Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 439: All of a sudden!

 “I’m sorry, I’ve held you back.”

At 11:30 in the evening, Huang Kairen sat in Lu Yanhe's room and said helplessly.

 Lu Yanhe: "Brother Huang, don't mess with me. If you say so, let me say whatever you want."

“Haha, I’m kidding you.” Huang Kairen said and sighed, “If I were a little famous overseas, I wouldn’t be caught and attacked by some black men, causing such a thing.”

Lu Yanhe: "Even if you are a superstar overseas, people who should criticize you will still criticize you. If they want to find fault with you, they can find anything to find fault with you. If they want to incriminate you, there is no reason to hesitate."

 Huang Kairen nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "Actually, I'm quite nervous now."

 “Is it because of these disturbances on the Internet?”

"That's not true. To be honest with you, I haven't even taken it to heart. All I'm thinking about now is the premiere of "Rouge Button" tomorrow." Huang Kairen said, "It's my first time in such an international setting. I came to the film festival to compete, and I was starring in it. I was nervous. I wanted to know everyone’s opinions about the film quickly, but I didn’t dare to know.”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe couldn't help laughing or crying, but he actually understood Huang Kairen's mood very well.

 Because it was the same when he participated in the film festival for the first time.

 The indifference, calmness and coolness that I feel now are just because I have experienced a lot.

Lu Yanhe also sincerely hopes that Huang Kairen’s performance in the movie can be recognized by everyone.

It took a lot of twists and turns for Huang Kairen to finally appear in this movie.


 Early the next morning, Lu Yanhe accepted interviews with two overseas media in the hotel room, and the time basically passed.

 At noon, he, Zou Dong and Wang Biao ate bread in the room. After a simple meal, we started to change clothes and do some styling. Because he was not an actor in "Rouge Button", he did not prepare his dress in a grand manner this time. Simply freshen yourself up a bit and you're good to go.

At the door of the hotel, he unexpectedly ran into Felena Ricci. She greets him with surprise. Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment before he recognized who the other party was. She was a famous Spanish actress and a judge of the main competition unit of the Situol Film Festival for "Three Mountains".

“Hi!” Lu Yanhe also smiled brightly and shook hands with Felena Ricci, “It’s been a long time since we last met.”

Felena Ricci said: "Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I have watched several of your plays. Oh, you are so lovable."

She hugged Lu Yanhe's face with both hands, and there was a... to use common words - an aunt-like smile on her face.

Lu Yanhe was a little confused and didn't understand why Felena Ricci suddenly treated him with such a "loving" attitude.

Obviously, she is not old enough to be "loving". She is close to forty, but not yet forty.

Lu Yanhe could only say obediently: "Ms. Rich, thank you for your compliment."

"Just call me Felena." She said, "I will also go to the premiere of "Rouge Button" later. I heard that you wrote the script of this movie, but it is a pity that you did not Starring."

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Because there are more suitable actors."

Felena Ricci’s eyes were full of admiration for Lu Yanhe: “You are so good at acting, you must act more in the future.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Well, I have been acting."

Felena Ricci immediately asked: "Then why didn't you bring them to Jose this time?"

Lu Yanhe had no choice but to say: "We haven't started shooting yet. We will start shooting this summer."

Felena Ricci then showed a satisfied smile and said, "Then we will meet at other film festivals."

Lu Yanhe said: "The film I want to make, I don't know yet whether it will be invited by the film festival. This film is not a typical film festival film."

Felena Ricci said: "If you need it, I can help you recommend it to major film festivals. With your current achievements, I believe that major film festivals welcome you to participate with your works."

Lu Yanhe was flattered and quickly thanked him.

"You have to remember that I am your fan and I like your performance very much." Felena Ricci said, "I really hope we can have the opportunity to work together in the future."

Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile and said, "There must be a chance."

Felena Rich wanted to continue communicating with him, but the people around her may have run out of time, so they began to urge: "Felena, we have to go, Mr. Feiwen is still waiting for us."

"Oh!" Felena Rich smiled apologetically at Lu Yanhe, "I really wish I could chat with you for a little longer, but I have made an appointment with someone else, so we can only talk next time."

“Well, okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile, “We will meet again in the afternoon. I hope we can find a chance to continue chatting then.”

Felena Ricci: "Believe me, you will not have time to have an in-depth chat with anyone this afternoon. At this time, as the protagonist, you can only cover everything and say hello to everyone."

 She smiled, said goodbye to Lu Yanhe, and left.

Lu Yanhe then got into the car and set off.

 At this time, of course, I am not going to attend the premiere or the red carpet right away, but I have another job.

 He needs to participate in an exhibition with the theme of "Film and History" that Shang Yongzhou is the convener of.

 This event is organized by the local museum in Jose and the Jose Film Festival.

 Shang Yongzhou, as the image ambassador and convener of this film festival, needs to support the appearance of this event.

Lu Yanhe, Chen Bige, and Huang Kairen all received invitations from Shang Yongzhou to attend this event first.

 After all, it is Shang Yongzhou, so they must show up to support him.

In addition to them, Jia Long also brought Wang Dashan with him.

 In addition to the few Chinese stars, there are also many foreign stars appearing.

Several familiar faces, especially when British actress Lily Winton appeared, set off a huge wave of cheers.

  She is the heroine of the most popular Hollywood series "The Golden Throne" in recent years. She is very popular and is one of the most popular female stars in the world.

 Shang Yongzhou stood on the side of the red carpet photo area, waiting for her, and politely gave her a cheek-to-cheek salute.

 Lily Winton seems to be very familiar with Shang Yongzhou.

When Lu Yanhe was confused, Linyu reminded him in his ear: "Shang Yongzhou had acted in a foreign film before, and the second female lead in that film was Lily Winton. She had not yet acted in "The Golden Throne" at that time. He is a newbie with no reputation.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

  No wonder Shang Yongzhou is one of the most representative actors in China.

Not only does he have a high status domestically, he has also starred in overseas movies. This resume is indeed representative.


At the event, Lu Yanhe had the opportunity to meet Lily Winton and exchanged pleasantries.

 Lily Winton has not seen his work and does not know who he is. People just communicated with him politely.

Lu Yanhe just chatted with her politely.

 After Lily Winton was called away by others, Wang Biao whispered in Lu Yanhe's ear and asked, "Brother Lu, why aren't you very enthusiastic about her?"

 Lu Yanhe: "Am I not enthusiastic? It's okay, it's quite normal."

"Okay." Wang Biao said, "I thought you didn't like her very much."

Lu Yanhe was reminded by Wang Biao's words.

 Don’t like her?

Lu Yanhe didn't think about where he gave such an impression.

 What he was thinking was, if Wang Biao mistakenly thought that he was not enthusiastic about Lily Wenton, would Lily Wenton herself also have the same impression?

Lu Yanhe didn’t want to leave such an impression on others when they first met.

So, he asked Wang Biao one more question: "Am I very cold just now?"

“It’s not indifferent, but compared to when you met Felena Richie just now, it makes me completely feel that your look and tone in front of Lily Winton just now were fake.”

 “Huh? Am I such a bad actor?”

“Perhaps I’m too worried.” Wang Biao said, “After all, I’m too familiar with you, Brother Lu.”

 However, Wang Biao did not worry too much.

Someone in the field filmed the meeting and exchange between Lu Yanhe and Lily Winton.

They came to take pictures of Lily Winton, and by the way they took Lu Yanhe into the picture.

After the video was posted online, many people said that the smile of the Asian man in the video was so fake that it was impossible to feel sincere.

 This is the public opinion appearing on the external network.

 After Chen Ziyan saw it, she immediately became anxious and wanted to control the relevant public opinion——

 However, there is nothing that can be done by putting the traditional method on the external network. She had no one on the outside who could help.

  Lily Winton’s fame and influence are too great, and she has many fans. This public opinion is getting more and more intense.

When Lu Yanhe had participated in this exhibition and was about to leave, take a short rest, and go to the red carpet for the premiere of "Rouge Button", Lu Yanhe noticed that several people were pointing at him. At first, Lu Yanhe thought he was recognized by others, and he nodded and greeted them politely. However, he soon realized that something was not right. The way everyone looked at him and the expressions on their faces were not right.

Lu Yanhe hesitated and asked Wang Biao: "Why are they looking at me like this?"

Wang Biao also shook his head: "I don't know."

Lu Yanhe still heard the whole story from Chen Bige.

Chen Bige asked: "What's going on? You don't like Lily Winton?"

 “No.” Lu Yanhe was confused and had no idea why he suddenly disliked Lily Winton.

I found that video online and took a look.

In the video, Lily Wenton was always friendly towards him, but he didn't know what was going on. Although the smile on his face was warm and friendly, it was a little stiff. Not only that, he was joking with Lily Wenton. Sometimes, there is still some deliberate and artificial enthusiasm, but it seems to be perfunctory.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly understood why he was attacked by a group because of this video.

If he saw this video, he would have the same question.

However, Lu Yanhe couldn't remember why he looked like this when he was talking to Lily Winton.

He is not usually the kind of person who can't manage his expression well.

 This is the first time this has happened.

Chen Ziyan has already called in a hurry.

Wang Biao handed his cell phone to Lu Yanhe and said, "Brother Lu, this is Sister Ziyan's number. I'm looking for you."

Lu Yanhe took it into his hands.

 “Yan He, I’ve seen the video.”

Lu Yanhe sighed and said, "This was really an unintentional mistake. I didn't even realize that my expression looked like that at the time."

Chen Ziyan: "It's okay, you may be too tired, so your expression is out of control."


Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he hadn't been very tired these days, which was okay. Compared with last year, he was living a very comfortable life during this time.

Chen Ziyan said: "Please explain your overseas social account. I just said that I have a busy schedule recently, I am very tired, and I am not in a good state, so I met Lily Winton for the first time. Because I like her very much, I tried hard to think about it." I had to cheer up when I was tired and communicate with her enthusiastically. Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating and caused such a misunderstanding. Please explain it to Lily Winton. "

Lu Yanhe knows that this is currently the most appropriate public relations method that can be thought of in a short period of time.

He first edited a paragraph on his mobile phone, checked it twice, and after confirming that there was no ambiguity, he posted this status and also @Lily Winton.


 After sending this message, Lu Yanhe saw that many people were scolding him.

 The scolding was harsh, and he directly said not to think that he is a top star in China, but in front of Lily Winton, he is nothing.

Lu Yanhe looked at it line by line, feeling a little heavy.

He put down his cell phone and asked Wang Biao: "If I appear on the red carpet of "Rouge" again under such circumstances, will it bring disgrace to the movie?"

 “Recruiting gangsters? How could that happen?” Wang Biao said immediately, “Brother Lu, you just made an honest mistake and it was not intentional. Everyone will understand.”

Lu Yanhe smiled when he heard what Wang Biao said.

Ten minutes after his message of explanation was sent, Lu Yanhe logged in again and read everyone's comments.

 In the comment area, as expected, many people did not buy it and still questioned his attitude towards Lily Winton.

 The entertainment industry is the most unreasonable place. Like you, dislike you, trust you, or distrust you all depends on the mood of the audience. Efforts are useless, and explanations are useless.

 Lu Yanhe had expected this result a long time ago - if a random explanation was useful, then there would be no need for the existence of those public relations companies.

Lu Yanhe is not worried about how much trouble this matter will cause him. If this kind of topic is discussed lively for a few days, the heat will actually pass. Lu Yanhe's immediate explanation has actually sealed the deal at the public level, and this matter will not become a black spot for him in the future.

 But it takes time.

 The red carpet of the premiere of "Rouge Button" is happening right now.

There is certainly no shortage of media reporters at the scene of this film shortlisted for the main competition unit.

If he appeared on the red carpet of "Rouge" at this time, it is estimated that a lot of media attention would be on him and on his relationship with Lily Winton.

Lu Yanhe was a little hesitant. Otherwise, he might as well not walk on the red carpet.

 This can also reduce some of the attention paid to him and this matter.

With this thought, Lu Yanhe contacted Jiang Zixin and told her his thoughts.


This sudden incident in Lu Yanhe caught the crew of "Rouge Button" off guard.

Jiang Zixin and Zheng Huairen were having a headache because of this incident. They kept contacting their friends to see if there was any way to reduce the heat of the incident.

 But they encountered the same problem as Chen Ziyan.

 They are too unfamiliar with foreign environments and don’t know how to operate such things.

 The premiere of "Rouge Button" is coming soon, and the red carpet is about to begin.

At this time, the core character of their film has fallen into negative public opinion.

Zheng Huairen didn't even have time to contact Lu Yanhe.

 In fact, they are also thinking about how to reduce the impact of this incident on the premiere of "Rouge Button".

Unexpectedly, at this time, Lu Yanhe actually proposed not to walk on the red carpet.


Wang Zhong frowned, a little annoyed, and said: "Why don't you walk on the red carpet? Just because of that thing? What is that? Who can always guarantee that there is no problem with his expression? Didn't Yan He explain that it was him? Not in good condition?"

Zheng Huairen said: "Well, when something like this happens, the most uncomfortable and unhappy person must be Yan He himself. He didn't even call us, but directly sent a message to Jiang Zixin, saying that he would not walk on the red carpet with us. Go directly to the venue, not wanting to cause any more trouble to the movie.”

Huang Kairen and Chen Bige were both standing aside. Hearing what Zheng Huairen said, Huang Kairen glanced at Wang Zhong. The director still looked unhappy - he obviously very much hoped that Lu Yanhe could accompany them on the red carpet.

For filmmakers, it is a ritual and an honor to create a film that is shortlisted for the main competition section of the Jose Film Festival. We all walk hand in hand on the red carpet of the premiere and receive the attention of all media around the world.

Not to mention, Wang Zhong was full of preference and appreciation for Lu Yanhe.

 Chen Bige hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll call Yan He first and ask him what he thinks."

 Chen Bige got the mobile phone from his assistant and walked aside to call Lu Yanhe.

Wang Zhong’s face was sullen and ugly.

 Huang Kairen wanted to say something at this time, but he didn't know what to say.

 Completely unable to do anything.

This feeling of embarrassment made Huang Kairen uncomfortable.

 Five minutes later, Chen Bige came back.

"Director, I talked to Yan He on the phone. Let's go. He's definitely not going to walk the red carpet with us." Chen Bige said, "He doesn't want to bring more criticism to the movie because of this negative public opinion, so he asked me to advise him. I advise you not to worry about him, he will be waiting for us in the screening room."

Seeing Chen Bige saying the same thing, Wang Zhong sighed, nodded, and said, "Okay, let's go."

Should have walked onto the red carpet in high spirits, but this moment was cast into a shadow.


Lu Yanhe sat in the car, waiting for Wang Biao to communicate with others and see where he could avoid the media and enter the film palace.

 After finally communicating, a staff member came to pick him up and entered through another VIP channel.

 At this moment, the cell phone suddenly rang.

Lu Yanhe picked it up and took a look. It turned out to be a message from Shang Yongzhou: Have you gone in? Or outside?

 Lu Yanhe said: Premiere? Movie palace? I came in through the VIP channel and didn't walk on the red carpet. Senior brother, are you here?

Shang Yongzhou said: It’s almost here, come out.

 Lu Yanhe: You don’t want me to pick you up, do you?

 Shang Yongzhou: Come to pick up Lily Wenton. I brought her here and caused such trouble. You left without saying a word. I just knew what happened.

Lu Yanhe: Alas, I didn’t control my expression well.

Shang Yongzhou: Stop talking nonsense and come out quickly. You and Lily will walk on the red carpet together later. I have agreed with her.

Lu Yanhe was stunned: Huh?

Shang Yongzhou: I invited you here. I can’t just sit back and ignore the trouble you caused at the activities I convened. What’s more, you have called me my senior brother for so long, so you must fulfill your responsibilities as a senior brother.

Lu Yanhe was suddenly speechless at this moment, and he didn't know how to describe his sudden feelings.

 Shang Yongzhou usually didn't say much.

 He came out of nowhere! (End of chapter)

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