Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 160: visit peggy carter

Then I casually chatted with Pierce about the political issues of 404. Daisy has always been a noob in this regard.

While eating soup, we talked about the Winter Soldier, which was Daisy's test of Pierce's bottom line. Pierce showed disgust, and the topic of talking about Zola came to an abrupt end. It was not suitable for Daisy, who had just gained Pierce's trust, to immediately walk sideways in front of Hydra. In addition to Lao Pi, there are other Hydras with different positions, and Daisy can't be too arrogant for the time being.

Joining Hydra is a dangerous move. Daisy's original idea was just to better understand Hydra. old three steps

Temper the abilities, eliminate the Hydra, and kill Hotwyer.

The first step has almost been completed, and my ability to control superpowers has reached a bottleneck period. It is impossible to talk about influencing the molecular quark. The upper limit is probably here, and it is enough to face future battles.

Step two and step three,…

Killing Hotwyer was the ultimate goal, but reckless killing him would cause a series of chain reactions, and Daisy didn't want things to get out of hand. Then you need to compromise.

The discovery of Cynthia's identity made Daisy feel the feasibility of a thing.

Participate in Hydra infighting.

It is a way to let it kill itself in the internal struggle. At least that's how it's done on TV.

After finishing the conversation and walking out of Pierce's villa, Daisy has completely become a member of Hydra. After changing the offensive, Daisy at this time can be regarded as the boss of several Hydra elements present here. Under the dual pressure of power and supernatural power, everyone respects Daisy. Daisy smiled, Rumlow was not surprised by this result. His relationship with Daisy is not bad, and he said a few nice words.

"No, I'm about to vomit..."

Daisy took Rumlow's ride and returned to Tricurve Wing. Alyssa had almost recorded the information of the New York State officials, and they packed up and returned to the governor's mansion before the evening of the day. Daisy bid farewell to Mr. Conrad after a stylistic exchange of pleasantries. Taking Cynthia to a good sleep, at three o'clock in the morning, the two and one cat embarked on a journey to John Bull London.

By the time we got off the plane, John Bull was already nine o'clock in the morning. Staring blankly at the beautiful scenery outside the window, Daisy couldn't remember what she heard, and the hearing passed.

Those harsh accusations were like buzzing flies to Daisy, and they really didn't feel good at all. There are too many negative emotions, and I need to find a quiet place to vent. Daisy, who was wearing a small suit, stared at the lake for a while, and let her mind go.

"Alexander is really a bonkers enough," the World Security Council director, Gideon Malik, appeared at the hearing, on crutches. "Let a little girl come and suffer."

"Ah, sorry, didn't notice you were around..."

Gideon Malik is the representative of John Bull's Security Council. He has a kind face, looks upright and middle-aged, and there is still gold in the snow-white hair. He is not particularly old yet, with a little handsomeness remaining on his face.

"Haha, sometimes I also like to stare at the lake in a daze. Life can never be smooth sailing, with ups and downs and ups and downs."

"It's a choice, it depends on how you choose."

"Sometimes I have no choice." Malik seemed lost in memory.

boom boom boom...

Daisy threw a small pebble that was not emotional, which woke Malik awake.

The meaning of the existence of the Security Council is like deliberately making things difficult for S.H.I.E.L.D., making things difficult and restraining everywhere, as if obstructing for the sake of obstructing. In the past, the development of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been expansive. This is because Peggy Carter, who became the Security Council, opened the door for S.H.I.E.L.D. The development of the second generation is not called development, then tm is infection. After Nick came to power, S.H.I.E.L.D. was restrained. This time the World Security Council made things difficult because of political factors, which is disgraceful. Daisy doesn't care.

Alright, what are you doing to disturb my leisure time? I don’t know that I hold grudges very much#盘

"Operation S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"Do you know who's touching Talon?"


"Some people are covering for Talon"

Cynthia ran over and saw Malik froze for a moment. Malik saw her too, and the corners of his face and mouth twitched. Cynthia gave the bouquet to Daisy and waved it in front of her.

"Heh, the injured Victoria took my place, and Black Claw's target was me. The S.H.I.E.L.D. operation was thwarted this time, and it was careless. When it comes back again..." Daisy looked at Malik with a smirk.

one second

"I asked you to buy gifts, but why are you buying flowers? Forget it, I'm sorry, Director Malik, I have to visit Peggy Carter here, so I'm leaving first."

Malik gave her an understanding smile.

Cynthia greeted Malik silently, turned around and left with Daisy, and the two went to Peggy Carter's house in the S.H.I.E.L.D. car.

It is also amazing to say that Peggy Carter, the heroic John Bull agent, became the captain's lover in Eagle Country, led the Roaring Assault Team to sweep half of Hydra, and finally became the founder of Eagle Country S.H.I.E.L.D.

These content embellishments are enough to write a novel, a legendary life. Now I am unemployed in London, living a small retired life. In Sanquyi, no one knows what the retirement life of Director Daime is like at this time.

Charing Cross Street is a street famous for its bookstores. It is rumored that you can find any classic you want in the world on the street. Such a statement is a bit exaggerated, and the bookish atmosphere of Cross Street overflows the street. Walking on the street, Daisy has the illusion that a schoolmaster has changed into a schoolboy. With the development of the financial system in recent years, the commercialization of this street is increasing day by day. It is no longer a pure bookstore street. Daisy even saw an Apple mobile phone store. Talking and laughing with Cynthia along the way, Peggy Carter lives on this street.

Ring the doorbell.

"Dala! Surprise!"




Hold bouncing bouncing for a while, only to stop. The last time we met was three or four months ago. "It feels like a long time ago! Oh, flowers!"

Cynthia handed the odd flowers to Daisy with some taste, and Daisy handed them to Sharon Carter. "This is Cynthia, Cynthia Schmidt. Sharon Carter." Daisy introduced each other for the two. Sharon led the two into the house.

On the street, the walls and doors look oppressive, but the inside of the house is extraordinarily spacious. The life assistant assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D. for Peggy Carter took the flowers, unwrapped them and sorted them out.

Sharon and Daisy talked and laughed along the way, and they were very happy to meet each other.

"I originally wondered if I would see you, UU Reading You are on a mission after all. I should have sent a message to ask if I knew it earlier."

"Of course you should send a message. As friends, we didn't even call me!"

"It's not for the sake of your mission."


"No no no"

Cynthia had a hard time interjecting, and followed behind in embarrassment. Sharon glanced at Cynthia kindly and asked if he wanted some black tea.

"How is your aunt? Is there anything I need to pay attention to when I see her later?" I was a little flustered when I was about to meet my parents suddenly.

"Restaurant, operator, factory, shopping, secret agent, infiltrating, Roger Steve, world destruction, whatever. My aunt can talk about any topic, you go in first, and you will know when the time comes." Sharon pushed Daisy went up the stairs. The design of the stairs is full of ancient rhyme, resembling the style of World War II, giving Daisy the illusion of a spy war crisis.

"Cynthia, give me the file." Holding down her voice, she took Cynthia's file, cleared her throat, and Daisy slowly pushed the door open...

"I'm really not surprised to see you here." Daisy spread her hands and turned to look at Peggy Carter lying on the bed. "It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Carter. My name is Daisy Johnson."

Nick Fury in front of Peggy Carter reached out and introduced Daisy.

Peggy Carter, who was over eighty years old, nodded frequently after listening to Daisy's deeds.

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