Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 50: Those who purify themselves will purify themselves

Chapter 50 Those who purify themselves will purify themselves

Lu Yanhe’s cell phone rang.

 It was a message from Chen Siqi: See you in the laboratory building after school.

The laboratory building is where the first and second graders of high school do biological experiments. Compared with the teaching building, there is basically no one in the laboratory building after school, and they will not be seen when they meet there.

 After school, Lu Yanhe came to the laboratory building.

 Chen Siqi was waiting for him in an empty laboratory on the top floor.

“Is your leg healed?” Lu Yanhe asked as soon as he entered the laboratory.

Chen Siqi nodded: "It's better, but the scar hasn't gone away yet, and I don't know if it can go away."

“It’s okay, it’s on my legs anyway, so it can be covered.”

"I'm not one of your boys. I wear trousers from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. I also wear a skirt, okay?" Chen Siqi glanced at Lu Yanhe speechlessly, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you this. I heard that I was there again at noon. Got into trouble and was called a parent? "

“My parents are gone, so why are you shouting? It’s not my parents who are shouting.” Lu Yanhe pulled up a chair in the first row and sat down. There were several rows of seats between him and Chen Siqi.

The orange sunset slants in from the window, like a cutting line, turning the interior into two completely different realms. One is the light realm gently enveloped by the sunset, while the other half is the dark realm swallowed by shadows.

Lu Yanhe was sitting at the intersection, with only the corner of his chin being cut off by the setting sun from his sphere of influence.

Chen Siqi looked at Lu Yanhe and said, "Tell me, it was me who caused you trouble this time. How do you need me to compensate you?"

"Forget it, you are also a victim, it's not you who asked your stepmother to come." Lu Yanhe smiled, a little silently, "Actually, today is quite interesting. I met three different adults, and the three of them were completely different. It’s different. In comparison, your stepmother is not that annoying to me.”

Chen Siqi looked at him doubtfully and asked, "Who have you seen that you can hate more than her?"

 “You don’t know, my classmate Luo Zicheng’s mother.”

"Who says I don't know him? I have seen him before. One time they came to my house to ask my dad for help with something." Chen Siqi said, "That time they brought Luo Zicheng too, and my dad asked me to entertain him. He keeps boasting and flaunting himself even though he has no abilities, which annoys me to death and leaves a deep impression on me.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi looked at him and asked: "What's wrong, you didn't expect that I also hate that Luo Zicheng?"

"I really didn't expect that you actually knew him." Lu Yanhe asked, "Then why didn't you ask him to go to the birthday party before? If you invited him to attend, he should be very happy."

"Pull him down. If he goes and shows up as my friend, I will really lose my face." Chen Siqi said, "I came here to save my face, not to take away my Losing face."

“Apart from the fact that he speaks unpleasantly, he’s fine. Could it be that he also speaks so unpleasantly in front of you?”

"Then you must have never heard him talk about his growth history." Chen Siqi suddenly changed his tone, seeming to be imitating Luo Zicheng, and said: "Chen Siqi, don't look at me thin, I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I have also participated in National Children’s Martial Arts Competition, entered the semi-finals!”

After Chen Siqi finished imitating, she immediately changed back to her iconic and dismissive tone: "He has the nerve to bring it up in the National Children's Martial Arts Competition. Even a gold medal is too embarrassing. It's only a semi-final. He is now a child." I’m really convinced that you’re talking about something from your childhood even though you have acne on your face.”

 “Haha.” Lu Yanhe laughed out loud.

 “Did your mother make things difficult for you today?”

“No, it’s my classmate who is making things difficult.” Lu Yanhe asked, “You have heard that I was called a parent, don’t you know what happened?”

"I've heard that you were called a parent. It can be seen that the news I heard has been spread through so many mouths, and I don't know which ones are true." Lu Yanhe roughly explained the matter in a few words.

"This Luo Zicheng, why does he have such a bad mouth! That classmate of yours beat him so hard that if I were here, I would slap him too." Chen Siqi looked like he was about to slap the table and slap someone, "You still have the face to do this! It’s unreasonable to cause trouble for that classmate of yours.”

  “I can understand it too.”

 “You understand me, you still speak for them.”

“Which mother doesn’t protect her children unconditionally?” Lu Yanhe said.

 When he said this, he was thinking of his mother.

I don’t know if he still exists in the original time and space. If he doesn’t exist anymore, are his parents looking for him?

Lu Yanhe didn’t dare to think about it carefully for fear that he wouldn’t be able to hold on.

Lu Yanhe looked up and saw Chen Siqi, who didn't know what was going on. Tears suddenly flowed down his face.

 He was stunned immediately.

 “You, why are you crying suddenly.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yanhe reacted.

 Chen Siqi's biological mother left her early, and her current dire straits are all due to her stepmother. Why are you still saying at this time, "What mother doesn't unconditionally protect her children?" Isn't this specifically singling out Chen Siqi for stimulation?

"It's okay." Chen Siqi raised the back of his hand and wiped his eyes to stop his tears, "Don't worry about me. I couldn't control it. It's okay. You and I are both fallen people anyway, so no one can comfort the other."

 Chen Siqi's words made Lu Yanhe couldn't help but smile bitterly.


Chen Siqi stood up: "Since you don't want my compensation, then let's go back."

 Lu Yanhe nodded and left the laboratory building with Chen Siqi.

After such a scandal, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi walked out of the laboratory building, but they did not avoid suspicion and still walked to the school gate together.

Although there were not as many students on campus at this time as when school was over, there were still quite a few. When they saw the subject of today's scandal on the campus forum suddenly appearing and walking side by side, they all took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures and uploaded them to the campus forum. , but they soon discovered that the post they uploaded was deleted in less than a minute.

“Everyone is suspecting that the two of us are in love, but the teachers don’t seem to suspect it at all.” Chen Siqi said.

Lu Yanhe: "Because of Luo Zicheng's incident, my head teacher now knows very well how this rumor spread and will not doubt it."

“Lu Yanhe, are you going to avoid getting along with me in school and pretend that you don’t know me?”

"I pretended not to know each other when there were rumors about the scandal. Isn't it true that there is no three hundred taels of silver here?" Lu Yanhe said, "At first I felt a little uncomfortable because of their pointing, but after Li Pengfei punched Luo Zicheng, I suddenly felt that it didn't matter. Yes, they can say whatever they want. The moment the rumors are born, they are destined to be impossible to take back. To deal with such things, it makes sense for those who purge themselves to purge themselves. "

“The idea of ​​those who purify themselves will only make the rumors worse.” Chen Siqi glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise, “You don’t really like me, do you?”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

He looked at Chen Siqi seriously and said: "Those who are clean will be clean themselves."

 After saying that, he turned around and walked forward.

 (End of this chapter)

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