Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 363: Living together

According to the normal publicity rhythm, you usually have to wait until a drama is finished before announcing the second season. This can help the IP stay popular.

 The reason why Beijing and Taiwan want to release the news so early is another consideration.

They hope that through such a message, they can reveal how successful the show "Seventeen Floors" is.

 It has only been aired for four episodes and is already preparing to develop a sequel - this will give everyone the impression that "Seventeen Floors" has achieved great success, which is why it has decided to develop a sequel so quickly.

 Actually, this is just an announcement.

  It is impossible to really start development from this time.

The key is still a gesture, telling everyone that "Seventeen Floors" is a hit and very successful.


"For today's film and television companies, few people will actually plan a project from the beginning to become an evergreen project for seven or eight seasons or even ten seasons like American TV series and British TV series. "Seventeen Floor" does not This kind of plan, my plan to have a trilogy of this drama, has been there from the beginning, but at that time when we were filming the first part, we didn’t know how popular this drama would be. What does it look like? This is to be honest. If the final result is not good, there will be no sequel. "

On this day, the creators of "Seventeenth Floor" attended a media conference in Beijing and Taiwan.

This is a meeting held in Beijing and Taiwan. It is a promotional schedule that has been planned long ago.

  When talking about the development of the sequel later, director Lian Bei answered the above.

 Everyone was also surprised.

 Actually, it’s because “Seventeen Floors” is so popular that its sequel has attracted so much attention.

 Another reporter raised his hand.

 The host clicked on him.

He stood up and said: "I would like to ask Yan He, will you continue to participate in the sequel of "Seventeen Floors"? Or will you only participate in the first season like "Sixteenth Floor"?"

 The whole place was in an uproar.

This brother is very flattering.

 Ask this question directly to Lu Yanhe’s face.

However, we are surprised, and everyone also wants to know the answer to this question.

Lu Yanhe showed a helpless smile when his name was called, and everyone else on the stage also looked at him with a teasing smile.

"Why don't you participate? As long as everyone does it together, of course I will join in." Lu Yanhe said, "You won't want me if "Seventeen Floors" becomes a big hit, right?"

 Jiang Lan immediately smiled and said, "No, of course not."

This journalist brother asked again: "Why are you unwilling to participate in the second season of "Six", but are willing to participate in the sequel of "Seventeen Floors"?"

 The whole place was in an uproar again.

 Brother, you really dare to ask.

Why Lu Yanhe is unwilling to participate in the second season of "Six People"? This reason has been widely circulated in the circle, but no one dares to say it in person. How do you ask Lu Yanhe to answer this?

On one side, Jingtai finally repaired the relationship with him, but on the other side, Lu Yanhe directly said that he would not act in the sequel of "Six People" because of the unpleasant quarrel with Jingtai?

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "This question, well, what answer do you want to hear?"

It’s hard to answer, so just do Tai Chi.

Several familiar media reporters laughed out loud.

Lu Yanhe said: "Actually, I have made it very clear before. There were some unhappy things that happened in the previous project "Six People". Now I am working on the "Seventeenth Floor" project with Jiang Tai. I am very happy. I am also I can’t give up the entire forest because of a certain tree, right? I’m not stupid, why should I suffer such a loss?”

Lu Yanhe said it sincerely, and the whole audience burst into laughter.

Jiang Lan immediately said at this time: "Yan He is a very loyal and talented young man. He is good to others when others are good to him. I like his temper and appreciate his talent. "Seventeen" Regarding the sequel to "Layer", I didn't waste any time talking to him or his agent. I asked them if they wanted to come, time, remuneration, role, etc. They didn't ask anything, and they agreed immediately. This is really It's not easy. I don't know about other situations, but in the project "Seventeen Floors", Yan He really gave me a very deep understanding of him. This young man can go from being famous to being famous at a young age. Going to the bottom and then returning to the top of the mountain, being able to achieve such great achievements is definitely not just a matter of luck and talent.”

Jiang Lan is the deputy director of Jingtai.

 She said such words at this time, which was actually a statement on behalf of Beijing and Taiwan towards Lu Yanhe.

 In fact, a person in her position would not easily give such a platform to a young person.

If something happens to Lu Yanhe later, her remarks will definitely cause her a lot of trouble.

What’s more, it’s really not easy to stand up openly like this. When everyone knew that Lu Yanhe had a dispute with Beijing and Taiwan, Jiang Lan did not represent herself, but also represented Beijing and Taiwan. In this case, Jiang Lan's speech fell in everyone's eyes, and it was actually a "show of goodwill" to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe immediately raised the microphone and said, "Thank you Jiang Tai."

This style of painting made everyone a little surprised. Everybody was mainly surprised.

Chen Bige put a hand on Lu Yanhe's shoulder and said with a smile: "We at "Seventeen Floors" are a very lovely big family. Everyone has experienced the filming of such a project and we are all very close to each other. Including myself , if I had not filmed this movie with him, he would not have written the script "Rouge Button" for me. I read that many people on the Internet said that Yan He is a top university student in a prestigious school. He is excellent in all aspects and must have high standards. You guys have never had personal contact with Yan He, so you don’t know what an easy person to deal with.”

This is the second person to speak for Lu Yanhe on the platform.

Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm scared, I'm scared. Thank you two sisters for praising me so much. I'm actually not that good."

A reporter asked: "Yan He, you have started working on your own projects at such a young age. Would you consider cooperating with other actors on stage? In addition to cooperating with teacher Chen Bige, are there any other collaborations? You have so many more to come. s project."

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "Dear brothers and sisters, today is the press conference of "Seventeen Floors". Let's not steal the limelight on other people's stage. We will talk about this later."

 He made a gesture of bowing to indicate "please", and the whole audience laughed.

“Then will you participate in the script creation of the second season of “Seventeen Floors”?” a reporter asked.

 This issue is also a matter of great concern to others.

Lu Yanhe’s achievements as a screenwriter are too brilliant, and it is understandable that everyone is curious about this.

Lu Yanhe said: ""Seventeen Floors" is not a story created by me. It is an original script by teacher Feng Qiyue. If you ask me if I will participate in the script creation of the second season, as a screenwriter, I will not, but As an actor, I would. Teacher Feng Qiyue has a very complete idea for the story, but he also often talks about the characters and the script with each of us actors, and will modify some details according to our specific situation. , this is our participation as actors. Although I have also written scripts, it does not mean that the food cooked by two cooks will be better than the food cooked by one cook. I need to have this kind of self-awareness. Teacher Feng Qiyue has already cooked a famous dish like "Seventeen Layers". How can I add seasonings to an already delicious dish? , no matter what you add, it will not be a good result, it will be too salty, too spicy, or too spicy.”

  Feng Qiyue, who was also present today, smiled when he heard this and cupped his hands at Lu Yanhe.

This move was also photographed by many people.


 A media meeting for "Seventeenth Floor" added another layer of fire to the already popular drama.

 The variety of heat is amazing.

Feng July said on-site that the script for the second season has been outlined and will be completed this year.

 Lian Bei said that before filming the second season of "Seventeen Floors", he will film another confidential project.

 Chen Bige and other actors announced on the spot that all members will return for the second season. As for whether Li Yuefeng, who died in the first season, will return, it has been kept secret for the time being.

The support and support given by Jiang Lan, Chen Bige and others to Lu Yanhe also aroused heated discussions.

 Especially what Jiang Lan said to Lu Yanhe.

  In some specialized operations, this speech has been widely circulated.


 “This really brought him back!”

 There are certainly people in the industry who are unhappy about this.

 Many people hope to see Lu Yanhe break up with Beijing and Taiwan. Whether it’s other TV stations or video platforms, or other artists.

 In one sentence, only when other people’s cake comes out can they get their share.

 What makes many artists and their companies feel most incredible is Beijing and Taiwan’s attitude towards Lu Yanhe.

 There was such a big conflict just at the beginning of the year, and it was only in the middle of the year that he took the initiative to show his friendship to Lu Yanhe. What about the reputation of a traditional TV station?

Someone said online: "With "Sixteen" and "Seventeenth Floor", Lu Yanhe has the capital to negotiate with almost any production company and broadcasting platform in the field of TV dramas in recent years. One drama may break records There is an element of luck, and the two dramas have broken records. What can you say? If you still say it is luck, then you can only say that Lu Yanhe has good luck. No one would be willing to work against someone who has good luck. "

This statement was liked by an internal staff member of Beijing and Taiwan, and then discovered by netizens, so it became popular.

Throughout July, the most popular drama series was "Seventeenth Floor", with ratings rising steadily and discussion levels remaining high.

Lu Yanhe’s exposure rate has also been higher. After all, he is an artist, and he cannot really be a reclusive performing artist.

Several brand events that are not endorsed by him have spent a lot of money to invite him to attend with high-level treatment. This is generally a treatment reserved for movie kings, movie queens or uncrowned kings. Lu Yanhe is so valued by brands at such an age, which naturally triggers a new round of jealousy.

These are all insignificant scraps.

 For Lu Yanhe, the more important thing during this period is to accompany Chen Siqi to see the house.

  Find a suitable house.

 Chen Siqi had the idea of ​​buying a house of her own and moving out, so that every time she went back to Yuming in the future, she would not have to go back to her own home.

 But these two young people suddenly hit a wall—Chen Siqi was not qualified to buy a house, which was what the agent reminded them.

 After discovering this incident, only they themselves knew how embarrassed the two of them were.

 This kind of low-level mistake happened to the two of them, and there was an inexplicable stupidity.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi stood on the side of the road and looked at each other.

The agent didn’t know why he was laughing.

 I thought I had met two big clients who were not short of money, but it turned out that the money was not short of money, but I couldn’t spend it.

 He could only watch as his commission flew away again.


 If you can’t buy a house, you can only rent a house.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi had no choice but to change their minds and start a new round of house inspections.

I don’t know why, but I was photographed and posted online.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi are suspected of looking at a house and preparing to live together.

This topic exploded immediately.

 The whole network is exploding.

 Chen Ziyan called immediately. Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were still eating hot pot with sour soup. The two of them didn't look at their phones and didn't know what was going on.

Lu Yanhe heard this hot search and couldn’t laugh or cry, so he explained.

Chen Ziyan said: "Then let me explain it directly. You are only twenty years old and living with Chen Siqi. Although it cannot be said to be illegal, it is still a bit eye-catching. Try to avoid it before graduation."

Lu Yanhe had a black line on his head and said, "Sister Ziyan, Siqi and I have no such plan yet."

Chen Ziyan hurriedly hung up the phone to respond to the news.

Chen Siqi waited until he hung up the phone before asking what was going on.

Lu Yanhe explained.

Chen Siqi was stunned, "Huh? Was he photographed?"

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Siqi: "...Paparazzi are really everywhere."

"Yes." Lu Yanhe also laughed helplessly, "Sister Ziyan is particularly worried that I really live with you."

 Chen Siqi suddenly looked at him and asked, "Do you want to?"

Under Chen Siqi's gaze, Lu Yanhe's cheeks turned red.

 “I—” he hesitated, and then said after a long time, “Of course I want to.”

 Chen Siqi laughed.

“Sister Ziyan is right, let’s wait until we graduate.” She said, “Your current image is not suitable for someone who lives with his girlfriend at the age of twenty.”

Lu Yanhe looked depressed.

 “Why is it not suitable?”

“Ask Sister Ziyan.” Chen Siqi rolled her eyes at him.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head and said, "Okay."

Chen Siqi added: "Besides, I am in Jiangguang most of the time. I thought about it, it is okay to buy a house, but renting a house is not worthwhile. Most of the time it will be empty. Forget it. If you really don't want to live back when you come back, just rent a house." live in hotel."

 For them, of course there is no shortage of rent now, but they just feel there is no need to waste it.

Lu Yanhe also thought so, nodded and said, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

  After running for so many days, all the hard work was in vain, and Lu Yanhe was very happy with it.

Lu Yanhe was very happy to be able to do these things with Chen Siqi that ordinary couples would do.

 He always felt that there was a lot of lack of getting along with each other in a secular sense between them, but now they finally have it.


 Chen Ziyan’s timely response made everyone realize that Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi’s cohabitation was just an unfounded news, and many people quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

 This actually includes Li Zhibai and others.

Normally, no matter what hot search Lu Yanhe is on, Li Zhibai will come to make fun of him, ridicule him, or cheer him up.

Only this time, Li Zhibai had no reaction to the hot search.

This time it was an error, but it reminded Li Zhibai of something.

 When Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang graduate, their cohabitation life may come to an end.

 If you don’t pay attention, everyone will grow up slowly.

Li Zhibai looked at the sky with a hint of confusion in his eyes. (End of chapter)

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