Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 464: Premiere and Plus (12,000 words updated!

 After Yu Qin left, Lu Yanhe was still in shock.

Chen Ziyan looked at him, and he looked at Chen Ziyan.

"We all thought that she might come to me to make a movie, but none of us thought that the idea of ​​her coming to you to make a movie was like this." Chen Ziyan shook her head in disbelief, "I was stunned. "

"I'm confused too." Lu Yanhe said.

After saying these two sentences, the two of them looked at each other in silence for a moment. Chen Ziyan said: "However, I was really surprised that she could come up with such a story right away. Just listening to this story, something came to my mind. A lot of past events happened.”

"Past events?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Chen Ziyan nodded, "In the entertainment industry, there are not many crazy people like the heroine in her story."

Lu Yanhe immediately thought of Meng Li.

Uh, it's true.

"If this movie is really made by Yu Qin, if nothing else, the topic will definitely explode. It will simply take off the fig leaf of the entertainment industry." Chen Ziyan said, "Especially the last ending, It’s a complete satire on this vanity fair.”

Lu Yanhe was silent for a while, "Actually, such a relationship between characters seems to have never appeared in any movie in my memory."

"It's too crazy and extreme." Chen Ziyan said, "Generally no director would dare to shoot such a subject."

The two looked at each other.

"Why do I feel like Sister Ziyan, you think this story is... good?"

"I didn't say it was good, I just said that not many directors dared to shoot it."

"Is it destined to be a huge controversy because of the filming?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Ziyan said: "The biggest controversial point of this story is that it creates a very negative heroine. You have to know that the content of movies in recent years has been to combat the harassment and persecution of women by men, not the other way around. In this way A story that’s easy to punch.”

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Indeed."

Chen Ziyan: "It's too risky for you to act in this movie. It's really unnecessary. Why should you take such a risk?"

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Yeah."

The two people looked at each other again.

After a moment of silence, Chen Ziyan asked: "What do you think... Putting aside the fact that Yu Qin wants you to act, what do you think of this story? If it is made into a movie, according to her style of making "Happy Time", do you think she will How was it shot?"

"I don't know, but I always feel that Director Yu is deliberately portraying the heroine in such a negative image."

"When she and Ning Xiulian were filming "Happy Time," they must have accumulated a lot of conflicts."

"I really don't know why she thought Ning Xiulian would agree to star in this film." Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Ziyan was silent for two seconds and said, "Will Ning Xiulian agree to star in this movie in the end?"

Lu Yanhe always felt that it would be impossible for this to come true, but in his heart he was inexplicably and a little eager to hope that it would come true.

Do you want to watch a show? -

At this time, Fu Kai and Shang Yongzhou arrived at the hotel.

"Path of Glory" is about to premiere, and the creators of this film shortlisted for the Horizon section have finally met on Lido Island.

Shang Yongzhou's arrival was officially reported by the Venice International Film Festival, which sent a special message to welcome his arrival.

The official introduction to him is: China's top film actor.

Seeing such an introduction, Lu Yanhe was a little envious on the one hand, but also silently sighed in his heart that even an old art film event like the Venice International Film Festival still cares about the status of actors and the popularity of stars.

Those artists who keep talking about art and belittling the star system, the film festival they most yearn for is also eagerly looking forward to the arrival of stars.

When they were eating together, Fu Kai asked about the movie "Happy Time".

"We heard in China that this movie has received very good feedback in Venice. Is this true?"

The reason why Fu Kai asked whether it was true or false was because many times the news would be taken out of context and excerpted by the media.

Lu Yanhe said: "This film has received really high praise from the media, and it is also the style that is appreciated at the Venice International Film Festival."

Fu Kai thought thoughtfully, "Did you go to the premiere? What did you think?"

"Well, maybe the box office results weren't very good, but it was indeed well shot." Lu Yanhe said, "After all, most audiences expect a good-looking story from the movie."

Fu Kai understood immediately after hearing this, "Isn't that the same path as our "Road to Glory"?"

""Path of Glory" still has a complete plot line, while "Happy Days" almost does not." Lu Yanhe said, "If we use literary genres to describe it, "Path of Glory" is still a novel, but "Happy Days" is prose. "

"Yu Qin's films seem to have always been in this style."

Shang Yongzhou pondered for a moment and said, "She contacted me yesterday, had a phone call with me, and told me her idea for the next film."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe looked at Shang Yongzhou in surprise, "Isn't this a story based on a film festival?"

Chen Ziyan also looked at Shang Yongzhou in surprise, "She asked you to act in this film?"

Shang Yongzhou nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Ziyan and Lu Yanhe looked at each other.

Shang Yongzhou saw the expressions of the two of them, realized something, and asked: "She is also looking for Yan He?"

Chen Ziyan nodded.

Lu Yanhe immediately added: "But I refused."

Shang Yongzhou said: "Well, I also refused."

Chen Ziyan asked: "You also think this story is not good?"

"That's not true. In fact, I think this story is quite ironic. If it is really filmed, such a character will definitely leave a mark and be discussed by many people." Shang Yongzhou said bluntly, "But I am I feel that this story is too theme-first, everything is on the surface, there is not much blank space, and I don’t want to play such a simple character.”

Chen Ziyan suddenly said, "Indeed."

Fu Kai asked: "Then why did Yan He refuse?"

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "The main reason is the same as my senior brother. If the actress is changed to an actor, I might consider it a little more. The actress' role is indeed very good, but in my opinion, the actor He is just a tool, without much room for performance. His existence is to give actresses a target to perform."

Fu Kai: "You two are very greedy. You both think this is a pretty good story, but you both rejected it because the role you were offered didn't have enough room for you to play."

Of course Fu Kai was only joking when he said this.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "As actors, of course we are looking for the best roles."

Shang Yongzhou: "Anyone can play the role of a tool man."

They finished their lunch chatting and laughing, and continued chatting together in a corner cafe.

Chen Ziyan asked Fu Kai if he had any ideas for his next drama.

Fu Kai said: "I'm going to go back to the track I'm good at and make films about a more relaxed life."

Chen Ziyan said: "In the special screening of "Path of Glory", the critics' evaluation of our film was quite good. Why don't you strike while the iron is hot and continue to make an art film?"

Fu Kai: "When I was filming "Path of Glory", I had already finished filming the story I wanted to film. I couldn't just shoot without having some ideas. I just like things that don't have so much thought and depth, and I occasionally accumulate a few ideas. One film is enough. If I film another film, I won’t be able to come up with anything new.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he heard what Fu Kai said.

Fu Kai and Yu Qin seemed to be two extremes.

If Yu Qin were here, Yu Qin would definitely say, those pictures you took are all rubbish.

In fact, the films directed by Fu Kai have never received high ratings. However, Shang Yongzhou was willing to cooperate with him again and again, which was something that Lu Yanhe couldn't understand before filming "Road to Glory". But after the experience of filming "Path of Glory" and the fact that he carefully searched out and watched all the films directed by Fu Kai, Lu Yanhe suddenly understood Shang Yongzhou's choice.

Because Fu Kai is a very real director. When he makes a movie, he never wants both. Whether it is a commercial film or a literary film like "Path of Glory", he does not follow a common routine. He has his own understanding of movies. There is a very unique authorial quality in him. This kind of authorship makes his film style transcend the simple distinction between commercial films and literary films.

In comparison, the films directed by Yu Qin, including "Happy Days", are indeed good. However, Lu Yanhe can see many shadows of other classics in this movie. Yu Qin shot this movie from a perspective of "I am making an artistic film."

"Huh? Isn't that Chen Ziliang?" Chen Ziyan's gaze suddenly paused diagonally in front of her.

"It's him." Lu Yanhe saw him at the door of an ice cream shop diagonally opposite.

"What is he doing here?" Chen Ziyan was a little confused.

Chen Ziyan is certainly not questioning why Chen Ziliang appeared at the Venice International Film Festival. In fact, many celebrities whose works have not been shortlisted for the film festival will come to the film festival due to invitations from sponsoring brands or other reasons. However, this type of celebrity entertainers usually come during the opening ceremony. Those who arrived during the film festival were basically actors who came to catch the premiere of their own films.

There was no news that Chen Ziliang would come to Venice before.

Come here at this time—

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan looked at each other.

They glanced at Shang Yongzhou subconsciously.

Shang Yongzhou asked in confusion: "Why are you looking at me like this? I didn't ask him to come over. I'm not familiar with him."

Chen Ziyan: "That's not what we were thinking about."

Shang Yongzhou seemed even more confused, "Then what are you thinking about?"

Fu Kai suddenly shook his phone.

"People from Ruyi Pictures asked me for an invitation letter to the premiere of "Path of Glory" and asked me to get it for Chen Ziliang," Fu Kai said.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan looked at each other.

Chen Ziyan said: "If he wants to come and support us, he can come."

Lu Yanhe thought so too.

In any case, Chen Ziliang is a popular star. Although his reputation is not very good, he is also a walking topic maker.

He is willing to attend the premiere of "Path of Glory" to help increase the film's exposure and stardom, for free, so why not?

Lu Yanhe’s thoughts are very pure—

Being able to help promote "Road to Glory", whether Chen Ziliang is happy or not, you can put it aside for now.


"Are you also guessing that Chen Ziliang might have accepted the role that neither you nor Shang Yongzhou wanted to act in?" Chen Ziyan asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Yes."

Chen Ziyan sighed softly and said, "If this is really what we suspected, then it would be really...ridiculous."

Lu Yanhe: "Actually, I don't care whether Chen Ziliang plays or not, and I don't think it's important. Senior brother Yongzhou and I both feel that the actor's role is not worth playing. At least I'm not the only one who thinks so. This makes me more determined in my decision-making." I have an idea. I am more curious about whether Ning Xiulian will play Sister Ziyan. To be honest, from an actor's point of view, if it weren't for the fact that the character is based on Ning Xiulian, it is really a good role. , the performance space is too big, and it is a rare type of role.”

"Aren't you worried that this actress is too selfish and narcissistic?" Chen Ziyan said worriedly, "When you perform such a role, aren't you worried that the audience's dislike of this character will be grafted onto the actor?"

"In the current film and television environment, I feel that the audience no longer wants to see those upright characters. It is this kind of extreme characters that the audience loves." Lu Yanhe said, "The audience wants to see the selfishness and selfishness of the characters more and more. The disadvantage is that the more such a character is, the closer he is to ordinary people."

"If you were Ning Xiulian, would you act?" Chen Ziyan asked.

Lu Yanhe: "It's hard to say, but it will definitely not be as straightforward as rejecting the role of an actor now."

The attraction of a good, complex character to an actor is fatal.

Chen Ziyan: "Then Ning Xiulian may not refuse."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and asked why.

"You have said that this is a very good role for an actor." Chen Ziyan asked Lu Yanhe, "Ning Xiulian didn't care about being scolded by others for eating young grass, and publicly held hands and kissed Gu Zhao on the red carpet. , how much do you think she would care about playing a role that might be scolded? Instead of letting someone else play a role based on her, it would be better for her to play it herself. If she plays it well, it might become a masterpiece."

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in shock.

What Chen Ziyan said was something he really didn't expect.

However, when I thought about it again, I felt that it was not unreasonable.

In the evening, Lu Yanhe was invited by Math, the brand he endorsed, to attend Math's brand event at the Venice International Film Festival.

He met Ning Xiulian at this event.

Only her, no Gu Zhao.

As a popular candidate for Best Actress at this Venice International Film Festival, Ning Xiulian received enthusiastic support at the scene.

Lu Yanhe and Ning Xiulian were asked by many people to take photos together.

They didn't even have time to chat more before they started taking photos.

Ning Xiulian smiled while looking at everyone's camera, and whispered to Lu Yanhe: "Did Director Yu Qin tell you her idea?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe said, "Tell me, Teacher Ning, can you act?"

Ning Xiulian: "Act, why not act?"

Lu Yanhe's heart skipped a beat.

Chen Ziyan is really good at predicting things.

Really acted.

"When I heard this story, I felt that the heroine... had a rather negative image." Lu Yanhe chose his words carefully, "Aren't you worried that there will be some voices attacking you?"

Ning Xiulian: "Do you think those voices attacking me will disappear if I stop acting? If I don't act, Yu Qin will find someone else to act. Who wouldn't think of me when reading this story?"

Lu Yanhe: "Uh, yes."

The two of them kept smiling politely.

Ning Xiulian: "What a pity. If you were the one to act, the opposite role would be even more exciting."

"Who was the actor chosen to play the role in the end?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Ning Xiulian said: "Yu Qin approached Ruyi Pictures for investment, and Ruyi Pictures agreed, on the condition that Chen Ziliang would play the role of an actor."


Lu Yanhe silently controlled his expression not to change, especially not to show any sarcasm.

Otherwise, with so many cameras shooting at him, who knows what people will interpret.

"I thought Director Yu wouldn't ask a film company for investment? I heard that she invested in "Happy Time" herself?"

"Yes, so now that I have no money, I can only find money from outside." Ning Xiulian said.

Lu Yanhe silently gave Ning Xiulian a thumbs up, "Teacher Ning, you are too strong. If I were in your shoes, I would not dare to agree to act in this movie so easily."

Ning Xiulian: "If you have collaborated with Yu Qin in a movie, you will be like me. Instead of worrying so much, it is better to go crazy with her."

"..." Lu Yanhe almost lost his expression control again.

This is the wording.

Go crazy.

It turns also know that this is a seizure?

Ning Xiulian: "But sometimes, you have to admit that people who are good in all aspects may be suitable to be friends in life, but they are unable to create good things. And those with eccentric personalities and extreme If you know how much I argued with her during the filming of the movie "Happy Days". At that time, you would definitely be surprised by the reputation "Happy Days" has now. At that time, I really thought that this drama was going to suck, and it was as bad as mud, but in the end it was shortlisted. Venice International Film Festival, it has also received praise and appreciation from the media, haha, it is something that cannot be understood with common sense.”

Ning Xiulian's words made Lu Yanhe thoughtful and touched.

After a while, Lu Yanhe suddenly came to his senses.

Okay, okay, just listen and don’t be brainwashed. Aren’t the directors Luo Yuzhong, Chen Lingling, Wang Zhong and Liu Bige who he has worked with quite normal?

But then, a question emerged hesitantly from his mind.

Do they all seem to have their own paranoid ways of being different from ordinary people?


At the premiere of "Path of Glory", Ning Xiulian and Chen Ziliang were invited to walk on the red carpet to support this Chinese-language film shortlisted for the Horizon section.

They also invited Yu Qin.

But Yu Qin didn't come, probably because both Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou rejected her invitation to play the next film.

Shang Yongzhou also invited several big-name actors who were still in Venice.

The star-studded red carpet of "Path of Glory" is no less impressive than the red carpets of premieres of films shortlisted for the main competition.

Lu Yanhe, Shang Yongzhou and Fu Kai walked on the red carpet together.

Due to limited funds, none of the other actors in this film came over. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I’m really stretched thin and don’t have the money to support it.

Glory, without the support of yellow and white things, is like a castle in the air that can disappear at any time.

As the leading actor, Lu Yanhe has a strong sense of responsibility and is to do his best to make this film seen.

At this time, when Lu Yanhe walks on the red carpet, he will have an aura that this is his home court.

In the eyes of the media, this kind of aura becomes a star's style and aura.

Compared with Shang Yongzhou, who has always been stable outside of movies, stars like Lu Yanhe who are born with hotly searched physiques and entertainment hot spots are more favored by the media circle.

Lu Yanhe's activeness in the international film industry in the past two years has also made many overseas media familiar with him.

Therefore, the Chinese media discovered something at this moment.

Lu Yanhe received no less courtesy than the already famous Shang Yongzhou at the premiere of "Road to Glory".

In the minds of Chinese media people, there must be some differences between Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou. Even if Lu Yanhe has become more popular and stronger in recent years, there is still a certain distance between him and Shang Yongzhou. So, what they discovered at the premiere was more or less shocking and incredible to them.

Artistic director Bica Lodge personally hosted today's premiere.

When he was making the introduction, he introduced Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe as the best actors in China now and the most famous Chinese actors in the world.

Such an introduction is far more convincing when spoken from the mouth of Picaeloch than from the Chinese themselves.

There is no way, whether you praise yourself or others praise yourself, the latter is always more convincing.

Then, the screening of "Paths of Glory" began.

When the lights dimmed in the screening room, Lu Yanhe heard his heart beat nervously twice, but then calmed down.

I still feel nervous, but I have begun to learn to regulate myself.

Lu Yanhe will always remember what Chen Ziyan said when she persuaded him to take this movie.

—You now have a strong eye for choosing movies that are not mainstream, full of adventure and exploration, but you have not yet developed a vision for understanding classics.

—I read the script of this movie seriously three times, and I have a certain feeling.

—I haven’t seen such an academic and neat script in a long time.

The movie begins with Shang Yongzhou getting out of the car.

On the passenger side was the test report he brought from the hospital.

There is no score and no monologue. At the beginning of the movie, Shang Yongzhou drives home expressionlessly, his eyes gloomy, as if he contains an ice field eternally surrounded by thick fog.

Until he got home and opened the door.

Lu Yanhe appears.

He was sitting on the sofa, with one foot on the sofa and one foot on the ground, in a casual posture, holding a game console in his hand, playing the game passionately.

"Holy shit! You don't have **** eyes or a brain? A pig's skills are six times better than yours. Brother, you're cheating me!"

Lu Yanhe on the screen cursed with anger.

He raised his head and glanced at Shang Yongzhou, but said nothing and his eyelids drooped again.

In the evening, have dinner together.

Lu Yanhe has been complaining that the dinner cooked by Shang Yongzhou is too plain and there is no meat.

I also wanted to ask Shang Yongzhou to borrow 500 yuan. He said that a classmate would be coming over in two days and he wanted to go out with them.

Shang Yongzhou said nothing during the whole process.

Lu Yanhe kept pressing his lips as if he was talking nonsense.

"No, brother, you're not willing to lend me this little money?"

"I promise to pay you back."

After the whole opening, the characters of the two brothers just stood up. One movement, one silence, one restraint, one extroversion. Through the images, the script, which was rated as very neat by Chen Ziyan, really showed its goodness at this moment.

In the first fifteen minutes, which is when Lu Yanhe was acting very **** up, there was almost no close-up shot of him.

Every scene in which he appears is from Shang Yongzhou's perspective, which gives the impression that his noise is just background sound.

The tone of the movie is still immersed in the heaviness and depression of Shang Yongzhou facing a terminal illness.

Lu Yanhe's performance is like a shadow play seen from a distance across the river.

The more lively the shadow puppet show on the other side of the river is, the more obvious the silence and loneliness on this side of the river are.

Until Lu Yanhe was coerced and lured by Shang Yongzhou into the car, and began to accompany Shang Yongzhou on the road to review his life and make up for his regrets. Lu Yanhe showed surprise when he learned that Shang Yongzhou was going to meet the friend who had betrayed him back then. Only then did he really get his first close-up shot.

That was also the first time in this movie that Lu Yanhe showed his true emotions after more than ten minutes of fucking.

Photographed from Lu Yanhe's perspective, Shang Yongzhou's gloomy face blurred into a blur for the first time, becoming the face of a typhoid fever patient as if seen through a dusty window.

Lu Yanhe watched many movies and was touched by the director's technique, the actors' performances, the subtlety of the script and the beautiful photography.

But he almost didn't realize that movies could also present a structural beauty of pictures on the screen.

This movie is about the transformation of two people.

One is a terminally ill patient who seeks death to make up for his regrets in life.

One is a spiritual journey of being troublesome on the outside but despairing of life on the inside, and regaining faith in life.

Such a theme, as Chen Ziyan said, is grand and classic and cannot be expressed in a joking way, and may even make many people think it is outdated.

But its existence has irreplaceable significance.

In the movie "Path of Glory", the importance of actor performance is far higher than that of other movies.

Because it has no fig leaf and no auxiliary tools to rely on.

The emotions of the movie completely need to be pushed inch by inch by the performances of the two actors, and pushed to the corresponding scale, in order to ring a bell in the hearts of the audience.

In the wilderness, the weather is cold and the ground is freezing.

They were trapped in the mountains and could only huddle in their cars to keep warm.

Lu Yanhe lost control of his emotions and uttered dissatisfied words like taking out the trash.

Shang Yongzhou walked in silence without saying a word to refute.

When Lu Yanhe got tired of scolding, he finally stayed quiet for a while, and suddenly heard his confused voice again, asking: "I've been scolding you for so long, and you haven't even beaten me up. What's going on with you?"

After two seconds, Shang Yongzhou said: "You still have the energy to scold me now, which means you are still energetic and can continue to hold on."

Lu Yanhe gritted his teeth and cursed.

He wanted to leave in a hurry, but almost fell off the cliff. After being rescued, he felt ashamed and angry. This was the highlight of Lu Yanhe's performance.

His grievances, anger, irritation and self-loathing are clearly displayed in layers.

This surprised Lu Yanhe.

Fu Kai actually captured all his emotional changes accurately.

When filming, Fu Kai didn't communicate with him what he wanted for this scene.

Therefore, the picture in Lu Yanhe's own imagination was not even as specific and detailed as what was shown in the movie.

But as Lu Yanhe learns more and more about his cousin's past in the movie, his attitude also changes subtly.

He slowly accepted this difficult journey of memories.

During this trip down memory lane, he discovered that the excellent cousin his family members said also had a bad past, made wrong decisions, and selfishly hurt others. The more he got to know him, the less he understood why his cousin would embark on such a journey.

Why could his perfect life, which could have been concealed forever, suddenly reveal its full-fledged truth in front of him?

"I've hated you since I was a child. No, I should say I've been annoyed by you." One sleepless night, Lu Yanhe suddenly said in the darkness, "You are the most annoying child from other people's families. My mother has said that you are too much since I was a child. Excellent and capable, every time I do something, she will always use you as an example to teach me.”

Shang Yongzhou turned his back to Lu Yanhe and said in a deep voice, "Then you still come to my place every time you have a holiday."

"My mother will agree to it only if I come to you." Lu Yanhe smacked his lips, "You really should let my mother accompany you on this trip and let her see it with her own eyes."

Very unconvinced tone.

Shang Yongzhou said: "It's okay. Soon your mother will understand that there are more important things in life than so-called excellence and success."

“Where did you copy Chicken Soup for the Soul?”

Shang Yongzhou said nothing.

"But, brother, are you hiding something from me? I always feel like you've been acting weird lately. Have you been stimulated by something? Have you been dumped or fired?"

Shang Yongzhou: "What about you?"

"Me what?"

"Why do you deliberately make yourself look unlearned and cause trouble?" Shang Yongzhou asked.

"On purpose? This is my nature. I am not as good as you. Brother, you have to learn to accept the fact that not everyone in this world is as qualified as you to pursue excellence."

"I don't know if others are qualified, but you have always had such qualifications." Shang Yongzhou said.

"Pull him down."

"If you hadn't been desperately holding on to the railing to climb up when you fell off the cliff, I sometimes felt that you were almost giving up on yourself and giving up on your life."

Lu Yanhe was silent for a long, long time before he said, "Why do you cultural people always say things that people can't understand?"

Then, on an unexpected, cloudy and finally clear afternoon, Lu Yanhe turned over Shang Yongzhou’s terminal illness notice in his car.

He was frightened and at a loss. He sat stupidly in his seat and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

Fu Kai used a set of shots that switch back and forth here.

He did not let the camera stay on Lu Yanhe, but moved back and forth between Lu Yanhe in the car and Shang Yongzhou standing in front of the newsstand across the road buying something.

Lu Yanhe is confused and confused in the shadows, and Shang Yongzhou is calm and calm in the sunshine.

The three groups of shots move back and forth, creating a conveying of emotions like still water running deep.

At night, in the hotel, Shang Yongzhou woke up in the middle of the night and heard Lu Yanhe sobbing and crying in the toilet.

He subconsciously opened his mouth to ask something, then realized something and closed his mouth again.

A ray of light leaked from the crack of the toilet door, indifferently slicing under Shang Yongzhou's eyebrows.

His seemingly emotionless pupils contained bottomless depression.

The shadow of death follows us everywhere, and all people can do is to accept the facts step by step, instead of truly facing it calmly.

Fear is ever present.

At the end of the holiday, Lu Yanhe returned to his hometown and said goodbye to Shang Yongzhou.

He didn't mention to Shang Yongzhou that he saw the terminal illness notice, and Shang Yongzhou didn't mention it either.

The two remained tacitly silent.

In the movie, Lu Yanhe's mother came to pick up Lu Yanhe. As always, she expressed her love for Shang Yongzhou, but she couldn't help but complain about Lu Yanhe.

Amidst his mother's constant complaints, Lu Yanhe returned to his rebellious and disobedient state.

Shang Yongzhou saw them off. When they arrived at the entrance, Shang Yongzhou handed their luggage to Lu Yanhe.

"Do you know how to get rid of other people's chatter?" Shang Yongzhou asked Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe looked bored: "I don't know."

"You have two ways. One way, work hard to climb to a height where you can't hear other people chattering. The other way, find a coffin to bury yourself in and sleep in the world forever." Shang Yongzhou said, "While you have the choice, When the time comes, choose one carefully.”

Lu Yanhe looked stunned for a moment, shook his head and looked to the side.

"What kind of dark chicken soup success is this?"

"Don't deliberately break the rules just because you look down on successful students. Everyone has a time when they want to give up on themselves and rebel against the world." Shang Yongzhou patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder, "But what kind of life you want to have will never depend on your resistance. What, but what you create.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned for two seconds and gave Shang Yongzhou a **** gesture.

His mother slapped him on the back of the head, "Put your hands down!"

Lu Yanhe cursed and followed his mother into the station.

After Shang Yongzhou watched them enter, suddenly Lu Yanhe raised his hand again.

The raised **** stood out in the crowded crowd.

Three months later, on a rainy day, Lu Yanhe attended his funeral.


Schmidt Lawley, the boss of Green Valley Film Company in the United States, was brought here to watch this Chinese-language film by Tom White, head of HP's Asia-Pacific region.

As the boss of a medium-sized film company in the United States, Schmidt Lawley has always been accustomed to buying films with market potential at major film festivals, buying the distribution rights, and having Green Valley Film Company distribute them as an agent.

Before Schmidt Lawley came, he whispered to Tom White: "Tom, I know you are very concerned about the market in the Asia-Pacific region, but in our United States, Asian movies have never sold any good box office. You know of."

Tom White said: "Schmidt, I'm not here to ask you to buy the movie. I'm specifically inviting you to come and see Lu Yanhe's performance."

"Lu Yanhe? Isn't that a Chinese actor you have praised several times?"

"Yes." Tom White said, "Believe me, if you go see this film and see his performance, you will not be disappointed."

Schmidt Lawley walked into the cinema with a dubious attitude and watched this Chinese-language movie with everyone.

By the time the movie ended, and Schmidt Lawley had still not recovered, many spectators around him had already stood up and started applauding.

"Oh, where do these film festival audiences come from? Are they applauded so enthusiastically that a public relations manager pays them?" Schmidt Lawley couldn't help but complain.

Tom White smiled and shook his head and asked, "Don't you think this movie was well made?"

"Oh, maybe Europeans will like this style of movie, but I have never been interested." Schmidt Lawley said, "Believe me, Tom, this movie will never sell half a million dollars at the box office in the United States. ”

"I know." Tom White nodded, "But today is the second time I've watched this movie."

"Huh?" Schmidt Lawley was surprised and asked: "You have already watched this movie once? Are you willing to watch it a second time?"

Tom White asked: "Schmidt, do you know why I dragged you to watch this movie?"

"Just tell me directly, don't be pretentious."

"I went to a special screening—a special screening open to the press and critics, you know? I heard no fewer than four or five critics say that this film should be in competition." Tom White Said, "And Tom Wynn of Variety magazine said this movie is the kind of film that is most suitable for awards."

Schmidt Lawley frowned slightly.

"What's the meaning?"

Tom White said: "I remember you said that you also want to run films that can hit the Oscars. I think "Path of Glory" is your choice in terms of subject matter, style and its feedback at the Venice International Film Festival. The best choice at the moment. You can get the distribution rights of this movie at the lowest cost and start your journey to the Olympics.”

Schmidt Lawley looked at Tom White in disbelief: "Are you crazy? This is a Chinese-language film. Use it to win the Olympics?"

"The year before last, there was a Korean film that received three nominations for Best Picture, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Editing." Tom White said, "It is not a mainstream choice for the Oscars, but you and I both know that in the past few years, The Oscars are paying more and more attention to internationalization. If you want to compete for the Oscars with American films, do you think you can beat those giant promoters? "Path of Glory" can be a sword in your hand? A card that is eccentric and fits the current Oscar options.”

Schmidt Lawley was lost in thought.

"Let's go. I'll make an appointment with Yan He later. Let's go talk to the creator of this movie. You don't have to make a decision in a hurry. Let's talk first." Tom White said, "Schmidt, although This movie is not your favorite style, but you can definitely see that this movie is in line with the taste of the Oscars in recent years. Don’t miss the opportunity to knock on the Oscar door because of your prejudice.”

Schmidt Lawley looked at Tom White helplessly.

"You should really be a publicist," he said.


The screening room was so busy.

Although Lu Yanhe also knows that the applause at the scene cannot mean anything - it is really because thunderous applause is too common at film festival screenings. Unless it is the kind of film that is so bad that everyone leaves the show halfway and is unwilling to finish it, otherwise, the film festival The audience is generally very tolerant and willing to praise the creators of these films with the warmest encouragement.

This is one of the reasons why film creators tend to feel more honored at film festivals.

Despite this, Lu Yanhe was still moved and excited by the applause.

From shooting a film to meeting the audience, it actually takes a long process.

As an actor, his hard work has already paid off on the set.

Then, after many months, or even a year or two, it takes shape and meets the world.

The actors didn't know what the film would be like, so they watched the film with the audience in a nervous, excited, restless and expectant mood.

If the film is well made, the excitement and emotion at that moment will be the feedback after a long time, and the satisfaction of being recognized for your hard work and hard work.

Lu Yanhe proudly said thank you to everyone, and the smile on his face never faded.

Ning Xiulian nodded and applauded with appreciation, leaned over from the third row, and said to Lu Yanhe, "You did a great job!"

Lu Yanhe heard her praise and encouragement to him in the noisy environment, and smiled and thanked her.

After the screening, they were taken away by the staff and brought backstage.

"Congratulations, this film has won everyone's praise." The staff said to them with a smile.

According to the standard process of the film festival, a participating film not only has a premiere, but also includes media photo shoots, media meetings, reporter interviews, etc.

This is also one of the core tasks of film creators at the film festival.

Both Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe are already familiar with the process and know these processes very well.

Fu Kai was participating for the first time and was a little at a loss. From time to time he would ask Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou some detailed questions. But the response from the audience clearly exceeded his expectations, and he never let go of his words. His mood continued to be in a state of excitement after the screening, and he was very animated and talked endlessly when accepting questions from reporters.

Seeing this, Lu Yanhe basically didn't take the initiative to answer. He only answered one or two sentences when he was called.

The first time I attended a film festival, it was basically like this.

Lu Yanhe understood very well.

Of course, at the media meeting, Nagayama Kazo, who was deliberately looking for trouble, still appeared.

Yong Shanhe asked Lu Yanhe: "I heard that you and another leading actor, Mr. Shang Yongzhou, are known as the two top actors in China. This time you two top actors are working together. After filming "Path of Glory", why was it shortlisted for the Horizon category and not the Main Competition category?"

Full of provocation.

Lu Yanhe laughed twice and said: "Mr. Yongshan Hesan really never misses any opportunity to find fault. I can't help but reflect on myself. How many excessive things did I do to Mr. Yongshan Hesan? He targeted me so consistently."

The fact that Lu Yanhe and Yongshan Hesan did not deal with this matter was known to many media through the battle that had been reported by global media before.

Lu Yanhe said it bluntly and made everyone laugh.

He smiled and said: "Regarding this question, Mr. Nagayama Kazo asked the wrong person. You should ask Mr. Pica Lodge. It is his decision to decide which unit each film is shortlisted for. As for us creators, It doesn’t matter which unit the film is shortlisted for. What matters is whether it can get positive feedback from everyone after it is screened. I am very happy that our film "Path of Glory" has achieved this. This is the case for Director Fu Kai, myself and Shang Yongzhou. This is the first film we collaborated on and received such warm praise in Venice. We are full of gratitude and thank you for your encouragement. We will continue to create in the future, strive to create more good works, and see you more often. ”

He ignored Nagayama Kazo's question at all and used his strength to focus on the movie itself.

His answer also received applause from others.

How could such a talented yet humble young actor not be liked?

At the scene, Tom White and Schmidt Lawley stood in the back, listening to Lu Yanhe respond to Yong Shanhesan's ill-intentioned questions in fluent English and in a relaxed and nonchalant manner.

Tom White looked at Schmidt Lawley: "It is rare for you to encounter a leading actor who is very good at dealing with people. Talented people often have difficulty getting along with others, but he is different."

Schmidt Lawley looked at Tom White in confusion: "Tom, why are you so actively trying to recommend him and "Path of Glory" to me?"

Tom White said: "Because he has a close cooperative relationship with our HP, his success also means my success. Of course, if you are willing to be his promoter, it will also be your success."

Tom White finished speaking to Schmidt Lawley in a tone that seemed relaxed but was actually firm, and smiled slightly.

"The film and television industry will always be an industry dominated by a very small number of people." Tom White said, "It is a collective creative industry, but it is also an industry dominated by key figures. Lu Yanhe is such a person. You can't Believe what I say, but you can try it once, and it won’t cost you much.”

"Olympics is never a competition that can be successful with a small investment."

"Running for the Olympics is not a 100-meter sprint, it is a long-distance marathon. If there is no hope, you can give up as soon as possible." Tom White said, "But if you can see hope, you will naturally keep adding more effort." (End of Chapter)

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