Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 132: 2 easter eggs

"I smell failure and beer"

In the dark bar of "Daisy Johnson", the down-and-out General Ross took a puff of cigarette.

"It's not suitable for minors here, the new clothes are very beautiful." The general glanced at Daisy, teasing, Daisy shot back

"In my imagination, there should be some decorations on your head. It seems that without me, it makes you very uncomfortable."

Daisy walked up and down, bumping up and down to General Ross.

"I'm tired of that sentence myself, but I still want to tell you." Daisy leaned on the edge of the bar with one hand, "the super soldier project was stopped for a reason. Sometimes the hardware is also very important, general"

"You still have the nerve to say it?" General Ross looked at Daisy teasingly.

"Listen to me" General Ross approached Daisy and made a sign of listening. Daisy lowered her voice and whispered to the General.

"We're building a team."

"who are we?"

Daisy moved her lips and smiled without saying a word.

In the bushes at the junction of British Columbia, Canada and Eagle Flag, Bruce Banner woke up in a daze, and the humid environment brought him a huge cold.

He vaguely remembered what happened last night. Dry your body with your hands to keep yourself warm. Continuing to flee, such an ending is simply God's mercy to him. Suffering from severe illness, he has already lost the right to pursue his own happiness. He dare not imagine how dark the future will be. Just as he was about to get up, he was suddenly taken aback by the black man who appeared in front of him, and sat back on the ground.

Nick Fury handed him a clean dress, and Banner hesitated for a moment before taking it.

"who are you?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D., don't get excited, doctor. If S.H.I.E.L.D. intends to arrest you, you won't be able to escape from Brazil at all."

Hearing this, Banner, who was about to explode, calmed down, which made Nick Fury heave a sigh of relief.

"Get to know Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Doctor, I've been following you."

Over there, Banner got up, put on his clothes, and was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"If you hadn't had an experimental accident, you would be a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., which makes us miss each other too much."

"So, why are you looking for me now?"

"The military has intensified their search for you, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can no longer cover you. Too many things have happened during this period, and I can provide you with a temporary safe house, if you want to rest before starting I can help you on this trip."

"I, I don't know. I can't even confirm what you said, the bad accident made me deserted, I... I can't go back." Banner didn't believe the so-called Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in front of him.

Nick Fury took out two photos from his arms and handed them to Banner.

"If this is a trap... I can tell you that we have no way to deal with Hulk for the time being. This girl is familiar to you. During the arrest process this time, she has done a lot for you."

"I remember her, the weird girl, the second-year girl." Banner only saw a superficial photo for the time being, and he had some memories of Hulk.

"Actually, she is one of us. She secretly obstructed General Ross's arrest of you. The most important thing is that she has known you since childhood." In the second photo, Banner is holding little Daisy, playing with him familiar magic.

This photo was taken inadvertently when SHIELD was on a mission, and there is Banner's long-lost smile on the photo.

"is her…"

"I don't know why Daisy didn't recognize you, but her mission briefing is full of compliments for you. She hopes that the military in the bureau will change their view of you."

Banner looked at the photo in silence for a long time,

"To be honest, standing in front of you today, I mustered up a lot of courage. Without her report to you, I can't be sure whether you are rational after transformation."

Flicking through pictures of little Daisy, Banner finally agreed to Nick Fury's safe house plan.

Banner followed Nick Fury, followed by Hill, and the three walked to the paradise-like hut here. Looking from a distance, the place is quiet and peaceful. The cottage, the woods behind it, and the vast grassland at the entrance are natural, and the small river is full of scenery.

"Come in, I like the decoration style here very much. From the outside, the building looks very retro, like the decoration style at the beginning of the last century. The living tools in the house are very complete, such as faucets, dishwashers, refrigerators, computers, ps2 , take a look, walk around."

Banner walked into the hut in the forest hesitantly, and the cozy interior made him much more comfortable. Seeing the big soft bed exposed through the crack of the door, Dr. Banner raised his eyebrows.

"Look at what else is needed, and I will help you arrange it."

Banner looked around and shook his head, "It's so beautiful, it's like a trap."

"It's like a trap." Nick Fury put it in his pocket, "It must be a sweet trap."

"Doctor, do you know the damage report from last night? Those houses, families, children..."

"It must be quite a lot...but it's not my fault..."

"Keeping you away from the city is my top priority. It is also my job to keep you safe from being taken away by the military. This is the most suitable place."

"Did anyone else live here before me?"

"There was a small tenant, but unfortunately he couldn't keep his temper."

'Sounds like incarceration'

Nick Fury raised his hand and pointed to the house. "Such a good prison? Free access, no one to guard."

He took out a mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Banner.

"Call me on this phone if you have anything to do. You will like it here. Be careful that there are bears here at night."


After Nick Fury settled Banner, he left with Hill. It was only then that Banner really looked around and searched around the room, but he didn't find any monitoring equipment, which reassured him a lot.

Originally, he regretted his recklessness and easily believed Director SHIELD's nonsense. But the hut is full of daily necessities, there is a water heater, wifi, a refrigerator full of food, and there is a river not far from the door, where you can fish. It's okay to live here for half a year.

In the evening, Banner took a shower and was wiping his upper body with a towel when he knocked over an apple on the table. When Banner went down to pick it up, he found the interlayer on the door panel. He found a hammer to pry open the interlayer on the door, only to find that the door was made of all metal, and there was a clear mark of a small foot on the metal.

Banner looked horrified, "The little tenant who has a temper tantrum?"

I belatedly discovered that this hut is really a prison! He ran out and ran a long circle around the hut, but found no strange movement around him. He lost his sense of security in the hut, and Banner slept outside for the first three days, then moved back into the hut, and stuck the door shut while he slept at night.

Dr. Banner was taken aback by the wind and grass around him, and he couldn't sleep well.

On the night of the accident, it was also the night when Nick Fury officially launched the Avengers plan. Many things started to rotate axis by axis.

General Ross intends to let the abomination into this plan, but Coulson and Sitwell secretly dealt with it, and asked Daisy Johnson, who was talking to General Ross, to come forward and stop this oolong incident.

"It seems that you are planning to make me give up?" General Ross put down his glass with a grim expression. This came from the unkind expression of an up-and-coming general. Even Tony Stark in the original plot was very cautious about General Ross's words, and was wary of the old general's sudden attack.

Daisy is not a newcomer who is not afraid of tigers at birth, and she understands the power of it. It means that the precursor to the failure of the negotiation has already been preset on his face, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Daisy needs to hook him here!

"For the time being, no one is responsible for this incident, General Ross. If there is such a stain now, the transition to power in the future will not be so smooth."

"Are you threatening me?" General Ross twitched his eyebrows and sucked on his cigar.

"Yes." Daisy replied firmly. But then he raised his arm again and made an indifferent movement.

"Whether it's a hatred or an avenger, it really doesn't matter where you go. General, I prefer to make friends."

After gulping down the beer handed over by the bartender, General Ross looked down and said quietly, "Sounds like a deal. What's your bargaining chip?"



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