Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 66: Prepare

Chapter 66 Preparation

 The program will be recorded on Wednesday.

The program is called "Little Songs". As the name suggests, this is a variety show that focuses on singing. However, it is not very popular. The reason why it has been able to do so until now is mainly due to its low production cost. Gaolu is a program that has always been profitable. , and it is a network variety show, so there is no so-called problem of occupying time slots.

Zhou Ping'an accepted this program for Lu Yanhe just because he knew that Lu Yanhe's singing was average and he would not be able to do well in such a program.

 But Lu Yanhe was quite willing to record this show.

 Because it is not popular.

Lu Yanhe is not giving up on himself, he is really willing. After all, before time travel, he was just an ordinary student with no experience as an artist, let alone facing the camera.

 He doesn’t know what he will look like in front of the camera.

 If something goes wrong, at least few people will know about it.

Lu Yanhe wanted to go to this show because this show gave him 30,000 yuan in labor fees. Although the company had to take 80% of it, he could only get 6,000 yuan, before tax, but for him now, mosquitoes are no longer a problem. Small ones are also meat.

 There is no money in the pocket and no confidence in the heart.

 Before participating in this program, Lu Yanhe had been thinking about a question.

That’s how to prepare for this recording.

 He is going to sing.

 The format of the show is that each guest sings a song and then sits together to chat, combining music variety and slow variety.

 What song are you singing?

Lu Yanhe was actually thinking about a question. Now that he has this opportunity, should he use his golden finger to travel through time?

 For example, sing "Ten Years" or "Backpack".

No, no, these two songs are too inappropriate for his age.

Moreover, the most critical question is that he can’t arrange music... He can only sing, so how can he just sing?

 What about the musical instrument coordination?

Today is Monday, and the recording will be done the day after tomorrow. He is an urgent guest. If a new song is given, the live band will not be familiar with it and needs to be rehearsed, which is completely unfeasible.

Early on Tuesday morning, Lu Yanhe learned from Zhou Pingan that Zhou Pingan had communicated with the program team and Lu Yanhe would sing the theme song "Dream Chasing Boy" from the talent show he participated in that year.

“I didn’t have time to practice new songs, and the live band also needed to rehearse. Time was tight, so I just sang ‘Dream Chaser’.” Zhou Pingan said on the phone with an unquestioning tone.

Zhou Ping'an didn't think Lu Yanhe would have any other opinions at all.

 Subsequently, he pushed over someone who was the director assigned to Lu Yanhe by the program team.

 “If you have anything to do, just tell this person.”

The director's surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Lu.

Wang Lu: Hello Yan He, my name is Wang Lu, and I am your choreographer. Your rehearsal time is today at 9:40 pm.

Lu Yanhe was stunned and asked: Rehearsal?

 Wang Lu: Yes.

 Lu Yanhe realized then. He was only thinking about recording the program tomorrow, but he didn't realize that there was a rehearsal before the official recording.

Lu Yanhe asked: Where is the rehearsal location?

Wang Lu sent a positioning.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, it’s not far from the school, about 12 kilometers, a thirty-minute drive.

 Just take a taxi there.

"Lu Yanhe, why are you so dazed?" Li Pengfei suddenly threw a paper ball at him, interrupting Lu Yanhe's thoughts.

Lu Yanhe looked back at him, shook his head, and said, "Thinking about something."

"Hey, it's rare to see you distracted." Li Pengfei said, "I want to ask you, do you want to come to my house later in the evening? My dad said he wanted to treat you to a meal." Lu Yanhe said in surprise: "Thank you, uncle, for your kindness. Ah, unfortunately, I have a rehearsal for a program recording tonight.”

"Program recording?" Li Pengfei was a little surprised, "What program?"

 “‘Little Song Gathers Together’.” Lu Yanhe said.

"Ah? What kind of show is this? I feel like I've never heard of it?" Li Pengfei said directly, "But why are you suddenly going to record a show again? It's been half a month since you stopped. I thought you didn't have any acting skills. There’s work over there.”

“It’s been in the news for the past two days, and a job has been found.” Lu Yanhe said, “Children from poor families have already become their own family, so they can earn a little remuneration.”

 “How much can you earn?” Li Pengfei’s eyes lit up, “I heard that your artists can be paid hundreds of thousands or millions for recording a show. I’m treating you!”

"Brother, I only have a few thousand yuan, so you ask me to treat you." Lu Yanhe said, "I'm still worried now. There will be a rehearsal tonight, and I don't know how to sing the song yet."

  Although he has the memory of his original self, the current Lu Yanhe is actually a newcomer.

 He doesn't know the singing skills, and he's not familiar with "Dream Chaser" either.

"Anyway, no one expects you to sing, so it doesn't matter if you fail." Luo Zicheng suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said this sentence, but he was afraid that Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei would punch him again, so he left after saying this. .

Li Pengfei curled his lips disdainfully.


Lu Yanhe is still struggling with the matter of "Dream Chaser".

 If it really doesn’t work, forget it.

This time he has no chance to show off his golden fingers as a time traveler, so he can only sing this song.

Even this song... Lu Yanhe found a video of him singing this song with his teammates on the Internet three years ago.

This song is actually not too difficult. The main theme is youthful vitality and excitement.

However, given Lu Yanhe’s low self-esteem and timid appearance before, his singing was indeed a bit out of place.

Even if Lu Yanhe doesn’t understand music, he knows that this song should be energetic and youthful.

Lu Yanhe wore headphones and listened carefully several times during class.

 At any rate, I know this song in my memory and can sing it. I just need to get really familiar with it.

I have to say that Lu Yanhe’s voice condition is still acceptable.

The original singer is timid when singing, but she can hit high notes and so on.

 At noon, Lu Yanhe went to the laboratory to find an empty classroom and practiced the song several times.

  Although I am singing by myself, it feels like I am listening to someone else singing.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but he thinks his singing sounds pretty good now.

“You are hiding here alone to practice singing.” Chen Siqi’s voice suddenly came from the back door.

Lu Yanhe was startled and looked back.

Chen Siqi crossed her arms and stood against the back door frame.

 “Why are you here?” Lu Yanhe asked.

“I’m asking you, I was studying very well next door, why did I hear someone singing and disturbing my study.” Chen Siqi curled her lips, “I didn’t expect it was you.”

 Lu Yanhe: “What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing, just a little surprised. Didn’t you say you were going to take the college entrance examination and not pursue acting?”

"I want to take the college entrance examination, but I didn't say I won't pursue acting." Lu Yanhe corrected, "I had no choice before, but now a program has asked me to record an episode, and I want to sing a song Song, so let’s practice it, it shouldn’t be difficult to hear and cause sound pollution, right?”

 (End of this chapter)

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