Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 85: Set up

Chapter 85: Set up

 The video content they watched on site was from two interns.

 Interns A and B were both competing for a project. In the end, A’s strength was stronger than that of B. Obviously, this project would fall on A’s head.

 However, things did not develop according to everyone's ideas.

The boss of Mr. B found Mr. A and recommended him to study at the headquarters, hoping that he would withdraw from the competition for this project.

 Once person A withdraws, the project will naturally fall on person B.

 The dispute occurred in this matter.

 A is in a state of confusion and hesitation.

The guests who came to record this program today are actor Chen Jiping, who became famous for a spy drama last year, and Chen Bing, a talk show actor who has become more famous in recent years. The dispute mainly happened between the two of them.

Chen Bing said: "This is too unfair. A and B are competing, but B's boss interferes and uses the opportunity to go to the headquarters for training to tempt A to give up the project. You know I have a How does it feel? Just like when we were young, we worked hard to prepare for a performance on stage, and after working hard for a long time, we were finally deprived of the opportunity by another classmate. It was not because this classmate performed better than us, or for any other reason, just because This classmate’s parents greeted the teacher and gave him a gift, so we lost this opportunity.”

"I think the nature of the two things is a little different." Chen Jiping said, "Chen Bing, the example you just gave, you are completely unaware of, or in other words, you were deprived of taking the stage in a completely passive situation. Rights, this is indeed unfair. But what we just saw, it is obvious that although B’s boss’s methods are disgraceful, he did not deprive A of the opportunity behind his back. He just used another one that was equally full of A’s. There are too many situations in our lives where A is given up by tempting opportunities.”

Chen Bing nodded: "Mr. Chen, you are right, but have you ever thought about whether an opportunity to work on a project and an opportunity to study at the headquarters are of equal value? It seems that A Given the opportunity to make a choice, is A really able to make a choice that suits his heart? "

"Why not?"

"Because B's boss is not only B's boss, but also the leader of the company. A is just a small intern. Does he dare to refuse the choice proposed by the company leader?" Chen Bing said, "B's boss proposed to A A seemingly fair choice, in fact, there is an undisclosed cost of offending. Once A does not accept the option of boss B, A will risk offending boss B. Under this kind of psychological pressure, Do you still think this choice is fair?”

"It's not fair, but there are too many unfair multiple-choice questions in life." Chen Jiping shook his head, "You also said that this is just a risk of offending. I don't say it is a fantasy, because this risk of offending is real. exists, but if we want to pursue an absolutely fair workplace environment that is not affected by the outside world, it is simply unrealistic. Before I became an actor, I also worked in a company and faced the same situation. To be honest, this is simply not possible. It’s nothing, B’s boss at least made it clear and didn’t do anything behind the scenes. The example you gave is the real norm in the workplace.”

“Teacher Chen, do you mean that boss B is still a kind person?” Chen Bing asked in disbelief.

 Chen Jiping: "Don't misunderstand me. I mean, compared with the real workplace, this situation is not unfair at all. At least A already has the opportunity to make a choice."

 The two people started an argument that lost the value of discussion.

 However, at this moment, Lu Yanhe was distracted.

 He thought of someone.

 Xu Zijun.

ˆWhy did she give up the recommended indicators for independent enrollment?

 Which normal student would give up this indicator?

 Behind the incomprehensible choices, is there also such a difficult choice?

Suddenly there was a "bang", a huge sound that woke Lu Yanhe out of his distracted state.

 He was startled and came back to his senses.

Chen Jiping didn’t know what was going on, so he slapped his hand on the table and stood up angrily.

 “I’m going to the bathroom.”

 He left the studio with a very ugly face. Chen Bing also folded his hands on his chest and turned away unhappily, not looking at Chen Jiping.

  Everyone in the directing team looked sad.

The speeches of these guests have been written by screenwriters a long time ago. They just read from the script and insist on expressing themselves. Now they are so quarrelsome that they can't stop it.


Program host Jiang Xin smiled and smoothed things over: "That's how it is when recording an observation program like ours. The guests can easily get involved in the situation and arouse their own emotions, and everyone can take a break."

She said to Lu Yanhe: "Yanhe, this must be your first time recording this kind of variety show, right?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Jiang Xin said: "You are still in high school, can you understand these things that everyone was discussing just now?"

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to answer.

If he can't understand, why did the program team ask him to come?

 He pursed his lips and said, "Well, I understand."

Jiang Xin immediately asked: "Then, which of the two teachers Chen do you think is right?"

Lu Yanhe frowned subconsciously, feeling that there was something wrong with the host. Although Chen Jiping left angrily, Chen Bing was still sitting here? She now asked him face to face who was right and what did he say?

  It means that everyone offends the other person.

He didn’t answer the call. He suddenly thought of something and asked, “Should our program continue to be recorded? If I can take a break, I’ll go to the bathroom.”

 The director team nodded and indicated that he could go.

 Lu Yanhe ran away immediately.

Jiang Xin looked at Lu Yanhe's back as he quickly left, and cursed in his heart. He didn't succeed in the trap?

 This child is a little cautious.

 After that, the director team invited Chen Jiping back, and several guests acted out the script according to the screenwriter's script.

This program was barely finished recording.

Lu Yanhe thanked the program team and left immediately.

Jiang Xin returned to her dressing room, locked the door, and called Zhou Pingan.

"Hey, Ping An, I didn't handle the things you told me well." Jiang Xin said helplessly, "The kid you brought is very thoughtful. I just took the bait and he ran away. I'm sorry. I couldn’t help with this.”

Zhou Ping'an snorted and said, "It's okay. I just wanted to ask you to help me by the way. If I don't get it, I'll forget it."

"However, I think this kid is quite sensible. Why do you want him to cause trouble on purpose? How did he offend you?"

"He didn't offend me, he offended someone else. I was also doing things for others. He caused trouble, so I justifiably drove him away." Zhou Ping'an sighed helplessly, "Everything was going smoothly. Just wait. He left, but it happened that he acted bravely. If he doesn't have an excuse, we won't be able to get rid of him directly later. "

 (End of this chapter)

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