Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 182: shooting scene

Chapter 182 Shooting scene

Jiang Yuqian could not help but embarrass Lu Yanhe and Wang Yunfan, which made Li Qian look bad and Lu Yanhe really didn't expect it.

 But the matter mentioned by Jiang Yuqian is not a big deal.

 Just, why do you want to show your anger to Li Qian at this time?

It seemed as if he was deliberately trying to make Li Qian suffer even more humiliation.

 Lu Yanhe had such doubts in his heart.

Li Qian’s face was very ugly, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Only Jiang Yuqian slowly finished the shrimp porridge in front of her, looked up at everyone, as if she realized that the atmosphere was a little tense at this time, smiled brightly, and said: "I've eaten, have you eaten?" ? Go back and rest early after eating."

Lu Yanhe and Huang Kairen of course nodded immediately.


As soon as she returned to the room, Li Qian screamed twice angrily, venting the anger she had been holding back for a long time.

 “Dong Dong!” There was a knock on the door.

 “Who?” Li Qian asked angrily.

 “Me.” Wang Yunfan’s voice came from outside the door.

Li Qian went to open the door and said with a straight face, "What are you doing here?"

Wang Yunfan smiled, a bit shamelessly, "I know that someone will be so angry when he comes back that he probably won't be able to sleep at night, so I came to take a look."

Li Qian's eyes were filled with anger, "You are so nice now. When Jiang Yuqian humiliated me just now, why didn't you say anything?!"

"What could I say at that time? I didn't know what the situation was. Do I have to stand up and deny it?" Wang Yunfan helplessly defended himself, "I knew you wanted to win the heroine, but I I didn’t know that you actually went to give people paintings and drinks. If she found out about it, it was normal for her to lose her temper. "

"Are you still speaking for her? Whose classmate are you?" Li Qian's tone immediately became higher, "Get out!"

The look of helplessness on Wang Yunfan's face became even heavier.

“If you drive me away now, no one will listen to your anger,” he said.

Li Qian glared at him and scolded: "Who wants you to listen to me lose my temper?"

"Calm down, you did something big to someone behind your back. They found out about it, and your reaction today was pretty good. If they turn around and plot against you behind your back, and take revenge on you, what can you do?" Wang Yunfan explain.

  Li Qian: "Am I still a fool who just stands there and gets beaten?"

Wang Yunfan: "To be honest, I didn't know that everyone knew about this before. Now I know that they have known about it for a long time. But it didn't stop you from acting in this drama. Otherwise, if she interferes with it, you will Can I still join the group?”

"Maybe she only found out in the past two days, otherwise why would she tell her today?" Li Qian curled her lips, "You actually naively thought that she would still be willing to join me after knowing that I stole her heroine. How is it possible to act in this drama?"

Wang Yunfan didn’t know what to say for a while.

 Let her say everything.

 “It turns out you know it yourself.” That was all he could say in the end.

 “Oh, it’s really annoying.” Li Qian said angrily.


 The next day, Lu Yanhe arrived at the hotel door on time at 9:25 in the morning, waiting for the shuttle bus to the studio.

 As a result, I happened to meet Wang Yunfan.

Wang Yunfan came out of the hotel with his assistant, saw Lu Yanhe, and asked, "What are you doing standing here?"

Lu Yanhe saw Wang Yunfan, nodded to him, called Brother Fan, and said, "Wait for the bus."

Wang Yunfan asked: "Going to the set?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

“Get in my car and I’ll take you there. I’m about to go there.” Wang Yunfan said.

 Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment.

 “Don’t hesitate, let’s go.”

Just as he was talking, the car coming to pick up Wang Yunfan arrived, a black nanny car.

Before Lu Yanhe could refuse, Wang Yunfan took him into the car.

"Why are you being polite to me?" Wang Yunfan said after pulling Lu Yanhe into the car, "We will film together in the future."

 Lu Yanhe had no choice but to say "Thank you Brother Fan".

Lu Yanhe was not familiar with Wang Yunfan, but what happened last night made him a little embarrassed when facing Wang Yunfan and Li Qian.

"You must be uncomfortable with what Li Qian said yesterday, right? That's how she is, a bit short-sighted and talkative." Wang Yunfan said, "But I am her classmate in college and have known her for many years. His nature is not bad, don’t take it to heart.”

Lu Yanhe did not expect that Wang Yunfan would come to tell him this.

He glanced at Wang Yunfan with some surprise, hummed, and said, "Actually, she's not wrong, I understand."

Wang Yunfan: "Are you really angry? Oh, let's be more generous."

Lu Yanhe smiled and thought to himself, it’s not that he is not generous. After being humiliated in front of others, he remembered that he was not generous?

This Wang Yunfan also has a problem. He seems to be enthusiastic and sincere towards others, but he always tells others not to be angry and don't mind. Lu Yanhe silently put a cross on his name.


  The staff on the set today all noticed that something was wrong with Li Qian.

In the play, Li Qian plays Jiang Yuqian’s workplace colleague and friend. Although the filming has just started, the two have already competed against each other several times.

 Everyone is in this industry. Whether an actor's acting skills are good or bad can be seen in one or two scenes.

Li Qian and Jiang Yuqian are not evenly matched, but neither of them is obviously outnumbered.

 But Li Qian didn’t know what was going on today and kept getting NG.

Luo Yuzhong was a little angry. He called a timeout and called Li Qian over.

"Sissi, what's wrong with you today?" Luo Yuzhong asked, "You don't even make eye contact with Jiang Yuqian, so you can't watch this show."

Li Qian also knew what her problem was. Yesterday, Jiang Yuqian directly pierced the window paper and revealed her previous robbery of the heroine, which made her feel guilty.

She lost her temper in the hotel yesterday, but when she met Jiang Yuqian today, she felt so guilty that she didn't even dare to make eye contact with Jiang Yuqian.

Li Qian was a little uneasy and said, "Sorry, director, it's my problem. I'm not in a good state today."

Luo Yuzhong said: "I won't shoot you for the next scene. You can adjust it. But you have a lot of scenes to shoot today, so don't keep us waiting too long."

"Okay." Li Qian nodded immediately, "I'm really sorry, director."

Luo Yuzhong knew Li Qian's usual acting skills, so he just thought she was really in bad shape today.

There is no way to do this. The actor's state fluctuates and cannot be maintained at a level at all times.

Li Qian walked aside and found a corner nearby, trying to adjust her condition silently.

 She suddenly saw Wang Yunfan and Lu Yanhe walking from the front.


 “You can go around by yourself, I’ll go get ready.” After Wang Yunfan said this, he left Lu Yanhe here alone.

Lu Yanhe didn't even have time to say "Thank you Brother Fan".

Probably because he didn't agree with him much in the car, and he never let go of last night's incident. After getting off the car, Wang Yunfan's attitude towards him became a little cold.

This is the first time Lu Yanhe has come to a shooting scene seriously.

 This is a studio shot, with a cubicle environment in front of it.

There were many people sitting or standing inside, all actors. Some actors had a person beside them to help them touch up their makeup.

 He ​​looked at the surrounding environment curiously. Well, it was much more sloppy than expected. There were boxes and equipment everywhere, people coming and going, and it was a bit chaotic.

“Yan He, you’re here.” Assistant director He Xun passed by with a stack of photos in his hand. When he saw Lu Yanhe, he patted him on the shoulder.

Lu Yanhe only had time to call out "Brother Xun" before he saw He Xun leaving in a hurry. very busy.

Lu Yanhe saw that most people were walking in a hurry.

 There was no filming going on at the scene, everyone was busy with what they were doing.

Lu Yanhe wanted to find a place to stay, but he felt like he couldn't stay anywhere.

 He suddenly saw Jiang Yuqian appearing from the side, followed by several people.

Lu Yanhe's face lit up with joy. He originally wanted to go say hello to her right away, but before he even lifted his feet, he saw someone carrying something up to communicate with Jiang Yuqian.

Everyone at the scene was very busy, and few people were idle, except for the actors at their respective spots.

 They didn’t move around, just looking at their phones at their spots, or chatting and laughing with the people next to them.

 All this is very new to Lu Yanhe.

From time to time, people greeted him and called out his name, but Lu Yanhe didn't recognize them, so he could only respond with an awkward smile.

After a few minutes, someone suddenly shouted: "Get ready for the next play."

The atmosphere of the scene changed accordingly, and some noisy scenes gradually became quiet.

Lu Yanhe quickly retreated to the corner.

 Luo Yuzhong was sitting behind a monitor, with many people surrounding him.

Then, suddenly there was a sound of "camera in place", "lighting in place" and "live actors in place", which sounded like a countdown, one after another at a very fast speed.

When the sound ended, Luo Yuzhong picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Okay, start shooting!"

  Someone is typing in front of the camera.

Wearing a black professional suit and holding a stack of materials in her hand, Jiang Yuqian walked into the cubicle with an expressionless face, pulled out a chair at a workstation, and sat down.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe didn't even need to listen to her words, he could feel that she was full of anger.

Jiang Yuqian has no expression on her face, but just like this, people can feel her emotions overflowing from her body.

A fat woman next door poked her head over and asked, "Xiaoguan, what's wrong with you? Is Manager Huang bullying you again?"

"No." Jiang Yuqian remained expressionless. After saying that, she turned to look at her and said, "Sister Lan, I have something to do today and I have to leave first. Can you help me take care of it for a while?"

Sister Lan immediately nodded and said, "Okay, go quickly. But, Xiaoguan, are you really okay? I think something is wrong with you now."

Jiang Yuqian sighed softly at this time, "I'll talk to you later, Sister Lan."

After she finished speaking, she stood up again, picked up her bag, and left in a hurry. When she left the office, some emotions appeared on her face, showing irritability and anger.

"Okay, click!" Luo Yuzhong was at the scene and shouted, calling Jiang Yuqian over, "That's right, Yuqian, let's do another one. Your rhythm was a little too fast just now. When Sister Lan asked you what's wrong, you paused. When there was a reaction, the sound you made just now was not as fast as a stress reaction."

Jiang Yuqian laughed and nodded, "Okay, I'll pay attention."

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he heard the conversation between them.

Is this acting?

When he watched it live, he felt that Jiang Yuqian's performance was very good and she completely took him into the role. However, Luo Yuzhong was able to tell immediately where Jiang Yuqian still had flaws that needed to be corrected.

 The key is that he said it very well. When he didn't say it, Lu Yanhe didn't notice it. When he said it, Lu Yanhe felt that it was really the case.

I took another photo from behind and passed it directly.

 The cutscene was filmed just like that, and it actually took almost half an hour.

A scene may only take one minute or even thirty seconds to be officially presented in the film, but in reality, various reasons such as shooting, lighting adjustment, setting up, actor rehearsal, reshooting, etc. will shorten the actual shooting time. Much longer.

Because the plot is connected to each other, it cannot be deleted.

 After filming a scene, Jiang Yuqian went to sit on a folding chair with her name written on the back and read the script.

The next scene is still hers, but it is between her and Li Qian.

The scene was not successfully filmed just now, so we will continue filming now.

Li Qian followed her assistant in. She didn’t know where she went just now.

 She handed the script in her hand to her assistant and walked towards Jiang Yuqian.

When Jiang Yuqian saw her coming, she raised her eyes in surprise, showing an expression of "What are you doing?"

Li Qian took a deep breath and said, "I apologize to you."

The place where Jiang Yuqian sat was a quiet area, and there was no one else around. Only Jiang Yuqian's own assistant was sitting next to her.

Li Qian’s sudden apology surprised Jiang Yuqian.

Li Qian apologized, turned around and left.

Jiang Yuqian didn’t even have time to say anything.


Jiang Yuqian looked at Li Qian's back that seemed to be "running away", lowered her head and smiled.

Ten minutes later, the on-site staff prepared the setting and shooting environment for the next scene, and someone came to ask Jiang Yuqian to wait.

Jiang Yuqian stood up, handed her script to her assistant, and went to her seat.

 She sat directly at her work this time.

 “Start shooting!” Following the order from Director Luo Yuzhong, Li Qian walked in.

She walked gracefully towards Jiang Yuqian until she stopped in front of her work station and said, "Guan Zhu, Manager Huang wants to see you."

Jiang Yuqian raised her head in surprise and glanced at her, "Manager Huang is looking for me?"

Li Qian raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "Well, go quickly, don't keep him waiting too long."

Jiang Yuqian immediately stood up and looked at her desktop.

 “He... wants something from me, do you know?”

Li Qian folded her hands on her chest, shook her head and said, "How do I know this? You will know it yourself."

She patted Jiang Yuqian's arm, turned around and went back to her work station.

At this moment, Li Qian's aura was obviously stronger than Jiang Yuqian's.

Lu Yanhe read the script and quickly thought of where this scene was. Originally, the scene was about Guan Zhu just entering the company, but as soon as he entered, he was tricked by Manager Huang. It was Guan Zhu who was killing everyone in this company. Start.

 Li Qian was already in the company at this time, with more qualifications and experience than Jiang Yuqian, and it was normal for her aura to be stronger than hers.

Just as Lu Yanhe was thinking this, he suddenly heard someone whispering next to him: "Li Qian's condition is finally right, otherwise I wouldn't know when I would be filming today."

“Yeah, I’m ready to finish work very late today.”

 (End of this chapter)

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