Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 310: He believes in his own vision (please vote for me!)

The performance agreement Lu Yanhe signed with "Three Mountains" certainly did not include cooperating with the crew for publicity.

He was originally going to be a guest star, and he was the only popular star in the movie. He was there to help out, and it was impossible to sign any obligatory terms.

 But this time at the West Tur Film Festival, Lu Yanhe's performance was highly praised and had great influence.

Moreover, Lu Yanhe himself is the biggest star in "Three Mountains".

 There is no need to go into details about the role of stars in movie promotion. Although there are some arguments on the Internet that "movies cannot sell at the box office relying on stars", no one in the industry is a fool. If the movie can sell high box office without spending millions to hire stars, who would be willing to spend the money? This money.

Wang Zhong wanted to invite Lu Yanhe to join the promotion of "Three Mountains" because of this consideration.

However, Lu Yanhe had to go to class and shoot "Late Spring", so it was impossible to consider a road show. After the final negotiation, he could only spare one afternoon to attend the film's premiere in Yuming.

 "Three Mountains" won the Best Director Award from the West Tour Film Festival, making Wang Zhong the second Chinese director to win this award at the West Tour Film Festival.

 Wang Zhong and Zheng Ling's box office expectations for "Three Mountains" have also increased a lot.

 Originally, such a "stream of consciousness" movie could have earned at most 10 million at the box office. Being able to get so much in theaters is all because Wang Zhong is already a well-known director and has his regular fans. But it is indeed different to have a grand prize nearby. This award can firstly further increase the popularity of "Three Mountains", and secondly, it can attract more viewers to watch the movie in the cinema.

Lu Yanhe pulled the strings and invited Wang Zhong to a forum organized by the Youth Association to share his life as a director with Zhenhua students.

 Wang Zhong, who won the Best Director Award at the West Tur Film Festival, will become one of the top directors in China after this battle. This is the blessing of top awards. The fact that he was invited to Zhenhua to share is proof. Those who are not at the top of their field will not be invited by the Youth Association.

 The three leading actors of "Three Mountains" have frequently appeared in various activities during this time.

 The three of them were exposed in Situr and became famous through this movie. From then on, they also have representative works, and the road ahead will be much easier. What's a little embarrassing for them is that they are the leading actors in this movie, but they are not the most watched actors in this movie. Lu Yanhe, who only came in for one night, was as impressive as director Wang Zhong who had just won an award.

 At this time, the nomination list for the new Red River Award came out.

 Lu Yanhe, who starred in "Phoenix Channel", once again entered the nomination list for Best Supporting Actor.

 Two years since debut, two dramas, two nominations.

Lu Yanhe’s acting talent has been proven time and time again.


"Why is there no Lang Xia?" He Yingzi communicated to Huang Cheng in disbelief, "The character Lang Xia was also well received when it was broadcast? Why was he not included in the nomination list?"

Huang Cheng said: "I am not a judge in the nomination process. How do I know why he was not included in the nomination list?"

He Yingzi was a little angry and said: "You are still saying this in front of me! This year's Red River Awards, "Phoenix TV" is the drama series with the most nominations. Didn't they solicit your opinions when they made the nomination list?"

Huang Cheng glanced at her with disgust and said, "Yingzi, be careful what you say. Are you accusing this nomination list of being fabricated?"

 He Yingzi: “What’s going on with these domestic awards? Don’t I know?”

"Since you think you know what's going on, just run it yourself. You come to me to ask why?" Huang Cheng didn't bother to talk to He Yingzi so much. "In this drama, the performance of Lu Yanhe and Lang Xia Don’t you know who is better? If you don’t know who is better, why don’t you go and see what people on the Internet say.”

If he hadn't been a little annoyed by He Yingzi during this period, Huang Cheng wouldn't have treated He Yingzi so badly.

He Yingzi has always wanted to use "Phoenix Stage" to get Lang Xia a nomination for Best Supporting Actor. However, although Lang Xia did perform well in this drama, he became an instant hit because of the role of the little prince and was regarded by many people. I know it, but when it comes to acting and winning awards, it's not enough.

 Character complexity alone is not enough.

The guard played by Lu Yanhe has a huge contrast between the two, from the forbearance in the early stage to the explosion in the later stage, and has contributed many so-called famous scenes. On the other hand, he is not playing a state, but a character. This alone instantly kills many supporting actors in the play. Even many actors in their thirties and forties don’t understand this.

 Huang Cheng and Chen Lingling did not win the public relations award for Lu Yanhe at all, let alone Beijing and Taiwan. Even they didn't expect Lu Yanhe to be included in the nomination list. Mainly because Lu Yanhe had just been nominated once last year with "Golden Age". They all thought that Lu Yanhe would not be included in the nomination list for the three major awards so soon. Unexpectedly, the result was unexpected. His performance directly impressed the judges, without any scruples about Lu Yanhe. He was nominated again for something he had just been nominated for last year.

He Yingzi also realized that his attitude in speaking was a bit hasty.

She immediately went back and said, "That's not what I meant. It's just that Yan He already won the Golden Tripod Award last year. It's impossible for him to win another award this year. The three awards will not be given to such a young person two years in a row." As an actor, Lang Xia really needs a nomination to prove his strength. Brother Cheng, please help us."

Huang Cheng really couldn't stand He Yingzi's pretentious and low-profile tone.

“This is not something we can control, and Lu Yanhe’s nomination was not due to our efforts!” Huang Cheng finished speaking with a burst of anger and left.

As soon as he got in the car and drove out of the parking lot, Chen Lingling called him and told him about "Blood Jade", which will be released in April.

“We should let Lang Xia try out the role of Liu Lang,” Chen Lingling said.

 Liu Lang is a character with quite a lot of roles in "Blood Jade", and he has been looking for actors before.

Generally speaking, Huang Cheng would not raise objections to the actors proposed by Chen Lingling, but this time he said rudely: "Lang Xia has become popular recently. He probably has no schedule and his salary has also increased. He may not be willing to play this role again." kind of supporting role.”

Hearing this, Chen Lingling said, "Yes, then let's look at other actors."

Huang Cheng said: "I saw the news about Lu Yanhe at the West Tour Film Festival before, and I think the young actor Chen Jiang who acted with him in "Three Mountains" is quite suitable in appearance. How about we take a look at him?"

"Okay, then bring him over and let's take a look." Chen Lingling said, "The actor's matter can't be delayed any longer. "Blood Jade" must be finished in July, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with the next drama. This year’s schedule is a bit busy.”

“Well, don’t worry, I will control the shooting progress and it will not be overdue.”

After filming "Blood Jade", Chen Lingling will make a suspenseful crime film in cooperation with streaming media.

 The shooting time of the two scenes was almost the same.

Huang Cheng added: "At the Red River Awards, Yan He was shortlisted for the Best Supporting Actor category. How about we ask him if he wants to walk the red carpet with us?"

 “Okay.” Chen Lingling said.

“I am going to reveal on the day of the Red River Awards ceremony that Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao will work with you again on a new drama.” Huang Cheng said, “In this way, we can attract everyone’s attention to the greatest extent.”

This time, Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao were both nominated for performance awards.

 They will all attend the Red River Award ceremony.

 And Chen Lingling will collaborate with them in the next drama.

 Huang Cheng didn’t want to miss such a free but high-exposure publicity opportunity.

  "By the way, "Six" didn't get any nominations this time?"

"No." Huang Cheng said, "Although the ratings are very high and the topic is very high, the mainstream awards still don't recognize sitcoms very much. There is not a single nomination."

“It’s a pity. The production of this drama is quite good, especially the script written by Xiao Lu. It would be unreasonable not to be nominated for the Best Screenplay Award.”

 “Xiao Lu is still very young, there will be many opportunities in the future, and the future is long, so there is no need to be anxious.”

“A play like "Six People" is something you can only come across." Chen Lingling said.

  "Phoenix Channel" was so popular when it was aired, but in the end it was still a long way from becoming a big hit.

 Unlike the later broadcast of "Six People", the level of discussion that attracted the attention of almost everyone around him was incomparable.

 Chen Lingling is a director herself, so she knows best that this kind of grand occasion cannot be copied just by copying it.

Huang Cheng smiled and said, "How about we make an appointment with Xiao Lu for a script."

"They may not have time to write a script for us now. Forget it, don't bother him. We still have two movies to shoot. After filming these two movies this year, we will have to devote all our time to these two movies next year. "The post-production of this drama is in progress," Chen Lingling said, "If we want to film a new drama, it will be the year after tomorrow at the earliest."

 “That’s true.”


 Being shortlisted for the Red River Award for the second consecutive year, as well as the foreign media's high praise for Lu Yanhe's performance in "Three Mountains", Lu Yanhe's acting skills have been invisibly gilded again.

 Acting is a matter of opinion, but for the audience, it is all a matter of heart.

 But when everyone wants to talk about these things, they must always find some practical evidence.

 This is the evidence.

From the actual data, if someone says that Lu Yanhe’s acting skills are not good, he will be severely criticized based on his actual performance.

Lu Yanhe had lunch with Chen Ziyan, and Wen Minglan.

Chen Ziyan said: "Because Lang Xia didn't get nominated for the Red River Award, He Yingzi is looking for people everywhere to tell him, saying that the producer treats you favorably and values ​​you but not Lang Xia. Haha, with the Xituer Film Festival No one will believe her when these foreign media praise you."

Wen Minglan said calmly: "At best, Lang Xia's performance in "Phoenix Stage" can only be said to be good and passing. It is not normal for him not to be nominated. What is there to say? No matter how much I say, , will the Red River Award add him to the nomination list again?”

“Let’s build momentum.” Chen Ziyan said, “There is no chance for the Red River Award. There will be the Golden Tripod Award and the Blue Ribbon Award.”

Wen Minglan rolled her eyes.

She is essentially a rather dark and artistic girl, and she is very smart in rolling her eyes. The reason why she rolls her eyes is because she is really impatient with Lang Xia's behavior.

Not long after the broadcast of "Six People", Wen Minglan became an instant hit with this drama and attracted countless fans. Chen Ziyan is also an extremely capable agent. She did not let go of this overwhelming popularity, making Wen Minglan average every week There is always a public event, whether it is a business performance, a variety show, or a fashion event, and a hot search topic is sent to Wen Minglan every week, so that she can keep appearing in the eyes of the audience from time to time.

Originally, during the broadcast of "Six People", the most popular actress was Zhan Yun who played Li Lili.

However, Zhan Yun's brokerage company is a small company, and the brokerage team is not strong. In terms of maintaining exposure and popularity, it is far inferior to Chen Ziyan's resources and abilities.

 So far, Wen Minglan is the one who has stabilized her popularity the most among the three actresses.

Of course, it’s only been a month or two, and there’s no obvious difference.

 Chen Ziyan told Wen Minglan: "You can get a role in the new drama directed by Chen Lingling this time. You must cherish this opportunity, you know? Don't just perfunctory because it is a small supporting role, study hard and act well."

Wen Minglan nodded.

"Several other actors in "Party of Six" have received starring roles, but I didn't accept them for you. We don't lack leading roles, but what we lack is a truly big production and a truly good team." Chen Ziyan put all these things into perspective. I broke it all and told Wen Minglan, "There will be a second season of "Six People" in the future. You don't have to worry about your popularity declining. First, take advantage of the current popularity and popularity to seize better performance opportunities so that you can get better in the future." One floor."

 Agents have different visions and have different influences on artists.

Like Zhan Yun and Bai Jin, after "Party of Six" became popular, their management team immediately gave them a film with a female lead. The pay was high, and their partners were all popular actors.

 The same goes for Yan Liang and Yin Xincheng.

Only Chen Ziyan was selected to accept the role of Wen Minglan in "Blood Jade" directed by Chen Lingling.

Wen Minglan really didn’t mind at all.

 Mainly because Lu Yanhe was just nominated for the Red River Award for his supporting role in "Phoenix Stage".

Who would think that playing a supporting role in Chen Lingling's drama is a bad thing at this time?

Wen Minglan glanced at Lu Yanhe again and asked: "But, Yan He, is it really that there is no chance that you will come back to star in the second season of "Party of Six"?"

Lu Yanhe glanced at her and asked with a smile: "They won't let you be a lobbyist, right?"

Wen Minglan sighed.

"I don't know if they were joking, but they mentioned to me that if I can invite you back, they will give me a salary of two million per episode." Wen Minglan said, "I don't care about this, I just... hope You can come back for the second season. It’s hard for us to make the first season so successful when no one is optimistic about it.”

"I will not return." Lu Yanhe said, "However, there are other plans later, and our "Six People" may not be able to reunite in another form by then."

Wen Minglan was stunned. She didn't know what the other form Lu Yanhe was referring to, but no matter what form it was, it couldn't be the original form of "Six People".

 This is somewhat disappointing.

However, Wen Minglan understood Lu Yanhe’s decision.

 Also understand.

"Will the filming of the next film "Late Spring" be completed before April?" Wen Minglan asked, "The filming of "Blood Jade" will start in April, and it will be difficult to catch up with the filming by then."

"Don't worry about this." Chen Ziyan said, "I will coordinate it well. Your role in "Late Spring" does not have much role, so it is easy to coordinate between the two parties."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Liu Bige is still revising the script now, and there are still some things he is not satisfied with. Let's wait." Lu Yanhe said, "This script is not complicated. Maybe your scene can be filmed in just a few days."

Many people have a preconceived impression. For example, movies are more advanced than TV series. Similarly, the production of movies is also more sophisticated than TV series. In fact, of course this is not the case. Many movies can be shot in only ten days and a half, but they can still produce high-quality films.

 The movie is only two hours, and it requires so much material. The key depends on how you shoot.

To put it bluntly, "Late Spring" is a story about adolescence, a story that takes place in a cram school during the summer vacation, and tells the confusion of several teenagers. Put into Chen Lingling's TV series, it may even be only one or two episodes in size.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how Liu Bige would shoot it, but it must not be complicated.


 After dinner, Lu Yanhe returned to school.

It is rare that this semester, there are only two compulsory courses and one elective course. At the end of the week, there are only three courses. Lu Yanhe has never been so relaxed and leisurely.

Seeing Lu Yanhe, who has been in the limelight recently, appear on campus, other students are already used to it, and they can only take a second look at him.

No matter how popular the outside world is, for them, Lu Yanhe has gradually turned into a classmate who just has a star status. He is good-looking and famous. For everyone, they will like to look at him more. In addition, Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Back in the dormitory, Lu Yanhe saw Mao Jiayang lifting dumbbells again.

“Why do I see you lifting dumbbells every time I come back recently?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

Mao Jiayang said: "Exercise and build muscle."

Lu Yanhe looked at Mao Jiayang's two thick biceps and wanted to say, your muscles are already very strong.

Mao Jiayang is the only one in their dormitory who keeps exercising.

"You do not have class today?"

“No.” Lu Yanhe shook his head, “There are very few classes this semester.”

Mao Jiayang: "Oh, yes, too."

“Why didn’t you go to accompany Li Xiao?” Lu Yanhe asked curiously.

Ever since Mao Jiayang and Li Xiao were together, Mao Jiayang and Li Xiaonui were basically together.

Mao Jiayang said angrily: "She had to go to class. I originally wanted to accompany her, but she refused."

 “Why?” Lu Yanhe was a little curious.

 Although the two of them studied different majors, the teacher would not say anything when he accompanied Li Xiao to class.

 It is not uncommon for students from other majors to attend many of the classes.

Mao Jiayang smiled awkwardly and said, "She thinks I always disturb her and delay her lectures."

 “What did you do?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

Mao Jiayang waved his hand, "Nothing, nothing."

 Looking like a guilty thief.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Mao Jiayang asked: "How are you and Chen Siqi doing?"

 “What happened?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Mao Jiayang winked at him and asked, "How far have you reached?"

Lu Yanhe turned around silently.

Seeing him like this, Mao Jiayang asked in surprise: "Don't you guys still have-"

"Stop!" Lu Yanhe quickly stopped, "Don't discuss this topic in the future."

Mao Jiayang immediately laughed teasingly.

 “Lu Yanhe, you’re not still a baby, are you?”

Lu Yanhe blushed as red as a monkey's **** and didn't say a word.

 Some things, although I have known them for a long time, have never done them.

 The main reason is that there is no such opportunity.


In the evening, Liu Bige and Miao Yue came to Zhenhua together and had dinner with Lu Yanhe in the cafeteria. They happened to discuss the filming of the movie "Late Spring" together.

Liu Bige said: "For this movie, we found a school in Yuming and planned to shoot there. Every scene has been selected. How are you preparing for it?"

“I can shoot at any time.” Lu Yanhe said, “Only the night of the Red River Award Ceremony and the premiere of “Three Mountains” in Yuming are not available during these two days.”

  Liu Bige: "It doesn't matter. We can just film other people's films when the time comes. After struggling for so long, we can finally start filming "Late Spring"."

"Yes." Lu Yanhe smiled, "I have acted in so many dramas, and it feels a bit strange to suddenly go back to playing a high school student."

  Liu Bige: “What’s weird about this, you look like a high school student now.”

Lu Yanhe: "That's not what I'm talking about, it's about the mentality. When I read the script, I always easily think of things that happened when I was in high school. This story, alas, is such a pity."

 “Do you like this story?” Miao Yue asked.

"I like it very much." Lu Yanhe said, "I have never acted in a movie about youth and growth. This is the first time. Even Sister Ziyan told me that the characters closest to me are all in my movie. I didn’t act until my sophomore year.”

 Miao Yue: “When I first wrote this story, I never imagined that one day it would be made into a movie.”

Liu Bige said: "The actors in this movie, except for you and Wen Minglan who came as a guest star, are all newcomers. I have been training with them for a long time. When we start filming later, you can bring more of them."

"Take them with you?" Lu Yanhe was surprised, "I'm only a sophomore, how can I take them with me?"

“They are all genuine students who have just graduated from high school, and you are the only one who is a sophomore.” Liu Bige said.

Lu Yanhe was stunned, "Huh?"

“Well, except for you and Wen Minglan, they are all freshmen students of the acting school.” Liu Bige said.

 The actors were selected one by one by Liu Bige.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know about these things in the early stage. He only participated in the script.

 “How are they?”

“Miao Yue and I selected the actors for a long time, and finally selected the actors who in our minds best fit the characters in the script.”

“Then when will I meet them?” Lu Yanhe said, “The filming is about to start, and we haven’t met them yet.”

 Liu Bige nodded.

"But I hope you won't see it too many times." Liu Bige said, "I am going to film this drama according to the order of the script."

Many scenes, due to issues such as scenes and actors' schedules, are not shot from the first scene to the last scene in the order of the script. Some scenes may be shot directly to the finale, while some scenes are shot from the middle. Some crews , I was still filming two people who were like brothers in the morning, and started fighting in the afternoon.

 If the actor himself is not good at it, he will not be able to find an anchor point in the switching of different states and emotions, and his performance will be inaccurate.

Compared with this shooting method, sequential shooting is certainly more conducive for actors to figure out and enter the character state.

 As each scene is performed, many moods are arrived at naturally.

Liu Bige said: "The story of "Late Spring" is about a few high school students who met in a cram school during the summer vacation. From strangers to mutual acquaintances, I wanted to use Shunpai to shoot this movie, and also let you film from the unfamiliar stage. In the familiar stage, in this drama, except for you, no one's acting skills can be said to be very skilled. In fact, they are all acting based on their feelings and talents. Therefore, the fewer parts that need to be acted, the better. The more real situations can be established, the better. The better.”

Lu Yanhe understood what Liu Bige meant, nodded and said yes.

 That is, before the official filming begins, the actors should try not to be familiar with each other and reduce contact with each other.

Only in this way, when they first meet, the strange feeling will be the most real.

 “Then I won’t see them first.”

 “Alright.” Liu Bige nodded.

This itself is what he hopes for.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what kind of style Liu Bige had as a director on the set.

 He only hopes that Liu Bige is really a talented and capable director, rather than an empty show.

He is determined to star in a low-budget youth growth-themed literary film like "Late Spring". It is not easy for him and Chen Ziyan.

Lu Yanhe will act, firstly because he likes the script, and secondly because during the period of dealing with Liu Bige, he thinks Liu Bige is a very talented and thoughtful person. He wants to be a director, and also If I want him, Lu Yanhe, to star in this movie, he is willing to support him.

 At the end of the day, Liu Bige is a new director who has never directed a film independently, and it is also the first time for Lu Yanhe to work with a new director.

Before this, he had worked with great directors with rich or beautiful resumes such as Luo Yuzhong, Chen Lingling, Wang Zhong, Lian Bei and Bai Jingnian.

 Lu Yanhe was lying when he said he wasn't nervous.

He only buries these uneasiness and tensions in his own heart and will not expose them to Liu Bige.

He is unwilling to add pressure to Liu Bige at this time - the filming is about to start, and Liu Bige is under the greatest pressure at this moment.

Lu Yanhe repeatedly warned himself that once he had made a decision, he should not question his decision, nor would he repeatedly doubt whether his decision was right.

 The next thing he did was to cooperate with Liu Bige and star in the movie "Late Spring"!

 He believes in his own vision. (End of chapter)

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