** to relieve himself Excited in his heart, he kept telling stories about the three of them. The excited Calvin moved his eyebrows, very naughty

Sometimes the words are really funny, which makes Daisy very happy.

"What are you talking about?" Jiaying wrapped in an apron came back with a stewed chicken.

During a dinner, the three of them talked and laughed.

"When you were born, the whole village whispered your name." Lowering her voice, Daisy said strangely, "Isn't that the case at that time?"

Jiaying and Calvin looked at each other and smiled, "This is so legendary, Daisy. What's going on in your little head!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, your car-calling scene is boring." Daisy put the green edamame into her mouth and spit out the edamame shell.

"Having you is the greatest happiness in our life for Jiaying and me." Calvin pushed Daisy's arm and said solemnly.

Daisy took her father's hand, "Me too"

Jiaying looked at the two people in front of her, smiled and said nothing.

"I really want to take you to meet my adoptive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, a pair of very kind people." Letting go, Daisy said casually.

"Of course, I really want to thank them for taking care of our daughter." Calvin still smiled, while Jiaying's face darkened slightly.

At night, Daisy sleeps with Jiaying again.

"Are you really leaving tomorrow?" Jiaying asked worriedly.

"Yeah." Leaning closer to her mother, she sighed, "I'm leaving, if I don't go back, I'm afraid the sky will be turned upside down."

There is no night light here, Jiaying touched the light switch, and the room suddenly went dark.

"SHIELD is a secret department. I was temporarily isolated because of the Terrigen crystal. If I don't go back, I'm afraid I will be classified as a defector. This will be troublesome." Daisy groped in the dark and sneaked Getting into the bed, touching Jiaying's arm, it was soft, and immediately grabbed it.

"That being the case, why don't you just go back? You and I will stay in the afterlife and never be separated again." Because of Daisy's small movements under the quilt, Jiaying gently grabbed her arm and placed her hand on the on his side.

"Go back and do big things! I promise I will do it" It was dark, and Daisy couldn't see Jiaying's face clearly, but after she finished speaking, she paused for a while before speaking slowly. "Then come back often. Mom misses you. Gordon can be there whenever he is called."

Daisy responded, and then thought of something, "Don't let Gordon use his powers to go to the outside world, especially outside the rabbit. Quantum entanglement can be captured with equipment. If someone wants to find Gordon, it will be very easy. , it's too unsafe for you guys."


"If my judgment on Gordon's ability is not wrong, it is actually dangerous for him to teleport like this. There are hundreds of laboratories on the earth that specialize in capturing quantum states in regions around the world. If you are interested in calling data comparisons, it will be easy to find you of."

Jiaying touched Daisy's side face, with a motherly smile on her face, "Okay, listen to you."

"Mom, are you a careerist?" The other side was silent

Daisy's mother, Jia Ying, is the leader of the aliens on Earth after all. She leads thousands of aliens and lives in seclusion in the "afterlife" in Xanadu. She said that she didn't think carefully, "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." 2 spoilers Tell you, she wants to do something.

She wanted to sprinkle the purified Terrigen crystals over an entire continent, exposing the Inhumans to the entire society. Although Daisy in the TV series successfully stopped her, but during the battle, the plane equipped with Terrigen crystal was driven into the seabed from the aircraft carrier, and she forgot to salvage the crystal, which caused the crystal to turn into dust and be swallowed by sea fish. It was made into medicine and sold all over the world, which led to the globalization of Inhumans...

But after all, that is the plot ten years later, how the character's mental journey will go during the period, and which step they have reached, is it really hard to think about it. Daisy felt that her mother could still persuade her.

On the other side of the world, in Osborne's mansion, there was a board meeting. Mr. Parker patted Osborn on the shoulder lightly, his expression was ugly. Although Mr. Parker was relatively late, he still completed the "Super Soldier" serum. This was originally the happiest thing for Osborn, but at this moment, his face was as sallow.

I just received a notification from the military that all plans for "super soldiers" will be terminated. This termination is absolute, and it is not the kind of transaction in the market in the past. Don't think about it next time this time. The military banned the development and use of this type of drug, characterization of this drug as completely uncontrollable.

Since the captain, the research and development of the "Super Soldier" serum has been in a state of loss of control and failure. While there was one unique case, not only was the evil Hydra Red Skull created during this period, but the Doctor was permanently lost. A super soldier and a doctor who will create a super soldier serum can be seen at a glance. Since then, Howard Stark's disappearance and Dr. Banner's mutation are all major losses to the Eagle Sauce military.

The fuse of the whole thing was that the project that General Stryker cooperated with the Canadian government got out of control again. The military must stop this plan!

Indirectly led to huge losses of the Osborne Group. Osborne was angry, trembling slightly beside his thin face. A group of sensible people on the board of directors are still pointing fingers and accusing Osborne of being arbitrary and incompetent.

The ugly words made Osborn's veins twitch, and he stuck his fingers behind the notebook, but he couldn't speak.

"Don't be like this, Norman, take a deep breath... Adjust your mentality, you'll be fine." Parker kept reassuring, which eased Osborn's ugly face. But when he suddenly heard that the mob on the opposite side wanted to dismiss Osborne as the chairman, he was so angry that he threw his notebook over.

"You silverfish, I'm trying to maintain the Osborne Group, and you're just a joke waiting to be paid! You should really take a good look at your disgusting reptile face, one by one. Dirty spit from mouth. The Osborne Group is doing just fine without you clowns!"

The members of the opposite board of directors also had a violent temper. They couldn't bear such humiliation, and they would fight Osborne as soon as they dropped their chairs. Others blocked on both sides, and for a while, notebooks and pens flew in the transparent conference room, and everyone's face was twisted. Parker's father half hugged Norman Osborn's waist and covered his head with his hands to prevent flying books or stools from hitting him.

In this ugly drama, everyone is a buffoon, embarrassed. The young employees outside the conference room were stunned seeing this scene, and some old employees secretly shed tears. The tears were for myself. Before the meeting, it was rumored that the company was going to lay off employees, and my mortgage hadn't been paid off yet...

"I just want to be with my daughter right now."

After a long time, Jiaying replied.

Daisy hugged Jiaying and kissed her gently on the face. then said

"I think it's bad for you to deceive children with your words." Daisy clasped her mother's hands together, wrapped them up, and placed them on her chest.

"But mom, I will help you whatever you do in the future. If I have finished cleaning up the miscellaneous fish and adjusting your social position, and you want to take another step forward, I will help you."

Jiaying's hand was pulled from Daisy's. "If that day really comes, mom will help you wholeheartedly." As she spoke, Jiaying held Daisy's face and kissed her forehead. "Don't get too tired, kid. You've entered Game of Thrones, everyone involved will be as crazy as the Red Skull of Hydra, don't get too deep..."


Tap, tap, tap, tap...

Stepping on the sky-high Minerva, she stepped into the dim room, and the members of the organization in the room couldn't help but stare at this rare exotic style. Minerva, who is all in blue, has well-built ankles, and her fit with Heantian Gao is comparable to that of a Victoria's Secret model. At this time, she was wearing loose clothes, casually observing the surroundings in the base.

"Hey, Widowmaker is back. How about it, how about the land in the Middle East?" The members of the organization greeted her casually, and a person who knew her well said.

"The bird doesn't shit... is it full? Is he at the base?" Minerva slapped it with the palm of his hand to dissipate the dense smell of smoke and earth around him.

"Your Excellency has returned and is waiting for you." He said and handed Minerva a glass of rum.

"Let's go, see you later" took a big sip from the wine glass, put it in a small corner, and left with a twisted waist.

"I'm back, just waiting for you to communicate with him, hehe, you look better than Hepburn in this outfit." The person who spoke was a big man with disheveled hair, wearing dull rings on all ten fingers, with a refined and easy-going expression.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have come back later," Minerva complained. But the body movement did not stop, and he knelt down on one knee in front of the particle display together with the big man beside him.

After a while, the monitor displayed a three-dimensional particle three-dimensional image of a character. The person shown is a man wearing a tattered cloak and mechanical armor, his face is completely covered by the machine, and his voice is hoarse.

The Cree Minerva, who bowed his head in prostration, heard the voice, and his face hidden under the darkness showed displeasure.

The other side said "The Talon gang still needs to grow"


"Then goodbye...I'll be back when I'm free." Jiaying and Calvin looked at Daisy in front of them, and Gordon beside him waited patiently for the parting scene.

Although Mom and Dad are standing together, the knot in their hearts has been planted since the day they were lost. I hope they can open it.

"Take care of yourself, Daisy," Jiaying shouted.

Daisy waved at her and leaned against Gordon who was on the side. "Wait a minute, Gordon. I have work to do"

"Welcome anytime"

Daisy ran to Jiaying and said something. When Daisy returned to Gordon, she had an extra bag in her hand.

"Next time I come back, I will take Alyssa away!"

"I'll wait," said the two Alishas, ​​looking at Daisy, leaning on each other.

These are the two avatars that Daisy taught in the practice room yesterday, and Daisy judged from the scars on their bodies.

Gordon confirmed "Are you ready, Daisy?"

"Oh my goodness! This stuff really gets stuck in your throat," Daisy said, putting away the little bag. "Shut up, Gordon, there you go. Let's go."

Gordon held onto Daisy's shoulders, and the electric current that wrapped them all together formed a barrier. The stool was small, without any fluctuations in physical kinetic energy, and disappeared in front of Jiaying in an instant. Gordon returned to the "afterlife" a minute later.

Daisy, who returned to the hut in the woods, felt the feedback of the surrounding amplitude, and kept chewing in her mouth. Her face was a little red at this time.

"Wow, ah bah. This thing is really stuck in the throat..." Daisy threw a bag of betel nuts on the sofa. The surrounding sounds are moving, and the human ear cannot hear such sounds, but since the awakening of Daisy's ability, the amplitude generated in a small area can be fed back to Daisy, so that Daisy can feel the surrounding sound even with her eyes closed. Everything in kind. And the source of these Xixi chattering voices is around the cabin in the forest.

Suddenly the door was kicked open, and a neat quick response team broke into the house, with more than a dozen automatic rifles standing straight, the most accurate for Daisy. Agent Hand strode forward in a hurry, but before he arrived, the strongman's perfume had already approached his nasal cavity.

"You are under arrest, Agent Daisy."


"Unless you tell me what happened during the 50 hours you disappeared," Hand said forcefully.

Daisy raised her hand first, and then said embarrassingly, "Of course, but I can only report this to Nick Fury."

"Now you're in full charge of me, Hill is busy. So you can report to me, it's all the same."

"Event rating, I've always been very good at this. Believe me, Hand. Only Nick Fury can know about this incident." Hand tilted his head in disbelief

"Event authority level ten!"

"So it seems that only Nick Fury knows about this, okay." Saying that, Hand handcuffed Daisy.

"Is this really necessary?"

"Of course, but first we need to test whether you are lying." As he said, Hand carried Daisy to the nearest base where the lie detector was kept.


"How are you doing recently?" Daisy sat next to Hand and asked casually.

"Everything is fine, women should be quiet in life, I am practicing yoga recently." Hand said, staring at Daisy's expression.

"Are you using the bottle of perfume I gave you last time? It's a perfect match for you." Daisy sniffed it up close.

"Oh, I have been reluctant to use the one you gave me. If it wasn't for you this time, I wouldn't want to use it. I really don't want to talk about the 50-hour experience."

"Two sleeps and something to eat" said Daisy and gestured with her handcuffed hands, "I really can't say the Well, Daisy."

At noon that day, Daisy was handcuffed and brought to Nick Fury. After Hand explained the polygraph results, he exited the room neatly. There were only two people left, and Daisy pulled her arms out lightly, breaking the handcuffs casually. Nick Fury looked at the handcuffs made of pure alloy, which were now a mess, unmoved.

Daisy sat comfortably on the black leather sofa, and began to talk about the current situation of the entire Inhuman race, and the incident of natural murder was pushed to the head of the terrorist organization. It can be regarded as solving a problem for Nick Fury, but a new problem has appeared again.

"The existence of the Inhumans has certain dangers, but they just want to live in peace"

"Of course existence is danger. I can't say whether the Inhuman race is stable or not. After all, I have only been reunited with my mother for two days and I am thinking about people who go to work."

Listening to Daisy's jokes, the black director smiled. "Since there are not many mutated aliens and they won't pose too much threat, for your sake, I won't file with S.H.I.E.L.D. But I need you to do one thing for me."

"What's the matter?" Daisy asked. After getting along with Nick Fury for a period of time, you will understand that he has nothing to do, and if he comes to you on his own initiative, there must be something for you to do, and it is usually quite troublesome.

"Remember the last proposal, I have a more hidden, backup plan, and I need you to help me recruit people. Since you are familiar with the Inhumans, you can choose the list of personnel." Nick Fury handed it to Daisy a black file. The document clearly says "Secret Warrior"

This plan is very similar to the Avengers, but the Avengers are public characters, while the work of the Secret Warriors is more hidden.

"How about your abilities?"

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