Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 379: Confession on high ground

  Yuming, Haiyue Square.

Li Bi stood in front of the camera and, accompanied by a follow-up camera, randomly interviewed passers-by in the square.

“Do you have a story about your youth that you want to share with everyone?”

 “Are you a couple? When did you get together?”

 “Do you have any regrets in your youth?”


Li Bi randomly interviewed passers-by one by one, and these contents were broadcast simultaneously in his live broadcast room.

 This is the warm-up.

Every once in a while, Li Bi will emphasize: "Dear handsome boys and beautiful girls, today, at Haiyue Square in Yuming, we "Jump Up" will jointly hold a large-scale regret confession event with "Late Spring", which will last two hours. Later, there—"

 He pointed to a high platform behind him.

"In your youth, are there people you liked but didn't say anything about it, are there people you feel sorry for, are there people you still miss, love, friendship, family, as long as you have regrets in youth and are willing to follow To share your story, please come to Yuming’s Haiyue Plaza and contact our staff offstage,” Li Bi said while emphasizing, “This event will be held entirely in my live broadcast room and Northern Lights Video. Live broadcast, so your confession will be heard by the whole world, and maybe also by the person you want to confess to. "

The number of people in Li Bi's live broadcast room is constantly rising.

 Mainly because Li Bi's live broadcast was not only live broadcast on his own self-media account, but also broadcast simultaneously on Northern Lights Video. Many people in Northern Lights Video entered Li Bi's live broadcast room.


“The number of viewers in Li Bi’s live broadcast room has exceeded two million.” Yu Lang took a look at the data and said to Chen Siqi.

 Chen Siqi took Yu Lang into a building next to Haiyue Square, where they rented a large conference room as a workspace.

 As soon as we entered, there were many people sitting inside.

 Linyu and Chen Qin are both here, and they are reviewing the process with the actors.

"You are all students majoring in acting. These confession letters are not made up by us. They are written by our readers based on their own experiences and have been authorized by them. Therefore, please understand what you are receiving as you study the script and characters. When you get on stage, you will be the owner of this confession letter. Please use your professional skills and emotions to infect all of us."

Chen Siqi said to these students who were recruited from acting schools.

“We will also make it clear through our official WeChat account later that this confessional activity is a performance created by you based on real submissions. It will not cause any trouble to your lives, don’t worry.”

These students who took the job for a salary of 3,000 yuan were quietly relieved when they heard Chen Siqi's words.


To the public, it is to find someone to confess on the stage, but for such a large event, and to coordinate with the promotion of the release of the movie "Late Spring", of course it is impossible to pin all hopes on "the scene".

These actors were found by Chen Siqi and others. When confessing, they will not say that they are actors, but will interpret the feeling of "live on stage". If they can create a huge response on the Internet as expected, they will explain it.

Those who actually see this event and want to go to the stage to confess and share their stories will of course arrange for them to go up if they feel their stories are suitable after communicating with the staff.

 This is something Chen Siqi has wanted to do for a long time.

  It was originally designed as a promotional event for "Jump Up", but this time "Late Spring" came to them to customize publicity and promotion. Chen Siqi felt that this event was also very suitable for "Late Spring", so he moved it directly here.

Chen Siqi went directly to find the Northern Lights.

"Although this is in line with the promotion of the "Late Spring" movie, this format itself will definitely attract a lot of people's attention." This is what Chen Siqi said when introducing this plan, "If the effect is good this time, we can even Make it a series.”

Northern Lights itself has signed a cooperation framework with Lu Yanhe, which is why Chen Siqi chose the Northern Lights video.

The Northern Lights didn’t show any signs of trouble.

The other party took a liking to this innovative idea at a glance and said: "We will cooperate with you in this activity. No problem. However, I want to get the authorization from you. This format is indeed suitable for making a series of programs."

 Especially, the production of this program basically costs nothing.

 There are no big stars, all amateurs are participating, and the production team may not even need many people.

The other party took a fancy to this form at first sight.

 Confess in public.

 Confession means a lot of stories and topics, which will definitely attract a lot of attention.

 Even if there are no stars.

 A good idea, when it is proposed, many people will realize the value of the idea.

 There are still very few good ideas whose value is really not seen.

Chen Siqi was not surprised that the other party immediately wanted to obtain authorization for this event format and make a series of programs based on it.

Of course, she didn’t agree immediately.

“Let’s wait until we finish this event to discuss this matter,” Chen Siqi said.

 This idea, she did not plan to authorize it casually, authorize it, that is, get authorization money. Neither she nor "Jump Up" lack this little money. Compared with this licensing fee, Chen Siqi wants to let "Jump Up" truly participate in this program and do long-term business.


 The event starts at 5pm.

 Why do we have to wait until five o'clock? Because summer is not over yet, it starts too early and it is too hot.

 In addition, the most important thing is that Chen Siqi said that the sunset at five o'clock can create the most charming background.

 Before five o'clock, Li Bi single-handedly took over the preheating work.

At the back, the audience in his live broadcast room were all posting comments:

—Why don’t you go get a glass of water quickly? Your voice is hoarse.

—My whole body was soaked with sweat. It was crazy to live broadcast in such a bright sun for three hours at a stretch.

—I didn’t expect that Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were also such black-hearted capitalists.

—It’s too hard. Other anchors are all pretty and handsome sitting in front of the camera. Why are you as tired as a migrant worker in the live broadcast room?


Li Bi saw these comments and said: "Thank you all for caring about me. It's really tiring to live broadcast for three hours under the big sun without taking a breath and keep interviewing others, but this is what I want. I am "Jump Up" I am the only video blogger who has signed a contract. The company has given me all the short video resources. I have to take on this responsibility when it is needed. It doesn’t have to be this hard every day. You don’t have to feel bad for me. To be honest. "Compared with my two bosses, I don't think I work very hard."

Li Bi said: "When they started from scratch, they all worked **** their own. Now that I can be seen by so many people, I stood on their shoulders and was fed a lot of resources by them. How much energy and efforts have been saved, it’s nothing but hard work. If I hadn’t met them, I don’t know how much harder it would have been to be seen by you.”

Li Bi’s speech made the audience in the live broadcast room use “666”.

 This is also Li Bi’s true thought.

 When I was a paparazzi, I worked very hard for more than ten days, but I didn’t know what I could capture. Maybe it was all in vain and I couldn’t capture anything.

 But the hard work now can be achieved with every effort and every reward. Because of this, Li Bi can become more and more motivated as he works, as if he is equipped with a perpetual motion machine, and he does not know fatigue at all.

People are not afraid of hard work, but they are afraid that hard work will be worthless and meaningless, and no matter how hard they work, it will be in vain.


 The blockbusters released on National Day together with "Late Spring" basically did not regard it as their competition.

 Because this kind of award-winning art film was not oriented to the market and the audience from the beginning, the box office reached 100-200 million yuan. In the National Day period, which reached more than 100 to 200 million yuan, it had no impact on the overall situation.

 Hence, "Late Spring" was not in the competitive field of leading films from the beginning.

 Until this evening.

 No. 1 hot search: An apology that has been delayed for many years.

 The second most popular search: I once loved you without hesitation, but now I just hope that you will be hit by a car and die when you go out.


 These two hot searches came from the high-profile advertisement held two hours ago.

 The number one hot search was by a junior girl who talked about her regrets about her mother. It is said that her parents divorced when she was young and she was raised by her mother. Her father went abroad and would send her a sum of money every month to support her. Because she failed in the college entrance examination, her mother got very angry with her because of this, blaming her for not living up to expectations and letting her down after all the hard work she had done to cultivate her over the years. She said angrily that she would never want her to support him again!

Her mother asked her: "If you don't want me to raise you, why don't you drink the northwest wind?!"

  She said: "Anyway, my dad will give me money!"

Because of this incident, the relationship between her and her mother continued to become tense. When she went home during the holidays, the two of them didn't talk much. This issue has always been a problem. She was also stubborn, saying that she didn't want her to support her, and never asked her for a penny. , she didn’t even want it. She has been studying with the money her father pays every month, and usually works outside as a tutor or part-time job to earn money, until she is in her third year of college.

It wasn't until two months ago that her mother died suddenly in a car accident. After finishing her mother's funeral arrangements and packing her things, she accidentally discovered that her father had never given her child support since the day she turned 18 and she went to college. The money she received every month from now on was actually from her mother.


 This is a confession that makes everyone’s eyes red.

 At the end, the girl recalled all the experiences she had when she was a child growing up with her mother, and recalled the time she spent growing up beside her mother.

 This confession video has become incredibly popular because it has touched many people’s memories of their mother.

 Many people said they cried while watching it.

The second video is not as touching as the first one. On the contrary, it is about a woman who has been with her ex-boyfriend for eight years, but because the other person refused to get married and did not give her a result, they finally broke up painfully. As a result, the two Less than three months after their personal breakup, her ex married another woman.

That's why there is the last sentence: "I have loved you without hesitation and I am willing to wait for you. However, I have waited for eight full years without getting a result. I don't blame you. If you don't want to get married, then I Just leave, but you are such a **** bastard. You married another woman less than three months after breaking up with me! I thought you were afraid of getting married, but it turns out you have fallen in love with someone else! Damn, now I just hope you get hit by a car when you go out!"


 The most embarrassing thing is that these two confession activities were not prepared by Chen Siqi and others in advance.

 It was not a professional actor hired by them.

 You have to register on the spot.

 The situation is that this activity is very popular, but the content of the two most popular people has nothing to do with "Late Spring".

Chen Siqi’s original intention was to find some confession and regret stories that happened in adolescence, which would be more in line with the theme of the movie "Late Spring".

  But it turned out to be the opposite.


 Chen Siqi and her team looked lifeless—the result was completely beyond their imagination.

"Late Spring" spent two million to come to them for a marketing plan, and then they succeeded in making it have nothing to do with "Late Spring".

 On the contrary, Li Bi and Northern Lights Video made a lot of money. Chen Siqi and Linyu looked at each other in confusion.

 “What to do? Is there any remedy?”

Linyu said: "Now everyone reacts more enthusiastically to the two confession videos. The confessions of the actors we prepared in advance did not get much enthusiastic feedback. There is no way. This is not something we forcefully push to everyone, and everyone will do it." Interested, this is really random and we have no control over it.”

  Chen Siqi: “But we must control this matter. We have taken money from others and it has no effect. Who else will come to us later?”

"I think, otherwise, it will be a mistake." Lin Yu said, "Let this high-level confession activity continue. With such a big exposure, introduce and promote the movie "Late Spring" before the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. , can also have great exposure.”

Chen Siqi shook his head and said: "This will indeed bring a lot of exposure, but in this way, it will not highlight the promotional characteristics of our jumping up to make content products such as film and television dramas. If we just want to be exposed, they can directly When it comes to advertising, why should we do it? We have to create a theme for "Late Spring" that will be a big hit. "

Linyu: "Then let's hold the confession event in the cinema where "Late Spring" is showing."

 “Huh?” Chen Siqi looked at Linyu in surprise.

Linyu said: "There is another way to strike while the iron is hot and let the actors of "Late Spring" participate in a high-profile confession activity as characters, and use the high attention of this event to let everyone know about the movie "Late Spring." "

 Chen Siqi’s eyes immediately lit up.

 “That’s a good idea.”

Linyu added: "I also thought of an idea."

As soon as she spoke to Chen Siqi, everyone's eyes lit up.


That evening, Chen Siqi directly posted a note about the high-profile confession event on his social media account.

she says:

Originally, I did such an event to let everyone talk about the regrets of their youth and share some youth stories - because this event was sponsored by Fang Longyan Pictures, the producer and distributor of "Late Spring", and it was to promote "Late Spring" "This movie, however, plans can never keep up with changes. The confession content that is particularly popular today has nothing to do with "Late Spring". Of course, even though I seemed to have screwed up the promotion of the movie "Late Spring", the event itself still got everyone's love and attention, especially those who were brave enough to share their stories with us today, and they gave us Touched, this is the most important thing. Now I still want to seriously make amends. The High Platform Confession event will continue. If you have stories about youth, you can contact us. No matter which city you are in, as long as you have a good story, we will come to your city to listen to you. Confession. "Late Spring" is being screened these days. If there is a movie theater around you, remember to go see it.

 Chen Siqi’s personal account has hundreds of thousands of fans.

 For a popular magazine editor with stable single-issue sales of about 150,000 copies, coupled with the status of Lu Yanhe's girlfriend, it is normal to have such a large number of fans.

As soon as she posted on Weibo, the hot searches for cooperation with Weibo gradually became popular.

A topic slowly emerged: the promotion of "Late Spring" failed, but the high-profile advertising was successful.

 This is Linyu’s idea.

 “Let’s use a failed publicity campaign to promote Late Spring.”

The high-stage confession failed as a way to promote "Late Spring", but as a social activity and a program, it was extremely successful.

 Let’s use this topic to draw attention to “Late Spring”.

Sure enough, with the help of these four words "confession from a high platform", the popularity of this hot search slowly increased, and by the next day, it was still high.

 Many people are laughing.

 Including many film and television companies in the industry, they secretly laughed at Chen Siqi for doing such a promotion and marketing, and even took the initiative to expose his shortcomings.

Then, starting from this day, many people were surprised to find that the attendance rate at the "Late Spring" screenings suddenly started to rise from 10%, and slowly rose to 20%. Although the number of movie screenings did not change, The box office of the on-demand movie "Late Spring" increased from 870,000 on the first day to 1.54 million on the next day.

 On the third day, the second confession event on the high platform started again.

This time, Peng Zhixing appeared at the high-stage confession event as the host, acting as a go-between for each guest who took the stage to confess. At the same time, he also used every opportunity to promote the movie and held several movie ticket draws.

 Li Bi’s live broadcast room started to be put on the shelves and sell movie tickets from this day.

 On the third day, there was once again a confession that made the whole Internet burst into laughter.

An eight-year-old boy came on stage and accused his father of borrowing his New Year's money for a year and still refusing to pay it back. As a result, he went out with his classmates for a spring outing. He couldn't treat his favorite girl to ice cream and was raped by another A classmate named Lu Zihao invited him. The little boy was so angry that his eyes were red.

  The little boy’s father was standing in the audience, and from time to time he would take the camera to capture the awkward smile on his face.

In addition to this, another popular one is the "confession" of a migrant worker to his boss. In front of hundreds of people, he points to the camera and complains about all the hardships he has suffered since working. Behind the ridiculous story, a large number of migrant workers are moved. He felt the same way, and when he finally said very coolly: "I'm telling you, I'm quitting, and I wish you go bankrupt as soon as possible!"

 The whole audience burst into laughter and cheers.

 This video has been forwarded by many people.

That night, Chen Siqi posted a second Weibo post: Uh, so the second high-stage confession event I organized once again has nothing to do with the movie "Late Spring"? Can I still do a good job in the film and television promotion module?

Netizens came to the news and left messages one after another.

—How about you become a program producer, hahahaha, this activity you did has made Northern Lights earn a lot of traffic for nothing, it’s so profitable.

—According to legend, Chen Siqi worked hard to promote "Late Spring" and planned a high-profile confession event. As a result, no one paid attention to the movie. Instead, they all went to Northern Lights Video to watch the program.

—I am not an audience of "Late Spring", but I am an audience of "Confessions from a High Platform".


Chen Siqi struck while the iron was hot and posted a third Weibo post: "In this situation, how can I shamelessly ask Longyan Pictures for funds to do the third high-profile confession? Who can tell me what I should do? Should I I want to say, I'm sorry, you gave me money to do two high-profile confession activities. As a result, everyone liked this activity very much, but didn't pay much attention to the "Late Spring" movie. However, I still want to make the third installment, otherwise you Keep supporting me? Ah, my toes are already digging into the ground.”

—It’s okay, you can make a good confession on the high platform, and we will help you promote "Late Spring".

—+1, you must continue this activity. This activity is so interesting, hahahahahaha.

—I have already posted the news about the release of "Late Spring" to my family group, so I can make a good confession from a high platform.

—I bought two tickets and will go to see the screening with my girlfriend tomorrow. Don’t give up halfway and keep doing it!


What Linyu said about "making mistakes and making mistakes" and marketing as "a failed publicity" brought a lot of publicity to the movie "Late Spring" at this moment.

On the third day, the box office of "Late Spring" reached 2.17 million.

On the fourth day, the producers of "Late Spring" received a large number of applications from theaters to increase the number of movie screenings.

 Long Yan readily agreed.

 So, on the fifth day, the box office of "Late Spring" suddenly exceeded 6 million on the screening day, and the total box office exceeded 10 million, which aroused the attention of the entire industry.

On the sixth day, Kong Fan, one of the leading actors in "Late Spring", appeared on the high stage to confess to his character Yu Lang.

 At this time, Gaotai Confession’s program on Northern Lights Video has more than 10 million viewers.

 The search volume for the names of Kong Fan and Yu Lang surged.

 The box office on the day of screening was 7 million.

On the seventh day, the number of on-demand screenings continued to increase, and the film scheduling rate reached 15% for the first time.

 The heroine Yan Lingyu appeared on the high platform to confess to her character Yin Yue, recalling the filming time and talking about behind-the-scenes footage.

More and more people are interested in "Late Spring".

 The box office on the day of screening exceeded 8 million. The total box office exceeded 27 million.

 On the eighth day, He Qingqing.

 On the ninth day, Wang Jing.

On the tenth day, September 30th, the last day before the movie was released, Lu Yanhe appeared.

Although everyone had guessed that Lu Yanhe might also show up when the previous actors appeared at the confession scene on the high platform, when he actually appeared, it still aroused excitement and cheers from the audience.

 Confessions on the high platform are happening once a day, and the movie "Late Spring" appears more and more frequently.

 Almost every day, "Late Spring" has a hot search on the Internet.

A movie marketing campaign that had been an industry joke from the beginning turned around and made "Late Spring" earn more than 60 million in box office in ten days of screening, even before it was officially released. The movie's expected box office target.

On October 1st, at midnight, the film studio of "Late Spring" released a poster: The box office miracle of literary and artistic films, October 1st, 12% film scheduling rate, 10 million first-day pre-sales box office, it comes from a high platform and can go out What kind of miracle flower path? Watch "Late Spring" and witness the miracle of youth.


While "Late Spring" entered the first tier of the National Day holiday season with a box office that exceeded everyone's expectations, Lu Yanhe had already quietly arrived at the reshoot set of "River of Silence".

The first thing Huang Cheng said when he saw Lu Yanhe was: "For the domestic promotion of "River of Silence", you must ask your girlfriend to do it. Yan He, you have to give me your girlfriend's contact information. No matter what we do, Whichever platform "River of Silence" is broadcast on, you must customize a promotional plan for "Jump Up."

 The film and television promotions of "Seventeenth Floor" in July, "Late Spring" in September, and "Jump" were in a unique and bizarre way, giving all traditional publicity and marketing companies a big slap in the face.

“Two million. Two million dollars spent in exchange for more than 60 million box office receipts. Long Yan has made a lot of money from this business.” Huang Cheng’s tone was full of surprise and disbelief.

Lu Yanhe rarely saw such an expression on his face.

 He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll push it to you right away."

Huang Cheng said: "I have never seen this kind of method in film and television promotions."

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Of course he knew that this set of propaganda was a trick at the beginning, but at this time he would not tell the truth.

Now everyone in the industry thinks that the whole thing was designed by Chen Siqi and others from beginning to end. In fact, looking back, it seems that it was indeed a design, launching the existence of "Late Spring" through "unexpected" out-of-circle content and "a failed movie promotion", and then mobilizing netizens to spontaneously promote it and enthusiasm to support "Late Spring", and then let the main actors and actresses of "Late Spring" take advantage of a popular event with an audience of over 10 million to tell their story with "Late Spring" and let everyone know that "Late Spring" is a movie about What kind of movie.

  With a set of punches, the box office of "Late Spring" is the best proof - the audience is attracted to the cinema because of this.

Only the people in "Jump Up" know that they really made a comeback against the wind, rather than designing it from the beginning.

All in all, with this god-like marketing, "Late Spring", which originally planned to have a box office target of only 60 million yuan, took in 62 million yuan at the box office on the first day of the National Day release, ranking third in the box office rankings of released movies. , the total box office exceeded 100 million.

 Chen Siqi’s phone was almost buzzing with calls. (End of chapter)

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