Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 178: A little thing

Chapter 178 A little thing

After putting the suitcase away, Lu Yanhe looked back at Chen Ziyan, wondering if she had any other plans later.

 At this time, Chen Ziyan also hung up the phone.

She said: "I made an appointment with Lei Shuangcheng, the producer of "Golden Age", for dinner. We will meet together later in the evening. You can rest first and I will also go to a room to have a rest. I drove for almost four hours and my back is sore. pain."

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "Okay, Sister Ziyan, go and have a rest."

 Chen Ziyan left.

Lu Yanhe was a little tired after sitting in the car for so long, so he lay down on the bed for a while.

Originally I just wanted to lie down for a while, but unexpectedly I fell asleep directly.


 Some people take a nap because of exhaustion, while others cannot fall asleep.

 Why were those photos not published online?

This question has been hanging in Lin Suyang's mind for several days.

Li Zhibai has already obtained the photo, and he confirmed this with the depository.

Now that he has obtained it, Lin Suyang can't think of any reason why Li Zhibai would not use these photos to retaliate against Ma Zhiyuan.

The two of them have been at odds with each other for a long time, and the laser pointer incident just happened. Based on Lin Suyang's understanding of Li Zhibai, after the latter got the photo and learned that Ma Zhiyuan had a girlfriend who was secretly dating underground, he would definitely immediately Exposed.

What went wrong?

During this period, Lin Suyang was not idle.

He took Qu Yousong, Wei Zhuoran, Jiang Bai, and Chen Jing to have a chat one by one. The conversation was about what happened after Ma Zhiyuan left MX.

Lin Suyang wants to stabilize the morale of the military so that everyone can stay at MX with peace of mind.

 Ma Zhiyuan’s departure is a good thing for MX. He wants everyone to believe this.

 This matter cannot be allowed to continue.

Lin Suyang opened the computer in front of him and clicked on one of the documents about the subsequent development of MX.

This document was not made in the past few days. Since the preparation of MX, this document has been sitting on his computer and being continuously improved.

Lin Suyang was once very ambitious and wanted to build MX into the most popular idol group, and he succeeded.

It’s just that his document can only clearly list the key tasks and plans at each stage, but it cannot exhaust the changes in people.

 For management companies, artists are the commodities they sell.

  But for brokers, this is a commodity that changes and has its own ideas. If you want to control them and not escape from your hands, you have to constantly cultivate yourself.

If he is Sun Wukong, you must cultivate yourself to become Tathagata Buddha. This is the relationship between managers and artists.


Lu Yanhe was woken up by the buzzing sound of his cell phone vibrating.

 Looking at the time, it was only four in the afternoon, less than an hour if I squinted.

 The afternoon sun was still bright, dazzling the eyes through the white gauze curtains.

 He got up from the bed, sat on the bedside, and picked up his mobile phone.

 The continuous vibrating sound came from three people.

Li Zhibai: Has Lao Lu arrived?

 Li Zhibai: So boring.

Yan Liang: What are you doing? Isn’t there a brand event?

Li Zhibai: It’s about brand activities. I listened to them talking about some concepts and descriptions, but I thought it was too nonsense and I didn’t want to listen.

Yan Liang: You are a close friend of the brand. Please fulfill your job responsibilities well.

Li Zhibai: I’m not standing here.

 Yan Liang: Then you keep your head down and playing with your phone?

Li Zhibai: Anyway, no one is looking at me now. They are chatting and I am walking around here. They have an exhibition today to display their classic works from the past few decades.

Yan Liang: It sounds quite high-end.

Li Zhibai: It does look quite high-end, but I really don’t find it interesting.

Lu Yanhe typed and asked: What brand is this?

 Li Zhibai: JP.

 Lu Yanhe: Isn’t this a jewelry maker? When did you become its brand friend?

 Li Zhibai: Today, it was just announced.

Lu Yanhe: I said that I have no impression at all, but don’t jewelry generally use female artists for brand cooperation? Why are you looking for me?

 Li Zhibai: I don’t know, but there are quite a lot of fans at the scene.

 Lu Yanhe: Then I understand.

Yan Liang: Isn’t this very good? It’s not good for business.

 Li Zhibai: That’s true, of course it’s good to make money.

 Lu Yanhe: I just arrived at the hotel. I just squinted for a while and was woken up by you.

 Li Zhibai: How is the hotel environment?

Lu Yanhe said: It’s okay, it’s just an ordinary hotel room, nothing special.

Li Zhibai: Tsk, it seems that your crew is not very good to you. When I was filming "With You to the End of the World", they opened a luxurious suite for me to live in.

 Lu Yanhe: Then how can I compare with you? I'm not a big shot.

Li Zhibai: "Golden Age" is not a small show. For such a big drama, you have to be careful. It seems that the producer is not a generous person.

 Lu Yanhe: Speaking of which, I have to have dinner with the producer tonight, and Sister Ziyan made an appointment with him.

Li Zhibai: This is the biggest advantage of having a reliable agent. When you go to a new place, he will take you to the pier first, and then there will be someone to protect you on the set.

 Lu Yanhe: I'm a little scared. I don't know what to say in this situation. I always don't know how to react.

  Yan Liang: Just laugh when you don’t know what to say.

Li Zhibai: That’s right, anyway, I usually just meet him face to face on such occasions, and leave the rest to Zhou Pingan, and I will do my own thing.

 Yan Liang: Like you are doing now, secretly playing with your mobile phone at work?

 Li Zhibai: You are more in charge than Zhou Pingan.


As soon as he finished typing this sentence, someone suddenly came over to chat with him.

"The suit you are wearing today is very handsome. Is it customized by Lord Foster?" A woman in a blue skirt approached and smiled at Li Zhibai. She held a glass of champagne in her hand and her eyes fell on Li Zhibai. .

Li Zhibai knows her, she is Chen Zhu, the senior executive of JP Jewelry.

The host just introduced it.

"Lord Foster?" Li Zhibai frowned in confusion, "I'm sorry, I don't know what brand this is. The agent borrowed the clothes for me."

Chen Zhu laughed a little unexpectedly.

“Then you don’t know that JP Jewelry, like Lord Foster, belongs to the Huanjin Group and is actually a family?” Chen Zhu asked.

Li Zhibai shook his head hesitantly.

 He was still confused as to why she suddenly came over to tell him this.

“Then do you know that your family’s company is being acquired by Huan Jin?” Chen Zhu dropped a bombshell. Li Zhibai was stunned.


At six o’clock in the afternoon, the MX official account released a message, which immediately hit the hot search topic:

In order to better promote Ma Zhiyuan's personal development, starting from today, Ma Zhiyuan will withdraw from the MX group and continue to develop his acting career as an individual. I would like to thank Ma Zhiyuan for his contribution to the MX group and wish him better and better.

This news was sent to everyone’s mobile phones in the form of headline news push notifications by major APPs.

To the outside world, the news came out of nowhere.

 Many people even choose not to believe it at the first time.

 But the account that posted the news is a genuine MX combination certified account.

Fans of the MX group felt like they were struck by lightning and couldn’t recover for a long time.

 But Ma Zhiyuan’s only fans started singing and dancing.

When Lu Yanhe received the message on his mobile phone, Ma Zhiyuan’s fans had already sent the entry #Congratulations to Ma Zhiyuan# to sixth place on the hot search list.

 He didn't have time to think too much, because he had already followed Chen Ziyan to the restaurant.

“Oh, Zi Yan, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Look at you, you are so radiant!”

A man wearing a blue stand-up collar and short-sleeves was waiting for them at the door of the restaurant. When they met, he hugged Chen Ziyan enthusiastically.

Lu Yanhe knew without asking that this person was Lei Shuangcheng, the producer of "Golden Age".

Lei Shuangcheng is forty-three years old this year. He has worked with director Luo Yuzhong for almost fifteen years. He is the producer of every project of Luo Yuzhong and the person with whom Luo Yuzhong has the closest relationship and trust.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that Lei Shuangcheng and Chen Ziyan were also old acquaintances.

But think about it, based on Chen Ziyan’s experience, in this entertainment industry, apart from their group of newcomers, there are very few people Chen Ziyan doesn’t know.

 Chen Ziyan's face reappeared with the "trembling flowers" smile that Lu Yanhe had just seen in the afternoon.

“You, you are in your forties, but you still stare at other people’s faces when you meet them. Be careful of your sister-in-law becoming jealous.” There was a touch of tenderness between Chen Ziyan’s eyebrows.

Lei Shuangcheng immediately said: "Your sister-in-law can rest assured about me. She knows whether I have the heart to be a thief or not."

Chen Ziyan turned her head to greet Lu Yanhe with her hands and said, "Yan He, come here and say hello to your Uncle Lei."

 Uncle Lei? !

Lu Yanhe’s eyes almost popped out of his head.

Even though Chen Ziyan said so, Lu Yanhe certainly didn't dare to actually call Lei Shuangcheng Uncle Lei.

 “Hello, I am Lu Yanhe.”

Lei Shuangcheng smiled and patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "Young man is amazing. He can score such a high score in the college entrance examination. Let my child learn from you later."

Lu Yanhe smiled and said no problem.

Chen Ziyan asked: "Are they coming?"

Lei Shuangcheng said: "Not yet. You made an appointment to meet them at seven o'clock. How could they arrive now?"

“Don’t I want to chat with you first and catch up on old times?” Chen Ziyan glared at Lei Shuangcheng.

 She turned to Lu Yanhe and said, "Yanhe, you go in first, and I'll have a cup of tea with your Uncle Lei at the teahouse next door."

 There is a teahouse next to this restaurant.

 A specially selected place.

Lei Shuangcheng: "Stop it, Uncle Lei, I'm not that old yet, just call me Brother Lei."

Lu Yanhe followed Shan Ruliu and called Lei Ge.

Chen Ziyan curled her lips and said, "How old are you already? Why don't you pay it back to Brother Lei?"

Lu Yanhe smiled harmlessly.

"How old am I? Just in my early forties?" Lei Shuangcheng said, "Okay, Xiao Lu, you go in first, Fengchun box, we will come over later."

Lu Yanhe nodded and entered the restaurant first.


 “We really haven’t seen each other for a while.”

Lei Shuangcheng personally brought a cup of tea he had made in front of Chen Ziyan.

"There are some things that, although I want to escape, I can't escape no matter what." Chen Ziyan shook her head, "So, why bother leaving this place where I have struggled for so many years? This place belongs to me, and I belong here."

"You are suitable to be an agent. This has been proven for a long time. I don't understand why you go through so much trouble to win one person, then retire and take a vacation, and then come back in a year or two." Lei Shuangcheng shook his head. , "But are you sure you want to start with new people? It will probably take another four or five years for them to enter the front line after entering the industry. It depends on their fate when their position in the front line stabilizes and they can hit a higher position. , why didn’t the artists back then take over?”

“Everyone already has their own fixed team and team, so why should I get involved,” said Chen Ziyan.

Lei Shuangcheng: "If you are willing to continue to take them, I think one of them will definitely be willing to let you continue to be their agent. I heard that Shang Yongzhou is in contact with a new play directed by Kim Ji-yeon. Is it you who pulled the strings?"

 “Why are you so well-informed?” Chen Ziyan couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Lei Shuangcheng: "Shang Yongzhou said it himself, it's a pity that you separated from him too early."

“He is already a top actor in the country now, what is there to regret?” Chen Ziyan shook her head, “Even if I keep him with me, he won’t be better than he is now.”

 From the perspective of career development, Shang Yongzhou has reached the peak period of his career development and will not be in a higher position.

Lei Shuangcheng laughed.

"Isn't this your charm? A top-tier actor always thinks about you and never forgets you." He said, "Lu Yanhe, Tu Song, Wen Minglan, who among these three can reach this point in the end? Do you know?"

 Chen Ziyan shook her head, "No, this can only depend on their own development."

“I think you have a certain preference for Lu Yanhe.”

“It’s just that he didn’t have any support behind him, so I paid more attention to him.” Chen Ziyan said, “He is a child and it is his first time filming, so you should pay more attention to him.”

"You don't have to say this? How could I not take care of your artist?" Lei Shuangcheng's tone was quite strange that Chen Ziyan spoke so harshly.

Chen Ziyan: “Maybe it’s because I’m older, and I always have an old mother’s mentality towards young people.”

“You should really find a suitable man to marry and be a real old mother.”

“I—” Chen Ziyan shook her head, “I’ll forget it, my identity is disgraceful, so don’t bring such disgrace to the next generation.”

"What are you talking about!" Lei Shuangcheng looked angry, "Who dares to say that your status is dishonorable! The affairs of the previous generation are none of your business! You are always like this, belittling yourself, a man who is obviously attracted to you Nothing less.”

 Chen Ziyan saw that he was angry and smiled.

"Okay, I won't say it anymore. You are the same. Once the project started, you couldn't leave home for several months. You should think more about your sister-in-law and children. Don't just remember to give them money. You can't support your wife without money. Children, but you can’t keep your wife and children only if you have money.”

“I have a very close relationship with my wife and children.” Lei Shuangcheng said immediately, “I tell you, I’m not bragging, I have never seen a more responsible man than me.”

Chen Ziyan: "I know, that's why I dare to ask you for help. Brother Lei, you are righteous, loyal, and good to your friends. Everyone in the circle knows it."

 “What do you want me to do for you?” Lei Shuangcheng asked.

"For this drama, give Tu Song an OST to sing." Chen Ziyan smiled brightly and charmingly, but there was no hint of ambiguity between men and women. Instead, she was generous and frank.

Lei Shuangcheng nodded readily, "This is a small matter, okay."

 (End of this chapter)

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