Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 16: Performance Shura Field

Chapter 16 Performing Shura Field

Li Lin was furious at Chen Siqi's insinuations.

“You study so seriously and hard, but you still don’t do well in the exam.” She sarcastically said.

Li Lin's mother immediately held her shoulders and asked, "Xiao Lin, how do you speak?"

Chen Siqi said with a straight face: "It's not the college entrance examination. What's the use of doing so well in the test?"

"You mean you can do well in the college entrance examination?" Li Lin asked **** for tat, regardless of her mother's obstruction.

Her eyes were fixed on Chen Siqi.

As long as Chen Siqi is aroused, she will definitely publicize this matter to the whole world.

 When Chen Siqi fails in the college entrance examination, he will use it to humiliate her.

 Chen Siqi was about to speak when a very loud voice sounded at the door: "Excuse me - is this Chen Siqi's birthday party?"

The voice, which clearly belonged to a young boy, was loud and attracted everyone's attention.

The staff member who came in with a few young people looked sideways at the handsome boy who had just spoken loudly, and chuckled silently in his heart.

You asked questions knowingly, are you deliberately trying to find a place for your sweetheart?

He has been at the door for a long time and has not yet entered. He waited for the people inside to confront each other before suddenly interrupting.

 Hehe, young boys are easily affected by hormones!


Under the gaze of almost everyone, idol artists like Yan Liang and Li Zhibai, who had seen large scenes with thousands of people, couldn't help but dig their toes on the ground with embarrassment, let alone Lin Yu and Chen Qin who had no such experience. The latter's face was almost red.

The four of them didn't understand why Lu Yanhe suddenly asked such a stupid question in such a high-profile manner.

They had obviously arrived a minute ago, but Lu Yanhe suddenly stopped them.

Then, just like people eavesdropping in the corner, they listened to a scene of "The Battle between Chen Siqi and Li Lin".

Lu Yanhe looked like he had just discovered Chen Siqi in the crowd. His eyes were shining, he walked over with the gift he had prepared and stood in front of Chen Siqi.

"Chen Siqi, I wish you a happy birthday! Although you were worried that us coming to your birthday party would delay our preparation for the exam and asked us not to come, we still came here on behalf of everyone. How could we be absent from your birthday? Woolen cloth."

Lu Yanhe spoke nonsense in a serious manner, and his words were eloquent, as if he was giving a speech.

At this moment, he felt full of conviction - he must be worthy of the appearance fee of two thousand yuan.

 Chen Siqi was dumbfounded.

 This was a scene she had not expected at all.

"You, you..." Chen Siqi looked at Lu Yanhe at a loss.

Li Lin looked at Lu Yanhe in disbelief at this moment and asked in surprise: "Lu Yanhe, why are you here?"

Lu Yanhe looked at Li Lin with a smile and asked, "Do you know me?"

Li Lin's face turned dark instantly and she said dissatisfiedly: "I am also studying in No. 13 Middle School!"

“Oh!” Lu Yanhe nodded, “I see, then you also know Yan Liang?”

Li Lin then noticed that there were several people at the door.

 “Yan Liang? Li Zhibai?!” Li Lin’s face instantly became even more surprised.

"Li Zhibai? Isn't he a star? Why is he here?" In the group of ladies, a young and beautiful lady noticed Li Zhibai and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Lu Yanhe turned around and waved to them.

“Come here, you have carefully prepared gifts for Chen Siqi, why are you just standing there?”

Lu Yanhe's shouting made Yan Liang and Li Zhibai mentally scold him three times, but in the eyes of everyone, they decided to save the face of their teammates and roommates and passed.

 Lu Yanhe said to Chen Siqi: "You told me that your parents have some friends who are fans of Li Zhibai, so Yan Liang and I brought Li Zhibai here. Do you mind?"

 He smiled softly.

 Chen Siqi looked at the three boys who suddenly appeared in front of her and said, "Of course I don't mind. They are very welcome."

 She looked at Lu Yanhe, her eyes filled with doubts.

 Lu Yanhe blinked at her.

 Yan Liang and Li Zhibai both presented the gifts they had prepared temporarily. "Happy birthday to you."

 “Thank you.” Chen Siqi took the gift with doubts and handed it to the person on the side.

“Are you all Siqi’s classmates?” Liu Wei’an asked them with a smile on her face.

 Lu Yanhe pointed at Li Zhibai: "He is not, the four of us are."

 Li Lin looked at the five people who appeared here, and her mentality was a little broken.

She couldn't understand why Lu Yanhe and the others became Chen Siqi's friends?

Liu Wei'an smiled and said: "It seems that you are very famous in school. Xiaolin knows you. Siqi, how come you never told me, do you still know these friends?"

Chen Siqi didn’t even know how to answer.

At this time, the young and beautiful lady immediately smiled and said: "Oh, Wei An, you don't understand the current entertainment industry too much. They are all girls' idols and celebrities. Of course everyone knows them." They, and you are Linyu, right?"

 She suddenly looked at Linyu.

Linyu didn't expect that someone would recognize her, so she nodded flattered.

“I am Du Ruolan’s mother. You probably don’t know me, but I know you.” She smiled and said, “Ruolan told me that you have always been among the top ten in grade 13.”

Linyu was surprised.

Du Ruolan is her junior high school classmate, and they have a good relationship with her. Unexpectedly, she met her mother here.

"Weian, your Siqi's popularity is also very good. He is good friends with popular idols and good friends with high school students. I am so envious." Du Ruolan's mother said in an exaggerated tone.

 Liu Wei'an swept away the gloom when Chen Siqi was ridiculed by Li Lin just now, and her smile became bright again.

“Siqi is so good, so of course the friends he makes are also good.”

Li Lin’s fingertips clenched into her palms.

At this time, Li Lin's mother suddenly said pointedly: "But why are most of Siqi's friends who are good at playing boys?"

Liu Wei'an calmly flicked the knife over.

Li Lin’s mother just pretended not to see it.

“Boy, what’s wrong?” Lu Yanhe looked at Li Lin’s mother with a pair of clean and clear eyes, “Is there no boy in Li Lin’s school willing to play with her?”

Li Lin's face suddenly turned foul.

 “Don’t talk nonsense!”

Lu Yanhe smiled harmlessly and said, "You can't blame me. Otherwise, why would your mother care so much about us being boys?"

Li Lin didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Li Lin's mother was also surprised. She didn't expect this boy to be so talkative.

She could hint, but she couldn't point out in front of Chen Siqi's family that she had many friends of the opposite **** and was living an inappropriate life.

 Although she pointed out this point before, she had this kind of intention.

At this moment, Chen Siqi suddenly spotted Xu Zijun at the door who hesitated but did not come in.

 “Zijun!” She waved her hand happily.

 Everyone looked over immediately.

 Xu Zijun is a bit introverted. When everyone pays attention to him, he becomes even more embarrassed and lowers his head directly.

When Chen Siqi walked towards Xu Zijun enthusiastically, what he was thinking about was the moment when Lu Yanhe walked towards her enthusiastically.

This occasion did not allow her to think too much.

 She took Xu Zijun's hand and brought her in.

“Let me introduce to you uncles and aunts, this is another good friend of mine, Xu Zijun.”

 After speaking, she looked at Li Lin and her mother for a moment, and added: "Fortunately it's not a man, otherwise I wouldn't know how to explain it to auntie."

 She smiled innocently.

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 (End of this chapter)

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