Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 400: The road to Mr. Love

 One of the current situations is that there are fewer and fewer bookstores.

 Especially, fewer and fewer people “go to bookstores to hang out”.

 Generally, when everyone goes to a bookstore, it is when they clearly have a book they want to buy.

 In this case, it means losing many readers who "accidentally saw a book and thought it was interesting, so why not buy it and read it".

When newsstands were popular in the past, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people passed by the newsstands every day, and only one percent or one thousandth of them stopped to buy one because they saw a magazine cover. This is also a very considerable amount.

 This is why Lu Yanhe hopes to have "Jump Up" on the shelves in Lanson.

How many customers go to Lanson to buy things every day? Even if only one thousandth or one ten thousandth of them are interested in the magazine "Jump Up", if they buy a copy, there are tens of thousands of Lanson convenience stores across the country. Added up, that’s a very large sales volume.

Liang Hong thought about it seriously and said, "Yan He, I am not responsible for this matter. I can't make the decision. I will mention it to the company when I go back."

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Then please trouble Sister Hong."

 Add a new product to Lansen convenience store—many people may think this is a very simple matter if they don’t know the situation. In fact, this is not the case. There is one shelf and one pit. In large national convenience store chains like Lanson Convenience Store, I don’t know how many brands want to put their new products on their shelves. If you see this data, you will know, How difficult is it to realize this request made by Lu Yanhe.

How many copies of a magazine can be sold in a convenience store?

If you can only sell one or two copies at the end of the day, it takes up space and cannot generate corresponding sales. However, how many people in a convenience store will want to buy a magazine?

For "Jump Up", this is definitely a channel that has no harm at all.

 But for Lanson, it does not mean it is a good deal.

Lu Yanhe added: "Sister Hong, in our country, selling magazines in convenience stores has never happened before. This is definitely an attempt. I also heard that Lanson hopes to cooperate with us and "Jump Up" to If possible, would you like to at least give it a try and try selling one issue? Lanson will become the first convenience store in China to sell magazines. I think this will also shape Lanson’s brand image. Brand."

Liang Hong nodded and said: "Yan He, I promise you, I will seriously make this suggestion to the company, but I can't guarantee you the final result, because this is too innovative, and you know it."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“I understand, then I’ll trouble Sister Hong.” Lu Yanhe said.


Within two days, Liang Hong introduced another person to Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi.

 According to Liang Hong’s introduction, he is a manager in Lansen who is responsible for the selection and purchasing of convenience stores in Yuming area.

 “Ye Yun.”

 Chen Siqi flew over specially to meet Ye Yun with Lu Yanhe.

The other person is very young, looking to be in his early thirties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with handsome features, and looks like an elite.

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Chen Siqi reached out, shook Ye Yun's hand, smiled, and said, "I'm very happy to have this opportunity to get to know you."

"Don't say that, I'm probably very happy to have the opportunity to meet you two." Ye Yun smiled brightly, "I heard that you will become our spokesperson soon. I believe that this cooperation will be beneficial to both of us. Good results.”

Chen Siqi said: "Mr. Ye, Sister Hong told us that the company's opinion is to pilot sales in the Lansen convenience store in Yuming city first and see the sales situation in three months. Do you have any suggestions for us?"

"I can't talk about suggestions." Ye Yun waved his hand, "But I am also thinking that "Jump Up" is published once a month, which is actually quite challenging for us to arrange the goods. The first one it just came out Weekly sales are definitely the best, but in the next three weeks, sales may drop. If we give it a fixed shelf, it will cause waste. You know, you must also know, we every A shelf is very tight. If it cannot achieve sufficient sales targets, it will be a failure. "

Chen Siqi suddenly took out a stack of bound materials from her bag.

"Mr. Ye, please take a look. My editorial team and I have researched twelve Lanson convenience stores in five different cities. In fact, the decoration patterns of convenience stores are basically the same. You must also have strict requirements. , to create a unified store image. You see, every convenience store provides customers with a long table where they can eat instant noodles. In addition, the wall behind the cashier is also empty. "Chen Siqi pointed out the pictures they took. Ye Yun looked at it, "Because we are also giving it a try. Considering that the shelves are very precious, we also hope that it will not affect your original arrangements. In addition, although the "Jump Up" magazine is not a small thing, it is very thin. On the one hand , maybe we can install a magazine shelf on the wall side of this long table. A shelf made of steel frame will be fine. The thickness is no more than 2 cm. The space occupied is the size of two magazines placed upright. It will hardly be used. Another way to affect the use space of the long table is to make a magazine rack hanging on the wall behind the cashier, which will not occupy the original use space of the store. "

Ye Yun was a little surprised when he took over the research report prepared by Chen Siqi. He flipped through it and knew at a glance that they had put a lot of effort into doing this seriously.

"Of course, we actually hope that the magazine can appear in a more intuitive location that guests can touch with their own hands, but such locations have basically been arranged." Chen Siqi said, "If the sales in the past three months prove "Jump Up" can sell well in Lanson, so let's have a serious discussion about which shelf location is better, what do you think?"

Ye Yun pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, the position I planned to arrange for you at the beginning was next to the computer at the cashier counter. Make an upright magazine rack so that everyone can see it when paying, so that it does not take up our original space. place."

 “Of course this is better.” Chen Siqi said immediately.

"Because our magazines are wrapped in plastic, it's impossible for people to pick them up and read them." Ye Yun said, "Every store provides a magazine that can be opened and the plastic envelope can be opened so that people can read the contents? This one is just for reading. Go to the long table for guests to browse.”

Chen Siqi nodded decisively, "No problem."

Compared with the actual production cost of a magazine for each store and the sales that may be generated by this cooperation, it is not of the same order of magnitude.

“Can the wall behind the cash register be used to post magazine posters?” Chen Siqi immediately changed his mind. “We will arrange and provide all these materials.”

Ye Yun said: "Lansen has a total of 527 stores in Yuming. In the first three months, each store will give away 10 copies of each issue, and then add one for customers to try out, that is 11 copies. "

 “Okay.” Chen Siqi nodded, “Mr. Ye.”

 In this cooperation, Lanson will not make purchases with "Jump Up", which is equivalent to just providing them with a sales channel.

 They have to be responsible for their own profits and losses. If they sell Lanson, they can place additional orders. If they can't sell it, they have to take it back themselves.

 Including manpower, material resources and related costs such as posters and magazine racks, more than 100,000 yuan was spent every month.

 Fortunately, picking up the goods can be done directly through Lanson's transportation system. They only need to arrange for someone to deliver the magazine to Lanson's warehouse.


After chatting with Ye Yun, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi said goodbye to him and walked on the street together.

 On a weekday afternoon, it is not a lively central area and there are not many people.

Chen Siqi seemed very excited.

 She seems to be confident in this cooperation and is determined to win.

 But, can magazines be sold in convenience stores?

 This is still an unknown number.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t know what the final result will be. That's okay, just give it a try if you get the chance. In such an era where print media is not going smoothly, we can only keep looking for opportunities to add fuel to the fire so that it can gain a firm foothold and survive longer.

Just like the campus tour activities that Chen Siqi has been insisting on.

Take the initiative to contact the school’s student departments, organizations, and clubs, bring magazines and signed or co-authors to the campus, give lectures, exchanges, reading groups, etc. Each school may only have a hundred or so people participating at most. But still keep doing it.

Why? Because we need to continuously expand the influence of "Jump Up", we must have some students in every school read "Jump Up", especially young students. When they become readers, maybe they will read "Jump Up" in the next three, five or even ten years. years of readers.

 There may only be a hundred students at a time, but when they accumulate over and over again, a small amount becomes a large number. No one knows when a qualitative change may occur.

 For more than two years, the sales volume of "Jump Up" magazine has been stable. This is a miracle in the countercurrent era.

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Siqi's excitement, like a bird that couldn't help flapping its wings. He was also infected and laughed along with him.

 He ​​held Chen Siqi's hand and said, "The end of the cooperation with has actually become a new opportunity."

"Yes." Chen Siqi nodded, "Besides, I think Sister Qingzhen is right. We should adopt the 'question sea tactic'. Now that the content of "Jump Up" can be stably produced, we should try our best to Expose more people to it.”

 When she said this, her eyes were shining and her expression was full of energy.

Lu Yanhe stared blankly for two seconds and couldn't help laughing.

 Chen Siqi was also caught by Lu Yanhe's eyes and stopped talking.

 Lu Yanhe's mouth landed directly on her lips in the next second.


 “This young couple is come they suddenly start showing off their affection!”

When the media broke out the photos of Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi kissing on the street, the Internet exploded, boiling like a pot of oil with water, making a crackling sound.

 When Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were kissing, they didn't shy away from it at all, and they didn't care about being photographed.

 The result is that it was actually photographed.

 Reactions online have been largely positive. This kind of positivity means that everyone does not react negatively to the photo of the two of them kissing. When such photos of many public figures are exposed, they will cause some criticism. For example, fans of both parties generally make derogatory remarks about each other. For example, they feel that these two people are on trending searches and occupy public resources for the slightest nonsense.

Chen Ziyan carefully looked at the reactions on the Internet and found that there was a very important reason why everyone reacted positively. The two people were publicized relatively early. Everyone had a preconceived impression of the two of them being together, and their acceptance was relatively high. high. On the other hand, Lu Yanhe is very good, and Chen Siqi is not bad either. She has led the "Jump Up" team to achieve many beautiful achievements in the past two years, and has become the idol of many girls.

Lu Yanhe is not involved in the specific business of "Jump Up" and has no time to intervene. In the past, many people would think that the success of "Jump Up" mainly relied on Lu Yanhe's artist status and network resources. As the magazine has been running for a longer time, this impression has gradually It was slowly diluted.

 The person who wrote the editor's notes became Chen Siqi. It was Chen Siqi who participated in various activities on behalf of "Jump Up" every time. It was also Chen Siqi who expanded self-media, opened up new business sectors such as marketing and publicity. In particular, the promotion and marketing of the three Lu Yanhe-starring works this year, "Six People", "Seventeen Floors" and "Late Spring", can be regarded as classic cases, making "Jump Up" a "god" in the film and television industry and among Lu Yanhe's fans. like image.

 In short, the relationship between the two of them, as long as they are not black for the sake of being black, actually makes everyone feel "evenly matched" to the point of "nothing to say."

How can two people like this be able to kiss in public as if no one else is watching -

“They are still ordinary young people and are equally keen on falling in love.”


 July is the month when "Jump Up" publishes its summer special issue, and December is the month when "Jump Up" publishes its winter special issue.

 These two special issues are usually the two highest-selling issues of the year. Because these two special issues often invite all contracted authors and co-authors to publish new works in them. Similar to a carnival-like special issue.

 Chen Siqi decided to make this issue the first issue of cooperation with Lanson.

In order to kick off the December magazine cover of "Jump Up", we specially invited Mr. Jiang Yubai, the comic author of "Children of Time and Space" who we have collaborated with before, to create a painting with Lansen Convenience Store as the background. Above, it is a winter night. Against the background of the dark blue starry sky, white snow is dotted with the street in front of the convenience store and the street lamps next to it. Warm light shines from the store window. A girl wearing a red scarf walks through the door. He came out, holding a cup of steaming oden in his hand, and looked at the boy standing by the door of the convenience store in surprise. The boy stretched out a hand with a small hand warmer in his hand, and his eyes showed tenderness. gaze.

Such a painting—

"We hope to introduce our "Jump Up" magazine to more readers by cooperating with more platforms. We hope this is a magazine that can accompany everyone year by year and accompany everyone like a friend. Study, go to school, work and live.”

Chen Siqi specially recorded such a video to coordinate with the pre-launch promotion of the winter special issue of "Jump Up". He also officially announced that the physical book will be sold in more than 500 Lansen convenience stores in the Yuming area. From the next issue , that is, starting from January next year, the electronic version of "Jump Up" will be launched on Lanson's online social platform.

"I see that many readers have been asking whether we at "Jump Up" are preparing for future transformation when we start doing self-media, video media, and even publicity and marketing." Chen Siqi said, "We will never I will forget where "Jump Up" started, this magazine will continue as long as you are willing to read it."

 Lanson also announced the news of cooperating with "Jump Up" on this day. At the same time, it was officially announced that Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi would become the spokespersons of Lanson.

"Lanson has always been committed to conveying a serious attitude towards life. The quality of every item that appears in Lanson convenience stores must have been carefully selected and evaluated by us." Lanson's spokesperson said, "We are very happy. Being able to invite two outstanding young people, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi, to become the spokespersons of our Lansen, we all internally believe that they have given a very positive interpretation of serious life, which is very consistent with the brand image that our Lansen wants to create. We hope that they can Through their influence, everyone can more truly feel the seriousness of Lansen in opening and operating a small convenience store. We are all conscientiously doing our jobs and living a good life in this wonderful time. We hope that Lansen is not just a convenience store, but also represents a quality and pursuit in everyone’s mind.”

Lu Yanhe forwarded the news about his official announcement of Lanson spokesperson.

“I like the cover of this special winter issue very much. When you get it, please don’t rush to open the magazine, and remember to take a good look at the cover. Teacher @江玉白’s paintings can always touch your heart in subtle ways.”

Xin Zixing left a message under this Weibo, saying: I have placed an order for pre-sale, and I am just waiting for it to be delivered to me by the courier!

Many people were surprised and asked Xin Zixing: Is Sister Zixing still participating in the work of "Jump Up"?

Xin Zixing replied: No more participating, but I will always be the most loyal reader of "Jump Up", and it is one of the most valuable masterpieces of my career!

Xin Zixing’s speech attracted the attention of many people.

Lu Yanhe also replied: Sister Zi Xing will always belong to the "Jump Up" family.

 The electronic version of the winter special issue of "Jump Up" is online first on

 It is still a three-day free period.

The slogan posted by is: The last issue of the electronic version of "Jump Up" is free!

 Chen Siqi rolled his eyes when he saw it.

However, thanks to the early publicity and popularity, in this issue, more than 700,000 users completed reading and browsing for more than 15 minutes in three days. The exaggerated data made everyone inside stunned.

                                        ifies! "On the first day of the paid period, "Jump Up" will be launched for free.

Yu Jiang mobilized all her personal resources to contribute to "Star!" "advertise.

 First day data, “Star! 》A total of 70,000+ readers who completed more than fifteen minutes of reading time, which is not bad.

 However, compared with the free period data of "Jump Up", it is far behind.

 Liu Qiao’s face turned green when he saw this data.

"Jump Up" was put on the shelves at Lansen convenience store in Yuming area. The first delivery was eleven copies. These magazines had arrived at various convenience stores last night and were waiting to be put on the shelves today.

Chen Siqi was originally at school, but she really couldn't calm down at night and was concerned about how "Jump Up" was selling in Lanson.

When I looked at the air tickets, I saw that there was another flight to Yuming at 10:30 in the evening. I immediately asked for leave from the counselor and rushed to the airport.

 Lansen is a 24-hour convenience store.

After Chen Siqi arrived at the airport late at night, the first thing he did was book a hotel, and then went to the Lanson convenience store near the hotel to see if the poster of "Jump Up" had been put up and whether the magazine racks were put up.

When she entered, the clerk was placing "Jump Up" on the magazine rack. A small iron rack about half a meter high was placed next to the computer at the cashier. The clerk inserted two plastic-wrapped magazines into the rack. It only occupies a small space, but has a large cover, which is very eye-catching.

 Chen Siqi breathed a long sigh of relief.

The clerk obviously didn't know that she was Chen Siqi, nor did he know that the girl in front of him was the editor-in-chief of the magazine he just held.

 Chen Siqi bought a bottle of milk and paid the bill.

With a smile on his face, the clerk scanned the barcode on the milk and said, "Miss, we have cooperated with the most popular magazine "Jump Up". This is the latest issue of "Jump Up". If you are interested, you can read it. Look."

Chen Siqi looked at him in surprise and asked, "Are you a reader of "Jump Up"?"

"Me? I haven't read it yet, but my friend is a reader." The clerk said.

“I thought you were a reader and recommended it to me specifically.” Chen Siqi said.

The clerk said: "The company requires that if there is any new product, it must be specially recommended to the customers."

 Chen Siqi then realized how well Lanson had done these details.

 Chen Siqi picked up a magazine and said, "Thank you."

The clerk said: "Because it is a winter special issue, it is a little more expensive, costing thirty yuan per issue. The normal issue is only fifteen yuan." Chen Siqi nodded, "Okay, thank you."

The normal issue of "Jump Up" used to be 32 yuan per issue because it was a theme book. Later, Chen Siqi felt that each issue could not be so thick as it would not look like a magazine anymore, so he specially reduced the number of pages. The selling price was reduced accordingly.

Chen Siqi asked: "Do you think a magazine is expensive if it sells for fifteen yuan an issue?"

The clerk was a little surprised, as if he didn't understand why Chen Siqi asked these questions.

“Forget it,” the clerk said, “If you’re not particularly interested in these, I think it’s quite expensive.”

 Chen Siqi's heart sank.

 The clerk asked curiously: "Are you a staff member of "Jump Up"?"

 Chen Siqi came back to his senses, smiled and said, "It has something to do with it."

The clerk showed an "I see" expression and nodded: "I mean, I'm still wondering why you are so curious to ask so many questions."

Chen Siqi smiled and said: "According to your understanding of the guests, if you want those guests who don't usually read magazines or read books to buy such magazines, is there any good way?"

The clerk pondered for a moment and said, "Actually, if it's the kind of newspaper that only costs one or two yuan, maybe people will buy one out of curiosity when they see it, or maybe when Lanson turns thirty or so. When you can get discount coupons when you are over 50, there will be many customers buying things that cost only one or two yuan to make up the order.”

Chen Siqi nodded and smiled at him, "Okay, thank you."


That night, Chen Siqi was lying on the hotel bed, constantly thinking about what the clerk said.

It is true that even if a magazine only costs fifteen yuan, it is still very expensive for many people. Readers who already have reading habits will not think it is expensive, they know it is good, and they are willing to pay for the text content. But many people no longer read books or magazines. There is so much free information on mobile phones now, and they don’t need to pay for this information at all.

How can you get them to start reading "Jump Up"?


 Chen Siqi suddenly had various thoughts in his mind.

There are more and more authors of "Jump Up" now. With the development of self-media, in addition to authors of fictional literary works, there are also many columnists in different fields. There was even a situation where many articles could not get space on "Jump Up" and had to wait in line.

At that time, Chen Siqi was thinking about making "Jump Up" a bimonthly magazine, so that twelve issues could be added a year. However, they were worried that this would have an impact on the sales of each issue, so they never made any move - after all, "Jump Up" magazine 》The monthly sales data are not showing an increasing trend and have been stable for a long time.

The clerk at Lanson convenience store just reminded Chen Siqi.

 Maybe they can’t make a bimonthly magazine, but they can make a cheaper newspaper.

 A newspaper that costs one dollar an issue?

The content in newspapers can be comprehensive and include a little bit of everything. It can include literary and artistic creations, as well as comprehensive articles involving various professional fields, from film and television reviews to interviews with people, from life essays to historical talks.

 "Jump Up" is restricted by literary and artistic themes, and many types of articles cannot be published. Newspapers are different.


 "Jump Up" is now available at Lanson convenience store.

Lu Yanhe specifically appeared in five Lanson convenience stores to fulfill his promotional activities as a spokesperson and at the same time promote "Jump Up".

 Chen Siqi met with Lin Yu and Zhou Mukai and talked about their thoughts last night. Then they went to the nearby Lansen convenience store to learn about the sales of "Jump Up".

However, to everyone's surprise, the sales of "Jump Up" were much better than they imagined.

Especially at the Lanson convenience store near the school, all ten copies are basically sold out before 8:30 in the morning, so I called for urgent replenishment.

 However, Lanson has a fixed delivery time and route arrangement, and urgent additions will have to wait until the afternoon.

Ye Yun did not expect that "Jump Up" would sell so well in Lanson.

"I don't know yet whether it is because of the high popularity during this period that everyone is interested in "Jump Up" or because of something else." Ye Yun called Chen Siqi, "But judging from the sales this morning, "Jump Up" "Sold very well."

 Chen Siqi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ye Yun say this.

 Ye Yun said: "It seems that we will get more goods next time."

 Chen Siqi was very happy.

 She didn’t know what words to use to describe her happiness.

Linyu knew what was going on at a glance, "The sales in Lansen should be very good?"

“Very good.” Chen Siqi said immediately. “Lansen convenience stores in many places sold out all ten copies in the morning.”

Linyu nodded, "Actually, this is normal. There are so many universities, high schools and junior high schools in Yuming, so there are so many potential readers. Usually they would place orders online or go to bookstores to buy, but now they may go They were buying something to eat and drink at a convenience store when they saw "Jump Up" placed in front of them. They may have heard of "Jump Up" a long time ago, so they could just buy it this time. In this era, channels are even more important than the content itself. Important. Even my roommate said that I don’t need to order online, I can just go to Lanson on campus and buy it.”

Chen Siqi nodded when he heard the words.

Zhou Mukai said: "The Lansen convenience store next to this school can actually store more quantities, and the sales will definitely be better than other places. Especially in our school, because of the Yanhe River, there are almost no students in our school who don't know Not everyone will go to bookstores for this magazine, but everyone will definitely go to convenience stores.”

At eight o'clock in the evening, a very exaggerated figure came out. On the first day the winter special issue of "Jump Up" was released, more than 9,000 copies were sold in more than 500 Lanson convenience stores in the Yuming area alone.

 Lanson and the official WeChat account of "Jump Up" jointly released a celebration poster.

The next day, it was even more exaggerated. A total of 10,000 copies of "Jump Up" were sold at Lansen convenience store in Yuming area, and the number increased instead of falling.

 On the third day, the sales data began to decline, falling to more than 5,000 copies.

Despite this, in just three days, "Jump Up" sold 25,000 copies in Lanson convenience stores. At the same time, except for the original bookstore channel, sales were slightly affected, and there were almost no other sales channels. be affected in any way.

 Lansen also directly announced that starting from next month, Lansen convenience stores in eight cities including Jiangguang will also put "Jump Up" on the shelves simultaneously.

There is no need to wait for the sales in the past three months. The sales in the first three days have already allowed Lanson to see the sales prospects of "Jump Up" as a product.

Not to mention the added value that its own cultural significance can bring to the Lanson brand.


 "Jump Up" has entered a new stage.

Lu Yanhe was sincerely happy and celebrated with everyone and drank happily.

 At this time, the Lingyun Award ceremony also began.

This time, Chen Siqi stayed specially to attend with Lu Yanhe.

The two of them each held a copy of the special winter issue of "Jump Up" in their hands, and they were ready to repeat the same trick and take it on the red carpet to advertise "Jump Up".

"After taking the final exam at the end of the month, I will join the crew to shoot "Path of Glory". You are on winter vacation. Do you want to come and have fun with the crew?" Lu Yanhe asked, "Our movie is a road movie. Not shooting in a fixed location.”

Chen Siqi said: "I will come to you when the time comes. I now have a new idea. After I finish the final exam, I have to get everyone to discuss seriously whether my idea can be implemented."

 “Do you have any new ideas?”

“I want to make a comprehensive newspaper.” Chen Siqi said, “A newspaper that sells for only one yuan.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.


Chen Siqi said: "I won't tell you the details now. We will talk about it when we have a mature plan."

Lu Yanhe let out an ooh.

 He squeezed Chen Siqi's hand.

Chen Siqi didn't understand why he suddenly squeezed her hand, and asked confusedly why.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to explain it, “I didn’t do anything.”

 It’s just a sudden urge to squeeze.


 Lingyun Award, Lu Yanhe is also nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.

This time, everyone’s focus is still on the best actor.

 After the Phenom Award was unexpectedly given to Ho Daren, who will the Lingyun Award be given to today?

Lu Yanhe actually doesn't care who they give it to, anyway, the prize won't fall on him.

 What he needs to worry about is whether the Best Supporting Actor award will be given to him.

 After all, domestic mainstream awards have always had the tradition of "since A gave it to you, then I won't give it to B".

 Chen Ziyan very much hopes that Lu Yanhe can win the best supporting actor award in the three major film mainstream awards for "Three Mountains" and sweep it all.

 This is also a remarkable achievement.

However, compared with the Phenom Awards, which strives for innovation, the Lingyun Awards still follow the traditional live broadcast mode of the awards ceremony. There is no media on site to do their own live broadcast, and there is no media interview session on the red carpet.

When Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi walked hand in hand on the red carpet, there was no audience present. They were all media reporters and photographers.

 This also saves a lot of cheers from the scene.

 Just the media photographers and reporters who kept shouting their names, hoping that they would look at them so that they could capture some shots and take good enough photos to send to their own media.

Although there was no excitement like the Phenom Awards red carpet scene, Lu Yanhe saw many familiar faces, including photographers he had met many times, so he happily waved and greeted them, which was very relaxing.

 The red carpet is not broadcast live.

 You can only see the latest developments through the reports and photos of on-site reporters.

 Even taking videos is not allowed.

Everyone clicked their tongues when they saw Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi appearing on the red carpet together.

Someone said: "Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi have been in the same frame a lot lately. One moment they were kissing on the street, another moment they were together to represent Lanson, and now they are walking the red carpet together again. Is he going to take the route of Mr. Love?"

 Not many people paid him any attention to such teasing.

 Most people like to see the two of them in the same frame.


"Yes, "The Man on the Road" is about to start shooting, and we are making final preparations." Jia Long and Liu Te stood at attention while talking, and saw Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi coming in, and immediately waved their hands, "Yan He !”

Lu Yanhe came over holding Chen Siqi's hand.

“Teacher Liu, Brother Long.” Lu Yanhe greeted and introduced to Teacher Liu Teli, “Siqi, Chen Siqi, my girlfriend.”

 “The little girl is very beautiful.” Liu Teli said with a smile to Chen Siqi.

"You are also very handsome." Chen Siqi immediately said with a sweet smile, "My classmates and I are all your fans, and the whole class went to watch "Upstairs" together."

Liu Teli showed a surprised expression, "Really?"

 “Yes.” Chen Siqi nodded.

Jia Long immediately said: "Mr. Liu, you don't know, right? When "Upstairs" was released, they "Jump Up" sent you three movie reviews specifically, recommending everyone to watch "Upstairs". I was jealous. Yes, their "Jump Up" is very influential."

"Then I have to express my gratitude. No wonder the box office of "Upstairs" is so high." Liu Te immediately followed Jia Long's words and said.

Although he is of high seniority, he is not arrogant at all, and he is very considerate to a young girl like Chen Siqi.

Chen Siqi quickly waved her hands and said: "The high box office of "Upstairs" is due to the high quality of the movie. We just recommend it sincerely. Brother Long is too exaggerated."

Jia Long: "Why should I be modest? Anyway, I will ask you to help me promote my future movies, one after another. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. This is really true."

Chen Siqi: "If you come to us to promote your movie, I will definitely use 100% of my strength to do it well."

"That's worth it." Jia Long said, "I was just talking to Teacher Liu about "The Lost Road". This movie will be shot soon. Yan He is the screenwriter, but he will be filming "The Journey of Glory" at that time. "Lu", if you can't come, why don't you take that young man Li Bi to visit our set?"

Chen Siqi nodded in response, "Of course, I'm afraid it will disturb your filming. Brother Long, you invite us to go. That's what I wish for."

Chen Siqi took the initiative to become friends with Teacher Liu Teli.

"Mr. Liu's acting experience is a huge treasure. I hope that I can find opportunities in the future to systematically sort out these experiences and share them with our readers." Chen Siqi said, "I hope that Teacher Liu will definitely give us this opportunity. ah."

 Liu Teli laughed twice.

“My little experience is not worth sharing. I am very grateful that young people are still willing to watch my plays.”

“Teacher Liu, you are too humble.” Chen Siqi’s eyes widened with disbelief, “Don’t you even know how popular you are among young people?”

Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile and said, "Teacher Liu, Siqi is not exaggerating. Many of my classmates are also fans of your movies. They may not be star-struck in ordinary times, but if you have a work out, they will definitely watch it."

 Liu Teli's face was dazed for a moment.

Chen Siqi said: "After watching "Upstairs", I also watched your previous films "Maverick", "Man City" and "The World". As a junior, I probably shouldn't comment on your acting skills in person. , but as a fan of yours, I have always wanted to say something. After watching so many movies and TV series, you really put a sense of life into your characters. I have always followed Yan. He said, at this point, he must learn more from you."

Liu Teli came to his senses and smiled: "Hey, you two kids, you praised me so much that I was dizzy when you came here, and you gave me ecstasy soup?"

Having said that, it is obvious that his eyes towards Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi have become much gentler and closer. It is not exaggerated at all, but has a sense of kindness like an elder facing a younger generation.


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 June 2nd, we will continue to vote for monthly tickets and get additional updates, with a guaranteed minimum of 4,000 words, and 200 monthly tickets for additional updates of 1,000 words! It is now 585 votes. (End of chapter)

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