Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 3: When I woke up from the dream, he was still there

Chapter 3 I woke up from the dream and he is still there

Lu Yanhe really didn't expect that Zhou Ping'an would suddenly show his cards and ask himself to leave this industry.

 This is really a sudden blow.

He was stunned for a moment and then said: "Brother Ping'an, doesn't the contract I signed with the company still have five years left?"

Zhou Ping'an said: "Yes, there are still five years left, but this is just an acting contract and it won't affect your going to school."

“Then the company won’t arrange a job for me?” Lu Yanhe asked directly.

Zhou Pingan was stunned again.

Lu Yanhe had never contradicted him before, nor would he ask him questions after he finished speaking.

 It seems that what he just said really irritated Lu Yanhe.

Zhou Ping'an sighed and said: "If the company can arrange work for you, of course it will be arranged for you. However, our company is not a big company, and we have signed so many artists. There are more monks and less meat, and we are not very popular. Gao, if you don’t have many fans, why would the company give you priority in arranging work? I can’t bear to see you continue to waste here and waste five years. When your contract with the company expires, you will be twenty-three. What will you do if the company doesn't renew your contract? It will be too late for you to go back to school."

Lu Yanhe fell silent.

Judging from the memory of the original person, Zhou Ping'an's manager can't be said to be too good, nor can he be said to be too bad. In the past three years, he has led their Fengzhi group, and he has been working hard. He is not enthusiastic about him, and he has not been completely ignored or ignored. At most he has a bad attitude.

 But the words Zhou Pingan said to him tonight, judging from the original situation, the starting point is quite good.

From Lu Yanhe's own perspective, given his original situation, he is indeed not suitable for the entertainment industry.

He said that it would be better to go back to school and maybe get into a good university. After all, it is not that the original person has not gone to school in the past three years. He still spends a lot of time in school. However, because he went to elementary and middle school in rural areas, his foundation is not good, and the high school he went to is not very good. His grades have always been average. In addition, Uehara still has a lot of time to devote to dance rehearsals and acting classes. In his situation, it would be difficult to pass the three-level exam.

But now, the situation is indeed different.

The day Lu Yanhe traveled through time also happened to be his eighteenth birthday—well, before he traveled through time, he had just finished the college entrance examination and entered a 985 university to start military training.

Who would have known that just when the most painful military training in college was over and the beautiful four-year college life was about to unfold in front of him, he traveled through time.

  The beginning is a bittersweet story.

 Very speechless.

 How to do it?

“I definitely have to go to school,” he said, “but if the company doesn’t arrange a job for me, will the monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan still be paid?”

When he signed a contract with the company, it was clearly written in the contract that he would be given a monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan.

Zhou Ping'an said: "You kid, I don't even arrange a job for you, how can you get subsidies?"

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 The filter that was just established was instantly broken again.

“Brother Ping’an, it turns out you want to terminate the contract with me,” he said.

Zhou Ping'an: "Well, there are too many artists in the company, Yan He. As long as you adapt to this entertainment industry more, I don't want to break the fate between us."

Lu Yanhe chuckled in his heart.

You should coax the children.

Well, I really thought that he was thinking about his origin, and he just wanted to kick him out for a long time.

 Lu Yanhe said no more.

 After a while, the dormitory arranged by the company for Lu Yanhe and the others arrived.

Lu Yanhe got out of the car and was about to walk inside when Zhou Pingan suddenly lowered the window and said, "Yan He, please think more about what I just told you."

Lu Yanhe turned his back to Zhou Pingan, waved his hand and said, "Brother Pingan, it's three thousand yuan a month. I can't bear it."

Zhou Pingan's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Yanhe's back in disbelief.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhou Ping'an.

The quiet night enveloped the earth, and the street lights were dim. Zhou Pingan saw Lu Yanhe's eyes so bright that they seemed to be ignited by something. He heard him say: "Brother Pingan, I almost died tonight. Before I died, , many thoughts flashed through my mind, do you know what one of them is? "

Zhou Pingan looked at him doubtfully and said nothing.

Lu Yanhe grinned, revealing a row of neat white teeth, and his youthful spirit was as strong as the wind.

"I have been too **** myself in the past eighteen years. From today on, I will start from scratch!" He raised his right hand and waved it.

 “Thank you for sending me back today, please be safe on the road.”

 “I can’t break this covenant!”

 Lu Yanhe went in.

 Zhou Ping'an was left sitting in the car, in shock, and did not recover for a long time.


Lu Yanhe has the earthy smell of river water.

 He took a long hot bath and felt that every pore was relaxed.

 After taking a shower, my stomach growled loudly.

Lu Yanhe then went to the refrigerator to search, but there was nothing in it.


 Why is there no food in the dormitory?

 At this moment, Yan Liang, who lived in the same dormitory with him, suddenly opened the door and came out.

 He looked surprised when he saw Lu Yanhe.

 “Why did you wake up so early?”

Lu Yanhe looked at Yan Liang's chicken coop, his right hand still grabbing his butt, and said, "I just came back."

Yan Liang didn’t ask any more questions.

 He yawned, "You're going to be hungry. There are instant noodles in the cabinet. I just bought them last night."

 Lu Yanhe: “Oh, thank you very much.”

In the Fengzhi group, Yan Liang is relatively popular.

Like Lu Yanhe, he is eighteen years old and also attends No. 13 Middle School.

However, he goes less often than Lu Yanhe. Basically, he only spends three or four days in school a month, and spends most of the other time running for announcements.

 Lu Yanhe was very envious.

More notices mean more rewards.

 Unlike him, he has a hard time living every month.

 But it’s very popular, so it’s normal to have a lot of announcements.

Lu Yanhe cooked a bowl of instant noodles and sat at the coffee table to make noodles. Yan Liang had already changed into his running shoes and sportswear and went downstairs for a morning run.

His habit has been such that in the past three years, nothing except wind, rain, or snow can stop him.

 After Lu Yanhe finished eating the instant noodles, he packed up his things, went back to his bedroom, and fell asleep.

 After a night of fright, my mind has been tense all night, and now I finally have time to rest.

Lu Yanhe lost consciousness almost instantly.

 The moment he lost consciousness, a thought emerged from his mind: time travel? Could it be that he was dreaming?

 It felt like entering a deep dark night. I don’t know how long it had been, but there were some vague sounds.

Then the sound became louder and louder.

Lu Yanhe woke up suddenly.

 “Damn, you’re not going to be late again, are you? Isn’t the military training over?”

He opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar environment around him. He realized that this was not his university dormitory, and there were no dormitory roommates around him.

 He traveled through time and space to an earth in parallel time and space, and became an 18-tier star.

 It’s not a dream.

 When he woke up from the dream, he was still here.

 (End of this chapter)

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