Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 228: Late night preparation

Chapter 228 Late Night Preparation

 In the evening, after everyone returned to the inn, the meeting began.

 The shooting of a program requires a meeting in advance to determine the theme of the shooting and the main line of the shooting.

 For example, what is the main focus?

Jiang Zhi’s program will definitely focus on the traditional activity of stepping on lanterns.

 But in addition to this traditional activity, there must be other content, otherwise it would be a pure documentary. It would be meaningless for a star like Lu Yanhe to participate.

Xin Zixing said: "Actually, I think He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi are very suitable for the scene. They are both high-achieving students from prestigious universities and locals from Jiangzhi. They have good images. When I had dinner today, the story of the two of them touched me quite a lot. Because they are real stories of ordinary people, and they are a young couple, the story of their love is very meaningful for discussion. "

Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Zi Xing, they are both ordinary people. Will putting their stories in the program have any impact or interference on their lives?"

Xin Zixing said: "About this, I plan to ask their opinions tomorrow. If they are willing, we will put it in. If they are not willing, we will weaken this section. However, there are disadvantages and advantages. Stepping on the lantern Traditional activities are actually related to the love of young people. To show the love story of a young couple in such a theme, I think it fits the theme very well, and it can also impress young people and make them want to come to Jiang. The two of them invited us here because they wanted to achieve this goal, and they may not be willing to do so. "

From Lu Yanhe’s perspective, being on the show will have a lot of impact and disruption on ordinary people’s lives, and these impacts and disruptions are not good things. As an artist himself, he has accepted that his life is destined to lose a lot of privacy and personal space. However, in fact, most people are willing to share their lives with everyone.

Although many people are not celebrities, they have a desire to share with others and gain recognition from others.

Lu Yanhe nodded, realizing that his idea just now was actually a bit arrogant—it was up to him whether he wanted to share this matter with everyone on the show, and it depended on the opinions of He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi.

He said: "If they are willing, I also think their stories will be liked and supported by everyone."

Xin Zixing nodded and said, "If they are willing, I would like to invite them to participate in the recording of our program. What do you think? We are outsiders and they are locals. Recording this film together will also allow us to better understand each other." The traditional activity of lanterns gives a deeper understanding of the city of Jiangzhi.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too."

 While a few of them were having a meeting to discuss, there was also a camera filming nearby.

 The content of their meeting was also taken.

After the filming, Xin Zixing said: "Yan He, I will give you a simple interview in an hour. Maybe it will be included in the program."

"Okay." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Where will we do the interview later? If I don't have to go out, I'll take a shower first."

“Let’s stay at this inn.” Xin Zixing said, “This small courtyard is beautiful.”


 After the meeting, Lu Yanhe went back to his room to take a shower.

 Chen Siqi had sent him several articles before, which were all manuscripts she had invited.

The authors of these manuscripts are not big writers or celebrities, but some creators that Chen Siqi found on various websites and forums on the Internet, and asked them to write articles on the theme of their student days.

Lu Yanhe sat by the window and read the manuscript.

 There is no need to turn on the air conditioner on summer nights in Jiangzhi, the temperature is very comfortable.

 The light in the room is a bit dim.

 He moved the floor lamp over the bedside and sat in front of the window looking at his laptop.

 They are all prose.

These articles almost all focus on campus and recall the past youthful days.

 There are many that are sincere and touching.

However, Lu Yanhe felt a little aesthetically exhausted after reading it in one go, because what everyone wrote was too similar.

The authors Chen Siqi found are actually very talented. If you read one of the articles alone, Lu Yanhe would feel good about it, but when these articles are put together, Lu Yanhe feels that it is not good.

While he was thinking about what to tell Chen Siqi, Chen Siqi suddenly sent another message: The themes and styles of these five articles are all relatively close. We can pick one or two from them. Which one do you think is the best?

 It turns out that Chen Siqi also felt that the themes and styles of these articles were relatively similar. Lu Yanhe told Chen Siqi his favorite article.

Chen Siqi: OK, we both agree, so let’s use this article.

 Lu Yanhe asked: How is the book doing now?

Chen Siqi said: The first version has been made. I have some suggestions for adjustments. Yilong is making adjustments. What about you? Already arrived in Jiangzhi? I saw the photo you posted. It seems to be an old city there?

 Lu Yanhe: Yes, there are many old buildings. I quite like the feeling here.

 Chen Siqi: I see many people in the comment area are asking where it is.

 Lu Yanhe: Someone should have recognized it, right? Today we went to eat, and many locals saw us, but they may not know me.

Chen Siqi: I see that someone in the comment area already knows that you are in Jiangzhi, and several people have mentioned it.

 Lu Yanhe: Really? So fast.

 Chen Siqi: Nowadays, everyone’s Internet speed is very fast.

 Lu Yanhe logged into his social media and looked at the comment area. A few hours later, there were thousands of comments in the comment area under his post.

His social media does not perform any data operations, and all data is real.

Clicking on the comment area, Lu Yanhe saw that there were indeed several highly praised replies, all about his time in Jiangzhi. There was also a photo of him, which was taken by someone else when he walked into the inn.

 The picture of him is very clear and you can recognize him at a glance.

 One of the highly praised comments in the comment area read: Lu Yanhe looks even more handsome in real life than he does online! His legs are huge!

The tone is very exaggerated.

Lu Yanhe grinned.

 After a while, Xin Zixing knocked on the door.

“Yanhe, the place for harvesting has been arranged. Are you OK now?”

"I'm ready." Lu Yanhe stood up and opened the door, "Let's go down."

 Beicai is placed in the corner of the courtyard of this inn.

Xin Zixing pulled a string over with great powers and placed a floor lamp and a chair in this corner.

 Lu Yanhe sat on it as instructed.

 A camera was pointed at him.

 Chen Liang and the others were in charge of the machine.

 Xin Zixing sits behind the camera. She was not prepared to appear on camera during the interview.

“Am I the only one in the camera?” Lu Yanhe asked doubtfully.

The last time we filmed the gallery chapter, Xin Zixing appeared with Lu Yanhe throughout the entire scene.

Xin Zixing explained: "Because we are usually in the camera, this is your preparation. We want to highlight your own attitude and thoughts to the audience, so I will not appear on camera, including the question itself. We will edit it based on Depending on the situation, it depends on whether the question should be included. It is even possible that this preparation is just an annotation to the content of the main film and occasionally appears in the program as a supplement. "

The recording of the program is straight and direct. Many actions, eyes and even expressions can easily be interpreted with multiple meanings if not interpreted. This is understandable, but in some key positions, Xin Zixing and the others still hope to be able to Give accurate expressions.

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Xin Zixing’s first question was: “After you got off the plane today, you fell asleep as soon as you got in the car. Were you tired yesterday?”

"Yes, I didn't sleep well yesterday. I had been checking information about the city Jiangzhi before I came here." Lu Yanhe looked at Xin Zixing seriously and nodded, "After all, this is a program about the city. Before coming here, do more With some homework, I can gain more understanding.”

Xin Zixing asked: “Do you do this before traveling to any city?”

"Not necessarily, I can do strategies, but I don't necessarily know how to do homework." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "Because it is work, so I do my homework seriously. I don't want to appear too ignorant on some common sense things. I usually go to It’s a bit more relaxed when traveling, so you can enjoy yourself as much as you want.”

Xin Zixing nodded and started asking about what happened at the dinner table today.

“We noticed that when He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi told their college love stories, you listened very carefully and even felt a little envious. Can you share with us what you were thinking at the time?”

Lu Yanhe said: "I was indeed a little envious, but at that time I was mainly moved by the stories they told. The feeling of love between the two of them made me feel particularly happy."

Xin Zixing nodded: "Tomorrow Jiangzhi will hold the annual traditional lantern stepping event. This event is about young people expressing their feelings. If you like someone, are you the type who will take the initiative to confess your feelings, or will you wait for someone to love you? Type of confession?”

Lu Yanhe looked at Xin Zixing in surprise.

 “Is there still such a problem?”

Xin Zixing said: "If you feel it's inappropriate, it doesn't matter if you don't answer."

Lu Yanhe thought for a while, "It's okay, there's nothing inappropriate. I'm just a little surprised. I didn't expect to be asked this kind of question. When I think about it, I don't think I look like either. Taking the initiative to confess something like this depends on the situation." The right time, the right place and the right people, let alone waiting for someone to express their love. Everyone handles this kind of thing differently. I may be more likely to convey such signals in some details. It depends on the other person. Do you have any feedback? In fact, if you like this kind of thing, there will be signals in many cases. Confession of love will be easier when it happens at first sight or when the relationship is not so familiar. If it is between people who are already very familiar, I guess it will be harder to speak.”

Xin Zixing was silent for a moment and said, "Yan He, when you say these words, it is easy for people to notice that you already have someone you like."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Xin Zixing said: "Because your answer is very clear, it sounds like you have a very specific person you like."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 He glanced at the camera in bewilderment.

Xin Zixing said, "How about you say it again?"

 Lu Yanhe: “...what should I say again?”

Xin Zixing said with a smile: "Let's not mention the right time, the right place, the right people, etc. Let's analyze it from the basic situation. Do you think you are more inclined to be a person who takes the initiative to confess, or are you more inclined to be someone who is confessed by others? ”

“Take the initiative to confess.” Lu Yanhe did not hesitate this time, “If I think the time is right, I will say it.”

Xin Zixing hid her smile.

This interview lasted about half an hour and ended.

As soon as the camera was turned off, Xin Zixing and the others looked at Lu Yanhe with ambiguous expressions.

 Mainly because of what Xin Zixing said just now, "You already have someone you like."

Xin Zixing knew who the girl Lu Yanhe liked, but others did not.

 What surprised others the most was that Lu Yanhe did not deny Xin Zixing’s conclusive argument.

Lu Yanhe said awkwardly: "Then I'll go back to sleep first."

"Okay." Xin Zixing said, "We have to leave at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Xiao Mei found a rice noodle shop. We will go there to shoot the breakfast part tomorrow morning."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 He hurried back to his room.

Under the gazes of those people just now, Lu Yanhe was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say and wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

Returning to the room, I picked up the charging phone and saw a message from Peng Zhixing: Yan He, the episode you recorded will be broadcast at noon this Friday. Our program has already released a preview. Could you please take the time to forward it to promote it? Bar.

 Lu Yanhe quickly replied: OK.

 "The Journey" is finally going to be broadcast.


Having a very comfortable sleep.

Lu Yanhe has no habit of recognizing his bed. He sleeps well wherever he goes. As long as the environment is good, he can sleep soundly.

 He woke up early in the morning and went downstairs for a morning jog.

The sun is just right.

During this period, he has been exercising for "Phoenix Stage" to make his body more muscular.

When he came back from his morning run, he happened to encounter Chen Liang and Xu Chao shooting some aerial shots.

“Brother Liang, did you start filming so early?” Lu Yanhe’s cheeks were red and he was covered in sweat.

Chen Liang immediately turned the camera lens towards Lu Yanhe.

 “Well, let’s take some footage. Did you just finish running?”

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "I'll go up and rush first."

 “Okay.” Chen Liang nodded.

He kept filming Lu Yanhe until he went upstairs.

Xu Chao was still a little confused and asked: "Brother Liang, why were you filming the scene just now?"

Chen Liang said: "When shooting this kind of film, the more material, the better. You can never have too much material. When you are editing, you don't know what kind of content you want. If you don't have the right material, you can only We use subtitles and other means to connect the content together. Moreover, Lu Yanhe is the only guest on our show, so it doesn’t hurt to have more scenes about him.”

 (End of this chapter)

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