Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 146: continued one s

"What's going on!"

This afternoon, Daisy was planning to board the plane with the ghost Ava, heading to Brussels, Belgium, to officially open the dungeon of Black Claw.

Carrying a backpack and singing, he was suddenly intercepted by Fitz on the phone!

"He, turned green..."


Seeing the armed forces ready to go, Daisy took a deep breath.

"I... will arrive at the base in fifteen minutes, watch him for me."

He turned around and bid farewell to the express plane to the alliance, and rushed to Fitz and the others in an expedited Quinjet fighter jet.

The "Little Mosquito" made by Fitz is a scaled-down version of the unmanned reconnaissance drone. Lightweight and convenient, track the enemy invisible. During this period of time, he improved the device, and the control is no longer limited to the radio. It is connected to the exclusive satellite of S.H.I.E.L.D., allowing satellite control, and the monitoring distance is super doubled.

On weekdays, the members of the team use this kind of gadget to monitor Dr. Banner's daily life. He is in a remote base. Fitz and the others are unlikely to be endangered by the Hulk anyway, so Daisy left with confidence. Go about your own business. She clearly remembered that Dr. Banner went berserk again a month later, and the end of the movie was clearly clear. Why did he go berserk just ten days ago?

The movie is playing me?

Unable to figure out the situation, Lilizi sent herself the process of Dr. Banner turning green, and then put down the tablet in his hand.

The plane had just taken off at this time.

"I just wanted to rest at the back of the plane, but it seems that I want to see the scenery from the pilot's seat"

He wobbled over to the passenger seat with the tablet in hand, and sat down. Natasha looked at Daisy in surprise. She didn't expect that Daisy would spot her directly just by looking at the driver's back. You must know that she is fully armed at this time, and the chair is tightly covering her.

With curiosity in his puzzled eyes, he tilted his head and took off Katou's flying helmet. Natasha took a good look at the monster in front of her.

"If you can't find a way to find your parents, can't you afford it?"

Yes, the Black Widow really had no choice but to find Nick Fury. Nick Fury would take the initiative to find Daisy in the morning. Depressed for a while, Natasha knew that she was ignoring it, but she really couldn't figure it out, Daisy resisted herself so much.

"Because I'm prettier than you? Or more feminine? I can't find a reason for you to refuse me to join."

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. What are you thinking about?"

The black widow's face was unhappy, and the corner of her mouth twitched, Daisy immediately added

"I didn't doubt your identity and position as an agent, Natasha Rumanov. You are someone Nick Fury trusts, and I trust you unconditionally. I just think that a stealth unit like you, Nick Fury needs you more. You Here I am, Qu Cai."

Daisy's flattery made Xiaona look a lot better, but she didn't like it.

"Lie! Look at me!"

Daisy could understand Natasha's anger, and looked at her with a smile. She stared at Daisy carefully for a long time.

"Read what? How's my micro-expression?"

"You didn't wipe your eye **** clean..."


Cuckoo, who was locked in Emma's room, glanced at the balcony, and in the next second appeared in the Kunshi where Daisy was.

After seeing Daisy for a long time, Cuckoo looked extraordinarily energetic. Daisy's sensory ability didn't catch this little guy, it was already sprinting on Daisy's lap, its little head rubbing non-stop.


Daisy was overjoyed, hugged Gugu and rubbed her face against it for a long time, Gugu looked at Daisy with cute eyes, and the little cute paw pressed on Daisy's nose, Daisy felt her nose itchy.

Natasha looked at the cat in doubt, not knowing how the cat got in. In fact, Daisy also found it strange, but let him alone.

The Quinjet plane is about to arrive at its destination, and Daisy struggles to determine the reason for Dr. Banner's transformation from the video sent by Fitz.

"Maybe he inhaled marijuana. Now Hulk is about to arrive in Vancouver, but he still has no intention of stopping. He continues to run north."

"Continue to track him, Hulk has a logical mind, analyze his path! Your little mosquito can't last for such a long period of monitoring, and configure small monitors for other branches in Canada in advance!"

Banner on the screen is sitting on the sofa meditating as usual. Only this time he turned green and took out the betel nut that Daisy had thrown there before from the sofa...

Fitz doesn't know that dark gadget, how could Daisy not know, the cleaning work of S.H.I.E.L.D. is too bad!

Dr. Banner found a small bag of betel nuts in the crack of the sofa, and stuffed it into his mouth as if nothing had happened. Normal people will blush, get hot and have a sore throat when they eat this for the first time. Daisy asked Jiaying for this in order to evade the lie detector, but Banner picked it up and mistakenly thought it was poisoned, so he activated Hulk in a hurry.

Unintentionally planting willows and willows into shades, the cause that was unintentionally abandoned a year ago has become the fruit that hinders her second encirclement and suppression of Black Claw.

Gan Lin is cool!

Incompetent and furious, she scratched the back of Cynthia's neck. At this moment, she was quite depressed.

Cynthia looked at Daisy strangely, and kept stroking the cat.

In the next few days, Daisy commanded the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch in Canada, and prepared a small unmanned reconnaissance drone to take over on the preset Hulk escape route. The incident happened suddenly, and the other members were also busy, dealing with follow-up procedures, handover procedures and handover procedures.

Very busy.

The relationship between Cynthia and Cuckoo is getting better and better, as soon as Cuckoo gets into Cynthia's arms, it lasts for a day, and when Daisy is too busy, it stays in Cynthia's arms all day, this is really a **** look.

In the beginning, Fitz analyzed day and night, and preset 25 routes. But as the Hulk moves, some paths are abandoned in turn. In order to prevent losing Hulk, SHIELD has been replacing Mosquito at an increasing rate.

Hulk's escape route lived up to expectations. It first ran west to Vancouver, and both Daisy and Fitz predicted that he would stop in Alaska. As a result, the big guy turned around and headed northeast, heading towards the capital of Canada.

Mark the Hulk's action route on the map, the weird route is hard to see through.

Fitz asked wearily, "Could it be that he wants to cross Canada and cross the Arctic Circle? Hehehe, I must be crazy."

Daisy stared at the screen, "You're so tired, Fitz. Go get some rest."

At this time, the screen of the unmanned reconnaissance drone following the Hulk is full of white flowers, and a big green man is jumping and jumping. At this time, the deployment of S.H.I.E.L.D. has stopped, and there is nothing to deploy in the almost deserted and snowy land north of Canada. One day earlier, Daisy notified Fitz to change the tracking method, and he worked overtime for a long time.

At this moment, they were looking at the picture sent by the last unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

" You continue to manipulate. Cynthia, please replay the scene just now."

Cynthia reluctantly moved her hand away from Gu Gu's body, "What's wrong?"

In the picture, Hulk jumped and stepped on an ice layer similar to Hacksaw Ridge, and there was a collapse above the ice layer, but such a harsh environment could not stop the Invincible Hulk, and he almost jumped out of the tracking of the scout plane scope.

"Go back and watch it again. Stop!"

Daisy frowned as a blurry plane wreckage appeared in the collapsed ice layer in the picture.

"Bring the little spy drone back here, I want to see the wreckage of this plane."

The operator received the order and came back here three minutes later.

Part of the ice layer has collapsed, and the wreckage of the plane inside has fallen together with the collapse and is exposed in the picture.

Daisy's breathing became short of breath.


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