Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 329: I want to read it with admiration (8,000 words updated!)

Chapter 329: I am eager to read it (8,000 words updated!)

"Late Spring" was finished filming, and Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

 While filming this movie, he himself faced a rare kind of pressure—something he had never experienced before in "Golden Age", "Phoenix Terrace" or even "Seventeenth Floor", let alone the guest appearance in "Three Mountains".

 Thinking about it seriously, Lu Yanhe felt that the reason why he was under so much pressure was because the responsibility and pressure he needed to shoulder in "Late Spring" was not comparable to that of other dramas.

Lu Yanhe has always been worried that the filming of this film will be affected by various twists and turns, resulting in unsatisfactory filming or even miscarriage. No one has reminded him that for a small-budget literary film like "Late Spring", a lot of people will die in the stage of finding funds. A lot of people will die during the filming stage, a lot of people will die if the filming is officially started but cannot be finished, and another group of people will die if the film is finished and cannot be released.

Now, at least the filming is complete.

 He sent a message to Li Pengfei: I'm done, let's start the desert trip you mentioned before!

Li Pengfei was extremely surprised: Was it really completed before the May Day holiday? Okay, we'll make arrangements right away.

Lu Yanhe: I didn’t expect it to be completed on time.

When it comes to shooting a movie, especially Liu Bige's shooting method, Lu Yanhe didn't know how he managed to finish it on schedule, but he just kept shooting like this and it was actually completed.

During this period, Lu Yanhe has been busy filming and has no time to take care of anything else.

 Now he can seriously make time to do a lot of things he wants to do but doesn’t have time to do.

 For example, doing a live broadcast that I haven’t done in a long time.

 Lu Yanhe immediately apologized to everyone after the broadcast started.

"I have been filming on the set during this time, or I am in school, and I can't spare any time. I haven't broadcast live with you for a long time. I have a lot of things to do today, including writing a course paper, which is the same as before. , I will turn off the sound later and turn it on again when I want to talk to everyone."

Tens of thousands of people came to his live broadcast room.

 It only started broadcasting for less than two minutes.

Lu Yanhe also felt that he was becoming more and more popular from this situation.

Lu Yanhe broadcast for nearly nine hours at a stretch.

 Writing papers and researching information, it took him almost four hours to write a course paper.

 At noon I cooked a bowl of frozen dumplings and got by casually.

 In the afternoon, I continued to work on other things, reviewing the manuscript for "Jump Up", and then sorting out the plot outline for "Squid Game".

 At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Liang suddenly came back.

 He called out to Lao Lu.

 Lu Yanhe came out of the room and saw him, with a look of surprise on his face and asked, "How did you know I was there?"

 Yan Liang raised his phone, and the screen was showing the empty chairs and blank walls exposed after Lu Yanhe left.

“I received the news about your live broadcast, and I guessed that you must be there.” The main reason is that Lu Yanhe usually does not live broadcast at school, but always live broadcasts at Ziyuan Bridge.

Lu Yanhe asked him: "Where did you just come back from?"

 “Shangjing.” Yan Liang said.

“Shangjing?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Is that in the northwest?”


“Why did you go to such a remote place?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

“I went to shoot a commercial and accepted an endorsement.” Yan Liang said with a smile, “Their plan was to shoot it in the desert.”

 “It’s pretty cool.” Lu Yanhe said.

Yan Liang said: "I see you have been doing live broadcasts for a whole day today."

"Yes, I finished shooting "Late Spring" and haven't broadcast it live for a long time, so I specially broadcast it today."

“Would you like to have dinner together later in the evening?” Yan Liang asked.


Yan Liang: "Then I'll take a nap first, and let's go out to eat at half past six."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Yan Liang went to take a nap while Lu Yanhe continued to do his own thing.

Waiting for the live broadcast until 6:30, Yan Liang knocked on Lu Yanhe's door, stuck his head in and said, "I'm up."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes, then turned on the sound in the live broadcast room and told everyone that he was going to leave the broadcast and said goodbye.


 Lu Yanhe’s long-awaited live broadcast made Helan very happy.

As a fan who has been in love with Lu Yanhe since his live broadcast days, Helan has always had a hidden worry in his heart, that is, as Lu Yanhe's career gets better and better and more successful, whether he will no longer live broadcast in the future.

 This is how it is in the entertainment industry.

 The higher the status of the artist, the less likely he is to appear in front of everyone and maintain a sense of mystery, especially in live streaming, which is a relatively low-end form in the eyes of many people.

However, as soon as Lu Yanhe started broadcasting today, he explained why he had not done live broadcasts recently, and he continued to broadcast for so long in one breath, which made Helan and other old fans feel comforted - yes, Lu Yanhe was just too busy, he couldn't ignore it On live broadcast.

During Lu Yanhe's live broadcast, the barrage room became more and more lively, with a new message appearing almost every second, and sometimes four or five messages appeared at the same time.

 There are many passers-by who clicked in after seeing the three words "Lu Yanhe".

Helan thought that in the future, he would have to strengthen the management of speeches in the barrage. No one can speak at any time. There were actually many people advertising in the barrage. This made Helan the most angry.

You know, Lu Yanhe has been doing live broadcasts on this platform, but he has never done a serious commercial advertisement so far. He just helps his favorite authors to promote their new books.

Why do you let those people advertise here? pollute!

 So, Helan immediately started drafting a management regulation for Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room, decided to design the relevant rules, discussed them with Lu Yanhe and started to implement them.

 Now, because of this live broadcast room, she has met many old friends who have also liked Lu Yanhe for a long time.

 Although Helan is the only administrator, others will help her do this.

 Otherwise, she really wouldn’t be able to do it alone.

Helan hummed and wrote for a long time. Suddenly, her roommate Jiang Linxian passed by behind her and asked: "Helan, what are you writing?"

Helan immediately covered the laptop and turned to look at Jiang Linxian: "Nothing, what are you doing?"

Jiang Linxian was a little annoyed when he saw He Lan guarding her.

 “What are you doing? It’s like I’m peeking at you.”

"How do you know what I'm writing if you don't peek?" Helan expressed his dislike for Jiang Linxian's attitude more and more directly.

 In fact, Jiang Linxian basically offended all his roommates.

The third semester of my junior year, I have been with each other for nearly three years, and I can't bear it anymore.

Jiang Linxian: "I just want to ask you, have you considered what you want to do in the future? Your grades can't guarantee graduate school, and you are not like Xu Mingyue, who joined the magazine team of Lu Yanhe's "Jump Up", and your future direction is very different. clear."

Helan: "None of your business."

She was furious.

From the beginning, Jiang Linxian often ridiculed her for her poor grades, chasing stars, and wasting time. Later, Helan participated in a competition and won the grand prize, and her grades began to improve again, and Jiang Linxian's sarcastic comments stopped.

This does not mean that Helan has forgiven Jiang Linxian.

Jiang Linxian was very angry by Helan's attitude.

"Okay, I won't ask, it's up to you." Jiang Linxian rolled his eyes at Helan, "You're so stupid, you didn't even know you were betrayed. You were the one who obviously liked Lu Yanhe and was chasing stars, but now Xu Mingyue is in his Team, what about you? Or do you just want to help him fight against black people and gain traffic? What’s the point?”

He Lan was so angry that her chest heaved.

"It's my thing that I like Lu Yanhe. I can do whatever I like. Xu Mingyue was able to join the "Jump Up" team because she interned at Jiangyin Publishing House early in the morning and had the opportunity to come into contact with "Jump Up" , I didn’t go to the internship early and late, why should I be jealous of her? You are so interesting. If you say these things to sow discord at this time, isn’t it because Xu Mingyue refuses to help you go to Jiangyin Publishing House for an internship and does a good job? , joined the largest print media team in China?”

Helan was so angry that she spoke out loudly, piercing Jiang Linxian's heart.

Jiang Linxian stared at Helan in disbelief, "You, you—"

 At this time, the door of the bedroom opened from the outside.

Xu Mingyue stood expressionless at the door, glanced at Jiang Linxian, without saying a word, then looked at Helan and said: "Lanlan, what do you have to say to this kind of person? It's a waste of time. Are you free tonight?" ? If you have time, I happened to give you a bonus today, and I’ll treat you to dinner.”

Helan immediately showed a bright smile on his face, "Let's go! Then I want to eat hanging pot beef!"

 “Okay.” Xu Mingyue smiled and nodded.

Jiang Linxian saw that the two of them treated her as if she were nothing, and she felt extremely angry, but she couldn't get angry.


 It was meal time, and every restaurant was crowded.

When Qiu Ling drove to the restaurant called "Baiweiju", she saw that there were not many people there.

 After she stopped the car, she did not get out of the car immediately. Instead, she sat in the car and thought about something.

Recently she encountered a very difficult choice - a friend who had resigned from the police department had opened a security company and was doing very well in the past few years. He contacted her not long ago and said that in the past two years, more and more female customers have been Many, but his security company is dominated by men. If she is willing to join them, it will be of great help in negotiating those female clients. If she is willing to come over, he is willing to offer an annual salary of 600,000 + dividends. condition.

Qiu Ling is also a mortal. When she heard the number six hundred thousand, her heart skipped a beat. At her current level, her annual income is actually only 170,000 to 80,000 yuan. She is not very short of money, but no one would mind making more money.

In the past few years, Qiu Ling has been on the front line, handling all major and serious cases. Apart from work, work, basically nothing to do in my life. The blind date has been going on, but most people hope that she can withdraw from the front line, and the few who have briefly talked with each other have not continued because of her high-intensity work and the state of not seeing people at any time.

Qiu Ling used to be stubborn and wanted to do what she wanted to do, but now she is slowly starting to have some doubts about herself. Should she continue to want to do this?

 Recently, she met a pretty good man. Zhou Shuyu, a university professor and returnee from overseas, is thirty-two years old this year. In a way, he is the most accepting person she has ever met. He didn't care about the nature of her job, and he understood why she was called away suddenly in the middle of a date. Regarding the future, getting married and having children, Zhou Shuyu has no sense of urgency and just wants to let things take their own course.

 But the more this happened, the more Qiu Ling asked herself, should some changes be made?

If you don't stay on the front line, you have to step back and do a clerical job. That kind of job is not what Qiu Ling wants to do, nor was it her dream when she chose to be a police officer. Compared with this, it is better to accept that friend's invitation, go to his security company, become a senior executive, and develop new business lines, which is better than typing on the keyboard and taking meeting minutes every day.

Qiu Ling's cell phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

 It was a message from Zhou Shuyu: Where are you?

Qiu Ling replied: Just parked the car, come in immediately.

Zhou Shuyu replied with a warm smile and said: I met a parent of a student. What if he recognizes me by then? Is that okay?

Qiu Ling's eyes moved slightly. She understood what Zhou Shuyu meant. She hesitated for two seconds and said: What's wrong with this?

She got out of the car and walked towards the main entrance of "Baiweiju". As soon as she went up the steps, she suddenly heard a surprised "Sister Qiu Ling".

"Yan He, Yan Liang." Qiu Ling looked at the two handsome boys in front of her in surprise. Although they both wore sunglasses, she recognized them at a glance, "You are here to eat too, where is Li Zhibai? "

“He has work and is not in Yuming.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile, “Sister Qiuling, did you come alone?”

“I made an appointment with someone and he is already inside.” Qiu Ling explained.

“Oh, another blind date?” Lu Yanhe asked.

  Qiu Ling: “I’ve met him several times.”

“It’s a date.” Yan Liang said with a smile, “Li Zhibai should be sad.”

 “Why is he sad?” Qiu Ling smiled.

Yan Liang shook his head, "It's okay. You are the goddess in his heart. If you fall in love, he will fall out of love."

Qiu Ling didn't take it seriously at all, laughing so hard that her shoulders were shaking, "He's still so exaggerated."

Lu Yanhe said: "We haven't had dinner with you for a long time, sister Qiu Ling. When Li Zhibai comes back, let's invite you to have a meal together."

Qiu Ling said: "Okay, I haven't seen you for a long time."

She had the feeling of looking at the three boys, Lu Yanhe, as if she were looking at her own younger brothers - she really watched them slowly transform from a young boy into a man.


 After Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang took their seats, they glanced at the man who was dating Qiu Ling from a distance.

“It looks pretty good.” Yan Liang said, “Everything is fine.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Qiu Ling's previous blind dates were quite bizarre."

Lu Yanhe even felt that the blind dates Qiu Ling met could fill a novel.

 I have encountered all kinds of things.

Lu Yanhe suddenly thought of his history teacher Su Su, and the somewhat crazy Yuan Yi who stabbed Su Su.

 At that time, Qiu Ling had a blind date with Su Su.

Yuan Yi also went to the parking lot to remind Qiu Ling that Su Su was a man who always gave up.

 Lu Yanhe was always deeply impressed by that incident, like a lingering shadow.

“Actually, if Li Zhibai really liked Sister Qiu Ling, why didn’t he tell her directly?” Yan Liang was still thinking about this matter.

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

 He doesn’t know either.

Yan Liang sighed, "However, Li Zhibai definitely can't fall in love now, he is too busy right now."

"The Ballad of White Jade" made him rise to the top of the top stream, and "The Age of Idols", a variety show that has become the most popular variety show, has made him have more fans. When the two works are superimposed, Li Zhi It can be said that Bai is the most popular star at the moment, and is so popular that no one else is in the limelight.

 In terms of popularity and discussion, Lu Yanhe, who has a "hotly searched physique" and a hot-selling body, is not as good as Li Zhibai.

I can only say that the matter of red is a bit mysterious.

Lu Yanhe asked Yan Liang curiously: "What about you? I see that you are also busy recording "The Age of Idol" and other various tasks, and you will soon join the group to film again."

Yan Liang hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, I had a little disagreement with Zhou Pingan recently." "Huh?" Lu Yanhe's eyes widened in disbelief, "Really or not? You and Zhou Pingan had a dispute?"

  It's not that Lu Yanhe made a fuss, but that Yan Liang has always been the most well-behaved among the three of them.

 He has always been obedient and honest in front of Zhou Pingan, which is why after Zhou Pingan chose to keep Cheng Hai and Li Zhibai, he chose Yan Liang as the third one.

Yan Liang said: "He said that my abilities in all aspects are pretty good, but they are not particularly outstanding. It is best to take a comprehensive approach. I think what he said makes sense. Indeed, in terms of acting, my talent is not as good as yours." With Li Zhibai, in terms of stage charm, I am not as crazy as Ma Zhiyuan, who makes fans crazy. In fact, they are all good but not outstanding. If I specialize in a certain route, it will be difficult to reach a relatively high position. However, he took over a lot of work for me, and I took a lot of leave from school classes, so I couldn't study well at all. I communicated with him and wanted to at least take my classes first, but he said that there was no chance Not all the time, he even wanted me to take a break from school to seize the opportunity now.”

After listening to this, Lu Yanhe immediately understood the difference between Yan Liang and Zhou Pingan.

Zhou Ping'an hopes that Yan Liang will seize the opportunity to become popular and establish a firm foothold.

But Yan Liang hopes that he can at least guarantee his time to go to school, instead of blindly arranging work for him.

"I...I think both of you are right." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I don't know what to say."

Yan Liang: "Actually, I know what he said makes sense, but... I don't want to just focus on the present, regardless of the future. I feel that with the drama "Six People", there will be a second and third season, even if I am now Taking on less work doesn’t mean there won’t be other opportunities later. I want to be more balanced.”

What is the use of going to college in a person’s life?

 This is actually a difficult question to answer.

 Because it is a question with no standard answer.

Is the knowledge you learned in college useful to your future career? Of those classmates you met in college, how many will stay in the same city with you in the future? In addition to giving you some advantages when looking for a job, does a degree from a prestigious school have any other specific advantages?

 But, for a person, does university only mean knowledge?

Yan Liang fully saw the meaning of studying hard and going to school well in Lu Yanhe. He didn't want to become Lu Yanhe, but he reflected on his high school years, where he focused entirely on his acting career. Later, he crammed into taking cultural classes and passed the test by luck. What next?

Lu Yanhe can write a script like "Six People", but when he read the script of "Six People", he didn't know what was good about it. When Lu Yanhe needed to tell everyone about the script, analyze the characters, and analyze the lines, he would Understand the subtleties.

Going to school will not teach you anything concrete and useful for life, but it will affect your words, deeds, and thoughts. You will know why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. You will also know why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. , why our culture uses "the rising sun" to describe hope and "the setting sun" to describe decline.

Yan Liang saw something like this in Lu Yanhe, so his ideas were quietly changing. Even he who was once obsessed with becoming famous wanted to stay for a while after becoming famous. , use it to enrich yourself.

 People will die of exhaustion, and so will their creative abilities and talents.

What’s more, he doesn’t have as much as others.


Lu Yanhe could not give Yan Liang any constructive opinions on this topic.

 Yan Liang didn’t expect Lu Yanhe to give him some advice. This was just some casual chat between friends.

Yan Liang turned to the drama "Pictures of the Gods".

 “This show is also a big problem.”

"Huh? What's wrong?" Lu Yanhe said, "This drama has announced so many of your leading actors with such great fanfare, all under the banner of an all-star cast. What's the big problem?"

"With the revision of the script, many people are dissatisfied with their scenes and roles. Everyone wants to make adjustments. There are many opinions. I also said that I need to adjust the scenes. Anyway, the script that has been revised now is very bad." Yan Liang Said, "Even Zhou Ping'an felt bad and couldn't accept it."

"This kind of problem is so common that there is no solution." Lu Yanhe said, "Actually, from the very beginning, in order for you to continue acting, they adjusted your role to the second male lead. I felt that it was unreliable. How can a script say that It can be changed by turning a character into a main character. In a mature script, each character has its role and cannot be adjusted casually. "

Yan Liang: "Let me tell you, I don't know how this drama will turn out in the end. There was a role that I wanted to invite Jiang Jun to play. Teacher Jiang came to try on the makeup. But within two days, this role suddenly appeared. It became Teacher Li Songfan who won the Red River Award this year.”

“Why was Teacher Jiang Jun changed?” Lu Yanhe asked with a frown.

Yan Liang said: "On the one hand, some people seem to say that Teacher Jiang has just had surgery and has not recovered yet and is in poor condition. On the other hand, there is an investor who wants Teacher Li Songfan to play the role."

 Lu Yanhe: “So many people are involved.”

"Yeah." Yan Liang was worried, "I'm really worried that this drama will end up with four different characters."

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe also lost interest.

 This IP, he is a fan of games, and it also has Li Zhibai and Yan Liang as actors. Of course he hopes that this drama can do better, instead of being a mess like it is now.


Zhou Shuyu waved his hand.

When the waiter in a white shirt and black vest saw it, he came over immediately with a smile on his face and said, "Hello, sir, what do you need?"

If Lu Yanhe were here, he would recognize this person as the yellow-haired anchor he had met before, Wang Biao-Wang Xianyu.

As Chen Ziyan said, after the live broadcast video became popular, Wang Biao was banned from the platform because he was under the age of 18 and could no longer live broadcast.

 When Wang Biao received the news, everyone was stunned.

 Fortunately, he was an optimist. After beating his chest in tears one night, he started looking for a new job.

It happened that this "Baiweiju" was recruiting people, so he came to apply for the job.

 The first request was that he dye his yellow hair black and cut it short.

Zhou Shuyu looked at the young boy in front of him, who looked like he was not yet eighteen years old.

He said: "We ordered a dish before, but it was never served."

Wang Biao was stunned and immediately said: "I'll go and confirm."

 Zhou Shuyu nodded.

Wang Biao turned around and left.

 Zhou Shuyu said to Qiuling: "This child looks younger than the students in my classroom."

Qiu Ling smiled and said, "Yeah."

Who knows, after a while, they heard a very harsh insult from the side: "You served the wrong dish and you still made us pay for it?! You think we are taken advantage of!"

Zhou Shuyu and Qiu Ling heard this voice and turned their heads to look over at the same time.

I saw a middle-aged man with a big belly staring at the young waiter with an annoyed expression.

Wang Biao stood bent in front of their table with an awkward smile on his face.

“Guest, please calm down, it’s true that I served the wrong dish. What I mean is, do you want to keep this dish? If not, I will take it away.” Wang Biao said.

The middle-aged man slapped the table again and roared: "Your food has been served to me, and now you want to take it away. What does this mean? Is this how you do business at Baiweiju? Huh? Call your manager over. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a man in a black uniform who looked like a manager walking over quickly and asked: "This guest, please calm down. He has just arrived and is not sensible. You don't remember the faults of small people. Please forgive me!" "

The middle-aged man glared at Wang Biao, "Newcomers should be trained first before taking up the job. If you work as a waiter at a young age, if you can't read well, can you still be a waiter? If your brain is not good, go to a brain department. !”

Wang Biao lowered his head, his cheeks were red, and he clenched his hands tightly.


When Lu Yanhe recognized the waiter with his head lowered as Wang Biao, his surprise was self-evident.

Hearing Wang Biao being humiliated in this way, he instantly lost his temper. He stood up and wanted to go over.

 However, at this time, he saw that Qiu Ling's date today had already strode over.


Zhou Shuyu walked up to Wang Biao and the others, smiled slightly, and said, "I didn't expect that I asked him to give you a dish, which would cause such a big fire."

The potbellied man's face changed immediately when he saw Zhou Shuyu, showing an expression of surprise, "Teacher Zhou! Why are you here?"

Zhou Shuyu said: "I just went out to eat with my friends. I saw you were there, so I asked him to bring you a dish. I didn't expect that it made you so angry. It's because I delivered the dish wrongly."

"No, no, no, alas, that's what it is. Even if I say it, he won't explain it clearly." The man who was furious before suddenly changed his face.

Zhou Shuyu looked at Wang Biao.

At this time, Wang Biao was looking at him in surprise.

Zhou Shuyu smiled slightly and said: "You are so busy that you forgot that I asked you to deliver this dish. It was just a misunderstanding. It's okay. You can go about your business. This dish still belongs to me." , make no mistake.”

The potbellied man immediately said: "How about that? Teacher Zhou, I just happened to meet you. Give me a chance and I will pay for your table."

"This can't be done, you are the parent of my student." Zhou Shuyu smiled and refused, "My friend is still waiting for me, you eat slowly, we will talk next time."

 After he settled the matter politely, he went back and sat down.

Qiu Ling laughed and said, "So he is your student's parent."


“You actually know the parents of the students, that’s amazing.” Qiu Ling asked, “How many students do you have?”

"There are hundreds of students in one college, but of course I don't know them all, can tell by looking at his appearance. His child wants to study in my graduate school, and he came to me specifically to give him gifts." Zhou Shuyu smiled and shook his head, "We just met."

“Let me tell you, you are so amazing. You are a professor, not a counselor, and you can even remember the faces of students’ parents.” Qiu Ling smiled, “I thought you academic masters had such good memories.”

 Zhou Shuyu: “We are human beings, not machines. We can be identified forever at a glance.”

Qiu Ling glanced at the young waiter. He was taken to the corner by the manager to explain a few words. He looked a little down, embarrassed and uneasy.

The person just now said that he went too far.

Qiu Ling is a bit angry.

 However, it was the scene where Zhou Shuyu walked over without hesitation that was unexpectedly carved into Qiu Ling's heart.

 This is a very gentle and kind man.


Lu Yanhe went to the bathroom and when he came out, he saw Wang Biao hiding in the corner wiping his tears.

 He hesitated for a moment and walked over.

 “Are you okay?” he asked.

Wang Biao raised his head in astonishment. When he saw Lu Yanhe, he showed a surprised expression, "Brother Lu!"

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Didn’t you know that I came to your hotel before?”

  It’s not that Lu Yanhe is narcissistic, it’s that when artists like them come, the waiters will get to know each other.

Wang Biao said embarrassedly: "I know, but you are not in the area I am responsible for. According to the hotel regulations, I cannot disturb you."

Lu Yanhe said: "Don't take what that person said just to heart. The fact that he can say that means that he is the kind of person he said."

Wang Biao lowered his head and said angrily: "I am indeed not good at reading and my grades are also very poor, otherwise I wouldn't have gone out to work."

Lu Yanhe: "Studying is study, 360 lines, and you will be the number one scholar. These days, it is not just good at studying that will lead to a future."

Wang Biao nodded and said yes.

 “You haven’t done live broadcasts anymore?”

The expression on Wang Biao's face became even more resentful.

“After I did a live broadcast with you, it was discovered that I was under eighteen years old, so I was banned from broadcasting.”

Lu Yanhe was actually quite happy to see Wang Biao here. He could find a new job so quickly and didn't feel sorry for himself because of the ban on broadcasting.

 He nodded and said, "Is the income high here?"

Wang Biao nodded and said: "It's not bad, food and accommodation are included, three thousand and five thousand a month."

He scratched his head, and a sound came from the earphones.

 He immediately said: "Brother Lu, I have to go over, they called me."

 “Well, bye.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Come on.”

 “Well!” Wang Biao showed a bright smile to Lu Yanhe, turned around and trotted away.


After dinner, Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang were about to leave and go to pay the bill, when they happened to meet Zhou Shuyu and Qiu Ling paying the bill.

Qiu Ling blinked at them both.

Lu Yanhe smiled slightly.

Zhou Shuyu recognized the two of them as soon as he turned around and showed a surprised expression.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang smiled at him.

Zhou Shuyu just smiled at them and did not call their names.

Just from this one detail, you can tell that he is a very thoughtful person.

 They walked out of the restaurant.

Night falls.

 Zou Dong drove a car to pick them up.

 Suddenly, Wang Biao chased him out.

 “Sir, sir!”

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang thought he was calling them, but when they turned around, they saw Wang Biao chasing Zhou Shuyu and Qiu Ling.

He chased Zhou Shuyu, holding a few banknotes in his hand, bowed to him, and said: "Thank you for helping me out. It was my mistake that caused your loss. This is the money for that dish. I Return to you."

Zhou Shuyu and Qiu Ling looked at Wang Biao in surprise.

 “You kid—”

"Thank you. You helped me. I can't let you suffer. I'm sorry for causing you trouble." Wang Biao put the money into Zhou Shuyu's hand, bowed again, turned around and ran back.

 Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang were stunned when they saw this scene on the other side and said nothing.

Yan Liang said: "That waiter is quite... quite honest."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

I have to say that Wang Biao's behavior made him look at him with admiration.

Maybe there will be a second update later. Family members, please vote monthly!



 (End of this chapter)

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