Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 429: April Story (14,000 words updated!)

Such a big movement was indeed something Lu Yanhe had not expected. Then he thought of the Weibo post last night. He patted his head and sighed, thinking to himself, with such a small amount of alcohol, he still drank alone. Wei Xun did this kind of thing.


Lu Yanhe first sent a message to Chen Siqi and asked: Did it cause trouble for you?

Chen Siqi came over with three "bloody knives" expressions.

Lu Yanhe immediately responded with a "Ma Liu'er kneels down" expression.

Chen Siqi: Have you been drinking?

 Lu Yanhe:? ? ? how do you know?

 Chen Siqi: How would you normally say such a thing?

 Lu Yanhe: That’s not the case.

Chen Siqi: Then tell me now that you want to call me in your dream to hear it? I want you to send voice messages, but you don’t want to send text messages.

Lu Yanhe picked up the phone and was about to say something, but his mouth opened and opened again, and he couldn't say the words for a long time.

Chen Siqi waited for a while, but did not wait for Lu Yanhe's voice. He chuckled and thought, I don't know you yet?

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath and said: You should attend class well and don’t chat with me during class time!

 Chen Siqi: Dog.

 Lu Yanhe: Look, you still reply to my message. You are not serious at all in class.

Chen Siqi laughed angrily.

 A real dog.


Lu Yanhe rubbed his face and called Chen Ziyan again.

“Sister Ziyan.” Lu Yanhe’s own voice was full of guilt.

 He estimated that the post he posted on Weibo added a lot of workload to Chen Ziyan.

Sure enough, Chen Ziyan sneered in a sinister way and asked, "Have you finally woken up?"

Lu Yanhe snorted, smiled and said, "Sister Ziyan, thank you for your hard work. Did I get you into trouble?"

“I can’t talk about the troubles, but there are a lot of troubles on the phone.” Chen Ziyan said, “Have you finished which script? Or have you finished both?”

Lu Yanhe said: "I just finished writing "Love Letter", and there are still some "Those Years" that I haven't written yet."

“You only finished one?” Chen Ziyan teased, “I thought you were going to tell me that you finished two scripts in one night. This is your speed.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "I'm not a tentacle monster."

Chen Ziyan: "Many companies have come to inquire about this script you wrote. What do you want to do? Do you have any ideas?"

Lu Yanhe said: "This script does not require high production costs. In fact, any film company with a certain strength can make it. Let's see how sincere everyone is. I first registered the copyright for the script and then sent it to major companies for review. Let’s see what they say.”

 Chen Ziyan said: "That's okay, but the control of this movie should still be in our own hands, right?"

"Hmm." Lu Yanhe said, "This movie can easily be made into a gory youth movie, and we have to control it ourselves."

“In this case, there may not be that many film companies willing to be the main investors.” Chen Ziyan said, “Generally, film companies still want to keep the final editing rights in their own hands.”

Lu Yanhe: “If it doesn’t work out, we can find someone to do it ourselves. In fact, I really want to do it ourselves.”

 “Huh?” Chen Ziyan was a little surprised.

Lu Yanhe said: "I have never dared to do it myself before, but now, at least in the production process, I have a lot of experience, so I am not so afraid."

Chan Ziyan: "If you are planning to form a team yourself to make this movie, then the energy you have to invest will not be small."

"Of course I don't plan to form a team myself. We can find a producer and director. As long as they are suitable, we will leave the next specific things to them."

 Chen Ziyan: "Then you think too simply and take it for granted. Send me the script first, and I will take a look at what kind of story it is."

 Lu Yanhe immediately sent the script to Chen Ziyan via email.


 “Who wrote this story?”

Jiang Yuqian took the story "Telephone", which is currently only five pages and is presented in the form of a short story, and asked her agent.

He Heng said: "A friend gave it to me and said it was written specifically with reference to your image. He asked if you would like to act. If you are willing to act, he will write the story into a script."

Jiang Yuqian was a little confused.

"This story is very attractive and has room for performance." She said, "However, I am worried that this subject matter will not get high box office in China. This is not a literary film. It is normal for literary films to not have high box office. If this movie If the box office is not high, will it make my career as an actor even worse?”

He Heng looked at Jiang Yuqian helplessly.

 “Why do you think this movie won’t get high box office?”

"It's time and space, it's suspense, and it's also a bit scary. I feel like there's no precedent for similar themes to get good box office in our domestic market." Jiang Yuqian said, "If it were in my heyday, I would definitely be willing to act, but , now...can I afford the box office of this movie just by relying on my influence?"

He Heng looked at Jiang Yuqian, hesitated for two seconds, and said, "Then I refuse?"

Jiang Yuqian bit her lip, shook her head, and said, "No, I'll go ask Yan He for his opinion."

 “Huh?” He Heng was stunned.

Jiang Yuqian said: "I no longer have confidence in judging the script. I asked Yan He to help me see whether I should accept this script."

He Heng hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, then you go ask him. But didn't he just write a script? You can also ask him if there is a role suitable for you in his script, right? It doesn’t matter if you’re the female lead, as long as it’s an important role, you can play it.”

Jiang Yuqian didn’t want to cause such trouble to Lu Yanhe.

Jiang Yuqian was embarrassed to ask Lu Yanhe to help her refer to the script. Asking him directly if there was any role for her in the script he wrote was beyond her scope.

Jiang Yuqian nodded noncommittally and went to contact Lu Yanhe.


He Heng sent a message to Chen Ziyan: Who wrote the story you gave me? It's mysterious and you won't tell me if I ask you. Yuqian said that she wanted to ask Lu Yanhe for his opinion.

 Chen Ziyan was stunned for a moment when she saw the message He Heng sent her.


 This was something she didn't expect. Jiang Yuqian wants to ask Lu Yanhe for his opinion?

Did Jiang Yuqian guess that this story was written by Lu Yanhe?

 Thinking about it again, it shouldn’t be possible. For an actress of Jiang Yuqian's level, although her career is not at its peak now, she just doesn't have access to the most top-notch productions. There must still be many dramas for her. She wouldn't guess that it was written by Lu Yanhe just after getting a synopsis of the story.

Chen Ziyan asked He Heng and Jiang Yuqian’s attitude towards the outline of the story. After He Heng said this, Chen Ziyan sighed.

How should I say it?

To say that Jiang Yuqian cannot read scripts, she actually knows very well what scripts can impress her, but to say that she can read scripts, she does not have a comprehensive understanding of this industry and this market, so that when she makes judgments, It's hard to tell what kind of market response this script is expected to receive.

In Chen Ziyan’s view, the selling point of this movie is almost on the table. It may not be able to become a classic movie that will be both well-received and well-received, but it will definitely be a movie that attracts a lot of attention and has a lot of topics. This story not only focuses on mutual help between women, but also involves psychopathy and controlling family relationships, as well as the concept of dual time and space. Whether it is structure or theme, it is destined to be a compelling topic.

What Jiang Yuqian lacks most now is a work that can help her return to the public discussion field again.

 Chen Ziyan muttered these words in her heart, but she would not tell He Heng.

 Agents should avoid interfering in each other's work. This is a taboo at work.


Lu Yanhe was also surprised after receiving the message from Jiang Yuqian.

 This is really...

   I came to his house.

Jiang Yuqian did not hide it, she directly expressed her thoughts.

"Purely from my own point of view, I actually like this story very much. Moreover, when I read this story, many performance ideas came to my mind." Jiang Yuqian said, "But, I am not sure about this. The market response to the script was very unpopular.”

Lu Yanhe felt confused after hearing this.

It was also at this moment that Lu Yanhe intuitively realized why Chen Ziyan said that Jiang Yuqian’s vision in selecting films was poor.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that Jiang Yuqian would not choose the film because it was too commercial. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuqian was worried that the market response to this film would be unpopular.

He hesitated for a moment and said to Jiang Yuqian: "Sister Yuqian, this book was aimed at the market from the beginning, so it won't be very popular."

“Really? It feels like there haven’t been any works with similar themes in our film market in the past few years?”

“Yes, it’s fresh because it hasn’t appeared before.” Lu Yanhe said, “Its core elements are all elements that are rarely seen in the current film market. When combined together, it is an attraction in itself.”

Jiang Yuqian was surprised and asked: "Do you think so highly of this book?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe confessed helplessly, "Because I wrote this book."

 “Huh?” Jiang Yuqian was shocked.

Lu Yanhe said: "I was worried that if I gave it to you directly, you would take it without even reading the content, so I made a twist to see your truest feelings about this story. If you want to act it, I will write it. script."

Jiang Yuqian: "Are you doing this to tailor the script?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe said, "Actually, that's not the case. I watched "The Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time" and got the inspiration to write this story. It happened that when I wrote it, I needed someone who had been working hard outside for several years. As for the image of a woman, the person I am most familiar with at this stage is you, so I wrote it in your image.”

Jiang Yuqian was surprised, "You read "My Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time" and wrote this story so quickly?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe smiled, "Sister Yuqian, so you want to act, right?"

“I want to act, and now that I know you wrote it, I want to act even more. Just think of all my worries as nonsense.”

"Sister Yuqian, when you choose a script, you should listen to your inner voice more. Don't just think about the market reaction of the play. No one knows what the market reaction will be, but only stories that touch our hearts can be possible. To impress the audience." Lu Yanhe couldn't help but remind him, "Before the movie "My Home I Haven't Returned for a Long Time" was released, no one thought that it would get more than 700 million box office. According to this trend, the 800 million box office will be reached. It’s a done deal.”

Jiang Yuqian sighed.

“Well, I also discovered that my taste in choosing dramas is indeed not very good.”

Lu Yanhe laughed.

"Sister Yuqian, as long as you act well, that's all." Lu Yanhe said, "As an actor, if the performance is not good, it will be in vain. But if you perform well, you will always wait for a good performance."

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Sister Yuqian, I have started writing the script for the movie "Telephone"."

"Okay." Jiang Yuqian said, "You tell me in advance when the movie is going to be shot, and I will save the schedule."

"Well, I want to start it as soon as possible." What Lu Yanhe wants is to start it as soon as possible, and don't delay it for so long like "On the Road" or "Rouge Button".


However, sometimes, every film may have its own destiny and its own path that it must take.

 Lu Yanhe has accepted this. All he can do is try his best to push them forward.

 When I found "Burning Fire" again, it was already mid-April.

 Mrs. Huang proposed to Chen Ziyan that she was willing to give her a salary of 12 million yuan, plus 15% of the character-derived copyright income.

As for other dividends, Mrs. Huang refused to agree.

Of course, this is indeed normal. After all, Shang Yongzhou has already taken part of the dividends. If Lu Yanhe takes more, the pressure on Longyan will become very great.

 Chen Ziyan was not polite, saying: "If Yan He cannot enjoy the profit share of the movie, then the share of the character derived copyright income must be more than 25%."

 Why did Mrs. Huang finally compromise again?

 It’s actually very simple. Lu Yanhe's momentum is so strong that there is no other company. Not only "Rouge Button" and "On the Road" were shortlisted for the Hollywood Film Festival, as soon as the news about his new script came out, actors in the industry got wind of it and started asking around to see if there were any roles suitable for them.

 Such momentum and wind direction made Mrs. Huang realize one thing.

Lu Yanhe himself can write scripts, and the scripts he writes are equally attractive.

At the same time, it also reminded Mrs. Huang that Longyan Pictures wanted to cooperate with Lu Yanhe for more than just the movie "Fire".

 After the final round of negotiations between the two parties, the remuneration was finally agreed upon.

 Lu Yanhe received a salary of 12 million yuan and a 23% share of the character copyright income. If the movie box office exceeds 2 billion, Lu Yanhe will need to be given a bonus of 5 million yuan. At the same time, Lu Yanhe retains the right to further increase his salary in the sequel.

 Things have turned around. Lu Yanhe originally thought that it would be difficult for him to star in "Fire", but unexpectedly, he signed it again.

 “Then are these movies of mine still going to be made?” Lu Yanhe asked Chen Ziyan.

 “Let’s shoot, why not?” Chen Ziyan said, “‘Burning’ will have to wait until the end of the year to start shooting. There is still more than half a year left, so why don’t you just leave the window empty?”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay, let's shoot it."

He said: "For "Love Letter," I want to shoot it in two seasons: summer and winter, both in real life, and then release it on Valentine's Day next year."

“That’s okay.” Chen Ziyan nodded, “However, at present we only have one script and you as the starring role, and nothing else. As for the heroine, have you thought about who you want to find?”

Lu Yanhe said: "As an adult female Huai Jingshu, I want an actress who is about 28 or 28 years old, has a sense of life, and has some simple literary and artistic atmosphere to play. I don't know if Sister Bi Ge can play the role. I want to find an actress whose face is not familiar to the audience to play the high school girl Aoi Shu.”


“Because this character represents the most youthful stage of all audiences, an unfamiliar newcomer can allow them to take on the role of themselves without any burden.” Lu Yanhe said directly.

Chen Ziyan nodded: "Okay, then we will organize a large-scale audition."

 “Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan asked: "Who do you plan to find to play the actor who likes the adult Huai Jingshu?"

“In terms of image, he is more mature and has a completely different style from me.” Lu Yanhe said, “Among the actors I know, I don’t know anyone of this type.”

Chen Ziyan said: "In that case, let's just audition."


"Actually, there are not many characters in this movie, and there are only a few main characters. However, the family members of Aijiki are quite important. I think this movie has a very important cornerstone, that is, only Aijiki is like that. The family environment can make such a story as pure and beautiful as a novel feel realistic. It must have warm details and not be trivial. "

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Unfortunately, the actors I played in the plays and the actors who played my parents were all more extroverted actors, and none of them were more suitable for the characters here."

Chen Ziyan said: "Let's talk seriously with several film companies first. The actor's matter is not so urgent. Anyway, as long as Bi Ge is willing to act, the main actors will be decided, and other actors will be easy to talk about."

 Lu Yanhe hummed.

 Chen Ziyan said: "Would you like to try your hand at being a director for this movie?"

 “Am I a director?”

“Yes.” Chen Ziyan said, “I feel that only those who can clearly capture the emotions in this movie can make it well, otherwise it will be as bland as boiled water.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment.

"To be honest, this script story is not full of ups and downs. It is not a plot flow." Chen Ziyan said, "If you rush to start filming this summer, April is almost over now, and you may not be able to find a director temporarily. If you are so familiar with the story and the characters, you may not be able to shoot it well.”

 Lu Yanhe fell into deep thought.

 Be your own director?

 This was something he had never thought about before.

 However, this time around the suggestion that he be the director, his inner resistance was indeed not as strong as before.

 Perhaps it’s because he has filmed so many movies and his confidence is slowly building up.

Lu Yanhe said: "Let me think about it seriously. The main thing is that there are too many things to worry about as a director, and I'm afraid I can't handle it."

 Chen Ziyan said: "You write and act yourself, and you also invest in being a producer. Even if you are not a director, you still have to worry about this movie. You can't get away from it."

What Chen Ziyan said makes sense.


“You want to be your own director?” Chen Siqi said, “It feels like it’s not impossible. The movie “Love Letter” didn’t feel very difficult to shoot, with few characters and no big scenes.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Yes, I feel the same way, so now I am a little eager to try it, but I am also a little afraid... of **** it up myself."

Chen Siqi said: "If you are afraid of **** up, you can ask a senior you know to guide you, be your producer, and help you. However, if you want to be a director, I think the movie "Love Letter" is the best A very suitable drama for your debut, it... To be honest, Yan He, if it weren't for the fact that I knew about your high school situation, I would have thought that this was what happened to you in high school, and it was like a diary written by a person. "

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard what Chen Siqi said.

 However, what Chen Siqi said is actually very reasonable.

 The movie "Love Letter" is too much like a person recalling his past.

 It itself is a story related to memory.

He understood what Chen Siqi meant. What it revealed was a very private emotion, just like the emotions written in a diary.


“Teacher, if you don’t come, I won’t dare to do this.”

 Lu Yanhe said on the phone.

Luo Yuzhong on the other end of the phone didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

“I have never made a movie, and you ask me to be your film producer. Isn’t this nonsense?”

“Teacher, I need someone to guide me on the set.” Lu Yanhe said, “You have never been a film producer, but you are very familiar with the set.”

Luo Yuzhong said: "Why are you so flexible? Suddenly you started to be a director yourself."

“Directed, written and acted by myself.” Lu Yanhe smiled, “Try it.”

Luo Yuzhong: "Send me the script first, and I'll take a look. If it's beyond my experience, I won't agree to it, and I'll be doing you a disservice if I agree to it."

Lu Yanhe said: "You must be able to handle it."

 He immediately sent the script to Luo Yuzhong.


“Sister Zi Xing, how is China in Culture doing?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Xin Zixing said: "Teacher Zhao Dezhong will be recorded next week. You just called me. I'm going to contact you. There is a short story interpretation for Teacher Liqun. Come and help me act it out."

 “Okay, no problem.” Lu Yanhe immediately agreed.

Xin Zixing: "Okay, I'm busy here. What do you want from me? Hurry up and tell me. I have to go back to work after that."

 “Come and help me be a producer.” Lu Yanhe said.

"What?" Xin Zixing frowned, "What producer?"

“I plan to direct a movie by myself, Sister Zi Xing, and I need your help.”

 “What the hell?” Xin Zixing’s voice was full of shock and astonishment.

"You have done so many programs, you know best how to manage a production team." Lu Yanhe said, "I don't know how to manage various departments at all, and I can't do two things at once. You are the only one around me who can do this. I Just trust you."

Xin Zixing was silent for a long time.

 “Do you know that I’m very busy right now?”


“Did you know that I have signed a contract with your agent Chen Ziyan’s company?”


“Do you know that I have a lot of work that I haven’t done yet?”


 There was another moment of silence.

“Okay, I get it, tell me when to shoot, and I’ll see what I can do for you.” Xin Zixing sighed, as if accepting his fate.

Lu Yanhe immediately let out a cheer.


 This is April when spring is getting stronger.

The third person Lu Yanhe was looking for was Liu Bige.

 Liu Bige and Miao Yue looked at each other.

 The two of them were stopped by Lu Yanhe on the road ten minutes ago, and then they were taken to this cafe.

The attentive smile on Lu Yanhe's face made the two of them feel terrified.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Liu Bige looked at Lu Yanhe like this, his face was full of suspicion, and he folded his hands in front of his chest in a defensive posture.

Lu Yanhe said: "If I said that I was going to direct a movie myself, would you support me?"

“What?” Liu Bige and Miao Yue looked surprised at the same time.

 Lu Yanhe: “You heard that right.”

“The one you said you just finished writing the script it?”


Liu Bige asked suspiciously: "What do you need us to support you for?"

 “I need you to be the director of photography.” Lu Yanhe said bluntly.

While filming "Late Spring" with Liu Bige, Lu Yanhe discovered that Liu Bige's sensitivity and aesthetic appreciation of lenses and images are superb.

 His lens aesthetics, to a certain extent, are very similar to the film style of "Love Letter".

They are all about capturing the most touching details in daily, simple life.

Liu Bige: "...I will make a movie myself in the second half of the year."

"I shot this movie in summer and winter." Lu Yanhe said, "I don't need you to follow the whole process. I just need you to help me decide on the basic style of photography. I really don't understand this technical aspect. You He is the most knowledgeable and the best around me." Liu Bige's lips curled up when he heard Lu Yanhe's compliment.

"I can't guarantee how much time I will have for you to do this." Liu Bige said, "I am completely waiting for Li Zhibai's time and waiting to turn on the phone, so I am just a little free now, but it does not mean that I have nothing to do. ”


“Besides, I am not a professional photographer. If you ask me to be the photography director, can the photographer you find recognize me?”

“You shot “Late Spring”, and everyone can see how good your lens aesthetics are in this movie.”

 “Are you serious about directing a movie? Directors are not that easy to do.”

“Well, it’s very difficult to do, and I don’t understand it. I can only ask you all to come over and help. In this way, I will have a lot less headaches.”

  Liu Bige: "You are good at summoning people."

Lu Yanhe: "So you agreed?"

“Then if I don’t agree, will you stop acting in my movies?”

“Not necessarily, but I tend to hold grudges.” Lu Yanhe said seriously.

 Liu Bige: “Heh.”

 Lu Yanhe turned to look at Miao Yue and said, "Miao Yue, I also need your help."


 “I’d like to ask you to play a cameo role for me.”

"What?" Miao Yue shook her head in panic, "I'm not an actor, how can I play a guest role?"

Lu Yanhe said: "To be precise, I want to invite you, Mingyin, and a young female writer to play a guest role as a high school student."


"It was they who discovered the biggest secret of this movie in the library." Lu Yanhe said, "I wanted to bury an Easter egg in this movie. Girls who like reading in the library will all become female writers when they grow up. "

Miao Yue was stunned.

“So, please.” Lu Yanhe said, “There is no difficulty in acting. Just act as you are.”

Miao Yue's cheeks were slightly red and she was a little embarrassed, but because of Lu Yanhe's words, her attitude began to relax.

Lu Yanhe pointed at Liu Bige again and said: "Besides, if you come as a guest star, this guy will be more interested and help me. He can't make the shots look ugly in a movie where his girlfriend appears, right?"

 Liu Bige's eyes squinted: "Dog."

 Miao Yue laughed.


About "Love Letter", the film has been kept secret and no information has been disclosed to the public.

Including other film companies, because Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan have not yet started contacting them, the outside world does not know that Lu Yanhe is preparing for his first directorial work.

 Until news about the audition was revealed.

 All major companies know that the movie written by Lu Yanhe is preparing to audition the heroine.


 “Required to be 16-18 years old?”

 Xu Yiren, who is in the limelight because of "My Home I Haven't Returned for a Long Time", was stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Yanhe's request to be the heroine of the film project, and then rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"What are you fighting for? Can I still lose ten years for myself?" Xu Yiren was a little depressed.

The agent said: "I heard that this movie stars Lu Yanhe himself. The most important thing is that although Lu Yanhe is the male protagonist, the heroine is the real protagonist of this movie. If you look at the script written by Lu Yanhe, it was Jia Jia If you can get starring actors like Long and Chen Bige, it will definitely be a good project for you.”

"What about this age?" Xu Yiren said, "It's obvious that I'm not suitable."

"Let's go talk and see if we can change the age. The script can be changed." The agent said, "You just starred in a movie with a box office of over 800 million. What movie crew doesn't want you to star in it? ?”

Xu Yiren felt a little more confident when his agent said this.

“Then you go ask him and see if he is willing to change the script for me.” Xu Yiren raised his chin slightly and pursed his lips proudly.


 Jiang Yuqian showed a happy smile when she saw the audition selection conditions for the heroine.

 Fortunately, I didn’t listen to He Heng and asked the heroine of Lu Yanhe’s new play.

This is completely age-inappropriate.

After Jiang Yuqian saw the news, she was able to send a message to Lu Yanhe openly, saying: If there is a role that requires me to make a cameo, just ask.

Lu Yanhe replied to her: Sister Yuqian, you are too famous. This movie is not that commercial. You can make a guest appearance in other roles.

Jiang Yuqian smiled.

 Look, even if she takes the initiative to make a cameo, Lu Yanhe doesn’t need it.

 However, Jiang Yuqian was happy instead. The fact that Lu Yanhe was able to speak so directly proved that he was really familiar with her and regarded her as one of his own.

Jiang Yuqian was also very cheerful and replied with the word "good".

 A movie is a movie.

 Never use human feelings to influence your selection criteria.

 Otherwise, maybe you are caring about human feelings, but you have lost the innocence of the movie god.


 Mrs. Huang sat opposite Chen Ziyan and gently stirred the coffee in front of her with a silver spoon.

“Which film company are you planning to collaborate with on Yan He’s film?” she asked.

Chen Ziyan smiled and said: "We haven't contacted the film company yet. We can do the preliminary preparation and production ourselves, and we don't need a lot of funds."

Hearing this, Mrs. Huang was a little surprised and asked: "Is there no film company willing to invest?"

"Of course not. We haven't contacted the film company yet, so how could we be willing to invest?" Chen Ziyan knew what Mrs. Huang was thinking, "Our movie is really just a low-budget movie, it doesn't cost much." , you can do it yourself.”

Mrs. Huang: "You know, we at Longyan are very willing to cooperate with Xiaolu. Why don't you come to us?"

Chen Ziyan said: "Xiao Lu wrote, directed and acted in this movie."

Huang Tai looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise.

 “He wrote, directed, and acted? He plans to direct the movie himself?”

"Yes." Chen Ziyan nodded, "So, in order to ensure that the idea of ​​the movie can be completely according to his, we did the early preparation and production ourselves."

Mrs. Huang felt incredible.

“I’m not telling you, Ziyan, isn’t it too risky for you to do this?”

"It's a little bit." Chen Ziyan said, "However, maybe I really saw too many miracles in Lu Yanhe, so whatever he wants to do now, I think let him do it. Like me, I can only People who achieve a lot of success rely on their own experience and hard work. For a genius like him, you don’t need to do anything else, just support him.”

 Chen Ziyan did not mention Lu Yanhe becoming the director at all, it was her suggestion.

 “How much does it cost to produce your movie?” Mrs. Huang asked.

Chen Ziyan smiled and said: "It's really not much. It's still a confused account and I haven't calculated it yet."

Mrs. Huang knew that Chen Ziyan was not going to tell her.

 But the more Chen Ziyan acted like this, the more Mrs. Huang became itchy and wanted to know.

 “Then how much box office do you plan to get for this movie?”

"I don't know. In fact, the box office doesn't matter. Our cost is very low, and the box office does not need to be too high to make back our money." Chen Ziyan said, "This movie is actually for Yan He to practice his skills and figure out how to be a director. It’s the same thing, Mrs. Huang, it’s not a big production.”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Huang was dubious.

 However, when she wanted to find out more information, she found that she really didn't know much.

 No one seems to know.

 This made Mrs. Huang very surprised. Nothing else, given her position in the industry, it is often easy to find out a little bit of information. But Lu Yanhe's drama has been a hot topic outside, but there is almost no news about it at present. Both the genre and the production are tightly covered. This situation certainly surprised Huang Tai.


“I’m not looking for investment at the moment. Me, Sister Bi Ge, Sister Zi Yan and Si Qi have all taken some, including Director Luo and Liu Bige. When they heard that I wanted to make a movie by myself, they followed suit and said they would invest a little.”

During a video call with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, Lu Yanhe briefly talked about the current progress of "Love Letter".

"Actually, the most expensive thing about this movie is the remuneration for me and Sister Bi Ge. I don't get any money anyway, I get the share directly. Sister Bi Ge only got a symbolic remuneration of two million, and we get the same share." Lu Yanhe said, "Calculating it this way, I can conservatively estimate that my movie will be shot at 10 million yuan."

Lu Yanhe can take no money, and Chen Bige can also take less money, but for the other crew members, including other actors, Lu Yanhe does not intend to let everyone just take the friendly price, and give them whatever the market conditions are.

  On the one hand, neither he nor Chen Bige is short of this little money, but many people rely on this small amount of remuneration to support their families. On the other hand, Lu Yanhe also doesn’t want to overstretch a movie. If it reaches this level, it doesn’t mean that he can’t find investment, so he might as well find someone to invest directly. It doesn’t mean that the box office of “Love Letter” is destined to fail to recover the cost. .

Li Zhibai said: "If the money is not enough, I will invest some for you. When the movie makes money, I will also make some."

“Well, if the money is not enough, I can also contribute some.” Yan Liang said.

Lu Yanhe: "I don't know if this movie can make money, and you are not involved in this movie, so you don't need to take risks with me. I will come back to you for investment in movies with good return prospects."

Li Zhibai: "Okay, don't be hesitant. Anyway, I usually vote for some movies and TV series. No matter who I vote for, I feel more confident if I vote for you. The risk is smaller. I know that you are at least serious. Those who do projects are not those scammers.”

Yan Liang agreed: "That's right."

An artist like Li Zhibai, who has already become popular and makes money, of course cannot just keep his income in the bank through some stable funds or profit-making projects.

Li Zhibai started making some investments of his own very early. Of course, the numbers were not big, just for fun and to test the waters. The film and television drama project itself is what he is most familiar with, so of course he will invest a little bit and make a little bit of money.

Yan Liang has not yet started to take this path. He has just become famous, and when it comes to making money, he really doesn't make much. But compared to two years ago, it is definitely much better. At least I can support myself as a team and support my family.

Yan Liang has long been interested in investing a small part of the money he earns. It's just that he doesn't understand this very well, and he's afraid that because he doesn't understand, he'll be fooled or tricked, so he never dared to take the first step.

 This time Lu Yanhe plans to make his own film. Of course Yan Liang was happy to invest some of the money he had saved.

 No investment is guaranteed to make a profit, but this project was shot by Lu Yanhe himself, or at least it was done by an acquaintance. It is not a trap or a scam. Moreover, based on Yan Liang's understanding of Lu Yanhe, Lu Yanhe has been successful in everything he does over the years, and there is no possibility of losing money on this movie. With a cost of more than 10 million, could it be that the two starring roles, Chen Bige and Lu Yanhe, could not earn a box office of 30 million?

This profit prospect is clearly certain.


After excluding the salaries of Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige, the production cost of this movie was only about 10 million.

 Including subsequent publicity and distribution costs, the production cost of this film is at most just over 20 million, and less than 30 million.

It can be said that as long as the movie performs normally and the theater box office is not less than 50 million, it will definitely make a profit. After all, TV broadcasting copyrights, domestic video platform broadcasting copyrights, overseas streaming media copyrights, and other copyright income, large and small, will not suffer any loss.

 This is the benefit of having a star. With the two starring roles, Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige, even a literary film can be sold at a high price, not to mention that Lu Yanhe did not intend to make it as a literary film.

 Lu Yanhe held auditions and collected videos of self-introduction and one-minute performances across the country. This is a big project, and it is specially cooperated with third-party organizations. After this cooperation, hundreds of thousands were spent.

 Watch the video and choose the actor. Lu Yanhe's mind was filled with the face of Sakai Miki in the original work. When watching this movie, Lu Yanhe had a heart-pounding feeling. If he had to use one sentence to describe the position of this face in his memory, Lu Yanhe would think that it was a face that would make people dream back to their student days whenever they thought of it. In every boy's youth, there must be a girl with such a sweet smile, gentleness and shyness.

  Many of the girls who came to the interview were very beautiful, and some of them caught Chen Ziyan's eye and wanted to sign her as an artist. However, Lu Yanhe never saw a girl like Sakai Miki.

She has beautiful facial features, not an alluring look, but she has a pair of eyes that are reluctant to talk, as if she wants to talk to you. She is beautiful, the kind of person who walks outside the classroom and the sun will give her a soft light eccentrically, making her so beautiful that she seems to capture the hearts of all the boys in the classroom. But she is also fresh, pure and harmless. When she looks at you, she is like a young deer looking at you ignorantly under the shade of a tree across a mountain stream.

Lu Yanhe thought, only such a girl can make the boy who has entered the hearts of thousands of girls have a crush on her in a movie like "Love Letter", and it becomes a matter of course that no girl will be jealous of. matter.

Lu Yanhe looked at many girls, many of them, but none of them made him feel this way.

Even Chen Ziyan said that his requirements for selecting heroines are comparable to those of those rumored perverted directors.

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan, my requirements are not high, I just want to find the one who meets the requirements."

Chen Ziyan rolled her eyes and said: "Those perverted directors also said the same thing. They are not demanding, they just want an accurate one that completely matches their imagination. Please, you are not Nuwa. You can follow your own wishes." Make one out of your heart.”

Lu Yanhe looked embarrassed after being squeezed by Chen Ziyan.

However, Chen Ziyan did not give up her job despite all the pressure, and continued to look for the heroine according to Lu Yanhe's description.

Girls from almost all art schools across the country have watched it over and over again.


Lu Yanhe is looking for a heroine for his new movie on such a large scale, and his momentum has attracted the attention of the industry.

 In everyone's impression, finding a heroine for such a big move is usually something only top directors would do.

 Because only they have the ability and confidence to ask for this.

But Lu Yanhe did just that. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it was not compromised at all. Because this is his movie, no one will give it a second thought.

Of course, there is no way to avoid many people whispering behind their backs.

Lu Yanhe also suddenly understood why the National Preceptor was so arrogant every time he chose a heroine before he traveled through time. In some movies, the most soulful and cinematic point lies in the heroine. In the film industry, the media often calls a certain actress the muse of a certain actor. This is actually not an exaggeration.

Lu Yanhe didn't say that he wanted to find such a muse, but he knew very clearly what kind of heroine he had to find. Because he knew that such a good person existed, everything else was just make do. , we can only make do with it.

Perhaps if Lu Yanhe had not read the original work of "Love Letter", he would not have preconceived impressions. He could completely look at it from the perspective of script and imagination. In that case, it would actually be much easier. However, because I have seen it, there is no way to make do with it.

The hardest thing for people to deceive is themselves.

Everyone can be fooled by your superb acting skills, but only you can't.

Finding the heroine turned out to be the most difficult thing for this movie.

 In other aspects, Lu Yanhe has found people he is familiar with and trusts in various positions. Everyone said that they were not very good at it, that they were very busy, and that it was very difficult. But from now on, each one was better than the other.

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to shoot the scene in his high school, which was the place he was most familiar with. However, the current campus of No. 13 Middle School is too modern and does not match the appearance of the school more than ten years ago in the play. It is very difficult to find such a high school in Yuming, and it is almost impossible to find one.

Xin Zixing’s team can only help Lu Yanhe spread across the country to find schools that meet Lu Yanhe’s requirements.

Lu Yanhe only needs to be selected through photos and videos.

 If the team is reliable, you can save a lot of effort.

While Lu Yanhe was concentrating on finding the heroine of "Love Letter", the Tongfu Inn in "Wulin Gaiden" was also built in Jiangzhi.

He Yunlan sent a message to Lu Yanhe, inviting him to come and take a look.


Lu Yanhe has not been to Jiangzhi for a long time.

On the way here this time, I met many people who wanted to come to Jiangzhi.

 They are all here to travel.

Lu Yanhe was wearing sunglasses and a fisherman’s hat and was sitting between Zou Dong and Wang Biao. No one recognized him.

Getting off the high-speed train, as soon as he left the station, he saw He Yunlan waiting for him at the exit.

“Brother He!” Lu Yanhe waved happily and shouted.

He Yunlan came up and hugged him warmly and patted him on the shoulder.

 “You seem to have grown a little taller?”

"Really? I don't know. I don't have the measurement. I shouldn't have grown much taller. My clothes are still the same size as before." Lu Yanhe said.

He Yunlan nodded, with a bright smile on his tanned face, with a cheerfulness that was hard to see in Yuming.

“Let’s go, your sister-in-law has already prepared a table of food at home for you to come over.”

 Lu Yanhe said yes.

It still takes some time to get to Jiangzhi. After getting on the bus, He Yunlan asked: "Are you tired? Do you want to squint for a while?"

"I'm not tired, it's okay." Lu Yanhe said, "On the high-speed train I just came over, I heard that several people came to Jiangzhi for tourism. Is Jiangzhi so popular now? Is it a popular tourist city?"

"It is much more popular than before, but compared with popular domestic tourist cities, it is still far behind." He Yunlan said, "But it is quite good now. Our tourism industry has just started, and there are many foundations. The facilities are not ready yet, and the current number of tourists is just what we can bear. If there were more, Jiangzhi would be so big, it might be crowded, and the experience of visiting Jiangzhi would not be that good. ”

Lu Yanhe knew that one of the important reasons why He Yunlan had always wanted to develop Jiangzhi's tourism industry was that Jiangzhi's geographical location was too remote and the transportation was inconvenient. Judging from Jiangzhi's current situation, either The state has invested a large amount of money to build Jiangzhi, or it has to find a way to lay the foundation first.

Now, Jiangzhi's per capita income has increased due to tourism. The construction of the city and the transportation with the outside world are all due to the increase in tourists. Where once there might have been only two buses a day, now there might be one an hour. When there are more people, the demand in all aspects becomes greater. As the demand becomes greater, the market will spontaneously follow suit.

 This is why many backward places, if they want to develop, their first choice is tourism. It’s not that they don’t want to work in other industries, but that other industries require basic investment, but the tourism industry actually relies on existing local resources.

Along the way, Lu Yanhe listened to He Yunlan introduce to him the changes in Jiangzhi in the past two years, including the rise of more than a dozen new inns to accommodate tourists.

 Lu Yanhe still remembers that there were not many hotels and guesthouses in Jiangzhi before.

He Yunlan said: "We have made overall planning. On the basis of retaining certain hotels and inns, most of the new ones we have built are inns, which are built according to our local customs. The main reason is that "City Travel Notes" The inn where I stayed made many tourists come here and want to stay in the same hotel.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded, "After the Tongfu Inn is built, will the Tongfu Inn be put into use once the filming of the drama is completed?"

He Yunlan said: "We have considered this, but the Tongfu Inn is a completely antique building with no electricity, so the safety risks are still relatively high. If tourists are allowed to stay here, it will be difficult for us to prevent some tourists from bringing lighters. , if a fire breaks out accidentally, it will be a big deal, so we think it is better to turn Tongfu Inn into a tourist attraction, and then arrange live performances in Tongfu Inn directly. I saw the actors performing the plot in the Tongfu Inn. Of course, this requires your authorization."

Lu Yanhe laughed, nodded, and said, "This is a good idea. Do you plan to hire some professional actors to act in a serious way? Or what?"

He Yunlan said: "We hope to find suitable local people to perform in Jiangzhi. This is also convenient. If we really can't find them, we can only hire people from outside."

"Very good, Brother He, your idea is quite interesting." Lu Yanhe said, "We will shoot many episodes of "Wulin Gaiden". When the time comes, you can reproduce the plots in the TV series, and you can also collect fans online. , there will be prizes for netizens to create fan works based on these characters and backgrounds. If you write well, you will develop a new play and perform it only in Jiang Zhi’s fan inn. This can also attract the attention of many people online. Tongfu Inn can become your most unique attraction, not just in a TV series. The most important thing is that the TV series is over, but the story of Tongfu Inn is not over. It is still going on here in Jiangzhi. ”

He Yunlan became more and more excited as he listened.

 “This is a great idea, really great.” He Yunlan said, “Yan He, you, you have really done us a big favor.”

Lu Yanhe said: “I just said it casually. If you think it’s useful, just use it. If it’s not useful, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

He Yunlan: "Are you kidding? Just listening to what you just said makes my blood boil. I can almost see thousands of people pouring into our Jiangzhi."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

 “It would be great if it could really play such a role.”


Returning to Jiangzhi, Lu Yanhe found that Jiangzhi had really changed a lot, but the basic style had not changed. It was still the same simple and smoky look as before. However, many dilapidated and dirty places had been cleaned up and renovated. Gone.

 He first followed He Yunlan directly to his home without getting out of the car to revisit the old place.

 After all, when we arrived, it was already evening and it was time for dinner.

Liu Yiyi is wearing an apron and cooking in the kitchen.

Their son Xiaohu is doing homework in his room. He is eight years old now and has grown up a lot since last time I saw him.

When Xiaohu saw Lu Yanhe, he was no longer as enthusiastic as before. He smiled with shy dimples on his lips.

“Xiaohu, do you still remember me?” Lu Yanhe asked.

 Xiaohu nodded, "Remember."

Lu Yanhe smiled and gave the gift he brought to Xiaohu.

"Then I didn't give you this gift in vain. I bought you a schoolbag. I was still thinking about it when I bought it. If you forget about me, then I will be in a big loss by giving you the schoolbag." Lu Yanhe joked.

 Xiaohu took it in his hand and politely thanked him: "Thank you, Uncle Lu."

 He glanced at Lu Yanhe again with his dark eyes, and the smile on his face became even more shy.

 “I will never forget you.”

Lu Yanhe laughed loudly and hugged Xiaohu directly.

 “Then should I prepare more gifts next time?”

Xiaohu said seriously: "One is enough, not too many. I'm not greedy at all."

Lu Yanhe couldn't hide the smile on his face when he heard Xiaohu speaking in such a serious tone of voice.


This dinner was just for He Yunlan, Liu Yiyi's family, and Lu Yanhe's group.

 Six people, sitting at the dining table, eight dishes, steaming hot and fragrant.

Lu Yanhe took the wine glass first and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law, for your hard work in preparing such a table of dishes. I really want to be polite, but I am really greedy for your cooking, and I can't bear to tell you to cook less."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi laughed heartily and picked up the wine glass.

"Then come here to eat often. When filming "Wulin Gaiden", you can come over anytime." She said.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "That's not possible. I don't know how many people from the crew will come over. I can eat by myself. But if they all come over to grab food from me, I won't be happy."

 Everyone drank the first cup while chatting and laughing.

Liu Yiyi asked: "Siqi is coming tomorrow?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe said, "She originally wanted to come together today, but she had an important job that got stuck."

Liu Yiyi nodded, "Oh, looking at you young couple, I'm really envious."

Lu Yanhe: "I still envy you and Brother He. They share the same goals and help each other."

Liu Yiyi smiled and said, "Looking at you reminds me of my own youth, and I envy you for being young."

"Sister-in-law, when you were young, why did you still envy us for being young?" Lu Yanhe said, "I just think I'm only twenty-one now. If I could jump directly to the age of twenty-eight or nine, then I wouldn't have to act like this. It’s limited. It’s very difficult to find a suitable drama for myself. There are very few male protagonists suitable for my age.”

He Yunlan shook his head and said: "The younger people are, the less they know how to cherish their youth. When you are almost thirty, you will understand."

Lu Yanhe chuckled and said, "Anyway, looking at your current state, I yearn for my own thirty years old." (End of Chapter)

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