Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 373: Lu Yanhe’s suggestions (more updates!)

 Two major crews are going to attend the Venice International Film Festival, which has attracted the attention of all parties.

 Chen Siqi, as the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up", does not intend to let go of the publicity and exposure of the Venice International Film Festival.

Others certainly had the same idea.

In just three days, no fewer than five brands approached Chen Ziyan and were willing to provide "equipment" for Lu Yanhe's appearance in Venice.

 From suits to watches, from sunglasses to leather shoes.

 Lu Yanhe has no other brand endorsements except Buchel, an Italian leather shoe brand.

 This also gives Lu Yanhe many places for business cooperation during this trip.

 Chen Ziyan picked and picked, and finally selected several brands that Lu Yanhe might cooperate with in the future.

 In addition, various forms of cooperation come to our door, including media interviews, local business activities, travel photography for fashion magazines, etc.

Except for a few media outlets with which she has long-term cooperation, Chen Ziyan declined all other activities because Lu Yanhe was unwell.

Anyway, the whole country knew about Lu Yanhe’s injury, and they weren’t lying.

Chen Ziyan did take Lu Yanhe's health into consideration, so she didn't want him to rush around too much.

Just participating in the promotional activities for the movie "Late Spring" itself requires a lot of travel.

 Chen Ziyan is busy preparing for Lu Yanhe to go to Venice, while Lu Yanhe continues to film with the crew of "Silent River" in peace and contentment.


 It is a hot summer day and the sun is shining brightly.

Lu Yanhe arrived at the scene on time according to the notice, but happened to hear Zeng Qiao saying to Chen Lingling: "I want to add a scene to this place."

Lu Yanhe was stunned after hearing this.

At the filming site, many actors will make requests to modify the script or add scenes.

 However, the crews that Lu Yanhe works for are still relatively rare.

 He did not expect that Zeng Qiao would suddenly make such a request.

 What drama should be added?

Lu Yanhe was a little curious.

Zeng Qiao is very serious in acting, but he is not a drama tyrant. He wants to have as many roles as possible.

 Lu Yanhe collaborated with him on "River of Silence" and knew that Zeng Qiao was a very hard-working actor.

Zeng Qiao proposed to add a play, which shows that he felt that this place really needed to be added.

"This scene tells the story of me discovering that when I was studying, I unknowingly helped those evil people bully Chen He and Yu Wei, which ultimately led to Yu Wei's death, Chen He dropping out of school, and all his subsequent misfortunes." Zeng Qiao Said, "Before this, I always thought that I was a just person. At this time, my self-perception suffered a huge impact. I wanted to add a scene to express this."

Hearing this, Chen Lingling asked: "How do you want to add it?"

Zeng Qiao said: "Just give me a shot, no lines, just give me a shot in the car."

Chen Lingling didn't think much. She only thought about it for two seconds, then nodded and said, "Okay."


Lu Yanhe sat behind the director's monitor and watched this improvised scene with Chen Lingling.

 There are no lines.

 In the camera, Chen Lingling gave Zeng Qiao a big close-up.

 More than one aircraft position.

 There are three seats in total.

Originally, the next scene was the rivalry scene between Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao. Because Zeng Qiao suddenly proposed to add this scene, Lu Yanhe could only wait here for the filming to be completed.

 In this scene, Chen Lingling did not call start.

 The lens was handed directly to Zeng Qiao.

Zeng Qiao stood at the door of the car with his head lowered, preparing himself emotionally.

 When he is ready, he will start acting.

Zeng Qiao got into the car and closed the door.

 He suddenly punched the steering wheel, raised his eyes slightly, and his whole face was filled with incredible anger and regret.

There is not a single line. Just by looking at this scene, you can feel the emotions that are almost breaking down in his heart.

Lu Yanhe frowned slightly.

 He turned to look at Chen Lingling.

Chen Lingling's face was expressionless, and no attitude could be seen.

 In the camera, Zeng Qiao lowered his head and clenched his hands on the steering wheel into fists.

 A tear of regret fell from the corner of Zeng Qiao's eyes.


 When Zeng Qiao finished his performance, many people at the scene quietly gave him a thumbs up.

 Indeed, the scene just now was very contagious.

Zeng Qiao used his silent performance to make everyone feel his regret.

Zeng Qiao came to Director Chen Lingling and asked: "Director, is this okay?"

 Chen Lingling did not answer, but turned to look at Lu Yanhe and asked, "Do you think it's okay?"

Lu Yanhe was about to speak but stopped.

 He wanted to tell the truth, but he was worried that speaking directly would hurt Zeng Qiao's face.

In fact, Zeng Qiao's performance just now was indeed good, but based on his understanding of Zeng Qiao, this scene could have been performed better.

“It’s very contagious.” Lu Yanhe said this first, and then continued, “But isn’t it too fast to hit the steering wheel as soon as you get in the car? That moment just now shocked me.”

 Chen Lingling looked at Zeng Qiao.

Zeng Qiao looked a little surprised after hearing what Lu Yanhe said.

 “Is it very sudden?”

Zeng Qiao asked: "If it were you, how would you deal with it?"

"Everything else is fine. I will add two more actions on top of what you did, Brother Qiao. The first action is to fasten your seat belt subconsciously after getting in the car. When you just get your hands on the seat belt and prepare to fasten it, , let go of it, and then slapped his hand **** the steering wheel to briefly compress the emotional outburst." Lu Yanhe said without hesitation, according to his own understanding, "The second action was when I shed tears. Don’t lower your head, the lowering of your head is a bit of a design. You are alone in the car and no one else is seeing you, so you don’t have to subconsciously use the lowering of your head to hide your tears.”

 After Lu Yanhe finished speaking, he looked at Zeng Qiao.

“However, it may also be because I have entered Chen He’s perspective, so I will make judgments based on Chen He’s character and habits.”

Zeng Qiao shook his head, "No, you are absolutely right."

Chen Lingling also nodded, "What Yan He said just now is right. You can adjust it again and we will shoot again later."

Zeng Qiao didn’t expect that Chen Lingling would let him play it again.

Chen Lingling said: "I want to add another shot here later. When you cry, I want Lu Yanhe to appear in front of your eyes. Lu Yanhe didn't see you and walked past, but you saw him, The moment you saw Chen He again after you realized that your past behavior was also the driving force behind Chen He's tragic life."

Hearing this, Zeng Qiao felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

This shot, just imagining it in his mind, made him shudder.

Good actors, of course, have their own styles and strengths, but one thing they definitely have in common is the ability to imagine and empathize.

 After Chen Lingling finished speaking, this picture had already emerged in Zeng Qiao's mind.

There is no need to construct it specially.

Chen Lingling turned to look at Lu Yanhe and said, "Help Zeng Qiao set up the scene. You just happen to be here too."

Lu Yanhe nodded without hesitation, "Okay."


Because of this newly added scene, Lu Yanhe didn’t film his first serious scene until three hours later.

But he didn’t have any objections.

 He always finds a lot to do on set. A large period of time is spent reading books, and small periods of time are used to reply to some emails and messages, or to think of some ideas that may be used in subsequent scripts.

 It was already evening when Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao finished filming two scenes.

 Zeng Qiao can call it a day.

 But Lu Yanhe is not good enough. He still has several solo scenes to shoot in the future.

 So, after finishing shooting with Zeng Qiao, Lu Yanhe was going to have dinner first.

 Zeng Qiao suddenly stopped him.

“Brother Qiao, what’s wrong?” Lu Yanhe looked at Zeng Qiao with some confusion and asked.

Zeng Qiao took a step forward and suddenly hugged Lu Yanhe with one hand and patted his back.

"Thank you for your help in the scene before." "Why are you being polite to me? If I need it, Brother Qiao, you will definitely help me."

"I'm not talking about acting together, but the suggestions you gave me." Zeng Qiao smiled, seeming a little helpless, "Every time I ask others how their acting was, they just say it was good. It's difficult." It’s rare to hear some real advice from you today.”

Lu Yanhe smiled sheepishly and said, "Brother Qiao, it's okay if you don't mind. After you finished speaking, I was a little worried whether I said the wrong thing."

"If you have such suggestions in the future, please mention them to me more often." Zeng Qiao said, "Acting requires stimulation from rival actors. I filmed this movie with you and got a lot of stimulation, which gave me a lot of creative ideas. ”

Lu Yanhe laughed happily when he heard what Zeng Qiao said.


Zeng Qiao got into his nanny car. After a day of acting, he felt exhausted. After returning to the hotel, he just wanted to rest early.

 His assistant said: "Brother Qiao, aren't you angry?"

 “What are you angry about?” Zeng Qiao asked with his eyes closed.

 Close your eyes and rest your mind.

The assistant said: "Lu Yanhe gave you suggestions in front of the director. You are obviously the senior."

“What’s there to be angry about? What he said was true and it helped me. It’s not too late for me to thank him.”

 “But isn’t it arrogant of him to do so?”


"Anyway, I feel that unless it is your senior, who is qualified to guide Brother Qiao on how to act?" The assistant was a little angry, "People outside praised him for his acting talent, but he really did it. In the past I’ve never seen him dare to give you advice.”

"You have a villain's heart. For me, regardless of whether you are a senior or not, I will be satisfied if you can really put forward some helpful and useful suggestions for me." Zeng Qiao said, "Yan He is so big You don’t need to tell me these things, but if he does, I can re-adjust and use them in my performance, and the final effect will be better in front of the audience. What words are really useful and helpful to you? If you still can’t tell the difference, retire as soon as possible.”

 The assistant pursed his lips.

He thought to himself, you should be tough now.

 After "River of Silence" is aired, your two-male drama will be damned if it doesn't involve fighting or friction.

 How can we pretend to be friends now?

Zeng Qiao didn't know what was going on in his assistant's head.

He was just a little irritable. He was already very tired from filming today, and he had to listen to the assistant talk about this on the way back in the car.

He just wants to have some quiet time and rest now.


When Chen Ziyan knew what Lu Yanhe said, she once again gave Lu Yanhe a hateful look and said, "Anyone with a smaller mind would have already hated you by now. Not everyone is willing to listen." Tell the truth, even if your truth is good for him."

Lu Yanhe: "But the director told me at the time that I couldn't praise him for doing a particularly good job against my will. I just felt that his performance was a bit deliberate."

Chen Ziyan: "Then it's not your turn to speak. Isn't the director over there? If the director asks you to speak, just say a few words and be perfunctory. How can you, a twenty-year-old kid, not have the turn to speak to a famous person?" A long-time actor gives advice? Even if you are a genius, you must keep this kind of worldly thing in mind. When you are acting, you must be an artist and devote yourself 100%. I don’t care about you, but outside of acting, Don’t act like an artist like me. People who don’t talk well are not welcome wherever they go.”

Lu Yanhe was sweating profusely after being talked about by Chen Ziyan.

 “I know, I know, I won’t do it next time.”

When Chen Ziyan saw Lu Yanhe admitting his mistake, she finally got to the topic of today's call: "We will not attend the opening ceremony of the Venice International Film Festival, otherwise we will have to stay there for seven or eight more days."

"Okay, you can arrange this. I'll listen to you."

"Well, there is one more thing. Director Wang Zhong will also be there this time. He plans to announce the latest progress of the new film "Rouge Button" at the film festival." Chen Ziyan said, "In addition, Maxine's people want to be there with you. Make an appointment to meet. It’s not the two people you met last time. It’s Zhong Benshuo, the head of Maxine’s Asia-Pacific region. He wants to talk to us about the possibility of future cooperation.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Okay, I'll see you when I have time."

Chan Ziyan: "Ben-Shuo Chung has a lot of power in Maxine. Don't take it lightly. If you want to take an international route for your drama series in the future, Maxine will hardly be able to get around it. There are only a few of the world's largest streaming media."

"Okay, I didn't take it lightly. I just had a bad impression of Maxine because of the two people last time." Lu Yanhe sighed, "I always feel that they are not very good collaborators."

"Ben-Suk Chung is very concerned about you." Chen Ziyan said, "I talked to his secretary on the phone for ten minutes. He knows your drama very well. He also specifically mentioned the matter of "Squid Game" and said that if the overseas copyright does not If it sells, they are very willing to buy overseas rights.”

 Lu Yanhe: "Huh?"

“Well, so you understand why I told you, don’t take it lightly, right?” Chen Ziyan said, “They have a big piece of cake, and it’s up to us whether we can get a piece of it.”

 Lu Yanhe became serious.

 “Okay, I will be well prepared to meet him.” He said.


 At the end of the month, school starts.

Lu Yanhe can finally walk on the ground. The injured area no longer hurts. As long as you don’t touch those areas hard, it won’t hurt.

 But he still walked very slowly.

After several discussions, "River of Silence" decided to simply suspend filming and wait until the seven-day National Day holiday to finish filming all the scenes in one go.

 In this way, the additional investment caused by reshooting can be minimized.

Lu Yanhe also called Li Zhenzhen regretfully because of his physical condition and told him that he could no longer participate in the recording of the third season of "Young Days".

 This season, he only recorded the opening part.

Li Zhenzhen also knew that Lu Yanhe was injured and could not continue to participate in those aspects of the program.

 But she still asked Lu Yanhe to participate in the last day of recording.

"Our last day is for everyone to cook a meal together, then chat and tell the truth." Li Zhenzhen said, "You are our regular guest, and the viewers of the show also want to see you. In the last episode It’s time to come back and give everyone a surprise, okay?”

Lu Yanhe said: "I don't need to go outside to do tasks and run around, so it should be fine. When is the recording day? I have already started school, and I am going to Venice soon, so the time may not fit in."

 “The last day of this month.” Li Zhenzhen said, “Friday.”

 On Friday, Lu Yanhe had classes all morning and one or two classes in the afternoon.

“I’ll see if I can try to come over for dinner after class.” Lu Yanhe felt embarrassed, “Is this really a good idea?”

Li Zhenzhen: "Everyone misses you so much. Why do you call me Cengfan when you come back?"

Just this sentence made Lu Yanhe feel warm in his heart, and he thought to himself that he would participate despite all the difficulties.


 September 2, the Venice International Film Festival opens.

 The red carpet of the opening ceremony was as star-studded and colorful as ever.

 "Late Spring" has announced in advance the news that Lu Yanhe will not be able to attend the opening ceremony red carpet.

  Despite this, many fans are still looking forward to whether there will be a surprise.

 Of course, there are no surprises.

However, when the main creative staff of the two Chinese-language films walked on the red carpet, even without Lu Yanhe, many Chinese people present felt happy and honored.

Seeing Chinese-language films at the world's top film festivals makes all Chinese filmmakers proud.

 In addition to these two crews, there are also celebrities like Yan Liang who attended due to brand sponsorship and other reasons.

 Their appearance also attracted a lot of attention and media reports.

When director Wang Zhong appeared with the three young people from "Three Mountains", the media were shocked.

This movie won an award at the West Tur Film Festival, so why did it come to Venice?

Wang Zhong explained: “I came here this time because the film festival is going to hold a special retrospective exhibition of my works, so I brought the three children here for a walk. Yan He will come later, and we will meet at that time.”

At this time, everyone knew that the Venice International Film Festival had held a retrospective exhibition of Wang Zhong's works specifically in this session.

Following Wang Zhong’s interview, two hours later, the official account of the film festival released the news and opened the ticket purchase channel.

 Lu Yanhe felt a little regretful when he heard the news.

“It’s a pity that I can’t attend the retrospective exhibition of your works.” Lu Yanhe told Wang Zhong on the phone, “I really want to see your classic works on the big screen.”

 Wang Zhong: “When my exhibition is held in China, I will send you a ticket.”

"Okay." Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "But this time you should give me two tickets."

Wang Zhong: "Huh? You can't come, why do you want me to give you a ticket?"

"I have two friends who really wanted to see it, but they couldn't get it. You were so popular that the tickets were sold out in no time." Lu Yanhe said, "One is Yan Liang, you know, and the other is my high school classmate Lin Yu. Now Studied at Yuming University and worked as an editor at "Jump Up" magazine.

 Wang Zhong: "I only have a few votes on hand, two are fine, but there are no more."

"Okay, just these two, thank you, director!" Lu Yanhe smiled and thanked, "Can I ask Yan Liang to come to you to pick up the tickets? Which hotel are you staying in?"

 Wang Zhong: “I have his contact information and I will contact him directly.”

 “Okay, thanks again.”

Wang Zhong has also become famous internationally since winning the award at the West Tur Film Festival. The fans and reputation I had accumulated before exploded because of the movie "Three Mountains". The film was released one after another all over the world. There was no box office miracle and it was a huge commercial success. However, it was praised by film critics and ranked among the best in various film magazines.

This is why Venice invited him this time.

 Wang Zhong is really on fire.

 Lu Yanhe was sincerely happy.


 Additional updates are coming!

 Please give me a monthly ticket!

 Continue to vote and keep adding updates! (End of chapter)

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