Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 107: Bronski

The parts of the bumblebee were seriously damaged, and most of the parts were deformed, which worried Daisy. Specialists at the military base cleared out a large abandoned flight warehouse to repair the Hornet.

With Daisy doing it herself, the repairing process became extraordinarily fast.

Klein's information team joined and came to record all actions related to the Hulk incident. Electronic information on Dr. Banner is still being traced.

After the incident at the University of Virginia, Daisy has been very busy with a lot to deal with. In the dormitory of the military base at night, Daisy rubbed her sore eyes and had just spent more than an hour dealing with the high tide.

Rising tide games, Weibo, mobile phones, platforms, artificial intelligence, etc. Some projects have already been implemented and entered the profit model, and many branch departments have been derived, some of which are still under development. Daisy had to look over every aspect of things, and Jessica Jones sorted out more work logs.

It was already past two o'clock in the evening, and Daisy turned on the small desk lamp. The accommodation provided to Daisy in the military base is not very large, about 12 square meters, including bathrooms and toilets, making the most of the space.

The space is a little smaller, but Daisy feels pretty good, at least it feels cozy to live in.

She took out a red notebook from her luggage bag, and by the light of the small desk lamp, Daisy flipped through her notebook.

Oh, and this isn't the one about The Winter Soldier. This is the knowledge point written by Daisy based on what she has learned. It is a notebook that combines knowledge points in the fields of machinery, quantum, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, biology, and nanometers.

After the battle with the Hulk, Daisy's body exposed many problems in various aspects, but these Daisys had no time to think about it, because thinking about it was extremely frightening. Also because there is no time, it is a good habit Daisy developed when she was a student to review the past before going to bed every day. She quickly went through the knowledge points.

It's getting late, it's time to go to bed.

The repair work of the bumblebee is about to enter a small climax, and the reorganization of the bumblebee will officially start tomorrow, which makes the team of experts who have been helping Daisy excited. I have to go to the warehouse at seven o'clock in the morning to start the reorganization work, go to breakfast at six thirty, and at six o'clock I have to wash up and put on light makeup, so there is not much time left for sleep.

Turning to the last page, there is a row of codes written on the page. Daisy frowned, and stroked the pages of the book with her fingers. Only she could understand this code, and the address recorded on it concealed a book.

"Dark God Book"!

This book can be described as a net limelight in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4", and the story of almost the entire season revolves around this book. There is endless knowledge hidden in books, and it can even create machines that break the law of energy conservation to create mass substances out of nothing. It will display different texts according to each reader's native language. But every human, or robot, who reads this book, ends badly!

The real Book of the Dead!

When visiting Mr. Li in the hospital, Daisy found Dr. Bauer who knew the whereabouts of the book.

Dr. Bauer and his wife traveled all over the mountains and seas, and finally found this divine book. The two hope to devote themselves to the cause of resource recycling, and they read the black technology that breaks the conservation of energy in the book. Afterwards, Dr. Bauer and another person survived. Fearing the temptation of the "Dark Book of God", Dr. Bauer put the book back where it was originally found.

It wasn't long before Dr. Power fell into a state of insanity, which led to Daisy bumping into him in the hospital.

Daisy understood that the title of the book "Dark God Book" was read as cheating.

If she didn't know the side effects of this book, Daisy would dig out the divine book without hesitation, and then look through it to find a way to make herself stronger.

Everything has a price! But Daisy is still heartbroken!

Under the light of the green desk lamp, she stroked the code that only she could understand, and was extremely hesitant.

Judging from the reflections in the TV series, "The Book of Darkness" had better be set on fire! Based on an objective and calm analysis, as long as it is manipulated properly, the "Dark Book of God" will definitely do more good than harm. Maybe it will be the best weapon against Thanos!

Daisy thought so.

Control this book in your own hands, at least it will not let other interested people explore it, and it will cause the end of the world or something like that. Daisy knows that Nick Fury is also looking for this book, because of his "previous record" about the Rubik's Cube, this book cannot let him know!

The past life memory restricted Daisy's thinking pattern. What she didn't know was that the book was actually called "The Scroll of Sithorne". She didn't know that this book was more troublesome than she imagined. The anti-argument of "Book of the Mountain Emperor"!

Having made a major decision, Daisy took a deep breath, lay lazily on the bed, and soon fell asleep.


The reconstruction work has been going on for a year, and some buildings with different characteristics have sprung up.

"No, I just asked Miss Shi Huaiya for it."

"Sister Huai Ya from the rescue team is so kind!"

"She asked me, how did I know the white rabbit toffee, guess what I said?"

"Stupid. Hee hee, muamua, the white rabbit toffee is so delicious!"

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Daisy finished all the reorganization of the bumblebee! Plug the chip back in and wait for the Bumblebee to reboot. For four days, Daisy benefited a lot from the mechanical assistance of the structure. The assembly in the military base is more scaled and automated, which saves a lot of time for the Hornet's reorganization.

The revived Bumblebee looked around curiously, and then changed back to the car state with Daisy's authorization. It turns out that the bumblebee's reorganization was perfect.

"You can equip the Hornet with a 50mm caliber howitzer, or a giant cold weapon made of tungsten steel, so that it can gain an absolute advantage in the future decisive battle with the Hulk." The bald expert beside Daisy gave Daisy Suggestion, a big beard in a man makes him look funny, Daisy thinks so.

"The Hornet does not install a weapon system," Daisy replied forcefully, and continued. "You have studied for so many days, you should have figured out the bumblebee."

Daisy stepped into the car door. "Wish you guys good luck"

"But the stress inside it hasn't..."

They drove away, leaving a bunch of people stunned. You look at me and I look at you. The person in charge reported Daisy's matter to General Ross.

General Ross put down the landline, cursing a bunch of trash in his heart.

Daisy is an agent with level 8 authority of S.H.I.E.L.D., and she is a star general under the Eagle flag. S.H.I.E.L.D. was not run by the Eagle Flag family, but the resources were focused on Eagle Flag. For an agent at Daisy's level of authority, he insisted that Daisy hand over the mechanical drawings of the bumblebee, which would affect his political situation in the State Department.

Since Agent No. 18 acquiesced to let her engineers understand the internal structure of the Hornet, this is also her concession in front of her own territory, how can she make more progress?

Now that this matter is like this, then helping to fix the Hornet should be a favor for Agent Daisy.

General Ross took down the cigar in his mouth and exhaled the curling smoke. He looked forward and asked, "How do you feel? Soldier?"

"This is much more painful than the first time!"

Bronski's face was pale, and he tried his best to endure the pain caused by the direct injection of super soldier serum.

"But it's all worth it!" Looking at Bronski's gritted teeth, it was really not pleasing to the eye, General Ross squinted his eyes and took a big puff of his cigar.

"Being a superhero comes with a price"

"But I don't want to be a superhero, I just want to beat that big guy!"

"Very good!" General Ross nodded in satisfaction.

"I received your text message, General." Daisy walked in at this moment, and Bronski, who suddenly caught sight of her, slightly frightened Daisy. Then he said to Bronski.

"You seem to be recovering a little bit, and your complexion is not very good." Seeing that Daisy was not surprised by Bronski's recovery, General Ross became more convinced of his previous guess.

"He just injected the full dose of serum." General Ross explained to Daisy, Daisy turned her head to observe Bronski carefully, it was the first time that Daisy had seen a soldier who had been injected with a full dose.

"When it comes to recovery, no one can compare to your recovery ability. How about it, if you are interested... Do you want to recall how you looked when you were injected with serum?" Bronski's face on the side was extremely ugly, so he looked a little sinister. Daisy said.

Ah~ Thought I had a serum injection too?

"Not Daisy's reply made Bronski a little disappointed. He stared straight at Daisy, and the medical staff beside him helped him measure blood pressure.

General Ross pulled Daisy out of the room, and the two leaned against the fence.

"If I knew from the beginning that you were a successful experiment," Rose put his hands in his pockets and leaned back, "I wouldn't have bothered to send this soldier to do this experiment."

"I admit, I underestimated you." General Ross threw away the cigar in his hand.

"Inertial thinking, looking down on women is an old problem, I was wrong."

"Correct your mistakes before it's too late, General." Daisy didn't want to correct this mistake of General Ross, it could save herself a lot of trouble.

"You are a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., you are not my soldier. I want to know..." General Ross paused here, looked at Daisy, and spoke very quietly and carefully.

"The gap between the two."

Seeing Bronski's appearance, Daisy could roughly guess what General Ross meant. It's just that he thought he would ask her to talk about the bumblebee first, which was beyond Daisy's expectation.

"The gap between the two? Interesting wording." The two stopped, and Daisy looked at General Ross.

"I am not omniscient, but I must declare this first."

"Sounds like a superhero," General Ross exclaimed.

Daisy swallowed, "Sounds very tempting, worth considering"

"You will." Then General Ross turned to Bumblebee.

"I'm dismissed. The Hornet doesn't look perfect. The military can find a more perfect weapon."

"Hulk?" Daisy asked

"Do not!"

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