Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 42: Fifty-eighth Airborne Division

Both of them grew a lot that night.

After getting off the Quinjet plane, Daisy's eyes were squinted by the strong sun, a gust of wind and sand blew by, and the fine particles hit Daisy's smooth face.

"I hate this place." Muttering in a low voice, Sam Wilson, who was walking towards him, teased Daisy tactfully, and then helped the others carry the goods.

"Simmons, uh... I found a solution to the problem. Um... this group of modules..."

"Relax, Fitz. We've arrived at our destination."

Passed by a pair of life treasures from Daisy, both of them were carrying large backpacks nearly 1.5 meters long, and they kept talking in eagle language that no one else around them could understand. Daisy knew that they were studying the configuration of a new type of transport combat aircraft. For some reason, I didn't really want to disturb the quiet time of these two people.

At this time, everyone was in an air force base in the Middle East and had just landed and disembarked. The task of this trip is very simple for Daisy. Responsible for supervising and taking care of the results of the test flight. This is an important test flight operation of the Ministry of Air Force. As usual, S.H.I.E.L.D. will send an agent to participate in it. Daisy asked for the errand.

It was crazy that night, and more than 3,000 words were crazily omitted and not sent. Daisy knew that Emma had never found a male partner to solve her physical problems, but she didn't know that she was bent. Keke, um. The process of that night, afterward, made Daisy more and more wrong. It was her being pushed down, her being thumped on the bed, and her being kissed forcibly. Although the process is very comfortable, shouldn't I be the one to attack! ?

At dawn that day, Daisy fled back to the headquarters with a face full of shame, plunged into the scientific research department, and conducted several sets of high-energy physics experiments with the recruited Dr. Horton. Then followed the scientific research team to the Middle East to participate in this test flight.

The equipment for this test flight is a casual aircraft, which was made according to the design drawings of Tony Stark's flash of inspiration, and the research team of S.H.I.E.L.D. That is, the initial version of the Falcon's flying device, which is very simple. Daisy helped put forward a few suggestions, but the boss of the scientific research team did not accept it. Um, so this time Daisy intends to see how many people the Air Force can fall to death during the test flight, anyway, the scientific research team will be responsible for the blame.

Tucao return to Tucao, in fact, the finished product is very perfect. It can withstand high-pressure flight operations, and the flying wings will not be easily deformed. The initial version can theoretically allow people to fly freely like a bird. But it needs a pilot with excellent psychological quality. The selected pilots have already assembled at the Ministry of Air Force here, and they are waiting for SHIELD to transport the equipment.

After getting off the plane, Daisy had a meeting with Captain Hale, the person in charge of the event. Captain Hale is a rare female administrator in the Air Department. She saw that S.H.I.E.L.D. had also sent a woman to be the person in charge of the operation, and she immediately had a good impression of Daisy. Stepping forward to shake hands with Daisy cordially, said

"It's a real pleasure to see women in the Air Ministry. You're so much younger than I thought!"

I have heard of discrimination against women by the Ministry of Air Force. Most female pilots are not even qualified to board a plane in the Ministry of Air Force. So there are very few women in the Air Force.

"Nice to meet you, Captain Hale. You are joking." Naturally, Daisy couldn't be full of affection for the other party just because of his friendly words. You know, Hale in front of you is a member of Hydra.

Ahem, Hydra has thoroughly infiltrated the military and politics, and Hale is not the first Hydra to be placed in the Ministry of Air Force. When Hydra was defeated and entered the dormant period, many batches of outstanding Hydra elements were cultivated, and they were instilled with Hydra thoughts, Hydra ideas, and loyalty to Hydra since childhood. And the most famous Hydra leader who came out of the same batch as Hale, Daisy can know, is Baron Sterak who was brutally beaten to death by Ultron in Women's Federation 2.

"The operation will start soon, but we will conduct a new round of selection of test pilots in advance. Are you interested in watching?" Captain Hale extended a friendly invitation, and Daisy nodded naturally. Order the two scientific research team who are still in the probationary period and can't figure out what's going on, hurry up and follow the team to check the equipment. And Daisy and Hale got into the car and went to the interior of the base together.

On the way, Hale continued to chat with Daisy. It would be impolite to face each other completely coldly. Daisy tried her best to hold the topic. Captain Hale didn't see that Daisy was deliberately not good at speaking, and she was still very talkative along the way.

The new round of selection is responsible for the test pilots. Although the aircraft is equipped with a parachute, whether the high-compression parachute can fully open the parachute under strong airflow is a gamble in itself. Therefore, no mistakes can be made, and test pilots who are not good in physical and mental quality must be screened out.

Daisy looked at the new round of selected test pilots, and naturally substituted herself into it, and the feedback to Daisy was that she felt guilty.

For the ability to fly, Daisy naturally longed for it, but neither her own potential abilities nor her own technology tree could support her ability to fly in the sky. Seeing these test pilots in front of her now, Daisy is not only envious, but still yearning. But seeing that their tests have made the future Falcon Sam Wilson messed up, let's forget it...

Daisy noticed that one of the twenty test pilots was a woman. So I paid special attention to her situation. Naturally, Hale also noticed, so he handed this person's file to Daisy, and introduced this person in particular.

"She is a very energetic girl with a focused and sharp flight record. She is an ace pilot of the 58th Airborne Division. Her mother used to be my former subordinate, but since her mother's partner died unexpectedly, her mother has retired."

"Monica Rambo? Have I heard of this name somewhere? Her mother is Maria Rambo, Captain Hale. Do you remember the name of her mother's partner?" The curiosity about Daisy aroused black Er's attention, but naturally he didn't understand where Daisy's attention was.

"I think, after all 16 years have passed, but those two girls impressed me the most. I really haven't seen such a dedicated female pilot. Claire? Marvel? Oh, come to think of it. Carol, yes It's Carol. Carol Danvers. A very stubborn girl. What does that remind you of?"

"I'm just curious. Look at this girl, she is so persistent. Monica's grades are no worse than others."

"Look at this girl, she was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. at such a young age, and she still admires her. You make me an old man, Daisy. Are you 16 years old this year?"

"If according to the calculation of the flower planters, I am 16 years old this year. I have seen your file, and I am surprised that you have participated in [Tianma Project]"

"Haha, it's really a sad past. My dream was to be an astronaut in the Ministry of Space and Space, but I have no choice but to live in reality." Said Captain Hale, there was a trace of melancholy in his eyes.

This reminded Daisy of some plots. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. described Hale’s life in Hydra’s secret academy. It’s not just the Air Force that discriminates against Hydra who want to conquer the world often look down on women.

Hale, who had excellent grades since childhood, was not taken seriously by Hydra because of her gender. It seems that the plot is like this. Among the Hydra students of the same class, those who are valued such as Baron Sterak become the sole leader, while those who are not valued are like Jasper Sitwell, who is called the little star of the beast, in the S.H.I.E.L.D. As a civil servant, it is said that he is currently applying for level 6 authority.

As far as Hale's situation is concerned, the captain of the Air Force Special Department has worked for several years, obviously he was exiled! Daisy secretly speculates that Captain Hale is one of the targets that can be drawn in the future against Hydra. Speaking of which, Daisy subconsciously and meticulously looked at Hale. At this time, Hale is still very young, but he is not particularly gorgeous. He is not as extroverted as Agent Hand, and he likes to express himself deliberately with his body.

"Don't be discouraged, maybe one day you wake up and find yourself in a space station. Sometimes people's fate is always so magical." Daisy thinks that in a certain timeline, the earth's surface is destroyed, and humans are forced to immigrate to A thing from outer space. Mouth nonsense.

"I can remember that if this kind of thing really happens one day, I will definitely blame you first. I really hope that my daughter can be like you, confident and strong."

"Do you have children?" Daisy blurted out, and Hale realized that he had missed something, and immediately added

"I haven't found a suitable mate yet. But I hope I'm going to have a girl, cute like you."

"Thank you for the compliment. If you praise me again, I can fly freely in the sky without an aircraft. It seems that their test is over. Are you going to start the test flight?"

"Oh, didn't notice. Of course. But we'll be in the control room, and they'll be in the air for a while first."

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