Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 170: Idol King

Chapter 170 The Idol King

As soon as the three people left the elevator, they were quiet for a while and looked at each other.

After confirming that the elevator was up, Li Zhibai immediately let out a sigh and said, "Zhou Ping'an is so petty, he must be worried that we have secretly hooked up with Sister Ziyan."

 Yan Liang disliked the word "hookup" used by Li Zhibai, but Yan Liang agreed with what Li Zhibai meant.

 “I guess I’m thinking about it in my heart.”

Everyone has known Zhou Pingan for a few years and knows about his character at least 70%, and can all guess what he is thinking.

Li Zhibai suddenly felt happy: "If something like Ma Zhiyuan happened, will he seriously reflect on himself and treat us better in the future? Otherwise, he will force us into a hurry and have to take action."

"Pull him down, Ma Zhiyuan's practice of killing a thousand enemies and damaging eight hundred, what's there to learn?" Lu Yanhe was really worried that Li Zhibai would be inspired by Ma Zhiyuan and attack Zhou Ping'an impulsively, and the consequences would be serious. .

Yan Liang also nodded.

While the three people were talking, Qu Yousong came towards them.

 In the long and narrow corridor, we meet on a narrow road.

"Yo!" When Li Zhibai saw this person, his eyebrows instantly lit up, "Don't you usually go in pairs with Ma Zhiyuan and Wei Zhuoran? Why are you alone today? Oh, by the way, Wei Zhuoran stopped working. Well, Ma Zhiyuan got into a fight, and you are the only one left."

He was speaking in an ups and downs manner, smiling sarcastically.

"Good brothers have to share hardships. Ma Zhiyuan and Lin Suyang are fighting. Why don't you go up and stop them?"

Qu Yousong's face darkened, "It's none of your business."

"Of course it's none of my business." Li Zhibai said confidently, "I've been waiting to see your jokes. Isn't this coming soon? Hahahahahaha."

Lu Yanhe glanced at Li Zhibai helplessly.

 Li Zhi is the only one who dares to say anything and show any expression.

"What did you say to him? Let's go." Yan Liang didn't want to see Li Zhibai provoking Qu Yousong. Qu Yousong had many thoughts and was dirty. He made people more cautious than Ma Zhiyuan and Wei Zhuoran. His provocation was too much. Who knows? He looked back and was holding back something bad.

Li Zhibai just stopped talking.

Qu Yousong's face turned as dark as black water and he clenched his fists.

··MX is a popular boy band that is at the height of its popularity, but now it is facing internal and external troubles.

 In a short period of time, conflicts have arisen between managers and artists, and conflicts between artists.

It is still unclear how the matter between Lin Suyang and Ma Zhiyuan will be resolved.



As soon as Zhou Pingan came in, Vice President Ma asked Zhou Pingan to sit down.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Pingan asked: "Mr. Ma, what are your orders?"

 Vice President Ma sighed, "Let's talk to you. You must have heard about Ma Zhiyuan and Lin Suyang, right?"

“It has spread throughout the company. How could we not have heard about it? My colleagues in the public relations department are probably going to have a headache now. It is very difficult to block the news about this matter.” Zhou Pingan said.

"I came to you also to ask how you think this matter should be handled more appropriately." Vice President Ma said, "Although Ma Zhiyuan has gone too far and deserves a lesson, we can't really let him get involved in a beating scandal. He still has so many endorsements and a lot of business behind him. Once he gets involved in a scandal, the follow-up handling will be troublesome. "

 Zhou Ping'an: "The key to this matter depends on the company's attitude towards Lin Suyang, Mr. Ma."


"Lin Suyang is the agent. Logically speaking, no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, the best way is for Lin Suyang to explain to the public immediately that it is a misunderstanding, or to find an excuse to change the nature of the matter first. Come here, but I heard that after the incident, although he didn't fight back at Ma Zhiyuan, he scolded him very harshly. Many people outside the rehearsal room heard it, and I don't know if anyone was recording." Zhou Ping'an clicked his tongue twice, "Of course. Well, this can’t be blamed on Xiao Lin. He is young and it is his first time as a manager. He happens to be in a boy band that is becoming popular quickly like MX. It is normal for him to be inexperienced.”

"It is true that he is inexperienced and impulsive." Vice President Ma said, "Now he is angry and cannot think rationally. We cannot let this matter develop like this. Tell me, what should we do?"

Zhou Pingan smiled and said: "What we are going to do is very simple. It is not difficult to find a cover for the fight. What is difficult is that after we do it, will the two parties stand up and slap us in the face? As soon as we tried to whitewash it, they came out to expose it, and the company was also embarrassed. "

 Vice President Ma understood what Zhou Pingan meant.

"I'll talk to Lin Suyang, and you can communicate with Ma Zhiyuan." Vice President Ma said, "We can't let them lose their temper like this. They are all adults, why are they acting like children! When this matter is over, we will definitely Teach them a lesson!"



Lu Yanhe and the other three came to the company with nothing to do. They just came to watch the show, but the show was already over.

“Then why are we going now?” Li Zhibai asked.

Yan Liang said: "There's nothing left to watch. Let's go back."

Li Zhibai: "We're all out now. Why are we going back so soon? How about we go watch a movie."

 “Alright.” Yan Liang nodded.

 Lu Yanhe is good at flowing.

Just as he was thinking this, Zhou Pingan suddenly walked over from the front.

“You are still here, just in time, I have something to ask you, come here.” Zhou Pingan said to Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

When Li Zhibai heard this, he frowned and said, "We are going to watch a movie. What's going on? It won't take long, right?"

Zhou Ping'an glanced at them sideways and said, "The holiday I'm giving you won't give you any extra work. It's for other things. It'll be soon."

Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe: "Then let's go there first. You wait for us."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang followed Zhou Pingan.

Lu Yanhe was bored by himself, so he went to the public area, found a chair and sat down, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to check Weibo.

His Weibo has been very lively in the past two days, and the number of fans has increased rapidly. The account originally had only tens of thousands of fans, but in the past two days, it has 230,000 fans, all of which came from seeing Lu Yanhe’s college entrance examination scores.

 Whether it is in the comment section or in private messages, they are all used to express admiration and adoration.

 Many people also asked him whether he was going to Zhenhua or Yuming.

Lu Yanhe has thought seriously about it for a long time in the past two days. In fact, for him, either Zhenhua or Yuming is fine.

 These two universities are among the top universities in the country.

Lu Yanhe is thinking about one thing, that is, will he follow an academic path in the future?

After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that he should not leave.

  Liberal arts are different from science and engineering. He had researched the last time he was choosing a university and major. The market demand and academic demand corresponding to science and engineering are more quantitative, while the liberal arts are more imaginary. The liberal arts take the academic route. In most cases, after getting a doctorate degree in 20s or 20s, they either do a postdoc or directly find a teaching position. Basically, they start as lecturers, the salary is low, and it is difficult to get ahead. Compared with The industry influence of science, engineering, and liberal arts is quite linked to your qualifications.

 Instead of taking the academic route, the employment directions of liberal arts majors are broader than those of science and engineering majors, but they are more limited. The job market changes every year, but the positioning of liberal arts is here. Except for a few disciplines with very clear counterparts, such as law and finance, most humanities are not directly related to the industry like science and engineering. .

 Choosing a major in university is a lifelong event.

 Many people have different employment directions from their majors after graduation, but that does not mean that professional knowledge has no impact and role on their lives.

 Few people dare to say this.

Lu Yanhe is thinking about what university means to him.

 He will definitely want to be an artist in the future. No matter what major he studies, he cannot get around this line. So it doesn’t make much sense for him to study a major that is relevant and highly professional.

The meaning of university seems to be to consider the following points:

  1. Leave a way out for your future. If an artist fails to succeed, he can still have a skill.

 This point can only be ignored. It is difficult for liberal arts majors to accumulate such skills. Even if it is law or a lawyer, if you do not work in this industry for four or five years, you will not have any accumulation and no one will look for you.

  2. It is of great help to my acting career.

This point needs to be seriously considered. Just like when Chen Ziyan hired an acting teacher for him, she not only hired a very practical teacher like He Shuyi, but also a theoretical school like Zhang Ming, just to improve his understanding and establish an Higher performance awareness.

  3.His own interests.

 After studying hard for so many years and preparing for the college entrance examination twice, this time he was finally able to go to a university. He wanted to know what he wanted to learn, what he wanted to understand, and what kind of knowledge he wanted to acquire.

Lu Yanhe thought for a long time and came up with several alternative answers.

 Art, literature or history.

 These are all majors that seem a little out of touch with the society and a little vain.

 But it is a major that can help him accumulate and accumulate.

As for his hobbies and interests... Lu Yanhe thought about it for a long time and felt that whatever he wanted to know and know had nothing to do with liberal arts. His understanding of liberal arts is all based on preparation for exams. When it comes to liking and loving... Lu Yanhe feels that he still likes mathematics more, which is more interesting.


 Li Zhibai and Yan Liang followed Zhou Pingan into his office.

Zhou Pingan sat down on the chair and looked at them for several seconds without saying anything, which made the two of them feel a little stressed out.

Li Zhibai coughed lightly and said, "Brother Ping'an, what do you want from us?"

 “Is Lu Yanhe still living with you?” Zhou Pingan asked.

“Yes, we have been together for several years, you won’t let him move out at this time, right?” Li Zhibai asked.

"Why are you asking him to move out at this time? If he doesn't move out now, he will go to school in two months." Zhou Ping'an looked at them helplessly, "I wanted to ask him to leave the company before. That was because of special circumstances. The reason is that now he is no longer under my command, and I have no prejudice against him. You don’t need to look at me like a vicious enemy. "

Li Zhibai immediately asked: "What special reason is that?"

"This has nothing to do with you. In short, you just need to know that he is not under my command now and has nothing to do with me. I don't really have any prejudice against him. You don't have to worry about me cheating him." Zhou Pingan sighed, "Speaking of which , you should also pay more attention to yourself. After all, you are not an artist managed by the same manager, and you are of the same age. From now on, you will be competitors. I know that you have a good relationship and a good relationship now. You treat each other as brothers, but in the fame and fortune field , more often than not, brothers turn against each other."

Li Zhibai rolled his eyes directly at Zhou Pingan.

"Brother Ping'an, why are you still thinking about sowing discord? We have known each other since we were fifteen years old. Even if we become enemies one day, it will be a matter of the future. Now we are making love, you Saying this will not only prevent us from being separated, but will also allow us to unite with the outside world, and that outsider is you.”

 Zhou Pingan: “…”

Among the artists he brought with him, the only one who dared to speak to him like this was Li Zhibai.

 It just so happened that he had always been this virtuous, and he couldn't say anything.

"I'm not trying to create a gap between you, I'm just reminding you to be careful. Lu Yanhe may not want to be disadvantageous to you, but with competition, Chen Ziyan is a vegetarian behind her back, right?" Zhou Ping'an said, "This time even Ma Zhiyuan is following. Lu Yanhe didn't take advantage of the opponent, think about it, is this normal? "

Li Zhibai snorted, "That's Lao Lu's own fault. He scored 657 in the college entrance examination. There are popular artists every year. Is there another artist who can score 657 in the college entrance examination?"

Zhou Ping'an: "...Then don't you think about it, having such a person by your side doesn't make you feel inferior to others?"

"I'm not as good as him in the first place." Li Zhibai admitted generously, "So if you're not as good at studying as him, why do you need to stay around him to show off? Pull him down. You're in the entertainment industry and it's not about comparing who has better grades. Why do you care about this? ”

"If it weren't for him, the biggest news for our Star Entertainment would be that Yan Liang was admitted to Beijing Arts this year. But now most of the publicity resources have been diverted by Chen Ziyan to Lu Yanhe." Zhou Pingan said, "Originally, my plan was to let Yan Liang used this style to create a set of propaganda."

"Let's do it. There will be no conflict. One is the master of cultural points and the other is the master of art examination. No one will be delayed." Li Zhibai pointed out Zhou Ping'an unceremoniously.

Zhou Ping'an almost laughed out of anger.

“You have so many ideas, why don’t you become the agent.”

Zhou Ping'an's original intention was to squeeze Li Zhibai and let him clearly define his position. However, he forgot one thing, that is, Li Zhibai's face is as thick as the ninth heaven.

Li Zhibai answered without hesitation: "Actually, I think I am quite suitable to be an agent. If I stop being an artist in the future, I will switch to being an agent." Zhou Pingan almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

He stared at the cowardly little **** in front of him speechlessly, and said speechlessly: "When will you be able to know yourself? As a lazy person like you, being an agent for others, an artist will not become famous in 800 years."

“It’s okay, my family is rich, I spend money on him, and he gets trending searches every day, so I don’t believe he will be popular.” Li Zhibai said rudely.

 Zhou Pingan: “…”

 Hold it, endure it.

Zhou Pingan took a deep breath and decided not to dwell on this topic with Li Zhibai.

There is no point in getting into trouble with him.

This person is inexperienced, his brain circuit is different from ordinary people, and he also has the ability to make money.

"You can do whatever you like, no more talk." Zhou Ping'an waved his hand and forcibly changed the topic, "I came to you for the show "Young Days". Li Zhibai, you have already recorded it in the first half of the year. It’s a permanent show, and the feedback is pretty good. If you record this show in the second half of the year, I won’t pick up another permanent show for you. I plan to let you two develop more, acting, singing, and recording. Programs, live broadcasts, etc. will be arranged. The core point is to increase your visibility, increase your popularity, and gain a firm foothold. The next few years will be the years when idol artists explode. It has been almost four years since your debut. You cannot be original. If you stop moving forward, you will be eliminated.”

Yan Liang nodded seriously.

Zhou Ping'an added: "Besides, you have also seen that MX has various internal problems now, such as fights between managers and artists. They will not be popular for long. When they go downhill, you can When it’s time to divide the cake, the company will definitely promote new idol artists.”

 “There will be new people by then, right?” Li Zhibai said.

"You are stupid." Zhou Pingan said, "So what if there are new people? A few new people can become famous overnight like MX, so I say that you should start to increase your exposure now, so that more people can know you and know you. Develop more idol qualities.”

“But no matter how hard idol artists work, those fans can never get the love of all age groups like actors and singers, and their popularity cannot increase.” Li Zhibai is very sober.

"So what? As long as you can reach the TOP level among idol artists, your fan appeal will not be worse than that of any superstar." Zhou Pingan said, "Otherwise, why do you think the company should vigorously develop idol artists? It's because Whether it’s singers or actors, there is a very mature training system in China, and there are a group of people who have already established themselves, but do you think there are any idol artists who have that kind of dominance and status, whether it’s Europe or the United States? Streaming, Japanese streaming, including in the surrounding places like Thailand and India, idol artists are getting bigger and bigger, and the influence of pop culture is expanding to a world-class level. The domestic area is a shortcoming, and there is huge room. Why don’t you fight for this piece of cake?”

 After what Zhou Pingan said, Li Zhibai rarely quarreled with him.

"There is no shortage of stages for idol artists in China now. Online variety shows and music festivals are both stages." Zhou Ping'an said, "I will help you with all types of work, but the core positioning is still to be an idol. Don't be influenced by others. Don’t think about transformation in a short period of time. You are so young and you still have a lot of time to transform, but the only way you can compete for the status of king at your age is to be an idol.”


Lu Yanhe was searching for information on various majors on his mobile phone and wanted to know more, when Li Zhibai suddenly called.

 “We’re done, where are you?”

“I’m... I can’t tell clearly. Let’s meet directly in the parking lot.” Lu Yanhe said.

There is a large public area nearby, and Lu Yanhe doesn't even know how to describe it.

 He doesn’t know that much about the company’s layout.


Lu Yanhe walked to the nearby elevator room.

 Three people met in the parking lot.

After getting in the car, Lu Yanhe looked at the expressions of the two of them, and they both seemed to be thinking deeply.

“What are you thinking? Did Zhou Ping’an say anything to you?”

“I said a lot of things, but the core meaning is to let us make it clear that the focus of our future career is to be an idol artist. We have drawn a huge pie and let us work hard.” Li Zhibai said directly.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but ponder for a moment and nodded, "Our company is indeed one of the few domestic management companies that invests so much in idol artists."

 Mainly because there is no mature industrial chain for idol artists, so output and income may not be directly proportional.

 Many companies are unwilling to do it.

In the past two years, the market for idol artists has gradually grown, and companies have begun to make efforts.

 Li Zhibai nodded, "Zhou Pingan also said the same, saying that MX will be eliminated sooner or later, so let's be ready to take over from them."

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe didn’t expect this.

 Connect the MX disk? Why does Zhou Pingan feel that this group is about to be eliminated?


As many people expected, the news of Ma Zhiyuan's fight with his agent Lin Suyang was anonymously exposed on the Internet even though the company took every precaution to prevent it.

Ma Zhiyuan's character usually offends many people in the circle. Once something happens, there are many people who watch the excitement and don't mind it and add fuel to the flames.

 Especially some media who disliked Ma Zhiyuan very much. When they learned about this incident, they immediately followed up and made very negative reports.

 When an idol artist fights with his manager, no matter what the reason is, it is negative enough.

 Especially the mainstream media, they have higher requirements and are more sensitive to idol artists, because according to social consensus, fans of idol artists are basically teenagers, and it is easy to imitate the words and deeds of idol artists.

As soon as the incident came to light, within half an hour, three mainstream media outlets commented on the negative social impact of the incident.

The entertainment media, which is different from the mainstream media, focuses more on the "past and present life" of Ma Zhiyuan, a young artist. All kinds of "clues" from the past were picked out and formed into an "already foreshadowed" statement.

Ma Zhiyuan instantly felt like he was being pushed against a wall.


 Inside MX, except Ma Zhiyuan, several other people were also shocked by this situation.

 How did it arouse such a big public opinion?

Both Qu Yousong and Wei Zhuoran sat in silence, neither of them raised their heads to speak, until Ma Zhiyuan suddenly angrily smashed his cell phone to the sofa, and the phone bounced off the sofa and fell to the ground.

At this time, neither Qu Yousong nor Wei Zhuoran spoke, trying to comfort Ma Zhiyuan.

In the opposite house on the same floor, Jiang Bai curled his lips slightly after reading the messages on his phone, put the phone aside, and stood up to pour water.

 Chen Jing didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Ma Zhiyuan's usual style is like this. He is self-righteous and self-centered. If anyone offends him, he will make it easy for others.

Chen Jing was not allowed to share the stage with Ma Zhiyuan several times because he was jealous of Ma Zhiyuan because he was a better dancer.

Such an unreasonable request, but because he was the most popular person in the team, even though it was unreasonable, it was still agreed to.

 Chen Jing had long hoped that Ma Zhiyuan would learn the lesson he deserved. Now Ma Zhiyuan has learned the lesson, but it seems that MX has also been stepped on.


"MX is indeed one of the most popular boy groups at the moment. As the captain, Ma Zhiyuan is also one of the most popular idols at the moment. However, this is not the reason why he can hit people." In a live entertainment news program, as the program Guest columnist Mao Yu said, "In fact, according to feedback from my friends in the entertainment industry, Ma Zhiyuan's character has long been exposed to such problems. He is irritable, arrogant, and self-righteous. He once participated in a program produced by my friend because According to his request, the rehearsal time was changed from four in the afternoon to three in the morning, and everyone in the program team was required to accompany him. When it came to three in the morning, he said that he would not come to the rehearsal. This kind of behavior is not uncommon, but it is just because he is too It became popular, so no one exposed it. I’m not surprised that he dared to hit his agent this time.”

"That's not all. I also heard that he suppressed other members of MX." Another guest immediately followed, "Just because others performed better than him, he finally forced the program team and managers, That person is not allowed on the show,"

 “I’ll go, is it true or not? This is too much!”

“This happened not long ago. If you search the news, you will know who I am talking about.”


When Lu Yanhe was live broadcasting his reading, someone immediately posted a link to this live entertainment news commentary program in the comment room of his live broadcast room.

Because Lu Yanhe is an artist from Star Entertainment and both are idol artists, many people in his live broadcast room were discussing this matter today, and many people asked Lu Yanhe to express his opinions on this matter.

Lu Yanhe saw everyone’s speeches, but of course he chose not to.

How could he get involved in this kind of thing and get himself covered in ashes?

 But he didn’t expect that this matter would attract so much attention and discussion.

  It seems to have become a social news.

 He couldn't help but wonder, how will the company resolve this matter in the end? -

At eleven o'clock in the night, Lu Yanhe ended the live broadcast and was about to wash his face and go to bed. While he was still washing his face, he heard Li Zhibai lean over loudly.

 “What’s wrong?” Yan Liang’s voice sounded.

Li Zhibai said: "The company issued a statement saying that the fight between Ma Zhiyuan and Lin Suyang was a misunderstanding. The real situation is that Lin Suyang was rehearsing an audition clip with Ma Zhiyuan in the rehearsal room. The rumors on the Internet were taken out of context and are false rumors."


Lu Yanhe washed his face and walked out.

“Does anyone believe this explanation?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Li Zhibai shrugged his shoulders and said: "Anyway, Lin Suyang and Ma Zhiyuan both forwarded this statement and gave an explanation. They seemed to have shaken hands and made peace. Ma Zhiyuan also sent a picture of sitting with Lin Suyang eating barbecue. ’s photos.”

Lu Yanhe went to Ma Zhiyuan’s social platform homepage and saw that the latest update was the photo Li Zhibai mentioned.

 Ma Zhiyuan and Lin Suyang were next to each other, still looking very close, with bright smiles, as if they had no grudges at all.

“It was not easy to take this photo.” Yan Liang lamented, “It seems that the company did not issue a statement immediately in order to clear up the two of them’s rhetoric, and then responded together.”

"Whether others believe it or not, there is no evidence that they were fighting. Several parties have clarified it, so you have to believe it if you don't believe it."

“It’s so boring. I thought Ma Zhiyuan was going to be taught a lesson this time.”

Lu Yanhe looked at the two people smiling brightly in the photo, and his inner feelings were somewhat complicated.

 This is the entertainment industry. What is presented on social media is always edited and processed.

 Smile, sadness, truth, misunderstanding, everything can be faked.

Many people know what the truth is, but no one will jump out to expose these hypocritical lies.

 The truth of the matter itself is not important.

Lu Yanhe was still thinking about these things when Yan Liang suddenly said: "Someone in the company said that Lin Suyang and Ma Zhiyuan are going to part ways."

"Huh?" Li Zhibai said, "The two of them just said that they have a good relationship and it was just a misunderstanding. Why did they suddenly part ways?"

"I don't know, it's just a rumor, but this rumor also mentioned one thing." Yan Liang looked at Li Zhibai seriously, "It said that Ma Zhiyuan will come out of MX and do solo activities, and his personal management affairs will be handled by Zhou Be safe and responsible.”

Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe looked incredulous at the same time.

 “Zhou Ping’an?”

"Yes." Yan Liang nodded, "It's just hearsay, but I think there's no smoke without fire. Plus what Zhou Ping'an said to us in the afternoon, I think it's quite possible."

"Ma Zhiyuan is going to be taken care of by Zhou Pingan? Are you kidding?!" Li Zhibai's face changed instantly, "What is my relationship with Ma Zhiyuan? Zhou Pingan wants to take him? Where does he put me?"

How can they be willing to stay under the same agent if they are not even willing to share the same show?

"If Zhou Pingan accepts Ma Zhiyuan, I will leave immediately." Li Zhibai was still watching the excitement and gloating about his misfortune, but now he suddenly found that the matter was related to him, and he could not stay out of it, and he immediately exploded.

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Does Zhou Ping'an know that you and Ma Zhiyuan are so at odds?"

"Is there something he doesn't know?" Li Zhi said angrily, "No, I'm going to ask Zhou Ping'an tomorrow to see if there is such a thing. If so, I'll say goodbye as soon as possible."

 Things that had nothing to do with them originally had an impact on them in the end. This was what Li Zhibai least expected.

He even felt that Ma Zhiyuan and he were really at odds with each other, and that this matter could eventually be blamed on Zhou Ping'an.

However, Zhou Pingan must be very willing to take him.

 As an ace idol artist, how could Zhou Pingan be unwilling?

Li Zhibai felt a sense of crisis for the first time under Zhou Ping'an.

 He thought seriously for a long time and said, "How about I go find Lin Suyang and ask him to be my agent."

When Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang heard Li Zhibai's words, their heads were pounding, and they immediately stopped them, "Don't act foolishly when you are stimulated. Calm down first!"

 (End of this chapter)

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