Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 48: GH three hundred and twenty five

"The most popular online game "League of Legends" was born in 2002. If you haven't played this there really anyone who hasn't played this game? Haha OK, according to internal staff, in November 2004 In the early hours of the 7th, Rising Tide Studios had a fund of 50 million yuan allocated by studio president Emma Frost to establish a new project. So far, Miss Emma has not disclosed the information of the new project. Everyone in the game circle is It is speculated that the hottest game studio is on the rise and will soon take over the host platform. The "White Queen" in the mouth of the fans has frequently entered and exited the local game giants in the past year, and some people even photographed Emma's game giant "Sega" in the foot basin Appeared in the mansion of 'Sony'. Today, 'White Queen' Emma held a grand press conference in the center of Boston to clear up the doubts in the hearts of players. Here is Lilith Bieber from WHH Entertainment for you .”

Lilith put down the microphone in her hand, her expression relaxed, and her face became slumped.

"Old James, I hate the Entertainment Channel. When can I go to Frontline?"

"Young people are impatient, intern. If you were in my newspaper office, you would only be responsible for copying documents! Oh, my poor newspaper office." James, who is fifty years old, spoke very fast, biting A cigar, extremely capable.

"Okay, we have reported on the outfield, it's time to move the equipment to the inner hall. Oh, my poor Lilith, what are you doing there like a popsicle stick? Are you going to interview Tony Stark here? Hurry up! Move faster, young people after the millennium are moving slower and slower."

Under the urging of Old James, all the employees of the TV station moved the equipment and entered the hall bustling with people from other TV stations.

Emma, ​​who was in a white dress, could be seen head-on, commanding and dispatching the scene. Her healthy wheat-colored skin set off her white dress, dignified and elegant.

"I'm sorry sir, please pinch out the cigar." Rising Tide staff stopped Old James, and he, Lilith and his party were dispatched to the original location by other staff. Set up the tripod, fix the shooting position, put the spare battery of the camera in your pocket, plug in the microphone, and there is still an hour left before the start of the press conference.

"But" Coulson put down the file in his hand, still hesitating, "the first experimenter had an adverse reaction, and we don't know what serious consequences this medicine will have on little Daisy. She is too young!"

"The experiment does not allow hesitation. This is an order from Nick Fury himself. He wants to resurrect her! Even if there is an accident, you know, we still have multiple ways to remedy it! Decide, Coulson."

The employees of the TV stations can see Emma's invitation list, and each of them is very puzzled. Because she not only invited the heads of other famous game companies, component manufacturers, and fans of players, but also invited celebrities in other fields, covering almost every field.

"It's this chick's trick, watch it. Oh my god! Crack!"

The two beauties embraced each other, and this scene was captured by James Sr.



"The flashing lights are really bright here, let's go to the venue inside to talk"

It was beyond Emma's expectation that Joey Meacham could come to the press conference of Rising Tide Studio today. Emma had sent an invitation to the Rand Group, and Emma was grateful that the person in charge of the other party's marketing department could be there, let alone Meacham's sister, who was so honored to be there in person.

When the special guest arrived, Emma took Joy's arm and pulled her into the venue.

The two talked about girlfriends on the road.

"It's really a surprise, Joey. I didn't expect you to come to the press conference."

"Emma, ​​you don't think of me as a friend. We talked so happily that night. I envy you very much. I want to practice with you."

"You're joking, my princess." Emma, ​​who was happy for Joey's arrival last second, seemed to have received something and became indifferent.

"Where's the little girl Daisy, why didn't I see her all the way? Today is such an important day..."

"Joy, sit here now, I'm going backstage to get ready. Goo, take care of me."

After gently shaking hands with the third founder of Rising Tide Studio, Joey still stared at the place where Emma disappeared.

After Joey's last failed contact, his brother didn't blame himself at the time, but his temperament changed drastically the next day, and his tone of voice became very heavy. The implication is to settle Rising Tide Studio by yourself.

settle? What do I settle for? They obviously don't want to be acquired!

Annoyed, she was too young to have a good idea for a while, so she could only stare at Emma's related news. Even a novice in shopping malls like her can feel something when sharing some collected information. After learning about the press conference of Rising Tide Studio, Joey volunteered to come over.

She still approached Emma with her original desire.

For some reason, Emma suddenly became cold.

At the same time, I am very curious about the trend of Chaochao Studio today. Release a game, release a console, do you really need to mobilize so many people? Before entering the door, Joey saw at least five TV reporters, and the rocker device for recording was still being arranged at the scene.

The answer is definitely not.

Fans and the media paid too much attention to Emma's actions towards game manufacturers, while ignoring some of her other actions. My own company makes chips, develops and uses them. Emma's small movements are like signs that she is going to stop in this direction. This may be the reason why my brother can't sit still. Rising Tide Studio is a small electric motor, powerful and powerful, full of power. …

Emma's secrecy plan was so strict that the RAND Group did not spy any useful information. If Emma really wants to stop in this field, Joey will only find it incredible. Rising Tide Studio is just a rookie who started out in games. In just three years, he wants to set foot in the field of mechatronics before the capital accumulation is completed? This field cannot be covered by 50 million yuan. This is unrealistic, or is there something I didn't expect?

With all kinds of guesses about Emma's move, Joey inadvertently noticed that Goo's legs were shaking slightly, and the frequency of the wine in his right hand was shaking up and down.

"Be careful, Goo, your wine is about to spill."

"Oh, sorry, I was so nervous. I mean it's finally here."

"Anyway, the press conference is about to start. Can you tell me a little bit about what your big move is?" Joey asked in a casual tone.

"Oh! Of course, it's about to be announced anyway. We..."

The lights at the scene dimmed, interrupting what Goo was about to say, and the press conference began.

"Please watch her performance" Goo said in a low voice.

In the dark room, a beam of light hit Emma's body. At this time, she was wearing a white sweater and casual jeans. She looked extremely casual, with her hair tied into a ponytail. She looked like a girl next door a feeling of. He crossed his hands and smiled shyly.

Such a way of appearing on the stage can be regarded as ingenious, and the audience applauded.

"League of Legends" game fans saw the goddess, and couldn't help shouting "White Queen"!

"My name is Emma Frost, the founder of Rising Tide. At first, I was just a little girl who loved playing games." With that said, Emma walked towards the third quarter of the dance. The soft lighting in the room gradually lights up without causing any visual discomfort. All the invited guests watched quietly how the girl in front of her narrated today's story.

"This little girl made a game with her friends out of nowhere, initially just because I complained that a certain game was too much trouble. My friend, 'Sky' came up with League of Legends Game mode games. Oh, Joan Han, I'm talking about your game. I never once complained to you about the 'cocktail' incident."

The named Qiong Han was the game director of EQ. The chubby man laughed directly, clapped his hands, and blushed. The surrounding atmosphere was driven by him, and everyone laughed in good faith.

"Today's "League of Legends" and "Rising Tide Studio" have more than 50 million registered players worldwide! There are more than 20 million online players worldwide! I, Skye and Goo all feel that we need to take a step forward."

Almost every number Emma reported was followed by cheers. Her face at this time is calm, her expression is focused and approachable.

"The rising tide needs to move forward, one big step forward!"

The huge electronic screen behind Emma slowly lit up, and a model was constructed from simple lines.

"Move into the future."

"Inject GH325!" The blue liquid was injected into Daisy's body. The surrounding environment was quiet and empty, and there was no sound from the surrounding medical equipment measuring the electrocardiogram. It was a long wait, and it had been five hours since Daisy was confirmed dead. The medical team cannot confirm whether GH325 can still play a role in this case. Coulson and the medical team leader looked at the corpse quietly, speechless.

"This is the shape of the future, convenient and fast." The giant screen completely showed the true face of Lushan, the mysterious project of Chaochao Studio.

The moment they saw the phone, all the accessory manufacturers present laughed.

They understood that Emma had lied to them before.

The video shows the simple lines, beautiful texture, and simple button design of the first-generation smartphone.

"Everything becomes simple. There are only four buttons on the iPhone, and they are perfectly arranged. It is difficult for me to find such a convenient and clear button design. They..."

"The future must be simple and convenient, just like connecting to a 4G network with a mobile phone," Emma began to operate as she said. The giant screen projected the picture of Emma's mobile phone screen at this time, and the audience could see it clearly.

Since the topic was brought into the mobile phone by Emma, ​​the scene has obviously become much colder. Because most of the audience who booed were game fans, and now that Rising Tide did not release new games or new consoles, their emotions were obviously depressed. When they heard the bad news, they wished they could run home as soon as possible, open the 'Rising Tide Weibo', and rant about Rising Tide.

However, seeing that Emma is really connected to the 4G network, most fans think that this phone may not be so bad.

"Look, I'm connected to 4G now." Yingjiang's 4G network has been popularized for a long time. Although it is not fully popular at this time, 4G networks are available in first-tier major cities. Despite this, there is no mobile phone that can connect to 4G on the market. All of a sudden, other business leaders became interested in this screen phone.

"Now I'm going to log in to the built-in 'Rising Tide Weibo' on my phone and post a post. First, I'm going to take a photo"

"I was at the press conference with a cute expression."

Everyone watched Emma operate the mobile phone under the giant screen, and they all had some thoughts in their hearts.

Joey watched quietly, since Emma showed her smartphone, she has been speechless. The belt is not surprised, but impressed by the shape design and function design of this phone. It was only today that she realized that a mobile phone can be more than just making a phone call.

"It's not that simple," reminded Goo, who was beside Joey. "In order to avoid problems with the temporary network, we set up a network site near the press conference."

Everyone, including old James and Lilith from the TV station, stared curiously at this strange 'mobile phone'. On the screen, Emma just delivered her speech. After talking about it, it was immediately filled with fans' comments to her. Everyone was curious about what kind of press conference it was.

"For this display, we excavated and blocked tens of thousands of sensitive words, just for today's press conference," Goo reminded again.

Joey said slowly, "Multi-touch is not an innovative technology, but it is really a bit of a problem when used on mobile phones..."

"Amazing! Haha" said, Goo took a sip of the fine wine in his hand.

"Oh, everyone is still so energetic, I like it very much. The camera function of mobile phones has always existed, and I am curious why the resolution of mobile phones is only 320p for so long. Although the picture is not as clear as Canon, but At least, it has 8 million pixels."

"Oh!" There was an exclamation in the A mobile phone with 10,000 pixels! If it's not Emma bragging, it's God!

When the game makers saw Emma take out a mobile phone, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Especially the person in charge of Blizzard. They are almost excluded from the game circle by Rising Tide Studios. If Rising Tide Studios comes up with another hit game this time, then their self-developed online game "World of Warcraft" is really going to be a hit.

The fearful major game manufacturers are finally relieved, at least the mobile phone industry has no direct competition with them.

At this time, the game fans watched Emma holding a new mobile phone to interact with the fans in the "Changchao Weibo", and they took another look at their mobile phone...

smash it...

It can't be smashed!

For Daisy, Coulson is still impressed by her messy room, such an innocent girl should not appear in S.H.I.E.L.D.

If there was no such thing as her back then, perhaps Daisy would not have found out about Nick Fury.


The electrocardiogram strapped to Daisy's body suddenly responded. The two unconsciously took a step towards the window.

Daisy's body reacted violently, and her whole body took on an inverted U shape, supporting herself.

"Didi didi!" The electrocardiogram showed that Daisy's heart beat 300 times a minute!

After a convulsion, the body quieted down.

Daisy opened her eyes.

"Then Miss Emma, ​​how much does it cost for such a powerful God mobile phone?" Lilith asked cautiously. Emma fully demonstrated the power of this mobile phone from Chaochao Studio, and she no longer dared to underestimate herself. interview work.


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